HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1965 03 15 383 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL MARCH 15, 1965 CALL TO Meeting called to order aT 7:31 by Mayor Mack. ORDER II. PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor Mack. ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL Present:- Councilmen: Ma~k, Klingelhofer, Coco, CALL Miller, Ring Absent: Councilmen= None Others Present: Harry E. Gill, City Administrator James Rourke, City Attorney Ruth C. Poe, City Clerk Edward Hsworth, Plsnnlng Direct Jack Carlson, City Engineer IV. APPROVAL Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that OF minutes of March l, 1965 be approved as mailed. MINUTES Carried. PUBLIC 1. Proposed Richard B. Smith Annexation HEARINGS Hearing opened at 7:32 on Richard B. Smith A-nnexa~ion to the City of Tustin. There being no written protests and no one present with comments or objections, the hearing was declared closed aT 7:33 P.M. Ordinance No. 279 - First Reading "AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY, DESIGNATED "RICHARD B. SMITH ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA." MOved by Ring, seconded by Elingelhofer that Annexation be approved and Ordinance No. 279 approving said A~nexation be read by title only. Carried unanimously. 2. Zone Change 65-143 Associates Funding Hearing opened at 7:37 to consider application of Associates Funding ~o permit a change of zone from R-3 To C-1 on property located st Newport Avenue and Sycamore (Freeway off-ramp). Written report from Planning Director requesting defermenttpresen~ed. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that hearing be continued to next regular meeting of ~pril 5th. Carried. VI. OLD 1. Resolution NO, 773 BUSINESS "A RESOLUTION COMMENDING GENE UEMATSU" Moved by Coco ~e0nded by Ring that Resolution 773 be read in its entirety. Carried. Move~l by Ring, seconded by Coco that Resolution 773 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes: None. ~bsen~: None. Due to illness of Mr. Uematsu, presentation of Resolution was deferred to next regular meeting. 2. Resolution No. 770-A "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRE, AND ORDERING, THE ACQUISITION BY CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN ---~, PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES." Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that " iResolution 770-i be read by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that Resolution 770-A be passed and sdopted. Ayes: Mack, KlingelhOfer, Coco, Miller, Ring Noesr None. ~bsent: None. 3. Ordinance No. 272 " AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE TO REQUIRE PLACING OF PUBLIC UTILITIES UNDERGROUND IN NEW SUBDIVISIONS." City Administrator's ~report and recommendation presented. Movedby Klingelhpfer,.seconded by Coco that Ordinsnce 272 be tabled. Carried. Moved b~ Coco, seconded by Miller that ' whenever practical, reasonable, or compatible it is the policy of the City Council that all :~ utility lines will be placed underground in each new subdivisi6n. Moved by Coc6, seconded by Miller, that above motion be carried with amendment as follows: "or benefit to the community at the discretion of the City Council." Carried. 4.1 Ordinance No. 276 "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA CHANGING ZONE OF PROPERTY OF KLATT TO C-1-P ON APPLICATION NO. Z.C. 65-142." Moved by RiBg, seconded By Klingelhofer that Ordinance No. 276 have second reading by title only. Csrried unanimously. Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that Ordinance No. 276 be passed and ad~p~ed. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes: None. A~bsent= None. 5. OrdInance No. 277 ' "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE TO PROVIDE REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES FOR THE PURCHASE AND DISPOSAL OF SUPPLIES, SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT." Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that Ordinance No~ 277~have second resding bytitle only. Carried unsnimously. Moved by Coco, seconded ~ Ring that Ordinance No. 277 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes: None. Absent: None. 6. Ordinance No. 278 "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 256 AND DELETING ARTICLE V OF CHAPTER 2 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE, WHICH PROVIDES LIAISON DUTIES OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS." Moved by Coco, seconded by Ring that Ordinance No. 278 have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Coco, seconded by Ring that Ordinance No. 278 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes:- Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes: None. Absent: None. VII. NEW 1. Resolution No. 771 BUSINESS "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR CONDUCTING OF A POPULATION ESTIMATE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN." Moved by Ring, seconded by Klingelhofer that Resolution No. 771 ~e read by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that Resolution no. ~71 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Mack, Klingelho~er, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes: None. Absent:~ None. 2. Resolution No. 772 "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, AMENDING RESOLUTION N0. 754 TO PROVIDE FOR DISABILITY LEAVE." Moved by Coco, seconded by Ring that Resolution No. 772 be read by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Ring, seconded by Elingelhofer that Resolution No. 772 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes: None. Absent: None. 3- Tract 5150 - Final Map Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that Final Map of Tract 5150 be approved sod Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign necessary documents. 4. Tract 5311 - Improvements Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer that street lighting system be accepted in Tract 5311 and bond be exonerated. Carried. 5. Railroad Crossing Protection-First & Newport RepOrt and recommendations from Mr. Wheelock, Director of Public Works, presented. After a discussion by the Council regarding past history costs and liabilities, Mayor Mack directed the City Attorney to investigate possibility of rebuttal and if necessary, to call a Special Meeting before next regular meeting to take any sotion necessary. 6. A~proval of Demands Moved by Ring, seconded b~ Klingelhofer that demands 13858 through 13911 in the amount of $15,360.60 be approved. Carried. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE Acreage Requirements for Churches Correspondence requesting changes in requirements for acreage for churches '~ referred to the Planning Staff and Commission. League of Cities - Telephone Tax Correspondence from Lea~u~ regarding Telephone in lieu tax presented. Mayor directed attorney tO draft resolution upholding the League of California's stand regarding telephone tax~ Off-Ramp- Santa Ana Freeway Repor~ fro~ Mr. Wheelock presented. Mayor directed that the State be notified that with regard to additional ramps at Newport, the City is undertaking an extensive General Plan Study with an estimated traffic volume projected for Newport Ave. and the foregoing be referred to the General Plan Committee for study. IX OTHER 1. Veterans of Foreign Wars Curb Painting ~-~ BUSINESS Mr. Gill reported on request from V.F.W. for permission to paint house numbers on curbs stating that the Police and Fire Departments could see no benefit, the Dept. of Public Works could see a maintenance problem and the Post Office stated that they require numbers to be on houses. Mr. Graham, representing V.F.W. spoke requesting City approval. I Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer that V.F.W~ Hillview Post 9203 be authorized to proceed wlth cbbrb numbering program. Moved by! Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer that every house in the City be given thi~ service and a letter be prepared expressing the Council's approval and urging the support of every home owner. Motion carried - Mr. Ring voting no. Mayor directed that this program be carried out with the supervision of the Public Works Department. 'i 2. Parks and Recreation Commission - Trees ~oved by Miller, seconded by Coco that the Parks and Recreation Commission be authorized to expend an amount not to exceed $100.00 for the planting of trees st TAYC. Carried. 3- Zoning - South Tustin Avenue Upon questioning by Mr. Ring, Mr. Haworth reported that a study is being made of the Newport Avenue area, South of the Santa Aria Freeway and a Policy and Plan report would be forthcoming in the near future. 4. Dr~ina~e - Myrtle and McFadden Mr. Ring requested that some corrective action be taken on drainage at Myrtle and McFadden Ave 5. Meeting~joUrned to a personnel session Present were~ City Council, City Administrator City Attorney and City Clerk. X. Moved by Ring, seconded by Coco that meeting ADJOURN_ be adjourned. Carried MENT CITY OF TUSTIN DEMANDS March 15, 1965 Warrant No. 13854 United States Post Office .............. $ 76.06 13855 Tustin Building Maint. Co. - ............ 228.50 13856 Tustin Fire Dept. Les Johnson ..... . .... 135.00 13857 City of Tustin ......................... 10,408.40 13858 First Western Bank ..................... 761.06 13859 International City Manager's Assoc.- .... 7-50 13860 Robert H. Harrison ..................... 175.00 13861 Gerding Studio of Photography- .......... 17.16 13862 National Fire Protection AssGo.- ........ 25.00 13863 United States Post Office- .............. 8.00 13864 Dennis Printers & Stationers ........... 82.87 13865 Roberrs Electric ....................... 572.00 13866 The Tustin News ......................... 92.24 13867 Tustin Paint Store ...................... 132.09 13868 Tustin Hardware Co ...................... 31.83 13869 Patterson Jewelers ..................... 26.52 13870 Wilhelm's Restaurant ................... 21.15 13871 E.D. Bullsrd Co ........................ .70 13872 Rourke and Holbrook .................... 526.50 13873 LaPaloma Restaurant ..................... 5.02 13874 The Revere Ho~se ....................... 28.98 13875 "Louie" Schmetzer Co.- .................. 44.83 13876 Oxygen Service Co.- ..................... 5.46 13877 Economy Office Equipment Co ............ 58.96 13878 Harris & Frank ......................... 61.83 13879 Kleen-Line Corporation .................. 44.66 13880 Business Equipment Co ................... 36.40 13881 Long Beach Uniform Co .................. 43.11 13882 Dr. Kenneth G. Hebard M.D ............... 10.00 13883 Jock's Car Wash ........................ 47.00 13884 Signal Oil Company ..................... 331-50 13885 Bob DeSutter Richfield Service ......... 36.26 13886 County of Orange-Auditor-Controller ..... 21.63 13887 Union Oil Co ............................ 20.96 13888 Van Hove Garage ........................ 187.16 13889 Carson & Golding ....................... 3.50 13890 Young & Lane Tire Co. inc ............... 37.62 13891 Vista!TMDrug ............................. 1.46 13892 F. Morton Pitt Co ....................... 7-50 13893 Gentry Cesspool Service ................. 15.00 13894 Hardy & Herper, inc ..................... 27.00 13895 Traffic Signal Msint. Co ................ 66.00 13896 Dresco .................................. 34-95 13897 Orange County Blueprint ................. 36.05 13898 Tustin Auto Parts ....................... 33.99 13899 The Rainmaker ........................... 15.00 13900 Pierce Dickenson Enterprises ............. 112.48 13901 Tustin Blacksmith S~op .................. 88.70 13902 County of Orange-Auditor ............... 137.36 13903 Sterling Art & Engineering ............. 13.47 13905 Don's Lawnmower Shop ..................... 23.66 13906 Blower Paper Co ....................... 15.44 13907 Ted B. Adsit .......................... 109.80 13908 Atlas Coverall & Uniform Co.- .... ~ ..... 9.00 13909 The Regents of the University of California 25.00 13910 Santa A~s Office Supply ................ 233.78 13911 Zoning Bulleti~TM- ...................... 2.50