HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA CTF OF CONFORM 07-17-89 (2)DATE: JUL'/ 17, 1989' ~ ' TO: WILLIAM HUSTON, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FROM: CHRISTINE SHINGLETON, DIRECTOR OF COPlMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE - PROPERTY OWNEO BY PAT LESTER, 12932 NEWPORT AVENUE AT IRVINE BOULEVARO RECOMMENDATXON i ii i i It is recommended that the City Council deny at this time issuance of a Certificate of Conformance for the property located at 12932 Newport Avenue (Red Hill Center) and authorize staff to work with the property owner to improve the site. BACKGROUND i i m In February of this year, the Community Redevelopment Agency approved the second amendment to the Town' Center Redevelopment Plan. This amendment included a provision ' for property owners to apply for a Certificate of Conformance. If such a certificate is approved and recorded on the deed to the property, it protects the property from future condemnation by the Agency, as. long as the property is maintained in compliance with the City Code, General Plan and Redevelopment Plan. ~ Mr. Pat Lester, owner of the Red Hill Center, which is the retail shopping center on the northeast corner of Newport Avneue and Old Irvine Boulevard, has filed a request for issuance of a Certificate of Conformance. To accommodate this and other future requests, staff has devised a conformity report which serves as a check list to compare a project with the various requirements of the Zoning Code, General Plan and the Town Center Redevelopment Plan. This checklist has been prepared for this site and is attached to this report for reference. Based upon the review conducted by staff, it is not suggested that the Certificate of Conformance be issued for the subject property at this time. ANALYSIS As noted in the conformity report, there are several conditions on the property which do not meet the requirements of the Zoning Code, Ge~)eral Plan and Redevelopment Plan, Each of these conditions are discussed separately below: . On-site Improv.ements - As noted on the attached conformity report there are sevl'eral on-site improvements which do 'not meet current city requirements. The site was developed when the property was located in the County of Orange and was therefore developed and has been maintained at standards below the City's current requirements. Specifically, the site does not meet the 'following requirements for: J July 17, 1989__ . Certificate of Comformance Page two 1. Parking (deficient by 20 spaces); 2. Landscaping Coverage; 3. Signs (pole and wall signs violate Sign Code); 4. Outdoor Storage and Trash Enclosures; and 5. Publ i c Improvement s ,. As noted above, the project is deficient of 20 parking spaces according to current requirements. The parking area has not been improved with landscaping (all landscaping is directly adjacent or in frg. nt of the buildings) to meet City standards. For example, most parking 'areas in conformance with City requirements are screened with ten feet of landscaping with earth mounding which reduces the visual impact of parking areas. The Newport Avenue frontage has not been improved with concrete sidewalks and standard treewells. The parking area has numerous pot holes and dirt patches where landscaping or trees may have been originally placed. . The .rear alley area is cluttered with "bootlegged" storage areas which have been attached to the building without benefit of building permits. This alley also is cluttered with trash bins, various scrap parts (from existing tenants) and the walls are spattered with grafitti. Additionally, a semi-truck trailer has been parked in the alleyway making emergency access difficult, if not impossible. · Architecture - The project is located in a retail commercial area with a mix of arch'itectura'l styles. The buildings on the site have been designed with a 1940-1950's style of architecture and a mix of materials and colors. There is no specific continuity in design or materials in order to project a specific architectural style or image. Most of the units have exposed rooftop mechanical· equipment and all use above ground utility connections. CONCLUSZON While the project may contain various tenants who conduct a profitable business, staff is highly concerned with the condition of the site and architectural improvements on the property, especially since the amount of retail competition has increased dramatically in the area. Since the site could benefit from major site and architectural improvements it may be best for staff to work with the property owner in exploring opportunities to improve the site. Staff suggests that the request for a Certificate of Conformance be denied at this time and that the City Council direct staff to work with the property owner to encourage participation by working together to improve the site to meet current standards. Laura Kuhn Senior P1 anner Christihe Shln~leton l/ Director of Communit~Ut)evelopment LK:pef Community Development Department TUSTIN CONMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONFORMITY/DESIGN REVIEW REPORT OVERVIEW The Town Center Redevelopment and the South Central Redevelopment Plans require that developments within each project area be~.,reviewed and approved by.~the Community Redevelopment Agency prior to issuance of building permits. Preparation of a Conformity/Design Review Report may also be initiated on an individual property to determine the appropriateness of the Agency issuing a Certificate of Conformance which, when recorded on the property certifies that a property conforms with the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan. The purpose of this Conformity Report is to describe the project or property in question and completion of.'this Report does not, in any way constitute a Certificate of Conformance with either the Town Center or South Center Redevelopment Plans. This Report is for the purpose of reviewing projects in a Redevelopment Area only. - I. SUBJECT PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING USES i ii ! ii i i i ii Property. Address: Assessor's Parcel Number(s): 12932 Newport Avenu. e 501-081-04 Property Owner: Pat Lester Developer: Zoning: Existing Land Use(s): Surrounding Properti es: ,n/a C-1 Retail Commercial ._ Re.t.ail Commer.cilal, Services,. Heal. ll.thcl.ub North - South - East - West - Existing Zonin~l C-1 C-! C-1 C-2 and Multi-family E,x,i,ist, in,9 Land U, se(sl) Retail stores(Circle K, Shoe Store) Retail Stores {Lemon Hgts Drugs and others) Tustin Lanes (Bowling) Retail Stores and multi- family apartments Location Map: (See Attached Exhibit A) Page two II. EXISTING PROJECT ii i i iii Project Description: A retail shopping cent,e,lr...wi.th 19,800 is, qua. r,e..feet of shops and a 13,9.0.6. .s,,quare foot health c,,1.ub. Retail s. ho.p,,s i n.c,l.ude .a ,1,.i.quor ,. store, v.ideo renta.ll, c,r.a,ft shop, cleaners, po,ol suppl,~ ,,and other ,,var, ilO,US uses. i m i m ! i i i . i . imll°' Lot Area: Gross i 10.2.480 , sq. ft. Bui 1 ding Square Footage: Total area 33.~706 sq. ft. Existing 33.706 sq.ft. Proposed n/a' ' sq.ft. Typical '. Unit Unit Unit Sizes (Residential): Unit Unit Unit 0 i i ii Dwelling Unit Density (Residential Only): a) b) c) d) e) Proposed number of units Permitted zoning dou. density Pemitted general plan d.u. density Permitted Redevelopment Plan d.u. density Proposed d.u. density Net ,,1,0,2,,480 sq.ft. Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Tot a 1 Total Total Tot a 1 Total Total sq.ft. garage area occupi ed un i t sq.ft. garage area occupi ed unit sq.ft. garage area occupied unit sq.ft. garage area occupied unit sq.ft. garage a rea occupi ed un i t Units/acre Units/acre Units/acre Units/acre Units/acre Page three MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE: ,,, , Permitted by Zoning Code Permitted by General P1 an Permitted by Redevelopment Plan Existing ~,00% ~i.nus pa~kling and !.andsc. aping · · ..... 1,00% mi,nus pa, rkin,9 an.d landscjaping i ~0.0% mjgus parlkin9 and landscap,in9 311,800/102,480 ~ 31% FLOOR TO LAND AREA RATIO: _ Permitted Zoning Code Permitted by General Plan Permitted by Redevelopment Plan Existing . 1.1 mi, n,us parkin~l ,,and lands,c,apin9 1.1 minus p, ark.imn9 and l andsc, aPli,lnlg . 1,.1 min.,,us parking/ and lands.capi,n9 .31:1 i n · . BUILDING HEIGHT: i ii Permitted Zoning Code Permitted by General P1 an Permitted by Redevelopment Plan Existing PRIVATE OPEN SPACE: 35 feet i w 35 feet 35 feet 22 feet 2 inches · i! Required n/a sq. ft. Proposed ~/aI sq. ft. Access/Ci rcul a,ti on: INTERNAL: 24 foot wide a, il,,Sles with 90°, double p, arkin~, , rows AT PROPERTY LINE: th, ree drives on Newport Avenue, one drive on Old Irvine OTHER: . 1,5. foot,, wid, e re.ar access alle7 , Page four OFF-STREET PARKING: Total spaces required 1:200 Total spaces required covered Total handicapped spaces required Stall size required: 157 n/a n/a 1) 3) Interior stalls (g X 20) End stalls (12 X 20) Compact stalls at 9 X 16.5 (no overhangs) Driveway ai sl e requi red 27 Turning radius required Spaces provided 137' nl Spaces cq.vered n~,a, i I ' ..... Spaces provided n/a Access driveway grade (Maximum 12%) most stalls 8'X18' ..n/a ,,none prov'i de'd, ft. wi de Provided 24 27 ft. u 12% + ,mm REQUIRED STREET IM, PROVEMENT. S/UTIL!TY IMP. ROVEMENTS: Property Dedi cat ions Street Improvements Utilities Water Sewer Other LOADING: ! Provided 24 i! sidewalks and corner cut offs at Old Irvine and alon'g Newpo¥'t A'v6'nue ...... S-i dewal'k's, al6'n 9 Newp oft Avenue;i,.... mrep air d ri'vew'a~s exis.ting over_head ut. il.itie, s need to b.e underground none none ...... Repail'r OfI dal~laglle, d cu.r, bs,. gutt, er.s .,an~d d, ri,vewa~s Si ze Locati on TRASH STORAGE AREAS: 15 foot alle~.; 16 foot north alleN _no specifiC,I ¥Oaldin9 area provided ' Required sq. ft. mi n ~.,-4.8,1 sq f.t, = 96, sq Provided sq. ft. none Location Trash dumlpsters along wall ,in north and east al,leyways Page fi ve FENCES AND WALLS' Location and proposed height Front 0 , Side 6'8" Side 6'8" Rear 6'8" _ Maximum permitted height Front 0 Side 6'8". Side 6'8" Rear 6'8" m ,! i i Type freestanding' block retain cut n/la retail fill n/a Locations' Along rear (east) and north alleys i n imm i Required walls' adjacent to residential zone 6'8" rear less restrictive zone n/~a outside storage areas n'/a Locations' Easterly propert), .1.ine UTILITIES/MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT' Location Overhead utilities provided; exposed electrical panels in rear Screening requ'lli'red/type Underground utilitie's and exposed equ.,ipment on roof , i i i SIGNS: Locati on Wall and frlel,estlan,ding pole ~ign Sizes Copy Colors Varies, PO,lle sign taller than 24 feet high All signs designed on can tlyp, e sign. s. One slign has exposed lights and frames (liquor store) Red, black, beige, white and others LANDSCAPING' % Landscape coverage Minimal coverage provided; % unknown Actual description of theme/concept ..Some palms, various decidious shrubs and vines. Flowerincj shrubs in some planters, some vacant treewells. Maintenance/Condition Good condition in planter areas. Various treewells in par.kin~l area .are no.t pla.nted. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN' Existing Property Earlj/ 1940-1950's design. Some rock teatments, metal siding) and stucco. Flat, parapet roofs with exposed mechanical equipment. Page six Surrounding Properties Mix of ,stol.es to nort, h a.nd .s,outh. Plaza La Fa?e,tte ~,. across the street has ,F,ren.c_h Chateau Style. , Proposed Development Not appli, cabl_e. .I · i i i iii ii iiiii i _ i i GENERAL CONFORMITY 1. Existing land use is in conformance with: YES 0 0 o Zoning Code - X General Plan - X Redevelopment Plan - X Existing buildings and improvements are in conformance with: (Si tei s considered an Exi sting-"Non-conforming Use") Zoning Code - General Plan - Redevelopment P1 an - Proposed development is in conformance with: Zoning Code - General Plan - Redevelopment Plan - Narrative description of recommended site corrections necessary to obtain conformity: (see attached Exhibit B). NO n/a n/a n/a COMPLETEO BY: Laura Kuhn TITLE: Senior Planner DATE: ,)une ~19t, 198,9 REVIEWED BY: Christine Shin~leton .EX.H'.[~IT ~ -I, 0 CA TION .MA t~ I NORTH NOT TO SCALE I I EXHIBXT B - CONFORMITY REPORT Recommended Site Corrections 12932 Newport Avenue S.i..te ImProvlement.sl:' 1. Parking: Revise parking layout to include required landscaping, handicap parking stalls and drive aisle widths. Inclusion of c.o.m.pact parking stalls could alleviate parking shortages but some'reduction in building square footage may be required. Repair parking lot potholes, etc. 2. Landscaping: Provide ten foot wide perimeter., landscape areas with shrubs, trees and earth mounding to screen parking areas. , Interior tree wells.~and planters al so requi red. 3. Trash Enclosures and Outdoor Storage: Install trash enclosures in front parking area or adjacent to buildings to minimize or eliminate alley st°rage. Provide at least two-6 foot by 8 foot enclosures with gates. Remove storage cabinets along rear alley area {illegally installed, no permits) and remove illegal truck trailer to provide maximum fire access area. 0 Utilities/Public Improvements: Underground electric lines, repair all damaged curbs and gutters, install sidewalks and street tree wells according to City standards, repair all driveways and revise to accommodate a maximum 12% grade. Architecture .. Revise exterior elevations on all structures to repair damage and provide architectural consistency throughout project. 2. Update architectural facade to incorporate design elements compatible with surrounding properties such as Tustin Lanes, Tustin Heights Center or Plaza La Fayette. 3. Revise Sign Program to conform with Tustin Sign Code requirements and increase sign visibility if new facade is provided. Provide a freestanding signs in accordance with current Sign Code requirements. 4. Architecturally screen all mechanical equipment on roof. electrical panels. Enclose all 5. Remove all grafitti and paint building and roof areas as needed. LK:pef