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February l, 1965
Meeting called to order at 7:"30 P.M. by M~yor Mack.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Mack,~K~ingelhofer, COcO, Ring, Miller.
City Attorney Rourke, present. ~
MINUTES Moved by Coco, seconded ~y Klingelhofer that Minutes
APPROVED of January 18th meeting be approvedasmailed and
corrected. Carried.
MINUTES OF MOved by ~lingelhofer, seconded by Ring that Minutes
SPECIAL MEET- of Special Meeting ~f January 27th, be approved~as
APPROVED mailed and received. Carried.
APPT. OF Mayor Mack announced the appointment of Mr. HatryE.
CITY ADMIN. Gill, as Tustin's first City Administrator - effective
HARRY GILL February 8th and introduced Mr. & Mrs. Gill.
ANNOUNCED Mr. Gill was then sworn in by City Clerk.
Mayor Mack stated that with the employment of the City
Administrator the offices of Commissioners would no
l~nger exiS~
64-141 Hearing opened at 7:37 P.M. to consider ZOne Change
FRANARGOFIN application 64-141 of Franargofin, to permit change
of zone from C-1 to C-2 on propertylocated on ~/~
corner of Laguns Road and Newport Avenue.
Mr. Haworth explained, location, surrounding zoning
and land uses, and recommendations of Planning
Commission for denial and uses permitted in C-2 that
are not permitted in C-1.
Mr. Walter Finley spoke on behalf of application.
There being no further comments, or objections, the
Hearing was declared closed st 7:45 P.M. and discussion
held by Council.
MOved by Coco, seconded by Ring that the Council sustain
the recommendations of the Planning Commission and
deny request of Franargofin for C-2 zoning.
Mr. Coco objected to the withdrawal of the second by
Mr. Ring - ruled that motion stands.
Mr. Finley requested a three month continuance of
Hearing to allow for submission of more definite plans.
64-141 Moved by Coco, seconded by Mack that motYon be amended
REFERRED BACK to refer application 64-141 back to the Planning
TO PLANNING Commission for rehearing April 12, 1965 for purpose
COMMISSION of receiving more precise p~ans for use of land.
Motion carried - Councilman Klingelhofer abstaining.
PLANS FOR Report from Chief Siseel regarding TAYC Dances referred
FENCING to Chief of Police and Parks and Recreation Commission
YOUTH CENTER for study of plans for fencing Youth Center Area and
AREA Chief to investigate cost of fencing.
3 69
Five minute recess called by Mayor Mack, Meeting
reconvened at 8:20 P.M.
Written report regarding County area connections
to City Sewer System presented with report end
recommendations regarding Tract 5415. Mr. Carlsen TRACT 5415
explained that the developer had been told in
1963 that the City had no restrictions on County
area connecting to City sewers.
After Council discussion and due to previous
commitments, it was moved by Ring, seconded by
Klingelhofer that Tract 5415 be allowed to connect TRACT 5415
to City Sewer Lines. Motion carried, Mr. Miller ALLOWED TO
voting No. CONNECT TO
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that Polisy
on connection to City Sewer lines be adopted as POLICY ON
amended. Carried. CONNECTION
1) The City will not accept sewage into, nor connection
with, its sewer lines from property not within the
territorial boundaries of the City except in the
following sltuations=
a. If the line to be connected is a Dart of the
system of Tustin Sewer Assessment'District
No. One and the assessment district is
activating previously dry sewers, permission
will be granted.
b. If the line to be connected is a part of any
other sewer assessment district system end a
City sewer line will be used as s link between
such other assessment district line and a
Sanitation District trunk line, permission
to connect shall be granted if those Properties
in the assessment district whose sewaRe will
flow through the City~line shall each pay to
the City of Tustin s connection fee equal to
the connection fee zo be paid by each of such
properties to the Sanitation District. City
shall hold said fees and upon completion of
annexation proceedings, shall pay said fees
to the record owner of the property as of the
date of completion of annexation proceedings,
without interest, if the property is annexed
to the City within five years from the date
the connection fees are paid, said fees shell
belong to City without right, title, claim,
or interest in shy other persons.
2)Trunk and sub-trunk sewers are excepted from the
provisions of this policy."
Moved by Klingethofer, seconded by Ring that Ordinance ORD. 274
No. 274, changeing zone of property on application ZC64-140
No. ZC64-140 of Tustin Elementary School District have TUSTIN
first reading by title only. Carried unanimously. ELEMENT.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer that Ordinance
No. 273, adopting the precise alignment of "B" St. ORD. 273
be read by title only. Carried unanimously. READ BY
ORD. 273 Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that '
PASSED AND Ordinance N0. 273 be passed an~ adopted. Carried.
ADOPTED by roll call - Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco,
Miller, Ring: Noes: None. Absent: None.
City Attorney ~eported on proposed Agreement covering
certain, work fQr realignment and improvements of
Holt Ave. Crossing and also that in the matter of
acquisition of property the Railroad desires not to __
take further action until'matter of Packing House
is resolved. Mr. Rourke recommended acquiring
property by any m~ans including eminent domain.
AGREEMENT Moved by Ring,l seconded by Klingelhofer that Mayor
WITH SOUTHERN and City Clerk be authorized to execute Agreement
PACIFIC CO. with Southern Pacific Company for installation of
certain work. -Carried. ·
Moved by Miller, seconded by CocoAthat the ~ity
Attorney be authorized to instigate proceedings to
acquire property for re-alignment of Holt Avenue by
eminent domain~ Carried.
In view of employment of City Administrator effective
February 8th, action on Building. Departmen~ ~olicy
Manual deferredto next regular meeting.
RESOL. 767 Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that Resolution
AMENDING 754 767, Amending Resolution 754, by adding Section 25,
GRATUITIES concernirg acceptance of gratuities by employees and
READ BY TITLE appointees of the City of Tustin, be read by title only.
Moved by Coco, that Resolution 767 be read }n its
entirety. Died for lack of second. '
Above motion to read Resolution 767 by title carried
RESOL. 767 Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that Resolution
PASSED AND 767 be passed and adopted. Carried byroll call -
ADOPTED Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Rir~. Noes:
None. Absent: None.
RESOL. 764 Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that Resolution
AMEND. OLD- 764, authorizing and directing the authorized agent to
AGE, SURVIVORS execute Amendment to Old-Age~ Survivors, and Disability
INS. AGREE. Insurance Agreement with the State of California, be
read by title only. Carried unanimously.
RESOL. 764 Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that Resolution
PASSED AND No. 764 be~psssed and adopted. C~rried by roll call -
ADOPTED Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes:
None. Absent: None.
VALENCIA, AVE. Written report from Mr. Wheelock regarding Valencia
SEWER REIMB. Avenue Sewer Reimbursemenz AgreemenZ with Santa Fe'Land
AGREE. WITH Improvement Co. presented. Report explained Special
SANTA FE LAND Account in excess of $70,000.00 as a result of sewer
IMPROVEMENT CO. connection charges and that this' money may be expended
for trunk and sub-trunk lines only.
Moved by Miller, secondedlby Ring that Mayor and City
Clerk be authorized to execuze the Sewerage Facility
Reimbursement Agreement between Santa Fe Land Improvement
Co. and the City of Tustin. Carried.
3'7 1
Letter3read by clerk from Parks and Recreation JACOBSEN
Commission recommending approval of Chamber of MEMORIAL
Commerce proposed Jacobsen Memorial Project CONDITIONS
subject to conditions.that the Chamber provide
financial assurance that project will be satisfactorily
completed and that project include sprinkler
Bob Adams, representing the Chamber of Commerce,
stated that money is available and completion
date is set for February 26th.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Ring that recommendations
of Parks and RecreaTion Commission for approval
of proposed Jacobsen Memorial be approved subject
To letter dated January 29th. Carried.
Report. from Mr. Wheelock regarding Railroad Protection
at First and Newport presented
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that
Railroad ProTection at First and Newport be deferred
to next regular meeting. Carried.
Date of February l?th set for Workshop between the
CounCil, Administrator, Parks and Recreation
Commission, end Planning Commission. Time and
place to be announced at a later date.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Miller that PLANNING DIR.
Planning Director be authorized ~o attend American TO ATTEND
Institute of Planners Convention February 10th AMERICAN INST
thru 13th - expenditure not to exceed $50.00 - OF PLANNERS
carried. CONVENT. ION
MoVed by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that
Mr. Robert Marcum be paid Plan Check fee of
$174.75 for'work done out of the office carried.
Moved by Ring, seconded by Klingelhofer that CORR.
correspondence be received and filed. Carried.
Moved by Ring, seconded by Klingelhofer that bills BILLS
to the amount of $4,783.89 be p~id. Carried.
Santa ~ns Office Supply Co ..................... $ 46.07
Dennis_.Printers and Stationers .................. 10~91
Coast mnvelope Co ........ ~ ...................... 16
Stratin Co. (200-Ref.Dep. Signs) ............. 300.00
Western Plumbing Officials Association .......... 35.00
International Conference of Bldg. Officials ..... 10.00
Instructional Materisis Laboratory .............. 1.88
National Fire Protection Association ............ 1.50
Oklahoma State University (Fire Protection) ..... 4.00
Bradfield Sheet Metal ........................... 18.41
L.L. & G. Auto Parts, Inc ....................... 64.96
Fire Depar~men~ - Les Johnson ................... 132.00
De~mond's ...................................... 20.80
Robert E. Cru~ley~ ........................... ~8.04
Zoning Bulletin ................................ 15.00
Ted B. Adsit - Planning Consultant ............. 140.30
Sterling Art & Engineering SuppiLes ............ 2.08
Edward E. Haworth (Auto Allow.) ............ $ 50.00
James E. Taylor (Auto Allow) .............. 50.00
Fred V. Brook, Jr. (~uto Allow) ............ 50.00
John W. Coffey (Auto Allow) ............... 50.00
William L. Carnshan (Auto Allow) ........... 50.00
Buel ~; Williamson (Auto Allow) ............ 45.00
Halprin Supply Co .......................... 21.65
The Akron .................................. 218.33
B Calif. Sta~e Firomens Associaulon .......... 69.70
I First Western Bank (Utilities) ............. 458.73
L Pierce Dickenson Enterprises ............... 81.68
L Mass Products Comoany, Inc.- ............... 38.1~
S Valley Consultants, Inc .................... 378.00
Hsrd~ & Hatper, Inc ........................ 1,050.72
The Engineer ............ i .......... i ....... 9.60
Santa Aria Blue Print Co .................... 10.56
County of Orange ........................... 404.60
Thermo-Fax Sales Incorporated .............. 35.00
The Tustin News ............................ 188.82
Ruth C. Poe (Petty Cash] ................... 46.5~
Van Hove Garsge ........................... 268.26
Random House .............................. 2.95
Northwestern University Library ............ 1.50
City Plan. Comm., Norwalk, Conn.- .......... 1.00
City Plan. Comm., Sumtot, S.C.- ............ 1.00
City Plan. Comm., Redwood .City, Calif ...... 2.00
Insurance Inc .............................. 199.50
City of Claremont, Plan Conference ........ 3.50
Total $ ~,783-89
DEPT. Mayor Mack Commended Mr. Brook and Staff for Building
COMMENDED Department Symposium presented Saturday, January 30th.
PERSONNEL Mayor Mack sdjourned open portion of meeting for
SESSION ~ersonnel session and declared a l0 minute recess '-
meeting reconvened st 9:35 P.M.
FOR PLANN. Moved by Coco, seconded by Ring that Salary Range of
TECH. Plannning Technicisn which is now 12-A be changed to
CHANGED 13_A-effective March l, 1965. Carried.
Moved by Ring, seconded by Miller that Ruth C. Poe,
City Clerk and Secretary of Planning Commission be
apDoint~d Deputy Purchasin~ Agent and Deputy Personnel
Directbr with same salary as previously received for these
primsry positions. Carried.
CITY ADMIN..Moved by Miller, seconded by R~'ng ,,i~oi~' discussion that City
REIM. · Administrator be reimburse~ mileage~ when engaged in City
MILEAGE -business, st the rste of 7~ per mile.
-Moved by Klingelhofer,' seconded by Coco that above mbtion
I be amended by striking out 7~ per mile and insert 10~
~ per mile. Carried.
City Clerk directed to find mileage performance ch8~ts.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Ring that meeting be adjourned.
Ca rr i e d.