December 7, 1964
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.~- by Mayjr Mack.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Ma~k, K~ir~elhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring.
Absent: None.
City Attorney Rourke, present.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer that Minutes
of November 16th be approved as mailed and received.
Mr. C. A~. Nisson, attorney for Sanitation District SANITATION DIST.
No. 7 reported to the Council regarding Sewer ConneCtion NO. 7 REPORTED
to City Lines and explained situation of lines West REGARDING SEWER
of Yorba Street North of Seventeenth Street whi6~h CONNECTION TO
was left out of City Assessment District because of CITY LINES.
expense. Distric~ No. 7 now asking ?~o run district
sewer through City lines to District lines to the
Mr. Miller stated that he felt this situation differed
from past request in that this would be of mutual benefit
to both th~ City and District 7.
City Engineer Carlsen stated he felt it would be well CARLSEN FELT
to establish dual policy for District Trunks and local IT WOULD BE OF
City lines. Mr. Carlsen felt that in this case, there DUAL BENEFIT
is a dual benefit.
Moved by Miller, seconded by Ring that permission
be granted District 7 to connect to existing facilities
of the City at the intersection of Santa Clara and
Loretta Drive. Carried.
Moved by Ring, seconded by Klingelhofer that Ordinance 0RD.. NO. 266
No. 266, approving "Revised Santa Clara Annexation" "REVISED SANTA
To the City be read by title only. Carried unanimously. CLARA ANNEX."
Moved by Klir~elhofer, seconded by Coco that 0rdinsnce 0RD. N0. 266
No. 266 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call - PASSED AND
Ayes:~ Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Rir~, Miller. Noes: ADOPTED
None. Absent: None.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by CoCo that Ordinance 0RD. NO. 267
No. 267, approving "Bryan-Red Hill Annexation" to the "BRYAN - RED HILL
City be read by title only. Carried unanimously. ANNEX."
Moved by CoCo, seconded by Klingelhofer that Ordinance ORD. N0. 267
No. 267 by passed and adopted. Carried by roll call - PASSED AND
Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes: ADOPTED
None. Absent: None.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that Ordinance No. ORD. N0. 268
26~, prohibiting discharge of projectile be read in DISCHARGE OF
its entirety. Carried. PROJECTILE
Adoption of Ordinance No. 268 deferred to next meeting ORD. NO. 268
awaiting further clarification. DEFERRED TO
Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer that Ordinance
No. 269, defining powers and duties ~f City Administrator ORD. NO. 269
be read by title only. Carried unanimously. CITY ADMINIST~
Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer that Ordinance
No. 269 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call - 0RD. NO. 269
Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes: PASSED AND
None. Absent: None. ADOPTED.
USE OF Moved by Ring, seconded by Miller that with the
CITY CARS exception of the Police and Fire Chiefs, no city cars will
be driven home for the purpose of transportation to
and from work. Carried.
MANUAL FOR Decision on Manual for City of Tustin Building
BUILD. DEPT. Department deferred to next meeting ~or report from
DEFERRED TO City Attorney.
Report from City Attorney on negotiations with S.P RR
S.P. RR for easement for Holt Avenue re-alignment deferred to
EASEMENT FOR next regular meeting.
Polic~ regarding County areas connecting to City Sewer
lines deferred to next meeting.
REPORT ON Written report from Mr. Brook on Underground UtiZit~es~
UNDERGROUND filed. Mr. Brook reported there would be a more
UTILITIES specific report ready for action at next meeting.
AGREEMENT Proposed Agreement between the City and Tustin Chamber
BETWEEN CITY of Commerce presented. After questi~oning by Mr. Ring
AND TUSTIN regarding a general outline of expense and plan of attack
CHAMBER OF aS to a budget, Mr. Bob.~Adams, chairman of Industria~l
COMMERCE Committee of the Chamber, stated there was such an
outline as to expenses of Office Manager and Chamber
officers for travel etc. and full-time personnel needed.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Miller that Mayor
set a time and place for a Study Session with the
Chamber Officers and all Councilmen and City Attorney
and a report presented at next meeting. Carried.
Mayor set Monday, December 14th at 7:30 P.M. in the
Old Council Chambers as time and place for Study Session
with Chamber Officers and directed the City Clerk to
find financial capacity and report to the Council.
RESOL. SETTING Resolution establishing compensation plan and setting
FORTH RULES & forth rules and regulations for City employees deferred
REGULATIONS for further editing to next regular meeting. Mr. Ring~
FOR CITY EMP. to investigate salary schedule to see if feasible.
RESOL. 752 Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer that Resolution
VACATE PORTION No. 752, a resolution of intention to abandon and
SECOND ST. vacate a poDtlon of a Public Street (Second Street from
PASADENA TO Pasadena to Newport Freeway) be read ~by title only.
NEWPORT FREE- Carried unanimously.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that Resolution
RESOL. 752 No. 752 be passed and adopted.- Carried by roll call -
PASSED AND Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes:
ADOPTED None. Absent: None.
POLICY REGARD City Attorney directed to draft a statement of policy
GRATUITIES regarding gratuities.
WATER REPORT Moved..by Coco, seconded by Miller that Water Report
FROM FIRE from Fire Chief be accepted for study. Carried.
Chief Siseel reported on request of Tustin High School
PERMISSION for permission to hang banner across "D" Street at
FOR TUSTIN Main Street, advertising their school play. Chief Siseel
HIGH SCHOOL suggested, if approved, it be with the supervision of
TO PUT UP Public Works Director.
Moved by Ring~ seconded by Coco that Tustin High School
be granted permission to put banner over "D" Street at
Main Street - dates not to exceed last date of play and
conditional to approval of Public Works Director and
Police and Fire Departments. Carried.
Improvement of floors at 145 W. Third Street deferred IMPROVEMENT OF
awaiting budget analysis. FLOORS -
Moved by Ring, seconded by Klingelhofer that request of
Police Department for remodeling offices be spproved - REMODELING
cost not to exceed $300.00 carried. OFFICES AT THE
Moved by Coco, seconded by Ring that Chief Siseel be
authorized to purchase I Unit, 1965 Mercury not to exceed CHIEF SISSEL
$1,492.06 from C. B. Knickerbocker, Inc. Carried. AUTH. TO PURCH
Moved bY Coco, seconded by Ring that $230.93 be authorized
for. the purchase of raincoats and boots for Street i STREET & C.D.
Civil Defense Departments as recommended by C. D. Director. TO PURCH.
Carried. RAIN EQUIP.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that recommendation COAST.. OF
of Mr. Wheelock for construction of curbs and gutters CURBS & GUTT
at City expense on Prospect Avenue fro~ First to Fourth PROSPECT
Streets be approved. Carried
' FIRST TO 4th
Mayor directed that policy be established t"hat all
departmental reports or requests for expenditures
state whether items are budgeted.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that Resolution RESOL. 753
753, approving plans and specifications forthe improvement IMPROV. OF
of Prospect Avenue between First Street and Fourth Street, PROSPECT AVE
be read by title only. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Miller, seconded by Klingelhofer that Resolution RESOL. 753
753. be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call Ayes: PASSED AND
Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes: None. ADOPTED
Absent: None.
Clerk directed ~oadvertise and send out fliers regarding ADVERTISE
position of City Administrator and write all past applicants FOR CITY
to see if they are still interested. January 15, 1965, ADMINISTRAT.
to be the closing date for applications.
Correspondence regarding Agreement request from Southern CORR.
California Association of Governments presented.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelho~er that the City AGREEMENT
enter into Agreement with SCAG and Mayor and Clerk WITH SCAG
authorized to execute said Agreement. Motion failed - MOTION
Ayes: Klingelhofer, Coco. Noes: Miller, Ring, Mack. FAILED
Correspondence from Chamber of Commerce requesting
reimbursement for items installed in building at 240 South C OF C
I'D"~Street discussed. Upon questioning, Mr. Rourke REIMBURSE~
sta~ed that unless otherwise spelled out in a Rental FOR FIXTURES
A~reement all fixtures installed become the property IN BUILD.
of the owner as this was not the case in this instance, AT SOUTH D
improvements would go with the building.
MoVed b~ Miller, seconded by Ring tha~ reimbursement REIMBURSEMENT
request, of the Chamber be denied. Carried. DENIED
Mr.~ Coco reported that the Junior Chamber of Commerce
needs an expression of approval from the Council in
order to~hold their annual Christmas Tree burning
program,this year.
Moved by Elingelhofer, seconded by Coco that the Junior PERMISSION
Chamber be given permission for annual tree burning FOR JR.
program on January 2nd, at ~ P.M. on property at corner CHAMBER OF
of First and Newport. Said program to under the direction
of the Police and Fire Departments. Carried. HAVE ANNUAL'
CORRESPOND° '!Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that
correspondence be received and filed. Carried.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that Bills
BILLS to the amount to $18,398-85 be paid - Carried.
First WesterA Bank (Utilities) ~-, ........ L__L ..... $ ~69.~6
The Sacramento NewSletter ........ ~ .............. ~--- 25 · 00
Tiernan's ........................................... 93.60
Dennis Printers ~& Stationers ....................... 37~84
Santa Ana Office Supplies .......................... ,120.29
The Tustin News ................................... 56.58
3- 0
Business Equipment ~ Co.- ............................ 6
Atlas Coverall & Unif~'orm Supply .................... 13.50
The Revere House ................................... 41.41
Santa Ana Engraving Co. - ........ r--~ ...... r ........ 8.66
Rourke & Holbrook .................................. 415.00
Orange County Insurance Agency ..................... 49 · 00
Tustin Blacksmith Shop .............................. l~l.08
International Institute of Municipal Clerks ........ 10.00
California Correctional Industries ................. 106.77
Cslifornia Physicians ' Service .......... ~ .......... 3 · 22
Tustln Hardware Co. ....... ~ ......................... 85.25
Tustin Rainat Store ................................ 87~22
Kleen-Line Corporation ................. r .......... 6.78
Barr Lumber COT .................................... ll.18
Thomps on Building Materials ........................ 5 · 76
A.R. Edman .......................... r ....... 77'~ ..... 187.64
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 321.7o-
Oxygen Service Co .................................. 5.72
Drewes Union Service ............................... 9.55
Pacific Coast Map SerVice ......................... ll~40
City of Tustin Fire Depart~nent ..................... 287.00
Ralph L. Paulson ..... r ....... ' .................... 7.44
Tustin Woodshed .................................... 18.62
Screenprint & Plas-Tech.- .......................... 16-i~9:
Wardla~ Fire Equipment .................................. 47~ 37'
Desmo~d ~ s ....................................... r- 88.30
Dr. Kenneth G. Hebard M.D .......................... 40.00
Tustin Garage ......................... ~ ........... 20.00
Carson & Golding ......... = ........... ~ ............. ; 36.61
V.B. And.ersOn Co.- .................. ~ ..... "'T ..... 2.86
Tustin Radio & Television Shop ..................... 17.66
Van Hove Garage .................................... 390',;52'
Bob DeSutter Richfiel~ Service .................... 55.70
Los Angeles Stamp ~& Stationery Co ........ r ......... 66.72
Butterworth Inc. ................................... 5'00
Louis The Tailor, Inc .............................. 50.86
Elmer Bowen ....................................... 75'00
Carl Entenmann & Son -r ............................ 94.37
County of Orange .................................. 161'22
C.B. Knickerbocker's Inc.- ......................... 2,965~36 __
Rudd's Tree Service~- ........ r ..................... 1.004.80
International Harvester Co.- ....................... 3,536.00
McCoy Motor Co.. ............... ' ................... 3,331.78
U.S. Porcelain Plant .............................. 349.65
Foothill Tool & Equipment Rentals ................. 3.50
Valley Consultants, Inc. - .................. r ...... 300.00
Driazo Corporation ................................ 20.13
Pierce Dickerson Enterprises ...................... 56.24
Pacific Union Metal Division ...................... 229.84
Orange Co. Blueprint .............................. 101.67
Traffic Signal Maintenance Co. - .................. $ 46.00
Hardy & Marper, Inc.- ............................. 445.28
County of Orange .................................. 152.75
The Conveyor Co.- ................................. 1,153.78
Benjamin L. Wheelock (Auto Allow. ½ month) ........ 25.00
Ron Dickerson (Auto Allow.) ....... ~ ............... 50.00
Orange County Wholesale Electric Co.- ............. 56.43
Tus~in Lawnmowe~ & Saw Shop ...................... 134.07
Sterling Art & ngineering Supplies ............... 22.04
Public Administration Service .................... 5.10
Multiplex Display Fixture Co.----~ ................ 93.60
~.B.C. Blueprint Co.- ............................. 3-89
Metropolitan Printing Co.- ........................ 13.36
Edward E. Haworth (Auto Allow)~ .... ~ .............. 50.00
James E~ Taylom (Auto Allow) ...................... 50.00,
Master Plan Office, Fairfax, Virginia ....... ~ ..... 3.00
Robert S. Means Co.- .............................. 3.60
Orange Co. Stamp Co.- ............................. 3.69
William F. Lever, Engineering.Services ........... 120.00
State of California - Documents Section ........... 12.48
Fred V. Brook Jr. (Auto Allow) ................... 50.00
John W. Coffey (Auto Ellow) ....................... 50.00
Robert R. Marcum (~uto Allow) ..................... 50.00
William L. Carnahan (Auto Allow) .................. 50.00
Buel A. Williamson (Auto Allow) .................... 50.00
United States Post Office ......................... 50.00
Ruth C..Poe (Petty Cash) ........................... 43.56
State of California-Documents Section ............. 4.16
TOTAL $ 18.398.8~
Moved by Ring, seconded by Coco, that meeting be adjourned