HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 7 USE PERMIT 88-8 07-17-89TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY I"IANAGER COIIMUNITY DEVELOP)lENT DEPARTMENT RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL FOR AMENDIWlENT TO USE PEP, NIT 88-8 R£COHHENDATZON _ Adopt Resolution No. 89-77 approving an amendment to Use Permit 88-8. DISCUSS ION At their regular meeting on June 19, 1989, the City Council conducted a public hearing to consider an appeal for an amendment to Use Permit 88-8, to allow a 1,000 square foot dentist's office in a retail building at 17602 East Seventeenth Street, Suite 105, Building C. At that time the City Council approved the appeal and directed staff to prepare a resolution of approval with appropriate conditions. The attached Resolution No. 89-77 has been prepared with conditions to address Council's concerns as identified at the June 19th hearing. Senior P1 anner CAS:SR:jk Christine A. Shingleton~/ ' - v Director of Community Development Attachments: Resolution No. 89-77 Staff Report of June 19th 1 2 3 4 5 6 RESOLUTION NO. 89-77 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO USE PERMIT 88-8, AMENDING CONDITIONS 1.1, 1.3, 1.4 AND 1.8 OF EXHIBIT "A" TO PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2494, TO AUTHORIZE A MAXIMUM OF 31,885 SQUARE FEET OF OFFICE SPACE AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A 1,000 SQUARE FOOT DENTIST'S OFFICE WITHIN A RETAIL TENANT SPACE IN A COMMERCIAL CENTER LOCATED AT 17602 E. SEVENTEENTH STREET, SUITE 105. 9 The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows' 10 I. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application, for an Amendment to Use Permit No. 88-8 has been filed on behalf of Don Carter D.D.S. requesting to amend Conditions 1.4 and 1.8 of Exhibit "A" to Planning Commission Resolution No. 2494, to authorize a maximum of 31,885 square feet of office space and establishment of a 1,000 square foot dentist's office within a retail tenant space in a commercial center located at 17602 E. Seventeenth Street, Suite 105. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application on June 19, 1989. C. That establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for would not, under the'circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings: 1. The use would be compatible with the surrounding uses as they are all commercial in nature. 2. Adequate parking is available on site to provide for the dentist office use. D. The project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, pursuant to Section 15301a (Class 1). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 Resolution No. 89-77 Page two That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for would not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, and the general welfare of the City of Tustin, and should be granted. II. The City Council hereby approves an Amendment to Use Permit 88-8 amending conditions 1.1, 1.3, 1.4a and 1.8 of Exhibit A to Planning Commission Resolution No. 2494 of Use Permit 88-8 subject to the following conditions' All original conditions of approval contained within Exhibit A of Planning Commission Resolution No. 2494 shall remain in effect, except those modified herein. B. The applicant and property owner shall sign and return an agreement to the conditions imposed form as established by the Department of Community Development prior to issuance of permits for the dentist office improvements. C. Conditions 1.1, 1.3, 1.4a., and 1.8 of Exhibit A of Planning Commission Resolution' No. 2494 shall be revised to read as fo 11 ows' (~) 1.1 The proposed project shall substantially conform with the submitted site plan for the project date stamped May 9, 1988 on file with the Community Development Department as amended by the City Council on July 17, 1989, and as herein modified, or as modified by the Director of Community Development Department in accordance wi th this resolution. 1.3 Parking for the proposed commercial center shall be maintained as follows' (2) I parking space per 200' square feet of retail use. I parking space per 250 square feet of office use. I parking space per 3 seats for restaurant uses. i labeled/assigned parking space per 200 square feet of dental office which shall be located adjacent to Suite 105. The dental office use shall not create a parking need greater than the 5 spaces provided through limiting the number of employees and patients on-site at any one time to a combined total of five (including dentists, management, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution 89-77 Page three 1.4a Retail Buildings: All uses allowed in the C-1 and C-2 zone with a maximum of 1,000 square feet of dental office use to be located in Suite 105 only. · 1.8 Office uses shall not exceed 31,885 square feet of total gross floor area of the 62,254 square feet shown on the approved plans for the entire project. 30,885 square feet of non-medical office use shall be contained in Building D and a maximum of 1,000 square foot of dental use may be located in Suite 105 in Building C. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting on the day of , 1989. Mary Wynn, ,City Clerk Ursula E. Kennedy, Mayor , PUBLIC HEARING ~ '-' NO. 5 '' ' 6 1989 DATE: JUNE 19, 1989 '~,.~djr ~'~gP'~%~' ........ I TO: FROM: SUBJECT: · WILLIAN A. HUSTOM, CITY MAMAGER !...~,, ,, .: ~. ~.'~ ;i ~" CONHUNITY DEYELOPHENT DEPARTMENT APPEAL OF AHENDHENT TO USE YERHIT 88-8 APPLICANT: DON CARTER D.D. S 14711 CHESHIRE PLACE TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 ,, OkIIER: COLCO PROSPECT L.P. 17320 RED HILL IR~INE, CALIFORNIA 92714 LOCATION: 17602 EAST SEYENTEENTH STREET', SUITE 105 RECO~ENDATION It is recommended that the City Counctl adopt Resolution No. '89-77 denying the sub ject appeal. BACKGROUND i i · On Hay 9, 1988, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2494, approving Use Permit 88-8, authorizing the development of 30,155 square feet of commercial · retail space and a.30,885 square foot office building on a 4.0 acre site located on the south side of 17th Street, west of Prospect Avenue. Conditions No. 1.4 and 1.8 of Exhibit "A" to Resolution No. 2494 expressly prohibited medical and dental uses and limited office use to a maximum of 50% of the total floor area of the project. The applicant has requested authorization to establish a dentist's office in a 1,000 square foot commercial tenant space within the retail portion of the shopping center. Since the prop'*osed dentist's office is a medical use, and the office building portion of the project already takes up the maximum 50% floor area, an amendment to the approved use permit would be required. At their regular meeting on May '8, 1989,,-the Planning Commission adopted Resolution N'o. 2598 (attached) denying the requested amendment to Use Permit 88-8. DISCUSSION The primary reasons for originally prohibiting medical uses and limiting office space for the project was the limited amount of parking provided, and the Cl ty Counc11 Report, Appeal of Amendment to Use Permtt 88-8 June 19, 1989 Page t"wo standard requirement tn commercial districts that office space be 11mtted to of total floor area so as'to preserve revenue generating potential, Parking The parktng statistics for the project are as follows: 1 parktng space per 200 square feet of retat1 use (for 31,369 square feet of floor area *) i parktng space per 250 square feet of office use (.for 30,885 square feet of floor area) Total requtred parktng- 281 spaces * Total provtded parking- 284 spaces Parktng provtded beyond requirement - 3 spaces * (* - These ftgures dtffer from those provtded to the Plannlng Commission as the submitted stte plan was found to be Inconsistent wtth the approved workt~g' drawtngs after researching Butldtng 01vtston ftles.) The additional three parking spaces beyond the mtntmum requtred were provtded to accommodate restaurants .or food operations, whtch were expected to occupy the retat'l portton of the project (restaurants__have a greater parktng requirement ~than standard retatl uses at the rate of one space for each three seats). · · The ortgtnal use permtt specifically prohibited medtcal uses due to the htgh probability 'and anticipation of restaurant tenants, and the fact that adequate parking to accommodate medtcal uses was stmply not provided. To date, the Community Oevelopmen: Department has recelved 2 proposals for restaurants In the center (1~ok I~an and Lenny's Ptzza and Pasta), and has learned of the Intention of "Ruby's" restaurant to locate tn the subject center. Staff understands that "Ruby's" would be a large restaurant tenant wtth a large seattng capacity. Thts ts a use that would be desirable at thts location, and ts the type of use that was tntended for the retatl portton of the project at Its Inception. The three restaurants wtll requtre all of the 3 excess parktng spaces, tf not more. · Offtce Use Llmttatton~ . ii Use Pe~mtt 88-8 prohibited offtce use tn the retail portJon of the project based on the commercial dlstrfct standards' that. 11mtt offtce uses to a maximum of of the floor area of a project, Thts requirement ts tntended to preserve opportunity for commercial uses that generate sales tax revenue for the Ctty to compensate for the servtces provtded to 'these properties by the City, The subject development presently .contains 50~ of 1ts total floor area wtthtn the offtce building, The dentist's offtce proposed In the retatl space would exceed the 50~ 11mtt and reduce the opportunity for retat1 uses, The proposed medtcal use wlthtn the project would also requtre one of the 3 excess parking spaces Ctty Council Report Appeal of Amendment to Use Permit 88-8 June 19, 1989 · P~ge three 'noted above, whtch would reduce the potential for envisioned'future restaurant .tenants tn the project. The crtterta for permitting office development wtthln commercial districts in excess of 50[ of a projects floor area requtres-a flndlng that the office use would be more compatible with surrounding land uses than commercial (retail) uses on the subject property. This finding is extremely difficult to make tn this case since the brlglnal project Intentionally separated offtce and retat1 uses. Staff does not believe that medical offices would be compatible with the commercial/retail portion of the center, and suggests that the use would be more appropriate in *the office portion of the project, if it were to be allowed in the center at all. An alternative available to the applicant would be to look for vacant space in existing office developments in the City's Professional Office (PR) District, such as along Irvine Boulevard, Yorba and 17th Street which are highly visible and have a large number of existing office vacancies. A dentist office in the PR zone would be consistent with other office uses. An additiona.1, concern with .an office use in a commercial/retail tenant space is the sign area requirement. The sign code permits a mmximum sign area of only ' six sq.uare feet for an office use (for tenant identification) while the commercial/retail us'es* in the center may have much larger signs. This fact raises an issue of design compatibility, a~-there would be a great' disparity of scale between the.~ppltcant's sign and those of neighboring tenants. CONCLUSTON ii Based on the above analysis, staff recommends that the City Council deny the appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of the Amendment to Use Permit 88-8 by adopting Resolution No. 89-77. In the event that the City Council wishes to authorize medical office uses on the site; staff would strongly recommend that the use be placed in the appropriate 30,000 square, foot office portion of the site. Eri c~~a .~...~a 1 and, Assistant Planner Christine A. Shl~gleton// Director of Community Development EH:CAS:ts:pef Attachments: Resolution No. 2494 Site Plan Resolutio.n No. 2598 Resolution No. 89-77