HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD FOR ADOPTION 07-17-89 (3)./~ ~"=~ "!~ i!!]i'~:'~ ,~ ~ ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION DATE= JULY 1~, 1989 ~~~ A~~ -- ~~ J TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: /~)OPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 1096 ORDINANCE NO. 1026 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 88-01, PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE PLAN FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED IN SECTOR 7 and 11 OF THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AND NARRATIVE TEXTUAL AMENDMENTS TO THE SPECIFIC PLAN Backqround'. Ordinance No. 1026 had first reading and introduction at the June 19, 1989, City Council meeting. Recommendation'. M. O. - That Ordinance No. 1026 have second reading by title only. M. O. - That Ordinance No. 1026 be passed and adopted. (Roll Call Vote) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 1026 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 88-01, PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE PLAN FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED IN SECTOR 7 AND 11 OF THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AND NARRATIVE TEXTUAL AMENDMENTS TO THE SPECIFIC PLAN. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby ordain as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows' A® Section 3.14 of the East Tustin Specific Plan provides that amendments to the East Tustin Specific Plan shall be initiated and processed in the same manner set forth by the City Code for amending the City Zoning Ordinance. B. That a proper application has been filed by the Irvine Company for the purpose of making certain Specific Plan Land Use Plan amendments on certain property generally located in Sector 7 and 11 of the East Tustin Specific Plan. The portion of the project site located in Sector 7 is northwest of the intersection of I rvine Boulevard and Jamboree Road. The portion of the project site within Sector 11 is bounded by Irvine Boulevard on the north, Myford Road. on the east, Heritage Way on the south and Tustin Ranch Road on the west. In addition to proposed Land Use Plan amendments, narrative amendments are also proposed to establish textual consistency in the Plan with the proposed map amendments. C. A public hearing before the Planning Commission was duly noticed, called and held on June 19, 1989. D. The East Tustin Specific Plan Amendments have been reviewed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act and Addendum 89-01 to East Tustin Specific Plan EIR 85-02 has been prepared. E. The proposed East Tustin Specific Plan Amendments is in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare and would be compatible with the existing and surrounding uses. F. The proposed East Tustin Specific Plan Amendments will establish consistency with General Plan Amendment 89-02(c) and Zone Change 88-02. II. The City Council does hereby approve East Tustin Specific Plan Amendment 88-01. Textual amendments are shown on Exhibit A and map amendments are shown on Exhibit B and can be more specifically described as follows- A. Change the easterly 10 acre portion of the former high school 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 1026 Page two Be Co site located at Irvlne Boulevard and New Myford Road in Sector 11 of the East Tustin Specific Plan from a High School (HS) designation to a Medium High Density (MH) designation; Change the 16 acre Community Park (CP) designation in Sector 11 to the High School (HS) designation; and Change the designation of a former 20 acre site located adjacent to Jamboree Road north of future Keller Drive in Sector 7 from Medium High Residential (MH) to Community Park (CP). PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting on the day of , 1989. Orsula Eli I,, K6nnedy, Mayor Mary Wy'~nI, City Clerk EXHIBIT A TO O~INANCE NO. 1026 TEXT 1~ODIFICATIONS Table 2.1 Statistical Summary. Land Use Designation Acreage Residential Estate (up to 2 du/ac) Low (up to 5 du/ac) Medium Low (up to 10 du/ac) ,Medium (up to 18 du/ac) Medium-High (up to 25 du/ac) 415 287 5O ~9 222 7t7 ~ Open Space Public Neighborhood Parks* Community Parks Golf Course 150 Commerc i al/Bus i ness Neighborhood Commerci al General Commercial Mi xed Use 10 31 121 Institutional Elementary Schools* Intermediate Schools High School 58 15 40 Other Uses Roads (arterial and major only**) 101 Certain park and school site acreages have not been establ ished. Such acreage will be taken from residential land use area. ** Acreage for all roads other than arterial and major roads, has been included in the acreage for the surrounding land uses. Residential Land Use: The Land use Plan designates five residential categories, each of which has maximum density. Residential densities are controlled in all of the following:- land use areas, sectors and the Specific Plan Area. For any residential subdivision map the maximum density range cannot be exceeded for a particular land use area. Lower densities will be permitted in any area. The boundaries and acreage of the land use areas shown on the Land Use Plan are approximate and will be precisely determined in the future when subdivision Maps are reviewed. The land use areas described within each sector, are subject to the policies specific to a given sector. These policies are outlined in Sect~,--,~ 9_.14. 2-2 The total number of ~lling units, for the overa ~pecific Plan Area may not exceed 7,950 units. However, if the total allowau~e units in Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 are not constructed, the unbuilt units may be transferred to the Specific Plan Area in accordance with the provisions of the following paragraphs. ., The total number of dwelling units in each Sector may not exceed the figures specified Table 2.4. If'a sector is developed with less than the maximum number of units permitted within the sector, then a transfer of units will be permitted from sector to sector within the Specific Plan Area. These transfers will be closely monitored. When proposing unit transfers, compatibility with adajacent land use areas must be consi.dered. Specific requirements for allowing unit transfers and maximum unit increases in Sectors are outlined in the Development Standards in Section 3.0. Also, in Section 3.0 there are more definitive standards for development of each residential density category. Mixed Use Designation: The Land Use Plan designates 121 acres in the southeast corner of the site, in Sector 12 between Bryan Avenue and the I-5 Freeway, as a mixed use area. A 70-acre commercial center and hotel/motel will be developed in this area. Additional commercial uses or office and research and development uses may also be developed within this area. The Mixed Use designation permits flexibility for location and configuration of these uses. It also creates the opportunity for development to respond to future changes in economic and market forces. The Development Standards for the Mixed Use Area are defined in Section 3.0. Non-Residential Land Uses: The Land use Plan (LUP) includes a number of non- residential uses such as: (1) Schools, (2) Parks, (3) Open Space and Recreation Facilities, and (4) Commercial Land Use designations. These are summarized in the following table: - .. Table 2.2 Lanai Uses Integral to the LUP Institutional Use Quantity Approximate Total Acreage Intermediate School I 15 High School I 40 Community Park 3 2{7 41 Golf Course 1 15-6 Commercial/Business Use General Commercial Neighborhood Commerci al 31 10 2-3 Table 2.3 Land Uses Anticipated in LUP Institutional' Use quant.ity Approximate Total Acreaqe Elementary School Public Neighborhood Parks Private Neighborhood Parks 3-6 ~3' Vari es * 8-10 3-4 * Vari es * * The exact number, location and size of private neighborhood parks will be established with subdi- vi sion maps. One high school site is reserved along Irvine Boulevard and cne junior high school site is designated for the area along Peters Canyon Wash in Sector 2. Five elementary school sites are to be distributed throughout the Specific Plan area, and one elementary school has been sited with an adjacent neighborhood park, which encompasses the redwood/cedar stand situated on Sector 3. Four other neighborhood parks are generally located in various sectors of the Plan. Three (3)community parks are more specifically located: they include an eight- acre site near the junior high school, a I6 20-ocre site, and a 13-acre site incorporating a knoll si.tuated south of Portola Parkway. Elementary and Intermediate school s and public neighborhood parks are symbolically illustrated on the Land Use Plan. Th~ specific sizes, location and numbers of these facilities will be determined in accordance with the provision of Subsection 2.8. '_ 2.2 Circulation The Circulation Plan, Exhibit D, illustrates the backbone vehicular circulation system for the Specific Plan area. This section describes the existing and plannec! arterial highway circulation system for the East Tustin Specific Plan. Established Arterial Highway Alignments Street City of Tustin Classification County of Orange Classification Irvine Boulevard Bryan Avenue Portol a Parkway Santa Ana Freeway Browning Avenue Future Road Myford Road Weir Canyon Road Major Major Primary Primary - Major* Freeway Freeway Secondary S econda ry Major* Major or Primary* Major* - - Primary Freeway* Eastern Transportation Corridor - E1 Camino Real Secondary * Conceptually Proposed 2-4 East Tustin.S tatistical 3malysis SECTOR Subtotal SECTOR 2 Subtotal SECTOR 3 Subtotal SECTOR 4 Subtotal SECTOR 5 Subtotal SECTOR 6 Subtotal SECTOR 7 Subtotal SECTOR 8 Subtotal Acreage 125 125 74 101 50 13 o 10 ** 15 ** 8 ** 271 6 08** 03** 17 118 118 98 18 116 31 31 132 10 ** 33 ** 150 436 77 26 o 10 ** o 4 ** 117 Land Use Maximum Density Estate Density Residential 2.0 du/ac Estate Density Residential Low Density Residential Medium Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Elementary School Junior High School Community Park 2 du/ac 5 du/ac 10 du/ac 18 du/ac Low Density Residential E1 ementary School Neighborhood Park 5 du/ac Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac Estate Density Residential Low Density Residential 2 du/ac 5 du/ac General Commercial Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac Medium High Density Residential 25 du/ac Elementary School Community Park Golf Course Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Elementary School Neighborhood Park 4 du/ac 18 du/ac 2-24 * Total Allowable Units 188 1,010 + 68 + 177 ,, 219 605 + 349 233 582 + SECTOR 9 Acreage Land Use Maximum Density 39 Low Density Residential 5 du/ac * Total A11 owab 1 e Units Subtotal SECTOR 10 46 Low Density Residential 5 du/ac 15 Medium Density Residential 1.8 du/ac o 10 ** Elementary School 156 Subtotal 71 405 + SECTOR 57 56' 40 10 ** 4 ** 10 Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac Medium High Density Residential 25 du/ac High School Elementary School Neighborhood Park Neighborhood Commercial Subtotal ~3 177 ' 1,540 + SECTOR 12 121 Mi xed Use Subtotal 121 7,950. *** . * Total allowable number of permitted units within a given sector may be increased if a sector unit transfer.occurs as described in Subsection 2.1. ** The precise acreage and locations of private and public neighborhood parks, elementary schools and intermediate schools will be determined as part of the review of the Sector Subdivision Maps as identified under Review Procedure Subsection 1.5 and consistent with policies established in Subsections 2.9 and 2.10 of the Specific Plan. *** If the maximum allowable units in Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 are not constructed, the unconstructed units may be transferred to [he Specific Plan area. This acreage figure is an estimated allocation for this land use. If it changes, other land use acreage allocations in the sector may change. However, the total allowable units for the sector will remain the same. Total Allowable Units assumes that if a school and/or a park currently designated for this sector are not built in this sector and that the acreage goes into residential use. If these facilities are constructed, the land use area density limitation may preclude construction of the total allowable 'sector units and such unbuilt units would be transferred to another sector. 2-25 Sector 7 This. is the largest of the 12 sectors in terms of acreage. The site is virtually flat and encompasses 436 acres. It is situated along the eastern boundary of the site and is bounded by Portola Parkway on· the north, Myford Road on the east, the Future Road on the west, and Irvine .Boulevard on the south. The site includes a hillside knoll located south of Portola Parkway, a visually prominent landform feature which contrasts with the flat topography within the rest of the Sector. Eucalyptus windrows occur along Peters Canyon Wash and in the easterly portion of the Sector. This area is planned to encompass a variety of residential densities to be developed around an 18-hole privately owned and operated golf course which is to be open for public play. Residential uses including medium and medium high densities are planned for this Sector. Densities generally decrease from east to west with the medium-high areas located along Myford Road. °_ _ Also planned for this area is an elementary school which has not been precisely located at this time, however., it is currently allocated for the southwest quadrant of this sector. The precise location and size of this school shall be determined as per Subsection 2.10 of this Specific Plan. A regional riding/hiking trail, and bikeway are planned in accordance with County Master Plans (Class I). The trail may be located away from Peters Canyon Wash in order to avoid conflicts with the golf course. The trail location in Sector 7 shown on the Land Use Plan (Exhibit C) following along arterial highways is conceptual and may be adjusted to meet specific site conditions and to ensure trail continuation in the adjoining City of Irvine. A neighborhood park has also been generally allocated for this same quadrant. The size and location of this park will be precisely determined as per Subsection 2.8. Finally, a 13-acre community park has been precisely located to encompass the knoll at the northern most end of the sector. Aa additio~za120 acre conunttnit~ park will be provided near the southeast corner of t/re sector. The following policies apply to Sector 7: A. The maximum number of dwelling units permitted within this sector are as shown in Table 2.4. B. The golf course as shown on the Land Use Plan illustrates a conceptual boundary. The precise edges of the golf course may vary as long as the 2-37 area of the oth~ esidential land uses remai~ nerally consistent with the Statistical ~ummary and that the relative location of residential land use are consistent with Exhibit ¢. There may be an adjustment of increased acreage from the minimum acreage of 150 to the golf course from that shown on the statistical summary. Any adjustment, however, shall be at the discretion of the landowner, 'and can encroach on the residential land use parcels within this sector. Such an adjustment would change acreages within those land use parcels, however, the total maximum number of units allowed within the sector will not be exceeded. The golf course provides a strong visual image within the sector as well as the whole community and visibility shall be provided from the arterial roadways, therefore the golf course shall .directly front on Myford Road, and Irvine Boulevard, and shall have at least two frontages on the Future Road. A minimum of '250-feet of lineal frontage shall be provided at each of these points. Incorporation of existing eucalyptus windrows shall be considered within the golf course. C. In addition to the specific submittal requirements for the Subdivision Map of this sector, refer to Section 1.5, a conceptual landscape plan for arterial roadways adjoining this Sector shall also be submitted'with the Subdivision Map for approval by the Director of Community Development, refer to Section 2.12 Implementation, for specific requi rments. D. A community park-shall be located along the edge south of Portola Parkway and shall include the n6rth side of the knoll located south of ~his road. Development policies related to this knoll are established in Section 2.13, Hillside District.Guidelines, Landform Modification. yin additional 20 acre Community Park shall be provided adjacent to Jamboree Road not'th of Irv#~e Boulevard. E. Where feasible and consistent with flood control requirements, the treatment of Peters Canyon Wash (Exhibit L) should retain a natural appearance by (1) minimizing concrete channelization such as vertical walls and concrete channel or trapezoidal soil cement; (2) retaining or replanting indigenous vegetation along the drainage course, and/or (3) locating the drainage course wil}hin open space areas. # 2-38 Sector 11 This sector consists of approximately 183 acres. It is bounded by the Future Road al ignment on the west, Irvine Boulevard on the north, Myford Road on the east, and Brya~ Avenue on the south. Several land uses are prOposed within this sector. The residential uses include medium de'nsity which is to be located in the.southwest quadrant of the sector. Medium high residential development is to be situated along the eastern boundary of the site encompassing the entire area between Bryan Avenue and Irvine Boulevard. A 40-acre site has been designated for a high school just south of Irvine .Boulevard. This will be centrally located to both Myford and the Future Road extension. A ~~i~ ~()xX )~ ~)t~ ~%~ ~~t% %~ %~i~ ~t '.~i~I. At the northeast corner of the sector, a lO-acre neighborhood commercial site has been planned at the intersection of Irvine Boulevard and Myford Road, an important entry point into the City from the east.-' An eTementary school has been generally lo~-ated between the medium and medium high residential development. The precise sizes and location of schools shall be determined as described in Subsection 2.10 of this Specific Plan. A neighborhood park has been generally located in the area of the medium residential development. The precise location of this park is to be determined as described in Subsection 2.8 of this S~ecific Plan. The following policies.apply to Sector 11: A. The maximum number of residential units permitted in this sector are as shown on Table 2.4. B. In addition to the specific submittal requirements for the Subdivision Map of this Sector, refer to Section 1.5, a conceptual landscape plan for arterial roadways within this Sector shall also be submitted with the Subdivision Map for approval by the Director of Community Development, refer to Section 2.12, Implementation for specific requirements. 2-43 ~). A buffer for the E1 Modena channel shall be provided. The methods for buffering shall include, but not be limited to fencing and landscaping. 2-44 SECTOR 1 Subtotal SECTOR 2 Subtotal SECTOR 3 Subtotal SECTOR 4 Subtotal SECTOR 5 Subtotal SECTOR 6 Subtotal SECTOR 7' Subtotal SECTOR 8 Subtotal Acreage 125 125 74 101 50 13 o 10 ** 15 ** 8 ** 271 6 08** 03** 17 118 118 98 18 116 31 31 132 0 10 ** I3 33 ** 150 436 77 26 .o 10 ** 0 4 ** 117 Maximum Land Use Density * Total A11 owab 1 e Units Estate Density Residential 2.0 du/ac 188 Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac Low Density Residential 5 du/ac Medium Low Density Residential 10 du/ac Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac Elementary School Junior High School · Community Park 1,010 + Low Dens i ty Res i dent i al Elementary School Neighborhood Park 5 du/ac 68 + Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac . 177 Estate Density Residential Low Density Residential 2 du/ac 5 du/ac 219 General Commercial Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac Medium High Density Residential 25 du/ac Elementary School Community Park Golf Course 3,605 + Low Dens i ty Res i dent i al Medium Density Residential E1 ementary School Neighborhood Park 3-13 4 du~ac 18 du/ac 349 233 582 + SECTOR 9 Acreage i 39 Land Use Low Density Residential Maximum Density 5 du/ac * Total Allowable Units Subtotal 39 156 SECTOR 10 Subtotal 46 15 o 10 ** 71 Low Dens i ty Res i dent i al Medium Density Residential E1 ementary School 5 du/ac 18 du/ac i i 405 + SECTOR 1! 57 ~¢ 56 4O o 10 ** o 4 ** 10 Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac Medium High Density Residential 25 du/ac High School Elementary School Neighborhood Park Neighborhood Commercial Subtotal I~3 177 1,540 + SECTOR 12 121 Mi xed Use Subtotal 121 7,950 *** _ * Total allowable number of permitted units within a given sector .may be increased if a sector unit transfer..occurs as described in Subsection 2.1. ** The precise acreage and locations of private and public neighborhood parks, elementary schools and intermediate schools will be determined as part of the review of the Sector Subdivision Maps as identified under Review Procedure Subsection 1.5 and consistent with policies established in Subsections 2.9 and 2.10 of the Specific Plan. *** If the maximum allowable units in Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 are not constructed, the unconstructed units may be transferred to the Specific Plan area. This acreage figure is an estimated allocation for this land use. If it changes, other land use acreage allocations in the sector may change. However, the total allowable units for the sector will remain the same. Total Allowable Units assumes that if a school and/or a park currently designated for this sector are not built in this sector and that the acreage goes into residential use. if these facilities are constructed, the land use area density limitation may preclude construction of the total allowable sector units and such unbuilt units wou;,d be transferred to another sector. 3-14 CF C. Zoos or nature centers with live animals in conjunction with a public park site. D. 'Hospitals outside the Browning Aircraft Approach and departure corridor for MCAS Tustin. .E. Commercial recreational centers located on public par. k and school sites. F. ResMential uses - compNance with Residential Regulations detailed in Section 3.6. l.throu~h 3. 6.40nedium density) C G. Temporary uses - shall be regulated pursuant to the applicable section of the city municipal code. H. Unlisted uses - those uses not specifically listed in this Section 3.9.2 are subject to Community Development Department determination to be either permitted, conditional or prohibited uses pursuant to the objectives of this zoning regulatory document and the purposes of the individual land use category. Decisions of the Community Development Department may be appealed to the City Planning Commission. 3.9.3 Site Development Standards Building site area: no minimum requirements. B. Buildinq Height limit: 35 feet unless Community Facility Land use is located totally within a land use 'area allowing greater building height, in which case the greater height limit )hall be allowed. C. Building setbacks: same setbacks all'owed for the land use area in which Community Facility Use is located. For uses not located entir,~ly within one land use area, the most restrictive setback standard for any adjoining area shall prevail. D. Landscaping: a minimum of fifteen (15) percent of the building site area shall be landscaped. E. Parking: compliance with parking regulations detailed in Section 3.10. F. Signing: compliance with signing regulations detailed in Section 3.11. G. Lighting: all lighting, exterior and interior shall be designed and located to confine direct rays and glare to the premises except sports field lighting which may be allowed subject to a conditional use permit (Section 3.9.2.A.8). H. Trash and Storage Areas: All storage, including cartons, ce~,?.~iners and trash, shall be shielded from view within a building or area ~-, ,ed by a masonry wall not less than six {6) feet in height. No such ,~ '~hall be located within fifty (50) feet of any residentially designat¢c~ ~:,.~a unless it is fully enclosed. 3-45 LEGEND RESIDENTIAL, LOW OEI~,4TY INSTITUTIONAL/RECREATIONAL · -)~...~G,O.....'~ .... COMMERCIAl/BUSINESS / · Revised Land Use Plan II II I I I II I EAST TUSTIN SPECIRC PLAN City of Tustin ~ [ SEE EXHIBIT I-1 / l-iA FOR SITE SPECIFIC DETAIL ] REVISED EDAW Inc.