HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 2 USE PERMIT 89-21 07-17-89TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HONORABLE RAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT USE PERMIT 89-21 APPLICANT: JDHN CHAMPION CHAMPION DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 100 OCEANGATE BOULEVARD SUITE 6OO LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90802 ZONING: PC-CORM - PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THIS PROJECT. REQUEST: TO CONSTRUCT A 18,200 SQUARE FOOT RETAIL CENTER ON A 1.49 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF NEWPORT AVENUE AND MAIN STREET. RECOM~,~NDATION It is recommended that the City Council: ® Certify the Negative Declaration as adequate for the project hy adoption of Resolution No. 89-101 as submitted or revised; and ® Approve Use Permit 89-21 by the adoption of Resolution No. 89-102 as submitted or revised. BACKGROUND The applicant proposes to construct a 18,200 square foot retail center on a 1.49 acre site located at the southeast corner of Newport Avenue and Main Street. The site is located in the PC-C-Planned Community Commercial zone which requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit prior to any development. On June 26, 1989 the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the project and approved the Use Permit. While such a project does not normally require a public hearing before the City Council, staff was made aware that some property owners in the required mailing area (300 foot radius) were not notified due to an error in the County's official Assessor's Parcel Rolls. As a courtesy to these property owners and in light of some additional issues raised at the Planning Commission hearing, a second hearing has been scheduled and noticed as recommended by the City Attorney's office. City Council Report July 17, 1989 Use Permit 89-21 Page two The project is described in Exhibit A (attached) which is the report presented to the Planning Commission. This report discusses the features of the project and the approved Planning Commission resolutions are included to identify all of the conditions placed on the project. One of the conditions references the issue of traffic safety provisions at the Newport Avenue and Andrews Street intersection. The results of further analysis by the City Traffic Engineer have been completed and other issues related to the project are discussed in this report. A~iAL Y S ! S The project, as mentioned in the attached staff report, is in the South Central Redevelopment Area and the properties (three separately owned parcels) were assembled and designed without any Redevelopment Agency assistance. In an effort to reduce costs to the developer, the project has been "fast-tracked" and given priority processing. However, each department which is a ,member of the Design Review Committee has thoroughly reviewed the project and the appropriate design features and conditions have been suggested for the project as would any normal project. Upon conducting the public hearing with the Planning Commission several issues were discussed and concerns were raised by the property owners and residents in the area. These issues and concerns are discussed further below: le Land Use Restrictions - The original conditions of approval suggested hy staff excluded any auto parts sales outlets. However, at the request of the applicant the conditions were changed to allow "specialty auto accessories". This type of use was explained by the applicant as being a sales outlet for Porsche, Jaguar and other high end vehicle accessories. Staff's concern with auto parts and accessory sales is with the incidental installation of such parts and accessories by the purchaser in the parking lot. This installation can lead to loitering, litter and increased noise. The applicant has been approached by such a tenant and wished to have this flexibility in the conditions of approval. However, staff suggests that the conditions be revised to prohibit any auto related uses regardless of type, to avoid future conflicts with the nearby residents. These restrictions have been applied to similar projects such as Plaza La Fayette, Tustin Plaza and other projects in Planned Community Commercial Di st ricts. ® Traffic and Circulation - Some of the key objectives in the Guidelines for Development of Planned Community Commercial Properties (Resolution No. 2411 attached to Planning Commission Staff Report) is to provide for lot consolidation, visibility and to reduce traffic and circulation hazards created by existing land use patterns. In this regard, the project has been designed to reduce such hazards by reducing the number of access drives from six (6) down to two (2). Community Development Department City Council Report July 17, 19~9 Use Permit 89-21 Page three intersection were noted by the citizens as being quite difficult at peak hour traffic (evenings and mornings). The Traffic Engineer conducted a study of traffic counts at the Newport Avenue/Main Street and Newport Avenue/Andrews Street intersections to identify queing distances, signalization cycles and stacking. Counts were made of Newport {northbound) stacking across the Andrews Street intersection to identify the rate of compliance with the existing "Keep Clear" pavement marker. A 50% rate of compliance was observed. The Traffic Engineer also studied the potential trip generation to be expected by the project including reviewing the Andrews Street intersection at Newport to identify existing and potential stacking and left turn movements to southbound Newport Avenue. Standard traffic generation rates were applied against existing land uses and the square footage of the proposed project to identify potential impacts. Based on this analysis, the new project will generate a maximum of 80 vehicle trips at a.m. and p.m. peak hours as compared to 15 peak hour vehicle trips for existing uses on the site. The Andrews left turn movement would not be expected to exceed four vehicles stacked at any one time and then only during worse case conditions. Also, the peak hours of the existing traffic patterns (7-9 and 4-6) are anticipated to be different from those of the proposed 'center. Additionally, special land use restrictions have been applied to prohibit auto parts, convenience and other "peak hour" traffic generating uses. Conditions have been applied to reduce potential traffic hazards, these conditions include: 1. The northerly access drive shall be realigned to a 90° angle access. e Installation of "00 NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION" signs at the Newport Avenue and ,Andrews Street intersection are reaquired. A minimum of two "NOT A THROUGH STREET" signs shall be posted on Andrews Street. The actual number and locations of these signs shall be determined by the traffic engineer. All signs shall be posted prior to building permit issuance and the cost for these signs shall be paid for by the developer by filing a cash deposit in the appropriate amount for such improvements width the City Public ~.~orks Department. ® Red curbs shall be installed along Newport Avenue from the second driveway south of Andrews Street {professional office building entry) up to the northerly access drive on qain Street (project entry on Hain). Additionally, red curbing along the north side of Andrews Street between the easterly Project property line to Newport Avenue shall be installed. The traffic engineer shall determine whether or not some limited parking will be provided on the north side of Andrews Street either for vehicle loading purposes (maximum 20 minute parkingl or unlimited parking. All red curbing shall be installed prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy and all costs for the work Community Development Department City Council Report July 17, 19,59 Use Permit 89-21 Page four shall be paid for by the developer by filing a cash deposit in the appropriate amount for such improvements with the City Public Works Department. e "KEEP CLEAR" markings and 12 inch wide boundary bars shall be.placed on the north and south bound lanes on Newport Avenue prior to building permit issuance and the cost for such shall be the responsibility of the developer by filing a cash deposit in the appropriate amount for such improvements with the City Public Works Department. ¸5. The applicant shall provide a construction traffic routing plan to the City Public Works Director for review and approval prior to issuance of building permit. 0 To ensure that the proposed traffic enhancements are effective, the Public Works Department shall review the traffic patterns periodically to determine whether or not illuminated caution lights ~r signs are needed to protect the left turn movements at Andrews Street. Periodic police enforcement of the "Keep Clear" signs may also be required if determined to be necessary by the Traffic Engineer. Any required improvement costs shall be the responsibility of the developer and deposited in the appropriate amount for such improvements with the City Public Uorks Department. These conditions will provide a means for increasing Newport Avenue driver's awareness of the left turn movements at the Andrews intersection. With these improvements, the Traffic Engineer estimates that the compliance with the intersection protection devices will be increased from 50% to 75%. CONCLUSION After consideration of the Planning Commission directive and the citizen concerns with the traffic issues, new conditions have been applied to the project which will reduce or eliminate the possible conflicts associated with the new development. With the new conditions and environmental evaluation, staff suggests that the City Council certify the Negative Declaration as being adequate and approve Use Permit 89-21. Laura Kuhn Senior Planner LK:pef Director of Community ~lopment Attachments: Exhibit A - Planning Commission Staff Report and Resolutions Site Plan and Elevations Negative Declaration and Initial Study Resolutions No. 89-101 and 89-102 Community Development Department Planning' Commission Xtem No. 3 DATE: SUiAIECT: APPL I CANT: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: RECOI~NDATION dUNE 26, 1989 USE PERIqIT 89-21 ~IOHN CHAMPION CHAMPION DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 100 OCEANGATE BOULEVARD SUITE 600 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90802 13662 NEWPORT AVENUE AT HAIN STREET. PC-COIqq - PLANNED COI~qUNITY COI~ERCIAL A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THIS PROOECT. · TO CONSTRUCT A 18,200 SQUARE FOOT RETAIL CENTER ON A 1.49 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF NEWPORT AVENUE AND HAIN STREET. It is recommended that the Planning Commission: -, 1. Certify the Negative Declaration as adequate for the project by adoption of Resolution No. 2634 as submitted or revised; and 2. Approve Use Permit 89-21 by adoption of Resolution No. 2635 as submitted or revised. BACKGROUND The applicant proposes to construct a 18,200 square foot retail center on a 1.49 acre site located at the southeast corner of Newport Avenue and Main Street. The site is located in the PC-C-Planned Community Commercial zone which requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit prior to any development. The site is bounded by apartments on the east and northeast, and commercial uses on the south across Andrews Avenue, north across Main Street and west across Newport Avenue. The project site consists of 3 separate parcels. One lot contains an .abandoned World Oil gas station, and two lots which currentl, y contain small apartment Community Development Department Plannlng '~;ommtsslon Report Use Permtt 89-21 June 26, 1989 Page ~o p. ro~ects With 11halted visibility and access to tiewport Avenue. All extstt'ng tmprovemen~,s on each lot would be demolished to construct the proposed proJect. Zt has been the expressed destre of the Ctty Council to see these properties developed as a package tn a comprehensive, cohestve manner. This goal was reinforced when the Clty Council In August of Z987 rezoned the property to tt's current zontng designation requiring a development plan for the stte and a conditional use permit for any development. Gut. deltnes for revle~ of speclftc .development proposals were also adopted by the Planntng Commission (Resolution I~o. 241! a~,tached as Exhtbtt 'A') as follo~$: Ae Consolidation of lots shall be Incorporated wherever feasible; B.~ DeveloPment of stngle parcels at the expense of 11mttlng future potential · .development of other parcels tn the same dlstrtCt and whtch are adjacent to · the area betng considered, shall be d~scouraged; C.. 'The Intent of the development plan shall be. to a11o~ maxtmum visibility and · , accessibility of all parcels tn the same district whtch are adjacent to the property betng considered; and. · D,'~ Development plans proposed for Planned Community Commercial properties ,-- should Incorporate uses whtch contribute to the general fund wherever possible. · · The Tustln Community Redevelopment Agency at a regular meettng on September 6, :~988. also subsequently approved an Exclusive Agreement. to Negotiate wtth Champton Development Company, the applicant, for development of a retat1 center on the .subject stte. The publlc heartng nottce for thts project was advertised In the Tustln Ne~s and posted at three public locations. Additionally, nottces were matled to property o~ners wtthtn a 300 foot radtus of the stte. .. : Staff' have revtewed the project for conformance wlth all Ctty codes and requirements and the 'project ts scheduled for destgn revtew approval on ~uly :L989 by the South Central Rede.velopment Agency, I~tth the conditions contained tn the attached resolution, staff ts recommending approval of thts proJect. ANALYSIS Staff have revtwed the project and certa~.n tssues and highlights of the project have been discussed tn detatl, below: Developmen~ Plan Revte~ -. The Planned Community Commercial Dtstrtct reqUtres a conditional Use Permtt prior to constructlon of any · ,Community Development Department Planntng Co...tsston Report Use Permtt 89-2! June 26, 1989 Page three , - , · · development. Thts Use Per~tt ts for the purposes of establishing a master develop, ment plan whtch creates the zontng standards for the stte. · The submitted development plan for the pr~le'~ proposes a stngle story butldlng rangtng .tn height from 24.5 to 29.$ feet to .be located parallel to the easterl:y property 11ne. The proposed butldtng Is'oriented to face adjacent Newport and Hath Street frontages tO ensure maximum visibility and to mtntmtze conflicts wtth residential'uses to the east. The proposal at this ttme also anticipates that approxtmtely 6,000 square feet or 33~ of the total floor area for the project wtll be devoted to a stngle "anchor" retatl tenant. The overall lot coverage on the stte ts 28~, with butldtng setbacks on the stte proposed at a mtnt~um of 32 feet along the north property 11ne, a mtnt~um of 65 feet along I~atn Street, 170 feet.' along ~lewport Avenue, ftve feet along Andrevs Avenue wtth bulldtng setbacks of 6" proposed along the easterly property' 11ne. '... Proposed parktng for the pro~lect ts all located adJacent to publlc streets · . and Immediately adjacent to proposed store frontages. The proposed project 'i'." propose to provtde a total of 9! parktng spaces, whtch tncludes 68 full stze stzes, 20 compact spaces and 3 handicapped spaces. Parking Is ,..' proposed at a ~atlo. of 1 parklng space per 200 square feet of gross floor ,.:;. area-which Ss the standard parking requirement associated wtth retatl uses. · i "The s~lte plan proposes to reduce the ~'xtsttng circulation conflicts On the .~ .site by use of t~o vehicular tngress .and egress points to the stte rather ., than the stx driveways currently being used to access the stte. A prtmary .' entry and exit point for' the project wtll be provided by a 35 foot '~tde ~.,,. drtveway along Andre~s Avenue and a 50 foot wtde drtveway along ~latn "..~,,i Street. To'ensure that no potential conflicts nor Interferences ·occur along Hath Street, the Ctty £ngtneer has recommended that tngress and ...~'~:~,egress movements at the Hatn Street drtveway be 1trotted to rlght turn .... movements only.. The applicant would also be responsible for pavement /"~:~:,'i':"merktngs along Hain Street~to accomodate' channeltzatton wh,tch wt.ll prohibit '.' ~,.. left turn movements to and from the I~aln Street driveway. '.!.:-.Zn reviewing the'pro~ect, ;onstderatton has. also been gtven to the Issue of r'':~' the Interface with adjacent residential uses to the east and north. A ..~ number of spectftc destgn tssues were Identified early tn the process and Incorporated tnto the'project as follows: . · 1)' The proposed building'location adjacent to the easterly property 11ne will prevent maintenance, trash and debris problems adjacent to · residential properties to the e~ast; · 2) Consideration has been provided 'on the stte p'lan for preserving an existing 30 foot wtde access easements to extsttng development to the east; and Planning Commission Report Use PermJt 89-21 dune 26, 1989 Pag.e four 3) A mtntmum 6 foot hlgh screen wall ts proposed a]ong a portton of the northerly property 1t ne. The appllcant has also addressed most of the "~'lanntng Commission adopt~ guidelines for development tn the Planned Communityi Commercial Dtstrtct by accomplishing the following: ', 1) Consolidating three parcels tnto one; · · 2) Reductng the extsttng .circulation pattern conflicts by use of ~wo vehicular access potnts rather than the stx (6) driveways betng used to access the stte; and Orienting the proposed butldtng to .face towards the publlc street to ensure maxtmum visibility and mtntmt'ze conflicts wtth the residential uses to the east. · '1 ~: To ensure qualtty, developmen~ and' establishment of compattb'le Tend uses ":~'.'whtch 'contribute to the general fund'wherever possible, staff ts also ~.. ~.,. recommending that a condition be applled agatnst the project prohtbttt'ng ' certatn' types of .uses wtthln' the p~oJect (t.e., rets11 .auto parts, . "~':':'conventence and 11quor stores, game arcades, etc.) and requiring that a. . :.:':.': mtnlmum of 75~; of the total square footage of the projeCt be devoted to · re,at1 commercial uses. Thts ts a s'fmtlar condition that was 1reposed on ·., · ' the Tustln Plaza Project. 2..-.Ar'c~hltecture . 'The bastc architecture proposed for ~he project Is a modern ::.-,..~.-.~medtterranean style whtch Is compatible wtth the Tusttn Plaza (directly · *. across Newport Avenue) and other projects further south on Newport Avenue. .. The roof treatment proposed ts a combtned pttched (mtsston ttle roof tn a ....?~'.:terra cotta color) and flat roof. Walls are proposed to be treated wttha ' '. ~'· 'light trowel plaster ftnlsh tn a peach color stmtlar to Tusttn Plaza. '..:.~ .'~...Store fronts wtll be recessed beneath a roofed canopy supported by concrete .'~':.!'stuccoed columns' on the north and south ends of the buildings. Arches w111 ?'=.~be provtded above the ca.nopy and emphasized wttha steel frame trellts treatment patnted wtth teal accent color to watch the window frames. . '. The' stde and rear elevations also Incorporate arched and column treatments ..-.. to add tnterest and to ensure quallty destgn throughout the project. The ' applicant wtll also be requtred to provtde a comprehensive master stgn program whtch creates a coordinated palette of stgn colors and types for promoting compatibility with the pro:iect architecture and surroundings. · and 3. Landscape .....Hardscape Elements - Staff vtews landscaping design of the Pro:lect'a~ a key element.tn ensurtng ~ quallty aesthetically pleastng Planntng Commission Report Use Permtt 89-2! June Z6, 1989 Page ftve .. project. ~/htle a concept 'landscaping plan has been provided, tt ts only tl.lustr.attve and will. be reftned at plan check. As submitted, however, the .' pro~ect destgn tncludes landscape setbacks along the perimeter of the property.' Along Newport Avenue and t4atn ;treat, this landscape seth&ck. . wtll be 12.5 feet wtde and' a mtntmum 30" high berm w1.11 be provtded to .,: screen the parktng area. A variety of shrubs are proposed to be provided "throughout the site to Include evergreen and flowering varieties which will add color and interest to the project. Paln~ trees are also proposed to be grouped to vary their impact and to ensure visibility to the storefronts · :. and wall signs (staff ts 'recommending a modification to the proposed palm '' tree spectes and stzes). '", The stte tncludes use of enhanced pavement materials at each of the t~o .... project entrtes. Pedestrian circulation Is facilitated by a ten foot wide -.' arcade adjacent to the storefronts. This arcade tS stmtlar to the arcade provtded tn Lar~tn Square and Tusttn Plaza and ts used to encourage patrons · .-to stroll through the center tn a protected environment. Staff would ',. recommend that the concrete walkway tn the arcade area be Integrally ~;' 'colored and textured to 1reprove tt$ appearance over time. Decorative -::: '. 1t ghts are also- proposed. "~. ,.. ,. j .. CONCLUSZON · . · . ~ . '.. ~ . (~ · Staff' 'have revte~ed the major tssues as's'octated wtth the project and have · determined that the proposed project 'ts tn .conformance wtth the City's requirements, 14tth ~he conditions c,ontatned In ~he enclosed resolution, .Staff suggests that the Commission approve Use Permtt 89-27 by adoptton of Resol~tton No's',':,' 2634 an~ 2636, · .':.. / ,,. · .; ,~ ...~ · ','.:,¥ · .~ · ,: ,,~ '.~ ~ ,.!,. , -. · Laura Cay Kuhn SeniOr Planner Director of Commun ty Development . · ,' .... . · LCK: CAS: ts ~ " Attachments: Resolutions 2411 -' ...." Hegattve Declaration S1 te Plan · - £1evatton Plan Resolution Ho'.s. 2634 and 2636 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2411 A RESOLUTZON OF THE PLANNZNG COHRISSZON OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, ESTABLISHING GUIDELXNES FOR REVIEN OF CONDITIONAL USE PERJqIT APPLICATIONS AND PROPOSED DEVELOPHENT PLANS ON PROPERTIES LOCATED IN THE. PLANNED COHIVlUNITY COI~ERC]:AL DISTRICT · The Planning Commission' of the Ctty of Tusttn 7 follaws: . · ,J 8 9 12 ., 15 19 20 21 23 25 26 27 28 does hereby resolve-as The Planntng Commission ftnds and determines as follows: A. In order to protect the public health, safety and welfare, the Planntng Commission should consider the following guidelines when reviewing Conditional Use Pe~mtt applications and proposed development plans on properties located tn the Clty of Tustln's Planned .CommunJ ty Commercial District: 1 Consolidation of lots shall be encouraged wherever feasible to ensure that contiguous properties wtth .the same. zontng designation are considered tn a comprehensive rather than tn an Incremental manner. ' · ' 0 Revtw of Conditional Use Penntt applications and development plans .for parcels In the Planned Community Commercla'l DtstrtCl; sha]l constder tmpacts on 'a.dJacent. ~ properties, and properties tn the vicinity, tn that the Planned Community Commercial dtstrtct tnt·rids to promote the following goals and objectives: . 0 The best use of property wtthtn the Planned Community Commercta] dtstrlct ts development approaching maxtmum development pot·nrta l; · To promOte a consistent qualtty of development tllFoughout the Planned Community Commercial dts~'tct; CO To provtde compatt.ble land uses whtch do not 'Interfere or create health, safety or mora] problems for' an adjacent use; do To en'sure efficient parcel Stzes and configurations f~r development p]ans approved tn the Planned Community Commerc.tal district; el · To requtre development plans -wht.ch Incorporate a combination of standards and incentives which will stimulate quality development; fo To promOte lot consolidation In tra. ff.t c. con.qest, t on t. hroug~l .use points tot aevelopmen~ pro3ec~s; order to mt nlmtze of combtned access Resolution No., 2411 'e ~wo · 3 To 'ensure th&t development projects tn the Planned Commu n tty Commerct a 1 'Dt strl ct promote max1 mum visibility and acc. esstbtltty of all parcels In the same district. Impa~ts to properties ad~lacent to and In the vlctnlty of property betng considered should be' revtewed tn that Incremental development of properties tn the Planned .Community Commercial District ,ny render contiguous properties undevelopable, for commercial use. h. Ensure. that projects proposed for properties wtthln the Planned Community Commercial Dtstrtct Incorporate, wherever· possible, uses whtch generate general fund revenue to the Ctty In conformance wtthtn the land use element of the General Plan whtch Is to promote an economt ca1 ly balanced communJ ry. · B. That the establishment of these guidelines ts .necessary to protect the property and Improvements tn the neighborhoods surrounding or locatod tn the Planned Community Commercial 0tstrtcts and the general welfare of the Ctty of Tusttn; · C. These guidelines' are In accordance wtth the South Central and Town Center Redevelopment Plans. O. Should a .development plan for a project wtthln the Planned Commercial dtstrlct fat1 to meet any of the aforementioned guidelines, thts shall provtde a basts for Planntng Commission denlal of the Use Permtt requtred for approval of the development plan. n )ASSED AND ADOPTED, at.a regula~j~meettng of the Tust~198~__n. ntng Commission, held on 'the ~ennt Foley, - Record1 ng Secretary Chat rman 5 7 8 .0 10 11 1.5 · 17 18'1 ~0 ~3 25 2~ 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2634 * .- X RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF : TUSTIN, CERTIFYING' THE FINAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION AS ADEQUATE FOR USE PERMIT 89-21, INCLUDING REQUIRED FINDINGS PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. . · The' Planning Commission of the City.. of Tustln does hereby resolve as follows: The Planning Coma1 sslon finds and determines' as follows: , ~ A. Conditional Use Permit 89-21 ts considered a "project" pursuant to the terms of the California Envl ronmental Qua1 lty Act. · B. A Negative Declaration has been prepared for thls pro~ect and has been distributed for publlc revtew. C. Whereby, the Planning Commission of the City of .Tusttn has considered evidence presented by the Community Development Director and other interested parttes wtth respect to. the · * subject Negatlve Declaration. D. The Planning COmmission has evaluated the proposed final Negatlve Declaration and determined Itte be 'adequate and complete. · A Final Negative Declaration has been completed in compliance with CEQA and State guidelineS'. The Planning Commission, having final approval authority over Conditional Use Permit 89-21, has received and considered the information ,contained in the Negative Declaration prior to approving the proposed project and found that it adequately discussed the environmental effects, of the proposed project. On the basis of the initial study and comments received during the public review process, the Planning Commission has found that there is no substantial evidence that there will be any significant adverse environmental effects as a result of the approval of the project because mitigation measures identified in the Negative Declaration have been incorporated into the project .which mitigates any potential mltl~Iatlon measures significant environmental effects to a point of insignificance identified in 'Exhibit A?to the attached Negative Declaration and initial study are adopted as conditions of Resolution No. 2635, incorporated herein by reference. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Pla. nni~.Cyomm~slon h~eld on the ~day of ~-')~j~ , 1989. ' ' F./Chalrman ' · Recording Secretary · STATE OF CALIFORNIA )' COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) [, PENN[ FOLEY, the undersigned, hereby certify that [ am the Recording Secretary of the ?lann~tpg Commission of the City of Tusttn, California; that Resolution No. z:~ ~" was duly passed and adopted at a j[egular m~eting of, PENNI FOLEY 0 Recordl ng Secretary · 1 ? 8 9 10 11 1:2. 14 · 17 19 23 24 25 26 27 28 · , RESOLUTION NO: 2635 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING CO~4ISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING A DEVELOPHENT PLAN (USE PERt4IT 89-21) FOR A RETAIL CENTER ON A SITE IN PLANNED CO{4HUNITY COI~MERCIAL DISTRICT (PC-C) FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF NEWPORT AVENUE 'AND {4AIN STREET, 13662 NEWPORT AVENUE. The Planning Commission of the Ctty of Tusttn 'does hereby resolve ~s follows: · I. The Planntng Commission ftnds and .~termlnes as follows: ' A. That a proper application, Use PermJt No. 89-21 has been fl]ed on behalf of Champton Development requesting approval of a development plan for a retail center totaling approximately 18,200 square feet located at 13662 Newport Avenue on property legally described as Assessor Parcel numbers 500-171-1 through 3. Bo A public heartng was duly called, noticed and held on June 26, 1989. · C. That establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applted for wt11 nob, 'under the. circumstances of this case, . be detrtmenta] to the health, safety, morals, co,ffort, or general we]fare bf the persons-residing or working In the neighborhood of such proposed use, as evidenced by the fo{lowing findings:.~ . The use app]led f:~r Is In conformance wtth the requirements of the Tustln General Plan. . The use applied for ts In conformance with the requirements of the Tustln Zonlng Code. e The project has been destgned to be architecturally compatible wtth the area. . D. 4. The proposed development conforms with the estab]tshed guidelines for. development .of P]anned Community Commercial properties as estab]tshed by P]anntng Commission Resolution * No.. 2411. · That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applted' for .will not be Injurious or detrimental to the property and Improvements tn the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the gepera] welfare of the City df Tusttn,. and should be granted. $ 4 5 ? $ 10 II 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 Resolution No. 2635. Page two -- · Proposed development shall be In accordance wlth the development policies adopted by the City Counc11, Unlform Bulldlng Codes as administered by the Bulldtng Offtctal and.State of California, Fire Code as administered by the Orange County Ftre ~4arshal, and street Improvement requlremeuts as administered by the City Engl neet, . F~ A negatlve declaration has b,~en ft]ed tn conformance wtth the Ca11 fornla Environmental qua1 tty Act. Ftna] development plans shall requtre the review and approval of the Community Development Department. II. The P]anntng Co=nJsston hereby approves CondJtlona] Use Permtt No. 89-21 approving the deve]opment p]an for a fetal] commercta] center at the southeasterly corner of Newport Avenue at Matn Street, 13662 Newport Avenue, subject to a]] conditions contained In Exhtbl, t A attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regu]ar.~meettng of the Tusttn Planntng Commission, held on' the ~_~ day of ~, 1989. -PENNI FOLEY, ~ Sec~e~ EXHIBIT A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 89-21 RESOLUTION NO. 2635 (1) 1.1 The proposed project shall substantially conform with the submitted site plan and development plans for the project date stamped June 26, 1989 on file with the Community Development Deparjment, as herein modified, or as modified by the Director of Community Development Department in accordance with this exhibit. Submitted plans constitute the' approved development plan and, except as modified herein, 'shall not be modified without prior approval of an amendment to' this Use Permit. (1) 1.2 Unless otherwise specified, the conditions contained in this exhibit shall be complied with prior to the issuance of a building permit for the project, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. * 1.3 Parking for the proposed commercial center shall be maintained as (2) follows: I parking space per 200 square feet of retail use. 1 parking space per 3 seats for restaurant uses. (8) 1.4 The uses authorized by the approval of Use Permit 89-21 .are as follows; · · a. A minimum of 75% of the building floor area shall be devoted to -retail sales establishments. b. The type of uses allowed in'the project shall substantially conform to those uses authorized in the C-2 Zoning district except for those uses specifically prohibited in this resolution. All uses which*. require a Use Permit as listed in the C-2 zoning district will also require a conditional use permit for this site. c. Prohibited Uses: Medical, dental and/or chiropractic offices, auto repair or general retail auto parts sales (excluding specialty accessory parts sales) or installation, schools or training facilities, laundromats, convenience or liquor stores, *arcades, or other gaming establishments. These uses are prohibited to ensure compatibility of land uses with the adjacent residential properties, ensure compliance with the parking requirements listed herein and to comply with the requirements of Planning Commission Resolution No. 241],. SOURCE CODES ii i i i i ii (1) STANDARD CONDITION (2) ENVIROI~tENTAL MITIGATION (3) UNIFORM BUILDING CODE/S (4) DESIGN REVIEW **** EXCEPTION ($) SPECIFIC PLAN (6) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREMENT (7) LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (8) PC/CC/ POLICY Exhibit A Resolution No. 2635 Page two [..5 Use permit approgal shall become null and void unless all building permits for the project are issued within one year of the date on this exhibit and substantial construction is underway. · . ~.6 The applicant shall execute and file an'agreement'with the Public Works dep. artment agreeing to maintain all landscaping in the public parkways adjacent to the site. ~.7 A covenant agreement to hold the parcels together as one shall be prepared and reviewed by the Community Development Department, and recorded against the subject properties prior to issuance of any structural building permits for the project. ~.8 The southerly handicap parking spaces shall be moved further north on the site to avoid vehicle stacking pr~)blems. The' Public Works Department shall investigate and install , where appropriate, red curbs along'Andrews Street, west of the southerly access point, along the south 'side of Andrews Street adjacent to Newport Avenue and along Newport Avenue both north and south of Andrews Street. Additionally, the investigation of the installation of one "Keep Clear". sign on Newport Avenue south of Andrews Street and one "Caution Children" on Andrews 'Street just east of Newport Avenue shall be conducted by the Public Works Department. The results of the investigation shall be presented to the Planning Commission and the cost for any and all work shall be borne by the applicant as deemed appropriate by the Public Works Di rector. GR, ADX#G/DRAZILAG[, 2.~ At building plan check, submit prior to issuance of building permits as follows: (3) A. Construction plans, structural calculations, and title 2¢ energy calculations shall be submitted for all improvements. Requirements of the Uniform Building Codes, State Handicap and .Energy Requirements shall be complied with as approved by the Building Official. Plans should reflect architectural details and elevations for all structures, walls, enclosures and any other construction level drawings necessary to accurately reflect all proposed constructi on. (3) B. Provide preliminary technical detail and plans for all utility installations including cable TV, telephone, gas, water and electricity. Additionally, a note on plans shall be included stating that no field changes shall be made without corrections submitted to and approved by the Community Development Department. (3) Co Provide technical drawings for electrical, plumbing and mechanical installation. Exhtbtt A Resolution No. 2635 Page th tee (3) (3) {1) O. Ftnal gradln~l and Specifications consistent wtth the stte plan.and the Orange Count), Surve),or's Bench mark datum and prepared b), a registered ctvll engtneer for approval of the Coneuntt), Oevelopment Oepartment. .' E. A prectse sotls engineering report provided b), a .sotls engineer wtthtn the prevtous twelve (117) months. F. Presentation of a sedimentation and erosion control plan for construction work related to the subject parcel including a method of control to prevent dust and windblown earth problems. The plan shall be revtewed and approved prior to rough gradtng of the site. G. Infomatton, plans and/or specifications to ensure satisfaction of all Public Works Oepart~ent requirements including but not limited to: (6)'* .., (6) * lo Dedication of all required street vehicular access rights, sewer easements and water easements defined and approached as to specific location by the City Engineer and other responsible agencies. ' 2, The construction of any new on-site fire hydrants will require a detector check within an easement per City Standard No. 129. A legal description and'sketch of the easement areas along with a copy of the latest vesting for this property shall be submitted to the Engineering Division for review and'. preparation of an easement deed. Said deed must be executed by the property owner prior to any approvals/permits from the Engineering Division. (1) (2) 0 Construction or replacement of all missing or damaged public improvements will be required and shall include but not be limited to the following.' a. Curb and gutter ' b. Si dewalk c. Wheelchair ramp d. A.C. pavement e. Street 1 i ghts f. Domestic water service g. h. Fire hydrant/fire service (if' required by O.C. Fi re Marshal) Sanitary sewer lateral . Separate street improvement plans (24" x 36" sheet) are required for all work within the public right-of-way and all construction items .referenced to the City Standard drawing number. E:xhtbtt A Resolution Ho. 2635 Page four · (~) (6) (6} (6) 5~ If a detector check ts required, it wtll need to be constructed behtnd the right-of-way ltne wtthtn an easement to the Ctt.v per Standard Plan No. 129. 11 0 All ingress/egress via Main ~Street driveway to right turn movements only. . Applicant shall be responstblt.,for pavement markings along Main Street to accomodate the channellzatton which wtll prohtbit 'left turn movements to and from the Matn Street driveway, All pavement marking wtll be subject to review and approval by the Ctty Engineer. 8. Clear stght, triangles 20' x 20' shall be maintained at each access drtve. In particular, no landscaping signs or vegetation between 3' and 8' above the gutter line shall be installed. H. The applicant shall comply with all requirements' of the Orange County Fire Marshal, Including required fire flow, 'installation where required of fire hydrants subject to approval as to locatton . by the Fire Department, Ctty of Tustin Public Works Oepartment, Tusttn Water Works and compliance with all requirements pertaining to. constructi on as fo11 ows: 1. Prior to issuance of building permits for combustible ... construction, evidence that adequate water supply and.. operational fire hydrants are available for fire protection shall be submitted and approved by the Orange County Fire Marshal. The applicant shall also submit water improvement plans for approval of the Fire Marshal. 2. All re~luired Orange County Fire Department signs shall be posted and designed in accordance with the Orange County Fire Oepartm&nt ' requi rements. 0 Prior to the issuance of any building permits, plans for commercial fire extinguishing system shall be approved by the Fire Chief. Such systems shall be operational prior to .the issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy. 2.2 Any underground gasoline tanks shall be removed and any toxic soils or substances removed from the site in accordance with the County of Orange Hazardous Materials Division requirements, prior to issuance of building permi ts. £xhibtt A Resolution No. 2635 Page five NOISE ' i (1) 3.1 All construction operations including engine warm up shall be subject to (2) the provisions of the City of Tustin Noise Ordinance and shall take place only during the hours of 7:00 a.m. until ~6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday unless the Building Official determines that said activity will be in substantial conformance with the Noise Ordinance and the public health and safety will not be impaired subject ~to application being made at the time'the permit for the work is awarded or during progress of the work. FEES ~ (1) 4.1 Prior to issuance of any building permits, payment shall be made of all required fees including: A. Major thoroughfare and bridge fees to Tustin Public Works Department. B. Sanitary sewer connection fee to Orange County Sanitation District. C. Grading plan checks and permit fees to the Community Development Department. O. All applicable Building plah check and permit fees to the Community "Development Department. E. New development fees to the Community Development Department. F. School facilities fee to the Tustin Unified School District. · · SIlT AND BUILDZNG CONDTTIONS (1) 5.1 All improvements, materials and colors shall substantially conform to the (4) approved plans, date stamped June 26, 1989 any changes shall be subject to review and approval of the Director of the Community Development Department. All exterior treatments must be coordinated with regard to color, materials and detailing and noted on submitted Construction plans and elevations shall indicate all colors and materials to be used. (4) 5.2 The actual finished textures on proposed pre-cast concrete columns shall be subject to review and approval', of the Community Development Department. In the event the proposed treatment is unacceptable, the Community Development Department may require that the columns be stuccoed to match the building. . (1) 5.3 The exact color and stucco finish to be utilized on exterior building (4) walls, and the color on window frames shall be subject to approval of the Director of Community Development. The Community Development Department · would suggest lighting up exterior wall elevation colors in a slightly lighter shade in the earthtone range. · £xhibit A Resolution No. 2635 Page six ([) 5.4 Note on plans tha'~ a six foot high chain linked fence shall be installed around the site prior to building construction stages. Gated entrances shall be permitted along the perimeter of the site for 'construction 'vehicles. : (1) 5.5 All mechanical and electrical fixtures and equipment shall be adequately (4) and decoratively .screened. The screen shall be considered as an element of the overall design of the project and -shall blend with the architectural design of buildings. All telephone.and electrical boxes shall be indicated on the building plans and shall be completely screened. Electrical transfor, mers shall be located toward the interior of the project maintaining a sufficient distance from frontage of the project and shall not be located in any landscaping setback and adjacent to street. (1) 5.6 Submit detail for all on-site walls to be contructed by developer. Show (4) type of wall cap and color, exterior materials and decorative treatment · of all exposed walls. Design of walls/fences shall be subject to final approval of the Community Oevelopment Department and should be consistent with mai n bui 1 ding treatments. ([) 5.7 Provide details on lighting scheme for project. Note final locations of (3) all exterior lights. All lighting fixtures shall be of ornamental design (4) and shall be located or designed so to direct rays of light so they do not shine on adjacent properties:' (4) 5.8 Provide structural details, colors and materials for block trash' enclosure walls. The trash enclosures shall be architecturally treated to match the buildings and shall have solid metal gates. (1) 5.9 All roof drains shall be internal and not visible on building (4) elevations. All roof drains shall be designed so that run-off is properly drained into concrete swales. 5.10 Note on plans that utilities serving site to be underground. Show all above ground locations for meters, transformers, manifolds and details for screening. Transformers shall not be permitted within setback areas. · 5.11 An access agreement reviewed and approved by the City and recorded with the easterly property owners shall be approved and recorded on the deeds to the properties prior to issuance of building permits. (1) 5.12 A complete, detailed project sign program including design, location, (3) sizes, color, and materials shall be submitted for review and approval by the Department'of Community Development. The sign program shall include ., £xhtbtt A Resolution No. 2635 Page seven project Identification, addressing and directional stgns to dtrect autos to proper access, parktng and loadtng and tnclude any traffic restrictions. Any freestanding stgns shall be 11rotted to one monument stgn, maxtmum 6 feet tn height consistent with. architecture for the project. All other stgns shall be tn accordance to th· Tusttn $tgn Code Sect1 on 9494. . 5.13 The freestanding stgn shall provide the~ name and address of the center. Address numerals shall be prominently displayed and be a minimum of 6" In height. 5.14 No signs will be permitted on the east facing building elevation. 5.15 Any mailbox detail shall indicate color and exterior treatment and design shall be consistent with exterior building' design subject to approval of the Community Development Department and the Postal Service. LNI. D~]:"G, . ,G?OUND$ AND .,HARI)~E ELE)IEIIT. S (7) 6.! At final plan check a completely detailed landscape and irrigation plan must be submitted for landscaping with whatever scale necessary to depict ade~lUately what is occurring. -Provide ~ummary' table applying indexing identification to plant materials in their actual location. · The plan and table must list botantical and common names, sizeS, spacing, actual location and quality of' the plant materials proposed. Show planting and berming details, soil preparation, staking, etc. The irrigation plan shall show location and control of backflow prevention devices, pipe. size, sprinkler type, spacing and coverage. Details for all equipment must be provided. The Department of Community Development may request minor substitutions of plant materials or request additional sizing or quantity of materials during plan check. Note on landscaping plan that coverage of landscaping is subject to field inspection at project completion by the Community Development Department. (7) $.2 The submitted landscaping plans at plan check must reflect the following requirements: a) b) Turf ts unacceptable for grades over 25%. A combination of planting materials must be used, ground cover on large areas alone is not · A minimum 30" high earthen berm shall be provided along the Newport Avenue, Andrews and Main Street frontages wherever possible or alternative planting screeoing materials subject to approval of the Community Development Department. (7) 6.3 All newly planted trees shall be staked according to City standards. STATE OF CALIFORNIA cOUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF TUSTIN · I, PENNI FOLEY, the undersigned, hereby certtf=y that I 'am the Recording Secretary of the _Plapn~ng Commission of the City of Tusttn, California; Chat Resolution No. ~/~5- was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tusttn Plannfng Commis~'lon, held on the ~~day of c:~_~<.L_ , 198..~.. PENNI FOLEY Record1 ng Secretary · o A~EW8 ' ~TI~ET I . mmm~Jm mm · " - '.:: '.""',i ~ # .?.. i i ! 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[~t~]! ]i,. ,,. ,, ,.~,,,I,,d Ill,: '"''"'"' "'" "'" , ,! t! ..,. ,.:i ! l{ ,1 ' I',"' [,,' I , I~-~:.:'. i .llJli[' · . · . . .,. !! ...,.:.... . ...,,..,,, : . i. · · .. 'o. NEI A IVE DECLAR IO,,N CITY OF, TUSTIN 300 CENTENNIAL WAY, TUSTIN, CA. 92680 ii Project Title: Use Permit 89-21 Champion Development Project Location: 13662 Newport Avenue File No. uP89-21 and DR89-2 Project Description: 18,200 Square Foot Retail Shopping Center Project Proponent: Champion Development Company Contact Person: Laura C. Kuhn Telephone: 544-8890 Ext. 256 · i The Community Development Department has conducted an initial study for the above project in accordance with the City of Tustin's procedures regarding implementation of the California Envir'onmental Quality Act, and on the basis of that study hereby find: That there, is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. That potential significant affects were identified, but revisions have been included in the project plans and agreed to by the applicant that would avoid or mitigate the affects to a point where clearly no significant effects would occur. Said revisions are attaChed to and hereby made a part of this Negative Declaration. Therefore, the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not required. The initial study which provides the basis for this determination is on file at the Community Development Department, City of Tustin. The public is invited to comment on the appropriateness of this Negative Declaration during the review period, which begins with the public notice of a Negative Declaration and extends for seven calendar days. Upon review by the Community Development Director, this review period may be extended if deemed necessary. REVIEW PERIOD ENDS 4:30 p.m. on DATED: Ju],y 7, 1989 July 17, 1989 Com~dhi'ty De'vel6pment Director for Christine Shingleton CITY OF TUSTIN Community Development Departmen. ENVIRONMENTAL INITIAL STUDY FORM I. Name of Proponent Champion Development e e Address and Phone Number of Proponent 100 Ocean~ate Blvd..Suite 600 Long Beach~ California 90802 213-437-8046 Date of Checklist Submitted July 7, 1989 ~. Agency Requiring Checklist 5. Name of Proposal, if applicable City of Tustin Retail Shopping Center !1. Enviranmental Impo~s (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets.) Earth. Will the. proposal result in: a. Unstable earth conclitians or in changes in geologic substructures? b. Disruptions, displacements, compaction or overcovering of the soil? c. Chcr~e in topography or ground surface relief fecrtums? d. The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? e. Any increase in wind or water eros/on of · soils, either on or off the site? f. Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or ony bay, inlet or lake? X X g. Exposure of people or property 1o geolo- gic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazords? Air. Wlll the propasaJ result im a. Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? b. The creation of objectionable odors? c. Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? Water. Will the proposal result in= a. Changes in currents, or the course of di- rection of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? be Choncjes in absorption rates, drainage pat- terns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? c. Alterations to the course or fl~w of flood waters? d. Change in the amount of surface water in. any water body? e. Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration otesurface water quality, in- cluding but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? f. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? g. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or with- drawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? h. Substantial reduction in. the amount of water otherwise available far public water supplies? i. Expasum of people or property to water re- lated hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? .o X X X X X X 5e 7, Se Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: a.. Change in the diversity of species, or number of any species ef plants (including trees, shrubs, gross, 'crops, ~ aquatic plants)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? c. Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? d. Reduction in acreage of ony agricultural crop? Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or numbem of any species of animals (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic arganlsrns or insects)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered specie~ of animals? c. Introduct~an of new species of' mirr~ls into an .area, or result in a borriar lo the migration or mavemerrt of m'imals? cL Deterioratian to existing fish or wildlife habitat? .. Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? Light and Clare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? Land Use.. Will the proposal result in a sub- stantial alteration of the prese;~t or planned land use of an area? Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a. Increase in the rate of use of. any natural resources? b. Substantial depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? 10. Risk of Upset.. Will the prq3osal involve= A risk of an explosion or the release of haz~rclous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiatian) in the event of an accident or upset canclitiam? b. Possible interference with an emergermy respottse plan or an emergency evacuation plan? ... II. Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distr~utian, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? 12. Housing. Will the proposal affect existing hous- ing, or create a demand for additional housing? 13. Transpertafion/Circulcrfian. Will the proposal result in: a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular, movement?. · b. Effects on existi.ng parking facilities, or demand for new parking? c. Substantial impact upon existing transpor- tation systems? d. Alterations to present patterns of circula- tion or movement of people and/or goods? e. Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? f. Increase in traffic haza~s to motor vehicles, bicyclists ar pedestrians? I/~. Public Services. Will the proposal have on effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? Ye~ X ii III X X X X X X d. Porks or other recreational facilities? e. Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services? 15. -Energy. Will the proposal result a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? b. Substantial increase in demand upon exist- ing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy?-' 16. Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a. Power or natural gas? - b. Communications systems? · · c. Water? d. Sewer or septic tanks? e. Starm water drainage? f. Solid waste and disposal? 17. ~ Health. Will the proposal i~suit in: a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? b. Exposure of people to potential health hazords? 18. Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the crecrtion of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? 19. Recreatian. Will the proposal result in an impact ~ the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? 20. Cultural Resources. a. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destructian of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? Yes x x x 21. 0 Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or ~bject? Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical ~ which wauld affect unique ethnic cultural values? d. ~ill the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential imp¢~ area? Max~ory Findings of Significance. 0 ce de Does the project have the potential to..; degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, ccuse a fish or wild- life population to drop below self sus- taining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number ar restrict the rc~je of .a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? Does the project' have the I~otential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short- term impact an the environment is one which occurs in a relatively I~rief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) · Does the project have' impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively con- siderable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause' substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? III. Discussia~ of Environmental Evaluation X x IV. Determination (To be completed by the Lead Agency) On the basis of this ir~...ul evaluations ! find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I'! I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, them will not be a' significant effect in this case ~. because the mitigatian measures described_on on attached.sheet haVe been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the em~iron- ment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. I I July 7, 1989 Signature Laura C;' Kuhn SeUio~ Pl nnn~' EXHIBIT A INITIAL STUDY RESPONSES FOR DESIGN REVIEW 89-27 AND USE PERMIT 89-21 Section II - Environmental Impacts 1. Earth I.%~ems A, C and D - "No"' The project site is currently flat and does not contain any S{~bs'li~'antial'' ~eolOgic features based upon field verification completed by the project planner on June 9, 1989. The proposed building layout and conceptual grading plan call for minimal movement of existing soil which will not constitute a basis for making any geological changes to existing topography or ground surface relief features. All on-site grading activities will be conducted in accordance with City Codes and requirements and verified by the Building Official. Sources: -Field verification, June 9, 1989 - Proposed site plan and conceptual grading plan - Tustin Municipal Code - Uniform Building Code Mo.n. ito. rin~) Rec~uired: - Plan check and inspections through Building Division. Item B - "May.be"' The site is currently covered with a mixture of absorbent soils with impervious materials {i.e. building, pavement, etc). However, the site design will be graded and designed in a fashion so as to eliminate any impacts of water run-off to adjacent property. Grading and on-site water channeling design {swale) will direct run-off to appropriate storm drain facilities. Overall run-off volume will be minimal since site size is less than 1.50 acres and grading/drainage design wil.1 directly serve on-site needs. S,,o,ur, ces: - City of Tustin, Grading and Drainage Requirements - Site Field Inspection (June 9, 1989) - Tustin FIRM - Proposed Site, Grading and Elevation Plan - Tustin Zoning Map Monitorin9 Requirements- City of Tustin to apply standard conditions of approval on Design Review and Use Permit to require conformance with City grading and drainage requirements. Item E - "No": The entire parcel is currently developed and run off conditions for the new project would be similar. As conditions of approval for this project, the applicant will be required to provide an erosion control plan which addresses water and soil related erosion problems if grading operations are done during the rainy season. Wind blown soil erosion can also be controlled through watering of the site during windy conditions and by watering down any soil removal trucks during grading operati OhS. Sources: - City of Tustin Building Official - Standard Conditions of Approval Initial Study DR 89-27 Exhibit A Page two Monitoring Required: Apply conditions of approval to proposed resolution for Use permit 89-21 to require: 1) Erosion Control Plan {water and site and truck watering during grading operations, and 2) Verification of adequacy of control to be completed by Building Inspector during required grading and foundation inspections. Items F and G- "No": Based on the site locati'on in relation to any streams, rlillvers,'ll'an(~ flo6d Control channels, it is not anticipated that this project will substantially contribut6 to siltation or erosion problems to local water bodies. Additionally, the site is not directly adjacent to or on any known active earth quake fault. The site is relatively flat and therefore would not be subject to any 1 and or mudsl i de acti vi es. Source: - City of Tustin Zoning Map - City of Tustin General Plan {Seismic Safety Element} Mitigation and Monitoring Required: None 2. Air Items A thr..ou'gh C - "No": The proposed project is not considered a substantial contri'butor to air emissions (less than 100 tons a year) and is not subject to specific regulation by the Air Quality Management District as a stationary source of air pollution. The project is proposed for typical retail commercial use and does not propose to use or maintain on-site any substantial quantity of materials that by use or nature will create objectionable odors. The project is relatively small in scale {less than 20,000 square feet) in an existing "built-up" area and will therefore not have a significant impact on the climate, or pose alterations in the movement of, moisture in, or temperture of the air. Sources: - Air Quality Management District - Regulation No. 15 - Project Site, Floor and Description Monitoring Required: As a condition of approval, the applicant will be required to file f6r and obtain approval of any necessary permits from the Air Quality Management District under Regulation 15. Monitoring is conducted by the Air Quality Management District for compliance with their requirements. 3. Water leh "No" Items A rough I - · As noted in the discussion in item number I (Earth) a'b'ove, th project site is not located adjacent to or in the vicinity of any large body of water or exposed flood control channels or devices. Therefore, it is not anticipated that the project will have an effect on currents, quality or courses of water. The project is located in a "C" District on the Tustin FIRM map. The proposed project involves a one story building. The water table will not be substantially effected by construction activity. Initial Study DR 89-27 Exhibit A Page three The project, due to it's relatively small size (18,200 square feet) and proposed use, will not significantly reduce water supply or contribute excess quantities of water to the ground water supply. Therefore, no significant effects related to water are anticipated as a result of the project. - Miltioation and Monitoring) required: None 4. Plant Life Items A t.hrou~h D - "No"' The project site is used for multiple family residential an'd a vacant gas station. No rare or endangered species are known to exist on the property. The proposed site plan includes landscaped areas which, as shown on the conceptual landscape plan, are common species used in the area. S.our. ces: - Site Field Inspection (June 9, 1989) - Review of City Records - Landscape Plan {Proposed} Mitigation and Monilltori,n~ ReqUired: None Animal Life Items A through D - "No": Based on review of City records and the site field inspection conducted by City staff, there are no known endangered or rare species known to inhabit the project site. Additionally, uses previously on the property greatly limit the type, number and longevity of any substantial animal species which would choose to inhabit the property. Sources' - Site Plan - Field Inspection (June 9, 1989) - Property and Code Enforcement Records - Aerial Photograph of Site Monitor, in~) Required: None Initial Study DR 89-27 Exhi bit A Page four 6. Noi se Items A - "No": While the proposed use (retail center) is not anticipated to increase noise' 'levels in the area or to expose persons to severe noise levels, the project design includes the isolation of all air conditioning equipment to a screened roof top area; therefore minimizing impacts to surrounding properties and to on-site employees. Sources · - Tustin General Plan (Noise Element) - Proposed Development Plan - Tustin Noise Ordinance ~lon. itori.ng Requ.ired' None. Item B - "Maybe"' The construction of the proposed building may increase noise levels in the area temporarily. To avoid possible noise impacts, the construction activities will be limited under the Tustin Noise Ordinance to reduce any impacts to a level of insignificance. Sources' - Proposed Elevation, Site, and Roof Plans - Tustin Noise Ordinance Mitigation and Monitoring.. Required' As a condition of approval, the applicant will be required to limi"t const~ction ..... activities as per the requirements of the Tustin Noise Ordinance. The Tustin Building Official and Police Department will monitor. the site and stop any activities in violation of the Noise Code if complaints are received. 7. Light and Glare "Maybe": The proposed project will include parking lot lighting for conformance with the City Security Ordinance. However, all lighting fixtures and intensities will be reviewed by City staff to ensure that light rays are contained on-site and within Security Ordinance intensity limits. Therefore, any possible impacts would be mitigated to a level of insignificance. Sources' - Tustin Security Ordinance ~liti.qllation and Monito. ring Re..cluired' City staff review of proposed lighting plan for project prior to permit Issuance. 8. Land Use "?laybe"' The project is proposed to develop three parcels for a retail center use in a PC-Planned Community Commercial District. This district requires a Initial Study DR 89-27 Exhi bit A Page fi ve Conditional Use Permit for all uses to ensure compatibility of land uses and site design, to reduce circulation problems and promote design features which are unique to a particular site. However, existing land uses are different (multi-family residences and a gas station) which are not the same as the proposed project. The site design incorporates all requirements as established by Resolution No. 2411 to reduce potential land use and vehicular conflicts. Sources: - Tustin Zoning Code - Proposed Conditions of Approval - Resolution No. 2411 M,i.,tigation and Monitoring Required: Note conditions of approval in City Council Resolution No 89-102. all items to be monitored and checked by the City of Tustin prior to issuance of final certificates of occupancy. g. Natural Resources Items A and B - "No": The proposed land use does not involve use of any large or si gni'f'i cant quantities of natural resources or non-renewable natural resources. SlOU~C,eS: - Use Permit Application - Site Plan Mitioation and Moniltorin~) Requir,ed: None 10. Risk of Upset Items A and B - "No": The proposed use does not require the handling or storage of any knoWn hazardous or explosive materials. The site currently is along a major arterial highway and access is easily attainable to major roads and freeways. Therefore, no anticipated risk of upset due to exposure or interference with an emergency response plan is expected. Sources: - Use Permit Application - City of Tustin Master Plan of Arterial Highways - City of Tustin Emergency Response Plan {1981) M.i..tigation and Mon. itorin9 R. lequ'ired. None 11. Population "No": The project is relatively small in size and scale (less than 20,000 square ~ and less than 100 employees) and will not necessarily increase the need for housing or substantially increase the general population in an area. Therefore, no significant increase in housing or population is anticipated as a result of the project. S.o,,u. rce. s: - Use Permit Application - Project Site and Floor Plan Initial Study DR 89-27 Exhibit A Page si x Mitigation and Monitoring Required: ~.~one 12. Housing The project will require the removal of 13 multiple family housing units and an existing gas station. While some residents will be displaced the number of units (13) is not considered significant based upon the availability of multiple family units in the City. Tustin has over 65% multiple family units which is the highest percentage of multiple family housing in all of Orange County. Additionally, Tustin has over 18,900 housing units, and the 13 units being removed represents less than .07 percent of these units. Sou rces: - 1989 Tustin Housing Element - Alta Survey for Project Site Monitoring Required: None 13. Transportation/Circulation Items A - "Maybe" and B "Yes": The project will require some demand for use of transportation f~cilities and parking. However, the level of impact, based upon the size and use of the project will not create a significant increase in demand overall, based upon the City Traffic Engineer's review of the project. The Traffic Engineer conducted a study of traffic counts at the Newport Avenue/Main Street and Newport Avenue/Andrews Street i ntersecti ons to i denti fy quei ng distances, signalization cycles and stacking. Counts were made of Newport (northbound) stacking across the Andrews Street intersection to identify the rate of compliance with the existing "Keep Clear" pavement marker. A 50% rate of compliance was observed. The Traffic Engineer also studied the potential trip generation to he expected by' the project including reviewing the Andrews Street intersection at Newport to identify existing and potential stacking and left turn movements to southbound Newport Avenue. Standard traffic generation rates were applied against existing land uses and the square footage of the proposed project to identify potential impacts. Based on this analysis,the new project will generate a maximum of 80 vehicle trips at a.m. and p.m. peak hours as compared to 15 peak hour vehicle trips for existing uses on the site. The Andrews left turn movement would not be expected to exceed four vehicles stacked at any one time and then only durin§ worse case conditions. Also, the peak hours of the existing traffic patterns (7-g and 4-6) are anticipated to be different from those of the proposed center. Additionally, special land use restrictions have been applied to prohibit auto parts, convenience and other "peak hour" traffic generating uses. ',,Ihile impacts are not expected to be significant, these conditions have been applied to reduce potential traffic hazards. Conditions discussed under mitigation will reduce worse case conditons which could result in minor irritations. The project has been designed to provide on-site parking to accommodate all parking demand in conformance with the Tustin Zoning Code requirements. The project includes parking on-site spaces at a ratio of 200 square feet for every one parking space. Initial Study 9R 89-27 Exhi bi t A Page seven Sources: - Tustin Parking Requirements - Site Plan - Conditions of Approval - Traffic Engineer's Report Mitigation and Monitoring Required: As conditions of approval, the Traffic Engineer has suggested that the Mai~ Street pavement markers be revised to prohibit left turn movements, from and into the Main Street access drive. &dditionally, conditions of aproval have been applied to the project to address visibility, accessability and turn movements related to the project as follows: 1. The northerly access drive shall be realigned to a gO° angle access. e Installation of "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION" signs at the Newport Avenue and Andrews Street intersection ~re required. A minimum of two "NOT A THROUGH STREET" signs sqall be posted on Andrews Street. The actual number 'and locations of these signs s~all be determined ny the traffic engineer. All signs shall be posted prior tn ~uilding permit issuance and t!~e cost for these signs shall be paid for hy the developer by filing a cash deposit in the appropriate amount for such imprnvements with the City Public Works Department. 3. Red curbs shall be installed along Newport Avenue from the second driveway south of .~ndrews Street (professional office building entry) up to the northerly access drive on ~ain Street (project entry on Hain). Additionally, red curbing along the north side of Andrews Street between the easterly project ~roperty line to Newport Avenue shall be installed. The traffic engineer shall determine whether or not some limited parking will be provided on the north side of Andrews Street either for vehicle loading p~rposes (maximum 20 minute parking) or unlimited parking. All red curbing shall he installed prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy and all costs for the work shall be paid for by the developer by filing a cash deposit in the appropriate amount for such improvements with the City Public Works Department. "KEEP CLEAR" markings and 12 inch wide boundary bars shall be placed on the north and south bound lanes on Newport Avenue prior to building permit issuance and the cost for such shall be the responsibility of the developer by filing a cas.q deposit in the appropriate amount for such improvements with the City Public ~orks Department. Be The applicant shall provide a construction traffic routing plan to the City Public Works Director for review and approval prior to issuance of building permit. Initial Study DR 89-27 Exhibit A Page eight 6. To ensure that the proposed traffic enhancements are effective, the Public Works Department shall review the traffic patterns periodically to determine whether or not illuminated caution lights or signs are needed to protect the left turn movements at Andrews Street. Periodic police enforcement of the "Keep Clear" signs may, also be required if determined to be necessary hy the Traffic Engineer. Any required improvement costs shall be the responsibility of the developer and deposited in the appropriate amount for such improvements with the City Public Works Department. Items D .through F - "No": The project will not require the re-routing of existing surface, water, rail or airborn transportation systems since no changes are required to facilitate the proposed use. Sources: - Site Plan m i - Tustin Zoning Map - Tustin Master Plan of Arterial Highways Monitoring Required: None required. 14 and 16. Public Services and Utilities Items A through E - "No"' The proposed use does not requ-ire substantial concentration of or increase in the provision of Public Services. This is due to the size, type, location and condition of the property. Many utilities such as water, drainage and other services are already provided to the premises. Sources' - Code Enforcement Records - Site/Elevation Plans - Design Review Committee Comlnents Monit,orilng' Rec)uired: None Item F - "Maybe": While it is apparent that an existing visibility and access h'azard exists at Andrews Street and since numerous driveways enter the site, the proposed project will by mitigation as in item 13 above or by design (reducing the number of driveways) reduce or eliminate potential traffic hazards. Source: - Traffic Engineer - Site Plan Monitoring)I Rec~ui.l. red- See Items A and B above. 15. Energy Items A and B - "No": The project includes retail commercial use which, by nature, does 6o pl~e~ent aI 6hreat of reduction in or significant use of Energy Resources. The project size also is relatively small and should not pose a significant impact to Engery Resources. Initial Study DR 89-27 Exhibit A Page ni ne Sources' - Use Permit Application - Site/Floor Plans Mitigation and Monitoring i.Requl.ired' None 17. Human Health Items A and B - "No"' As noted previously, the proposed land use does not involve use of any known hazardous materials or explosives. The project design proposes convential construction of a retail center which should not expose people to any health hazards. The structure will be reviewed for conformance with all applicable Building Codes prior to construction. Since one of the existing properties on the proposed site contain an abandoned gas station, the County Health l)epartment will require a clearance of the soil conditions and clean up of any hazardous wastes and contaminated soils o--n the site to meet State and Federal law. Sources' - Site/Elevation Plan - Use Permit Application Monitoring Required: As a condition of approval, the pro,ject will he plan checked and approved by the Building Official prior to construction. All construction activities on site will be regularly inspe6ted by the City Suilding Inspector prior to occupancy. Prior to releasing a grading permit, a soil report will be required with clearance from the County Health Department that there are no hazardous wastes or contaminated soils on the property. 18. Aestheti cs "No": The project is not located along a scenic corridor or within a special design or resource district. However, the project design features have been created to make the project compatible with its surroundings by use of colors, materials, architectural features and site design elements which are common to the area. Sources' - Site/Elevation Plans - South Central Redevelopment Plan - General Plan (Scenic Highways Element) Miti§ation and Monitoring Required- None 19. Recreati on "No"' The proposed project is not on or adjacent to any recreation facility. The project will not include residential uses which could substantially increase or impact recreational needs in the area. Source' - Use Permit Application - City of Tustin General Plan Land Use Map Initial Study DR 89-27 Exhibit A Page ten Mitioation and Monitorin9 Required: None 20. Cultural Resources Items A throu~)h D - "No"' The project site is not located in an area known as an arc'h'leological resource. Existing land uses, as well as the project design would preclude disturbance of any underground resources..: Sources: - Property Building Permit Fees - Temporary Use Permits - Tustin Area Historic Resources Survey - Field Site Inspection (June 9, 1989) Monitorin9 .ReqUlired· None 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance Item A - "No": Based upon the responses to items 1-20 in this initial study, the review of"cilt~/ files, records and documents and the nature of proposed project, the project is not anticipated to impact wildlife, fish, flora, fauna or cultural (historic) resources. Sources: - All sources listed in items 1-20 of this study Miti.~)ation and Monitori.ng Required: None Item B - "No' The proposed project, due to its proposed" size, location and land u's'e, is in conformance with all applicable City Codes, requirements and regulations. The General Plan, South Central Redevelopment Plan and anticipated development in the area support development of such a project. With the proposed design elements, the project will be compatible with its surroundings. Sources' - Tustin Zoning Code and Development Requirements i ~ i - Tustin General Plan - South Central Redevelopment Plan Mitigation and Monitoring Required: None Initial Study DR 89-27 Exhibit A Page eleven Item C - "Maybe": In reference to the discussion in item 13 - Tr'a'nsp'ortation/circulation, the project will not significantly increase the demand for transportation facilities in the area, based on the size and proposed use of the project. However, certain existing traffic hazards will be corrected as much as feasibly possible as noted in item 13. Sources: - Design Review Committee Comments - Use Permit Application - Mi tigation and Conditions Proposed Monitoring Required' See item 13 - A through C Items D - "No": As discussed in this initial study any possible impacts associated wit'h 't'his project have been mitigated to a level of insignificance and a monitoring program for this mitigation is provided. Therefore, it is not anticipated that the project will directly or indirectly impact human health. Sources: Discussion, items 1-21 Monlitorin~) Rec)uired.' Refer to items 1-21 Section III: The environmental evaluation provided herein, attempts to fully identify, discuss and mitigate any impacts associated with the proposed development project. Considering the sources used, the proposed level of development and the mitigation and monitoring measures incorporated herein, staff has determined that any project impacts have been mitigated to a level of insignificance. LCK:pef Rpts/25 8 9 10 11 12' 13 14 15 lO 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 / 28 RESOLUTION NO. 89-101 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CERTIFYING THE FINAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION AS ADEQUATE FOR USE PERMIT 89-21, INCLUDING REQUIRED FINDINGS PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows' I. The City Council finds and determines as follows' A. Conditional Use Permit 89-21 is considered a "project" pursuant . to the terms of the California Environmental Quality Act. B. A Negative Declaration has been prepared for this project and has been distributed for public review. C. Whereby, the City Council of the City of Tustin has considered evidence presented by the Community Development Director and other interested parties with respect to the subject Negative Decl arati on. D. The City Council has evaluated the proposed final Negative Declaration and determined it to be adequate and complete. II. A Final Negative Declaration has been completed in compliance with CEQA and State guidelines. The City Council, having final approval authority over Conditional Use Permit 89-21, has received and considere,~ the information contained in the ~eqative ~)eclaration prior to apProving the proposed project and found that it adequately discussed the environmental effects of the proposed project. On the basis of the initial study and comments received during the public review process, the City Council has found that there is no substantial evidence that there will be any significant adverse environmental effects as a result of the approval of the project because mitigation measures identified in the Negative Declaration have been incorporated into the project which mitigates any potential mitigation measures significant environmental effects to a point of insignificance identified in Exhibit A to the attached Negative Declaration and initial study are adopted as conditions of Resolution No. 89-101, incorporated herein by reference. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the day of , 1989. MaLry E. Wy'nh City C1 erk Ursu"l a 'E. Kennedy Mayor 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 19 21 23 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 89-102 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING A DEVELOP~ENT PLAN (USE PERMIT 89-21) FOR A RETAIL CENTER ON A SITE IN PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (PC-C) FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF NEWPORT AVENUE AND MAIN STREET, 13662 NEWPORT AVENUE. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: Ao That a proper application, Use Permit No. 89-21 has been filed on behalf of Champion Development requesting approval of a development plan for a retail center totaling approximately 18,200 square feet located at 13662 Newport Avenue on property legally described as Assessor Parcel numbers 500-171-1 through 3. B. A public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on June 26, 1989 and on July 17, 1989. C. That establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, as evidenced by the following findings: lo The use applied for is in conformance with the requirements of the Tustin General Plan. 0 The use applied for is in conformance with the requirements of the Tustin Zoning Code. e The project has been designed to be architecturally compatible wi th the area. e The proposed development conforms with the established guidelines for development of Planned Community Commercial properties as established by. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2411. D. That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin, and should be granted. 2 Resolution No. 89-102 3 Page two 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Ee Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official and State of California, Fire Code as administered by the Orange County Fire Marshal, and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. Fe A negative declaration has been filed in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act. Go Final development plans shall require the review and approval of the Community Development Department. 1(; 19~ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 II. The City Council hereby approves Conditional Use Permit No. 89-21 approving the development plan for a retail commercial center at the southeasterly corner of Newport Avenue at qain Street, 13662 Newport Avenue, subject to all conditions contained in Exhibit A attached hereto and hereby repeals all conditions established by Planning Commission Resolution No. 2635. PASSED AND ADOPTE~) at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the day of _ , 1929. ~rsula E". Kennedy May o r Mary E. ~ynn City C1 erk EXHIBIT A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 89-21 RESOLUTION NO. 89-102 GENERAL (1) 1.1 The proposed project shall substantially conform with the submitted site plan and development plans for the project date stamped July 17, 1989 on file with the Community Development Department, as herein modified, or as modified by the Director of Community Development Department in accordance with this exhibit. Submitted plans constitute the approved development plan and, except as modified herein, shall not be modified without prior approval of an amendment to this Use Permit. (1) 1.2 Unless otherwise specifi'ed, the conditions contained in this exhibit shall be complied with prior to the issuance of a building permit for the project, subject to review and approval hy the Community Development Department. All conditions of Planning Commission Resolution No. 2635 are considered null and void. * 1.3 ParKing for the proposed commercial center shall be maintained as (2) follows: I parking space per 200 square feet of retail use. I parking space per 3 seats for restaurant uses. (8) 1.4 The.uses authorized by the approv'al of Use Permit 89-21 are as follows: a. A minimum of 75% of the building floor area shall be devoted to retail sales establishments. b. The type of uses allowed in the project shall substantially conform to those uses authorized in the C-2 Zoning district except for those uses specifically prohibited in this resolution. .All uses which require a Use Permit as listed in the C-2 zoning district will also require a conditional use permit for this site. c. Prohibited Uses: Medical, dental and/or chiropractic offices, auto repair or retail auto parts sales or installation, schools or training facilities, laundromats, convenience or liquor stores, arcades, or other gaming establishments. These uses are prohibited to ensure compatibility of land uses with the adjacent residential properties, ensure compliance with the parking requirements listed herein and to comply with the requirements of Planning Commission Resolution No. 2411. SOURCE CODES (1) STANDARD CONDITION (2) ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION (3) UNIFORM BUILDING CODE/S (4) DESIGN REVIEW *** EXCEPTION (5) SPECIFIC PLAN (6) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREMENT (7) LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (8) PC/CC/ POLICY Exhibit A Resolution No. 89-102 Page two 1.5 Use permit approval shall become null and void unless all building permits for the project are issued within one year of the date on this exhibit and substantial construction is underway. 1.6 The applicant shall execute and file an agreement with the Public !~lorks department agreeing to maintain all landscaping in the public parkways adjacent to the site. 1.7 A covenant agreement to hold the parcels together as one shall be prepared and reviewed by the Community Development Department, and recorded against the subject properties prior to issuance of any structural building permits for the project. 1.8 The southerly handicap parking spaces shall be moved further north on the site to avoid vehicle stacking problems. (2) 1.9 The applicant shall obtain approval from the South Coast Air Quality Hanagement District and prepare any plans in accordance with Regulation 15 prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the building. GRAD ! N,G/DRA! NAGE /PUBL !C ,NOR, KS 2.1 At building plan check, submit prior to issuance of building permits as fo 11 ows' (3) A. Construction plans, structural calculations, and title 24 energy calculations shall be submitted for all improvements. Requirements of the Uniform Building Codes, State Handicap and Energy Requirements shall be complied with as approved by the ~uilding Official. Plans should reflect architectural details and elevations for all structures, walls, enclosures and any other construction level drawings necessary to accurately reflect all proposed construct i on. (3) B. Provide preliminary technical detail and plans for all utility installations including cable TV, telephone, gas, water and electricity. Additionally, a note on plans shall be included stating that no field changes shall be made without corrections submitted to and approved by the Community Development Department. (3) C. Provide technical drawings for electrical, plumbing and mechanical installation. Exhibit A Resolution No. 2635 Pa ge t h ree (3) (3) (1) (6) (6) * (6) * (1) (2) (1) D. Final grading and speci.fications consistent with the site plan and the Orange County Surveyor's Bench mark datum and prepared hy a registered civil engineer for approval of the Community Development Department. ED ~ precise soils engineering report provided by a soils engineer within the previous twelve (12) months. F® Presentation of a sedimentation and erosion control plan for all construction work related to the subject parcel including a method of control to prevent dust and windblown earth problems. The plan shall be reviewed and approved prior to rough grading of the site. Ge Information, plans and/or specifications to ensure satisfaction of all Public Works Department requirements including but not limited to: le Dedication of all required street vehicular access rights, sewer easements and water easements defined and approached as to specific location by the City Engineer and other responsible agencies. e The construction of any new on-site fire hydrants will require a detector check within an easement per City Standard No. 129. A legal description and sketch of the easement areas along with a copy of the latest vesting for this property shall be submitted to the Engineering Division for review and preparation of an easement deed. Said deed must be executed by the property owner prior to any approvals/permits from the Engineering Division. ® Construction or replacement of all missing or damaged public improvements will be required and shall include but not be limited to the following: a. Curb and gutter b. Si dewal k c. Wheelchair ramp d. A.C. pavement e. Street lights f. Domestic water service g. Fi re hydrant/fi re service (if required by O.C. Fi re Marshal) h. Sanitary sewer lateral ® Separate street improvement plans (24" x 36" sheet) are required for all work within the public right-of-way and all construction items referenced to the City Standard drawing number. Exhi bit A Resolution No. 89-102 Page four (1) (6) (6) (6) Be If a detector check is required, it will need to ,he constructed behind the right-of-way line within an easement to the City per Standard Plan No. 129. e All in§ress/egress via Main Street driveway shall be limited to right turn movements only. 7. Applicant shall be responsible for pavement markings along Main Street to accomodate the channelization which will prohibit left turn movements to and from the ~,lain Street driveway. All pavement marking will be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. ® Clear sight triangles 20' x 20' shall be maintained at each access drive. In particular, no landscaping signs or vegetation between 3' and 8' above the gutter line shall be installed. 9. The northerly access drive shall be reoriented to a 90° angle. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Orange County Fire Harshal, including required fire flow, installation where required of fire hydrants subject to approval as to location by the Fire Department, City of Tustin Public Works Department, Tustin Water Works and compliance with all requirements pertaining to construction as follows: 1. Prior to issuance of building permits for combustihle construction, evidence that adequate water supply and operational fi re hydrants are available for fi re protection shall be submitted and approved by the Orange County Fire Marshal. The applicant shall also submit water improvement plans for approval of the Fire Marshal. 2. All required Orange County Fire Department signs shall be posted and designed in accordance with the Orange County Fire Department requirements. 3. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, plans for commercial fi re extinguishing system shall be approved by the Fire Chief. Such systems shall be operational prior to the issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy. 2.2 Any underground gasoline tanks shall be removed and any toxic soils or substances removed from the site in accordance with the County of Orange Hazardous Materials Division requirements, prior to issuance of building permits. Exhi bit A Resolution No. 89-102 Page fi ve 2.3 In addition to restricting left turn movements on the Main Street access, certain pavement markings, signs and street improvements shall be installed as determined by the City Traffic Engineer as follows: 1. The northerly access drive shall be realigned to a gO° angle access. 2. Installation of "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION" signs at the Newport Avenue and Andrews' Street intersection are required. A minimum of two "N()T A THROUGH STREET" signs shall be posted on Andrews Street. The actual number and locations of these signs shall be determined by the traffic engineer. All signs shall be posted prior to building permit issuance and the cost for these signs shall be paid for by the developer by filing a cash deposit in the appropriate amount for such improvements with the City Public Works Department. e Red curbs shall be installed along Newport Avenue from the second driveway south of Andrews Street (professional office building entry) up to the northerly access drive on Main Street (project entry on Main). Additionally, red curbing along the north side of Andrews Street between the easterly project property line to Newport Avenue shall be installed. The traffic engineer shall determine whether or not some limited parking w-ill be provided on the north side of Andrews Street either for vehicle loading purposes (maximum 20 minute parking) or unlimited parkiqg. All red curbing shall be installed prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy and all costs for the work shall be paid for by the developer by filing a cash deposit in the appropriate amount for such improvements with the City Public. ',~Jork s !])epa rtment. "KEEP CLEAR" markings and 12 inch wide boundary bars shall he placed on the north and south bound lanes on Newport Avenue prior to building permit issuance and the cost for such shall be the responsibility of the developer by filing a cash deposit in the appropriate amount for such improvements with the City Public '~orks Department. e The applicant shall provide a construction traffic routing plan to the City Public Works Director for review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. e To ensure that the proposed traffic enhancements are effective, the Publ i c Works Department shal 1 review the t raffi c patterns periodically to determine whether or not illuminated caution lights or signs are needed to protect the left turn movements at Andrews Street. Periodic police enforcement of the "Keep Clear" signs may al so be required if determined to be necessary by the Traffic Engineer. Any required improvement costs shall be the responsibility of the developer and deposited in the appropriate amount for such improvements with the City Public Works Department. Exhibit A Resolution No. 89-102 Page six NOISE (1) 3.1 All construction operations including engine warm up shall be subject to (2) the provisions of the City of Tustin Noise Ordinance and shall take place only during the hours of 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday unless the Building Official determines that said activity will be in substantial conformance with the Noise Ordinance and the public health and safety will not be impaired subject to application being made at the time the permit for the work is awarded or during progress of the work. FEES (1) 4.1 Prior to issuance of any building permits, payment shall be made of all required fees including: A. i'4aj or thorou§hfare and bridge fees to Tustin Public t-lorks Department. Sanitary sewer connection fee to Orange County Sanitation District. C. Grading plan checks and permit fees to the Community Development Department. D. All applicable Building plan check and permit fees to the Community Development Department. E. New development fees to the Con~unity Development Department. F. School facilities fee to the Tustin Unified School District. SI TE AND BU I LDI NG COND I T IONS (1) 5.1 All improvements, materials and colors shall substantially conform to the (4) approved plans, date stamped July 17, 1989 any changes shall be subject to review and approval of the Director of the Community Development Department. All exterior treatments must be coordinated with regard to color, materials and detailing and noted on submitted construction plans and elevations shall indicate all colors and materials to be used. (4) 5.2 The actual finished textures on proposed pre-cast concrete columns shall be subject to review and approval of the Community Development Department. In the event the proposed treatment is unacceptable, the Community Development Department may require that the columns he stuccoed to match the building. Exhibit A Resolution No. 89-102 Page seven (1) 5.3 The exact color and stucco finish to be utilized on exterior building (4) walls, and the color on window frames shall be subject to approval of the Director of Community Development. The Community Development Department would su!l!.)est lighting up exterior wall elevation colors in a slightly lighter shade in the earthtone range. (1) 5.4 Note on plans that a six foot high chain linked fence shall be installed around the site prior to building construction stages. Gated entrances shall be permitted along the perimeter of the site for construction vehicles and shall be locked during non-construction hours to prevent theft and unauthorized entry. (1) 5.5 All mechanical and electrical fixtures and equipment shall he adequately (4) and decoratively screened. The screen shall be considered as an element of the overall design of the project and shall blend with the architectural design of buildings. All telephone and electrical boxes shall be indicated on the building plans and shall be completely screened. Electrical transformers shall be located toward the interior of the project maintaining a sufficient distance from frontage of the project and shall not be located in any landscaping setback and adjacent t o st reet. (1) 5.6 Submit detail for all on-site walls to be contructed by developer. Show (4) type of wall cap and color, exterior materials and decorative treatment of all exposed walls. Design of walls/fences shall be subject to final approval of the Community Development Department and should be consistent with main building treatments. (1) 5.7 Provide details on lighting scheme for project. Note final locations of (3) all exterior lights. All lighting fixtures shall be of ornamental design (4) and shall be located or designed so to direct rays of )ight so they do not shine on adjacent properties. (4) 5.8 Provide structural details, colors and materials for trash enclosure. The trash enclosures shall be architecturally treated to match the buildings and shall have solid metal gates. (1) 5.9 All roof drains shall he internal and not visible on building (4) elevations. All roof drains shall be designed so that run-off is properly drained into concrete swales. 5.10 Note on plans that utilities serving site to be underground. Show all above ground locations for meters, transformers, manifolds and details for screening. Transformers shall not be permitted within setback areas. 5.11 An access agreement reviewed and approved by the City and recorded with the easterly property owners shall be approved and recorded on the deeds to the properties prior to issuance of building permits. A routing plan for the residents' interim access during construction shall be provided prior to issuance of building permits. Exhibit A Resolution No. 89-102 Page eight (1) 5.12 A complete, detailed project sign program including design, location, (3) sizes, color, and materials shall be submitted for review and approval by the Department of Community Development. The sign program shall include . project identification, addressing and directional signs to direct autos to proper access, parking and loading and include any traffic restrictions. Any freestanding signs shall be 1.imited to one monument sign, maximum 6 feet in height consistent with architecture for the project. All other signs shall be in accordance to the Tustin Sign Code Section 9494. 5.13 The freestanding sign shall provide the name and address of the center. Address numerals shall be prominently displayed and be a minimum of 6" in height. 5.14 No signs will be permitted on the east facing building elevation. 5.15 Any mailbox detail shall indicate color and exterior treatment and design shall be consistent with exterior building design subject to approval of the Community Development Department and the Postal Service. LANDSCAPING, GROUNDS AND HARDSCAPE ELEMENTS (7) 6.1 At final plan check a completely detailed landscape and irrigation plan~ must be submitted for landscaping with whatever scale necessary to depict adequately what is occurring. Provide sufnmary table applying indexing identification to plant materials in their actual location. The plan and table must list botantical and common names, sizes, spacing, actual location and quality of the plant materials proposed. Show planting and berming details, soil preparation, staking, etc. The irrigation plan shall show location and control of backf)ow prevention devices, pipe size, sprinkler type, spacing and coverage. Details for all equipment must be provided. The Department of Community Development may request minor substitutions of plant materials or request additional sizing or quantity of materials during plan check. Note on landscaping plan that coverage of landscaping is subject to fi eld inspection at project completion by the Community Development Department. (7) 6.2 The submitted landscaping plans at plan check must reflect the following requirements: a) Turf is unacceptable for grades over 25%. A combination of planting materials must be used, ground cover on large areas alone is not b) A minimum 30" high earthen berm shall be provided along the Newport Avenue, Andrews and Main Street frontages wherever possible or alternative planting screening materials subject to approval of the Community Development Department. (7) 6.3 All newly planted trees shall be staked according to City standards. (7) 6.4 Shrubs shall be a minimum of 5 gallon size and shall be spaced a minimum of 2 feet on center when intended as screen planting. E×hi bit A Resolution No. 89-102 Page ni ne (7) 6.5 Ground cover shall be planted at 8 inches on center. (7) 6.6 When I gallon plant sizes are used the spacing may vary according to material s used. (7) 6.7 Up along fences and/or walls and equipment areas provide landscaping screening with shrubs, and or vines and trees on the northerly facing building frontage. (7) 6.8 Note on plans that all plant materials shall be installed in a healthy vigorous condition typical to the species. Also note that all landscaping must be maintained in a neat and healthy condition, this will include but not be limited to triming, mowing, weeding, removal of litter, fertilizing, regular watering, or replacement of disease or dead plants. (7) 6.9 In irrigation areas, controller to be enclosed in lnckable housing. Design irrigation systems to provide sufficient coverage as well as avoiding water overspray on buildings and sidewalks. Note of this requirement to he on plan check drawings. (7) 6.10 All landscaped planters shall be'contained by a minimum 6" high concrete curb. 6.11 Indicate details, colors, textures and materials for all paving and exterior walkways. Provide entry driveway treatments to enhance entrances to project utilizing colored interlocking pavers. Brick treatments should also be designed and integrated into exterior walkways on the project site (not in the public right-of-way) to create a reinforced pedestrian corridor that is more decorative. Concrete utilized on the walkways should also be integrally colored to improve appearance over time. 6.12 The landscape plan for the project shall be modified to incorporate the conditions contained and as follows- a. A minimum of four additional tree wells and trees shall be provided in the parking area to accomi~odate City's landscaping requirements with location subject to approval of the Director of Community Development. Please note that buildings shall he complimented by appropriately scaled landscaping. Please provide an upgrade of the palm species type to the same scale and species type utilized on 'the Tustin Plaza project across Newport Avenue. c. Steel pipe guards shall be decorative and subject to approval of the Community Development Department as to location and design. 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