HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA LNDSCPE MAINT 06-19-89· ~ REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO: FROM: SUBJECT: wILI'IAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/FIELD SERVICES LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT, EL CAMINO REAL RECOMMENDATION: Request that the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency authorized the renewal of the · Landscape Maintenance Contract for El Camino Real with Porshia Alexander of America, (PAA). Further request that the contract be amended to reflect the current annual Consumers Price Index which currently reflects an increase of five percent (5%) for the period from April 1988 - April 1989. DISCUSSION: The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency originally entered into a maintenance contract with PAA., in November 1985. Th'e-contract was subsequently renewed in January 1987. 'l~le Public Works Department is satisfied with the level of service being provided by PAA., and desires to extend the contract for another year beginning July 1, 1989. The contractor has agreed to continue the service at the rate stated, adjusted to the current Consumers Price Index, as published by the Bureau of Labor statistics which is The adjusted annual contract would go from $11,888.72, to five percent (5%). $12,483.16. Bob Ledendecker Dir. of Public Works/City Engineer Pabio Rodriguez Manager, Field Services Department of Public Works/Field Services Division Porshia Alexander of America, Inc. 808 E. Edna Place, P.O. Box 2427 Covina, CA 91723~ Attn: Mr. Frederick D. Mack RE: ANNUAL LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM-EL CAMINO REAL (FILE#321) Dear Mr. Mack: The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency, at their meeting of June 19, 1989, renewed the contract for subject project to your firm. Attached are three copies of the contract, bond form, and insurance certificate. Please execute all thre~ copies and return all three' copies to this office. Upon execution by the Agency, we will forward one copy to you for your records. Per the direction of the City Attorney, folio.wing ~are procedures for execution of the documents: ~ The City Attorney will fill in contract date. Paqe C-7 (Cpntract Signature Page) Have Frederick D. Mack, Jean Haines, and Cynthia L. Goodwin sign and notarize utilizing the notary certificate provided on this page. Affix corporate seal of Porshia Alexander of America, Inc. pAGE C-8 & C-10 (First Page Bond Forms) Surety Company to fill in blanks on this page. filled in by City Attorney. Leave contract date blank; this will be p^GE C-9 & C-ll (Bond Form signature Page) 1. Surety Company to execute in space provided and affix their corporate seal. In addition, surety Company to attach proper corporate acknowledgement notary certificate. e . Frederick D. Mack, Jean Haines, and Cynthia L. Goodwin to execute in space provided. In addition, attach proper acknowledgement notary certificate. Affix corporate seal of Porshia Alexander of America, Inc. 300 Centennial Way · Tustin, California · (714) 544-8890, Ext. 240 Annual Landscape Maintenance Program-El Camino Real Page Two PAGE C-12 (Insurance Certificate) Surety Company to execute all three copies of this form. accept anything other than this form, The City Attorney will not I also wish to call your attention to the fact that per City Code and as called for in the specifications, the bonding company utilized must be rate Grade A or better and Class IX or better in the latest edition of Best's Key Rating Guide. It is suggested that to save time, you make sure your bonding company has this rating before having them execute the bonds. The City Attorney will not approve the contracts if the bonding company does not meet these requirements. Please feel free to contact me at (714) 544-8890, ext. 245, if you have any questions. Very truly yours, Pablo Rodriguez Manager, Field Services PR: dj Attachments TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA CONTRACT LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PROGRAJq - EL CAMINO REAL j i This agre~ent, made and concluded, in triplicate, this day of · one thousand nine hundred and eighty-six between' the' 'Tust'i'n ¢omunity Redeve'lopmeni Agency,.party of the first part, and Porshia Alexander of ~nerica, Inc.., A Corporation orl)anized and existin0 under and by virtue~iI1~the laws_ 'of the StateI of 'California' and authorized to do bUs)ness in the State of i i -California.... i i Contractor, party of the second part. ARTICLE I. Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the paynmnts and agree~nts hereinafter nmntioned, to be made and perfo~d.by the said party of the first part, and under the conditions expressed in the two bonds, bearing date with these presents, and hereunto annexed the said party of the second part agrees with Said party of the first part, at his own pro,per cost and expense, to do all the work d furnish all the materials, except sUch as are ~mntioned in the Specifications to j furnished by said party of the first'part, necessary to construct and complete in good ~rkmanlike and substantial manner and to the satisfaction o.f the said party of .the first part, in accordance ~i th the plansj~d specifications entitled, "Lanscape Mai ntenance Prol)ram - E1 Cami no Real ". · . ARTICLE II. And said Contractor agrees to receive and .accept the following prices as full compensation for furnishing all materials and for doing all the work contemplated and embraced in the Agreement; ahd also for all loss or damage arising out of the nature of the work aforesaid, or from the action of the elements, or from any unforseen difficulties or obstructions which may arise or be encountered in the Prosecution of the work until its acceptance by the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency, and for all risks of every description connected with the work; also for all expenses incurred by or 'in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of work ant: for well and faithfully co~leting the work, and the whole thereof, in the manner and according to the plans and specifications, and the requirmnents of the Engineer under th~, to wit- C-1 -' PROPOSAL '~ ........... In Ficures In Figures Wri=:en In Wor~ Cultivating, weeding and trimming of plantar areas as neCessar~ at $198.60 $2,383.28 Fert. t ltztng Agrofor~ at ~t ce per year on $84.65 $169.30 ~rtnkler syste~ mtn~enance effec'~t ye ~ tnclude, but. no1: 11mt~d ~0, ~'~rt~ler hea~,au~ic vales, icon~llem (excluding van~ltm [e~. a~ FO~y six dollars nnd ) tw lv - on~ - Sid~a~k ~intananca, mini~m of ~ica per we~, for ~e ~val and disposal of s~ of any o~stac~es interfering pedest~an traffic, i.e., side li~s at Two hundred ninety $46.12 $553.51 $553.55 ~ $299.54_. · o $3,594.52 nine dollars-and fiftv four Per Mon~n _ cents 5. Replacement of unhealthy plant material as necessamy (labor only) at Twenty one dollars and .! $21.17 $254.03 Ois.oosal of r~fuse from trash ~cept~cles as necessary.- minimum once per wee.~ at Forty ,, six dollars and thirteen cent $46.13 ·, CONTRACT IL I I III - .AN~AP£ MAI NTI[IIANC[ PROGRA~ - EL CAHINO REAl. Ire,., -It~ With Unit Price · Monthly Price Total In NO. Written In Words In Figures In Figures m i! m i m i _ ! Removal and disposal of all , 7. debris, trash, litter ~_ b:ln~:~r~otttttCneSdtal lrYa rast~ [~ur III $414e 58 -f*- i h Per Month LUMP ~OM $12,483.],6 Fotal or gross sum written in words Twelve thousand four hundred and ei~)hty three dollars and sixteen cents · o C-3 · · ARTICLE II.I. The said p~,<y of the first part hereby promises and agrees with the said Contractor to employ, and does hereby employ, the said Contractor to provide - ,e materials and to do the work according to the terns and conditions herein Jntained and referred to, for the prices aforesaid, and hereby contracts to pay the same at; t;he time, in the manner and upon the condJtions above set forth; and the said parties for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns do hereby agree to the full perfocmance of the covenants herein contained.. . ARTICLE IV. It t's further expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that should t~here be any conflict between the terms of thts instrument and the bid or proposal o?. said Contractor, then thts Instrument shall control and nothing herein shall be considered as an acceptance of the said terms of said proposal conflicting herewith. ~ . ARTICLE V. 1. The TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY has obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and ove~ime work in the locality in which the work is to be performed for each craft or type of work needed to execute this contract and maintains copies thereof in the office of the Agency Secretary. The Contractor agrees that not less than said prevailing rates shall be paid to workers employed on this public works contract as required by Labor Code Sections 1771 and 1774 of the State of California. 2. The Contractor shall, as a penalty, forfeit to the AGENCY, Twenty-Five _Dollars {$25.00) for each calendar day or portion thereof for each worker paid (either , 'Contractor or any subcontractor un. der Contractor) less than the prevailing rate set orth herein on the work provided for in this contract, 'all in accordance with Sections 1774 and [775 of the Lal~or Code of the State of California. 3. Section 1773.B of the Labor Code off'he State of California, regarding the · Payment of travel and subsistence payments, l~ applicable to this contract. 4. Section 1777.5 of the Labor Code o~ the State of California, regarding the employment of apprentices, is applicable to ~his contract if the prime contract involves Thirty Thousand Dollars ($ 30,000.00) or more, or twenty {20) working days or more, or if contracts of subcontractors not bidding for work through the general or prime contractor are Two Thousand Dollars {$2,000.00) or more, or five (5} working days or more.- 5. [n performance of trois contract, not more than eight (8)'hours shall. constitute a day's work. The Contractor shall conform to Article 3, Chapter l, Part 7 {Sections 1810 et seq.) of the labor Code of the State of California, and shall forfeit to the Agency as a penalty, the sum of Twenty Five Dollars {$25.00) for each worker employed in the execution of this contract by Contractor or any subcontractor for each calandar day during which any worker is required or permitted to labor more than eight {8) hours in any one calendar day and forty (¢0) hours in any one week in violation of said Article. Contractcr shall keep an accurate record showing the name and. actual hours worked each calendar day and each calandar week by each worker employed by Contractor in connection with the public work. C-4 6. Contractor agrees to .... ep accurate payroll recordv~nowing the name, address, social security number, work classification, straight time and overtime hours worked -'ch day and week and the actual per diem wages paid to each journeyman, apprentice or rker employed by him in connection with the public work, and agrees to insist that each of his subcontractors do the sam. Contractor further agrees that his payroll records and those of his subcontractors shall be available to the employee or his representa-tive, the Division of'LaBor Standards Enforcement, and the Divison of )renticeship Standards,'and shall comply, with all of.the provisions of Labor Code .~:tion 1776, e.~.t seq., in general. 7. Contractor is also aware of the Provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code ~ich requires every employer to be insured against liability for Worker's COmpensation or undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code and will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the mork of this contract. ' ARTICLE VI. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency and all ofl'icers and employees thereof from all claims, suits, or actions of every name, kind and description, brought for, or on account of, injuries to or death of any person including but not limited to workmen and the public, or damage to property resulting from the construction of the work or by or in consequence of any negligence regarding the work, use of improper materials or equipment in construction of the work, neglect or refusal of Contractor to faithfully perform the work and all of Contractor's obligations under the contract, or by or on account of any act or omission by the Contractor or his agents or a subcontractor or his agents or a third party during the progress of the worx or at any time before its completion and final acceptance, or ~ich might arise in connection with the agreed work or is caused by or happening . n connection with the progress of ~aid work, or on account of any passive or active negligent act or omission by the Agency , its officers, employees and agents, save and except claims arising through the sole and exclusive negligence or sole and exclusive willful misconduct of'tl~e Agency. The defense in indemnification by Contractor shall include.all costs and expenditures including attorney's fees incurred by the Agency or its employees, officers or agents with respect to such claim or suit and Contractor will, if requested by the Agency, defend any litigation arising out of such claim at the sole cost and Expense of Contractor. In'addition to any remedy authorized by law, s-o much of the money due the - Contractor under and by virtue of the cont'ract as shall be considered necessary in the sole discretion of the Agency may be retained by the Agency until disposition. has been made of such claims for damages as..aforesaid. ARTICLE VII. The Contractor shall take out, maintain and pay all premiums during- the life of the contract con~orehensive automobile and general liability insurance that provides protection from claims which may arise from operations or performance under this contract with the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency and its officers, employees and agents as named additional insureds. The Contractor shall require any subcontractor to provide him with evidence of the same liability insurance coverages. The failure of the Contractor to require any subcontractor to provide him with such evidence of the same liability insurance coverages shall constitute a material breach of this contract, llqe amount of insurance shall not be less than single limit coverage applying to bodily and personal injury liability and property damage in the amount of $1,000 ,000. C-5 The following-endorsements rnu~-'c be indicated on all certiTlCates of insurance: e. ~1) The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency, its officers, employees and agents ~re named as ad~litional insureds in the policy as to the work being performed under the contract; (2) The coverage ts PR[MARY and no other Insurance carried by the City of Tustin or t~he Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency will be called upon to contribute to a loss under this coverage; (3) The policy covers blanket contractual liability; (4) The policy limits of liability are provided on an. occurrence basis; {5) The policy covers broad form prope, rty damage liibility; (6) The policy covers personal injury as well as bodily injury liability; (7) The policy covers explosion, roi. lapse and underground hazards; {8) The policy covers products and completed operations; (g) The policy covers use of non-owned automobiles; (10) The coverage shall'not be cancelled nor materially altered unless and until thirty (30) days written notice Is given to the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency. C-6 In Wi:ness Whereof, the ..r%ies of these presents hav= hereunto set their hands and seals the year and :he date firs: above writ:eh. --- . THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - DATE OF EXECUTION BY: Chairnmn of the Tustin Community Redevelopnmnt AgencY ATTEST: Secretary of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency' Contract and Bond Approved: gi ty Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Date _City Engi neet Date i porshia Alexander of America, Inc. · - Frederick D. Mack, President J~ean Haines, Secretary-Treasurer Cynthia L. Goodwin, Manager State of California) County of Orange ) · . On me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the said State person'jlly appebaef°r~rederickred D. Mack, known to me to be the P'res-ident, and Jean Haines, known to me to be the Secretary-Treasurer, and Cynthia L. Goodwin, known to me to be the Manager, of-Porshia Alexander of America, Inc. a corporation that executed the within instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the individual herein named, and acknowledged to me that such individual executed the within instrument pursuant to its bylaws or a Resolution of its Board of Directors. Witness my Hand and Official Seal Notary PuDlic in and for said State C-7 ~ .d No. Amount $ 12,483.16 P remi urn' TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT.AGENCY PUBLIC CONTRACT PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Porshta Alexander of America, Inc. i ii , as and hereinafter Teferred to collectively as, i i "Principal" and · i i i ii i i em a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of . .., and duly authorized to transact surety bustness in the State of California, as, and hereinafter referred to as, "Surety", are held and firmly bound unto the Tustin Con~nunity Redevelopment Agency hereinafter referred to ax the ."Agency', in the sum of $12,483.-16 . . , for payment of ,ch Principal and surety bind then~elves, their heirs· administrators· successor and assigns, jointy and severally as follows- THE .CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS.II, AT: WHEREAS, Principal has entered into a contract dated · lg , with Agency to do and perform the following, generally described work, which is more particularly described in said contract' For the contract of Landscape Maintenance' Program - E1 Camino Real WHEREAS, all of such improvements are to be constructed and installed in accordance with the plans* and specifications described, referred to and incorporated in said contract; and WHEREAS, Principal shall commence and complete the construction and installation of such improvements as provided in said contract; and NOW,THEREFORE, if Princigal shall faithfully perform all agre.~n, ents contained in the aforesaid contract, then this obligation shall be null and void. C-8 PROVIDED, HOWEVER, if I, ,cipal shall not faithfu11~ ~rform all agreements ~ontained in the hereinabove described contract and all obligations, then this ~oligation shall remain in full forqe and effect. PROVIDED FURTHER, HOWEVER, that Surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of tin~, alteration or nmdification of the contract docunmnts or of the w~rk to be perfornmd thereunder shall in any way effect its obligation on this bond and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or modification of the contract docunmnts or of work ~o be performed thereunder; and PROVIDED FURTHER, that in case suit is brought upon this bond by the Agency or any other person who nmy bring an action on this bond, a reasonable attorney's fee, to be fixed by the Court, shall be paid by Principal and Surety. SURETY: ( NAME ) )TE: Attach proper acknowledgements for both Surety & Principal. BY: (Seal)... BY' Attorney' I n-Fact · APPROVED AS TO FORM: Address of Surety: city Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: city Engineer .(Seal) Principal Porshia Alexander of America, Inc. · BY' 'Frederick D. Mack, President BY- Jean 'Hal nes, Secretlary-Treasurer BY: Cynthia L. Goodwin, Manager Address of Principal · C-9 ~Jond No. Amount $ ~2'483.16' P remi um: TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PUBLIC. CONTRACT LABOR AND MATERIALS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Porshia Alexander of America, I,n¢.I _ , as and hereinafter referred to collectively as - , a 'Pri nci pal" and I i corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of and duly authorized to transact surety business in the State of California, as and hereinafter referred to as "Surety', are held and firmly bound unto the Tustin Con~nunity Redevelopmnt Agency hereinafter referred to as "Agency", in the sum of for payment of which Principal and Surety bind themselves, their $ 12,483.16 .... heirs, administrators, successors and 'assigns, jointly and severally, as follows' THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE 'OBLIGATION IS THAT: WHEREAS, Principal has entered into a contract dated i.., 19...__, with Agency to do' and perform the following, generally described work, which more particularly described in said contract' For the contract of Landscape Maintenance Program - E1 Camino Real. WHEREAS, Principal shall con~nence and complete the construction and installation of such improvements provided in said contract.; and , NOW THEREFORE, if Principal shall pay the contractor, his subcontractor, and all persons renting equipnmnt or furnishing labor or materials to them for such · improvements,for the full cost of such improvements then this obligation shall be null a'nd void. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, . ~ P-~ncipal shall not pay the ,. 'ontractor and,all persons renting equipment or furnish~,,g labor or materials to them for such i~rovements for 'he full cost of such improvements, then this obligation shall remain in full force and effect and such contractor, subcontractor and persons shall have a direct right of' action against the Principal and Surety under this obligation, subject to priority Of · . Agency. ' PROVIDED FURTHER, HOWEVER, that Surety stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration, or ~odification of the contract documents or of the work to be performed thereunder shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or modification of the contract documents or of work to be performed thereunder; and PROVIDED FURTHER that in case suit is brought upon this bond by the Agency or any other person Who may bring an action on this bond, a reasonable attorney's fee, to be fixed by the court, shall be paid by Principal and Surety. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, PrinCipal and Surety have caused these presents to'be duly ~igned and sealed-this day of , 19 SURETY: · NOTE: Attach proper acknowledgements for both Surety & Principal. BY' ( NAME ) Att orney- I n-Fact ( Sea 1 ) BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Address of Surety: City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT' City Engineer ( Sea 1 ) Pri nci pal: Porshia Alexander of America, Inc. BY' Frederick D. "Mack, President BY' Jean Haines, Secretary-Treasurer BY: · Cynthia L. Goodwin, Manager Address of Pti nci pal · .300 ' Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 NAME AND ADDRESS OF INS~tNC= COMPANY (I£$) ~nensi~ fora :.mises-operat/cns )losion an~ collapse ntrac~al insurance :ad fo=m pro~rty ,. ~e~ :nt c~ntractors ~O~28ILE Kx~_as i~e form br~lia her than Bodily Injury $ P~ INJURY (each person) Bodily Injury $ each Oco/rr~nce ac~ily Injury Bodily Injury Pro~r~y ~ $ $ accident) · is certified that a waist of subrogation is her=by issued to the Tustin Cczmunity Bede.ye!cT:merit - 'ency 'as pertains to ~ t~ms of all Workmrs CcmL~nsatic~ Insurance. i I I ! I I I I I ~ uing =m%oany will gi,~ ~hir~y (30) days wri~n notice to the Tustin ammmity F~d. ev~!op~ent ~n~z prior to n~dification or c~_ncellation. Date Issue: MCDIFI~ICNS MAY BE MADE THIS FO~. 9/25/82 (P-Tust/n) .. na~ed insurance company(les)