HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 1 J.W. AIRPORT RPT 07-17-89 -. OL US I NE SS A END. _ DATE: JULY 17, 1989 ~ ..... I TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAH A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER COltMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AIRPORT STATUS REPORT: JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT (JWA), AIRPORT SITE COALITION (ASC), COALITION FOR A RESPONSIBLE AIRPORT SOLUTION (CRAS) AND HELICOPTER OVERFLIGHTS TASK FOR~[ (HOTF) RECOHIt~NDATION Receive and file. DISCUSSION JWA - On June 28th the City received a response from the County regarding our comments on the noise monitoring study. The new information was sent to the City's consultant on June 28th for his review; his comments are pending. There is no new information on the Phase II Access Plan at this time. ASC - There is no new information to report at this time. The next meeting has been rescheduled to July 22, 1989. CRAS - Attached to this report is a memo from Kathy Weil reporting on the June 27th CRAS Board Meeting (Attachment I). On June 29th the City did a massive mail campaign to elected State officials urging their opposition to AB 1830. Staff will be preparing correspondence to send to our Federal Senators and Representatives urging their support of Representative Cox's legislation to prohibit joint use of MCAS E1 Toro (an amendment to a defense authorization bill). HOTF - There is no new information to report at this time. The next task force meeting is scheduled for July 26th. Steve Rubi n Senior Planner ~ ~ie~io~eo~h ~:gm~l uetn 1°' tn~y- De~ opment SR: pef Attachments: Attachment I Date: June 27, 1989 To: The Honorable Ursula Kennedy, and Members of Tustin City Council. From: Kathy Weil Re: June 26th meeting of The Coalition for Responsible Airport Solu- tions (CRAS) 1) As expected I was appointed to the Board of Directors of CRAS. 2) The Board discussed whether or not Tustin had passed a resolution opposing AB1830. I informed them that the Tustin Council-had taken that action at their June 19th meeting. Terri Mehrguth (public relations) verified that she was in position of a letter from Tustin regarding this. 3) There will be a hearing before the State Transportation Committee, on July 18th, on AB1830, in Sacramento. The Sacramento lobbyist that CRAS has been working with suggested that Marion Bergeson, one of the authors of the bill, and a member of the Transportation committee, be targeted for a massive letter writing campaign from Leisure World. The Board felt that perhaps they could persuade Marion to withdraw the bill , at least until the Airport Site Coalition (ASC) completes its study, thus possibly eliminating duplication of study effort. Also considering Marion is thinking of running for Lt. Governor, the campaign would serve to remind her about how unpopular the use of E1 Toro is. 4) CRAS is looking for more support from local Homeowners groups - both physically and financially. I will work with Terri Mehrguth, to try to drum up interest here in Tustin, assuming this meets with Council's approval. 5) There were questions about noise monitoring procedures as they relate to this project. I will check with our planning staff to get the name of the company we used during the public hearings on the Auto Cente~,'-~2000 was allocated for a consultant. 6) Next regular Board meeflng will be July 24, 1989, in the Leisure World Administration Building. I want to thank you for appointing me as Tustin's representative to CRAS. It's an interesting project and I think I can be of some value to the committee. Please let me know if there is any special guidance or direction you want me to pursue. In the meantime I'll maintain close contact with Steve Ruben. Kathy Weil (cc Steve Rubin) ATTACHMENT I -- RECEIVED -- JUN 2 198 COMMUNITY }EVLE~PMENT