December 21, 1964
Meeting called to order at 7:32 P.M. by .Mayor Mack.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Mack, ~iinge!hofer, Miller, Ring, ~oco.
Also Present= Attorney Rourke.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Miller that
Minutes of~ecember 7th be approvedoas mailed. Car~ed.
AMENDING Hearing opened at 7~33 P.M. to consider proposed
SECT. 5111 ordinance amending section 5-11 of Ordinance Now 157
ORD NO a~ ~mended.
There being no comments or p~otests~ the Hearing was
declared closed at 7=34 P.M.
HEIGHT Discussion followed as to height limit .change to ~a
LIMIT 7' wall in Sections A and B or should limit be left
CHANGE to discretion of Planning Commission.
Moved by.Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer that thel
City Attorney be instructed to consider change from
6' to 6'8"any place it may appear in Section B.~
and in~ddit~nn the wor~s "no less than 6"' be
inserted in Section B and coordination worked out
with the Chief Building Inspector, to study earth quake
or any other structural problems. Carried.
0RD. N0. Mayor directed that Hearing to amend Section 5.11 of
157 CONT. Ordinance 157 as amended, be continued to next regular
TO NEXT meeting.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that Ordinance
ORD. 268 No. 268, amending th~ Tustin City Code to Prohibit
READ BY Discharge of Projectiles be read by title only.
TITLE ONLY Carried unanimously.
Moved by Miller, seconded by Coco that report
CITY SEWER concerning connection of District 7 Sewers to City
LINES REFERR. Sewer Lines be referred to the City Attorney ~n~ City Engineer.
TO NEXT MEET. study and report at ne~t meeting. Carried.
UNDERGROUND Report from Mr. Brook regarding underground
UTILITIES utilities presented.
AMEND. TO Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Miller that
SUB-DIV attachment "A" in ~eport presented December 3rd
ORD. be adopted and the City Attorney be instructed to
include it as an amendment to the subdivision
Ordinance. Carried.
Mayor instructed that an estimate be obtained to
replace all service underground in the downtown area.
CORR. TUSTIN Correspondence from~Tustin Chamber of Commerce
CHAMBER OF requesting postponement of the report on Agreement
COMMERCE relative to the Tustin Chamber proposal until
further notice read and directed filed.
SALARY Mr. Ring reported that Salary Schedule set forth
SCHEDULE in proposed Resolution would fall within the City
Moved by Ring, seconded by K~ingelhofer.that Resolution RESOL. 754
No. 754, establishing a Compensation Plan for all COMPENSATION
employees in the Municipal Service of the City and setting PLAN FOR
forth rules and regulations regsrding payment of EMPLOYEES
salaries and other regulations, be read by title only.
Moved by Miller~ seconded by Klingelhofer that Resolution RESOL. 754
No. 754 be adopted. Carried by roll call - Ayes: Mack, ADOPTED
oKlingelhofer, 6oco,Mi~ler, Ring. Noes: None. Absent:
City Attorney reported the~ESllowing poi~nts regarding MANUAL FOR
Manual for City Building Department: CITY
1. That the plan and program for procedures be DEPARTMENT
developed at once and in a manner which will
coordinate the approval of various affected
2. Bonds in lieu of Use and Occupancy Permits.
3. Set up at once a Board of Appeals pursuant
to Uniform Building Code.
Attorney directed to draft Manual for the City Building ATTORNEY TO
Department in form for adoption. DRAFT MANUAL
Chief Sissel reported on efforts made by his department CHIEF SISSEL
to eliminate complaints from neighbors onoTYC. ~Stated REPORT ON
that he had contacted a number of near neighbors who COMPLAINTS
stated there had been quite an improvement. Chief Sissel FROM NEIGH.
directed to contact each resident by the first Council ON TYC.
Meeting in February and report.
Dr. Klingelhofer reported the following:
1. Tustin Planning Commission members reported that
the recent Seminar conducted by the Fire Department
was very enlightening and ~hey also were impressed
with.the program to repair the historic City
fire truck and had amongst themselves raised
$35 toward its repair andshoped that the
Councilmen would donate a~d that the press would
give adequate coverage to the program.
2. Tustin Planning Commission would appreciate the
opportunity to delve into the Fire Department
Water Report.
3. Fire Chief Morgan Hilton was elected President
of Orange County Fire Chiefs Association on
December 17th~
Mayorsdirected the Fire Chief and City Clerk to draft a DRAFT A
news ~elease regarding repair of historic fire truck. NEWS RELEASE
Release to include history of truck, donors and pictures. ON FIRE
Council informed Chief Milton that they would have any
suggested changes or c~mment~ regarding Rules and
Regulations pertaining to the Fi~e Department for next
regular meeting.
Clerksdirected-to send letter of appreciation for voluntary LETTER OF
gi~ts~and cooperation in installing and decorating Christmas APPREC.
Tree a~ Laguna Road and D Streetto the following: FOR
Vista Drug
Boy Scout Troop #33
Market Basket
So. Calif. Edison Co.
Jacobson Corporation :
Parks & Recreation ~ommission
Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer that
Resolution No. 755, appointing Harold E. Ball,
Melvin F. Cohen, Leonard W. Miller, Quentin~
Fleming andEd Bering to the Parks ~ndRecreation
Commission be re~d by ~itle 0nly. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer that
Resolution No. 755 be passed and adopted. Carried
by roll call - AyeS: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco,
Miller, Ring. Noes:: None. Absent: None.
Discussion held regarding appointment of County~
Tax Assessor.
Resolution No. 756, recommending 6onsideration Qf
persons from outside of the County of Orange fo~
appointment as Eount~ Assessor read in full by
the City Attorney.
Moved by Klingelhofer,.seconded by Coco that
Resolution No. 756 be passed and adopted. Carried
by roll call - Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco,
Miller, ~ing. Noes: None. Absent: None.
Discussion held regarding appointment of County
Tax Assessor.
Resolution No. 756, recSmmending consideration of
persons from outside of the County of Orange for
appointment as County Assessor read in full by
the City Attorney.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that
Resolution No. 756 be passed and adopted. Carried
by roll call - Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco,
Miller, Ring. Noes: None. Absent: None.
Moved b~ Klingelhofer, seconded by Mil~er that
correspondence be received and filed. Carried.
Moved by ~oco, seconded by Ring that bills to t~e
amont of $4,686.22 be paid. CarTied.
First Western Bank (Utilities~ ...... = ........ $ 129.81
Vent-A-Hood Specialty Co.- .................... 24~75
Orange County Insurance Co.- .................. 31.00
First Western Bank ............................ 6.50
The Tubtin News .............................. 238.16
Th~ Orange Daily News--Z ...................... f~234~84
Tustin Hardware Co.- .......................... 5.60
Jock's Car Wash ............................... 56.00
Harris & Frank ................................ 35.88
E.J. Ryan M.D .............................. ~-_ 10.00
National Fire Protection Association .......... 15.00
County of Orange .............................. 210.33
Econolite .................................... 12.00
Vista Drug .................................... 9.33
James Hein .................................... 10.50
Signal Oil Company ............................ 357.01
Thermo-Fax Sales Incorporated ................. 19.81
Hines Wholesales Nurseries- ................... 36.00
County of Orange .................................. $ 181.00
Reproduction Equipment & Supplies ................. 5.76
Orange County Title Co.- ........................... 15.00
McCoy Motor Co ..................................... 1,809.80
Coxco, I~c.- ........................................ 106.86
Valley Consultants, Inc.- .......................... 809.00
U.S. Porcelain Plant ............................... 3.97
Unimasco ........................................... 64.74
Ted B. Adsit (Planning Consultant) ................. 127.00
Robert S. Means Co ................................ 3-60
U.S. Civil Defense Council ........................ 7.50
Business Equipment ................................. .14
Ruth C. Poe (Petty Cash) .......................... ~1.96
Multiple~ Display Fixture Co ...................... 7-57
Neal Van Acker (Uniform ~llow) .................... 30.00
Robert F. Madden(Uniform Allow) .................... 30.00
TOTAL $, 4,686.22
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that meeting be