November 16, 1964
Meeting called to order at 7:31 P.M. by Mayor Mack.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller~ Ring.
City Attorney R0urke present.
Mr. Miller asked that Minutes be co~redte~ to delete the MIN.
words "With Mr. Nisson, a~torney for Sanitation Distrlc~ CORRECTED
?" from his report regarding connection to City Sewer
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that Minutes
of November 2nd Meeting be app~oved as corrected.
Hearing opene~ at 7:34 P.M. to cons~de~ appointments APPTS. TO
to the Tustin Planning Commission. PLAN. COMM
There being no comments the HeaTing was declared
closed at 7:35 P.M.
MOved by Ring, seconded by Klingelhofer that Resolution RESOL. 750
No. 750 be passed and adopted, appointing Mr. Frank APPT.FRANK
Bacon to the Tustin Planning C~mmission for a term of BACON TO
four years. Term to expire November 16th, 1968. PLAN. COMM.
Carried un&nimously.
~ Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that Resolution No. RESOL. 751
751 be passed and adopted appointing Mr. James Sharp APPT. JAMES
to the Tustin Planning Commission for a ~erm of four SHARP TO
years. Term to expire November 16, 1968. Carried PLANN. COMM
Clerk ~rected to notify Mr. Robert Oster that the R. OSTER
Council appreciates his application for commissioner APPLICATION
andlwill keep his name on file for consideration for FOR PLAN.
future vacancy. COMMISSIONER
Moved by Ring, seconded by Klingelhofer that the CHAIRMAN OF
Planning Commission be advised that they should PLANN. COMM,
select a chairman at their next regular meeting. APPT. NEXT
Carried. MEETING
Clerk directed to write a letter of appreciation to M. IAWRENCE
Mr. Marvin Lawrence. APPRECIATION
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that Ordinance ORD. 266
No. 266, approving the "Revised Santa Clara A~Lnexation" FIRST READ-
to the City of Tustin have first reading by title only ING. TITLE
Carried unanimously. ONLY.
MOved by Coco, seconded by Klin~elhofer tha~ Ordinance 0RD. 267
~" No. 2~7, approving the "Bryan-Red Hill Annexation No. BRYAN & RED
2" to the City of Tustin have fi~rst reading by title HILL ANNEX.
only. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that Ordinance 0RD. 265
No. 265, changing zone of property of Ralphs Industries RALPHS IND.
on application No. ZC64-139 be read by title only. ZC64-139
Carried unanimously.
Ord. 265 Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer that Ordinance
PASSED AND No. 265 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll cssll.
ADOPTED Alyes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Eoes:
NOne, Absent:! None.
RESOL. 746 Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that Resolution
APPROV. No. 746 approving Goals & Objectives be. read by title
GOALS & ohly. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Klingeih~fer, seconded by'Coco that Resolution
RESOL. 746 No. 746 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call -
PASSED AND A~es: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes:
ADOPTED Nbne. A~osent: None.
RECOMM. FOR Recommendations for purchase of car for Director of
PURCHASE OF Public Works presented by Mr. Wheelock.
MOved by'Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that the Public
PUB. WORKS Works Director be authorized to purchase a Mercury
DIR. AUTH. Comet from C.B. Knickerbocker, Inc. in the amouht not
TO PURCHASE to exceed $1,890.357 Carried unanimously.
Moved by Ring, seconded by Coco that car be purchased
omitting automatic transmission which would reduce the
price $140.00. Carried.
Policy setting forth use and restrictions on City cars,
deferred to next meeting.
MRS. W. Report from Mr. Wheelock regarding objections of Mrs.
THOMPSON W. Thompson to annexation filed with Council~
Proposed Ordinance regarding actions of Public at<
ORD.OF ACTIONS Public Events presented.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that Ordinance
ORD. 268 READ No. 268, amending the Tustin City Code to prohibit
discharge of projectiles be read in its entirety.
Report re~ar~ing janitorial services presented. Mr. Ring
recommended that City enter into a Service Agreement
with Tustin Building & Maintenance Company.
JANITORIAL Moved by Ring, seconded by Coco that contract for
SERVICES TO ~anitorial services be awarded to Tustin Building
TUSTIN BUILD. and Maintenance Co. Carried.
Moved by Ring, seconded by Klin~elhofer that the Mayor
and City Clerk be authorized to execute Service Agreement
Carried unanimously.
Public Works Director appointed overseer of said service.
Mr. Coco asked by the Mayor to work with Mr. Brook
regarding study of Manual for City of Tustin Building
Department and report at next regular meeting.
DUTIES OF Ordinance setting forth duties and regulations of
CITY ADMIN. City Administrator discussed. C~krification and fully
defining duties will be passed.
ORD. 269 Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco ~hat Ordinance
READ BY TITLE No. 269, adding Article V of Chapter 2 to the Tustin
City Code, defining the duties and powers of the City
Administrator have first reading by~tit'le only. Carried
Recommendation regarding indoor and outdoor lights LIGHTS AT THE
at Tustin Area Youth Center filed with Council~. TAYC.
Moved by Miller, seconded by Ring that Mr. Wheelook AGREEMENT
enter into Agreement with W.~. Roberts to install/ WITH W. ROBERTS
the lights within the TAYC building at a cost not TO INSTALL
to exceed $765.00 and all in accord with plans LIGHTS AT
submitted. Carried. TAYC
MOved by Klingelhofer,~ seconded ~y Coco that
Mr. Wheelock be authorized to purchase material
necessary to install the lights for TAYC parking
lot. Carried.
l0 minute recess called by MayOr. Meeting
reconvened at 8:40 P.M.
Father Sammon of Saint Cecilia's Church presented
report of Purpose and Plans for annual Christma~
story presentation and requested permission to
erect display in rear yar~ of the Youth Center.
Moved by Ring, seconded by Miller that Saint Cecilia's GRANTED
be granted permission to have the Christmas display ST. CECILIA'S
in rear area of Tustin Area Youthl Center property. TO HAVE
Moved by Miller, seconded by Coco that the Mayo~
and City Clerk be mthorized to execute Agreements MUTUAL FIRE
for mutual fire protection between this City and PROTECTION
the City of! Orange, City of Santa Ana and County
of Orange as recommended by Fire Chief Hilton.
Carried. ~
Moved by!Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that letter UNIVERSAL
be sent to the Orange County Fire Chiefs Association TEL. NO. AND
regarding universal: telephone number and emergency EMERG. COMM.
communications, all as presented by Chief Hilton.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that Councilman PERMISSION
Coco be granted permission to leave the state. Carried. FOR COCO TO
Moved' by Miller, seconded by Klingelhofer that
improvements in Tract 5219 be accepted and the bonds TRACT 5219
be exonerated. Carried.
W~itten report on realignment of Holt and Newport realignment
presented and file~ with the Council. HOLT &
Moved by Miller, seconded by Coco that the City
~ttorney and the Director of Public Works be directed NEGOTIATE
to negotiate with the Southern Pacific Company for SOUTHERN.
an easement for Holt Avenue and report to Council. PACIFIC CO.
Mayor Mack set Wednesday, November 18th at 7:30 P.M.
in Old Council Chambers for Study Session~ regarding
classification and salary plan.
Mr. Haworth reported on signs placed in the PP zone
on N/E and g/E corner of Fourth & Yorba S~reets that SIGNS AT
are not in keeping~with this zone with limits signs THE CORNER
tpa sizeof 3' x 5' and only advertising property OF FOURTH &
fpr sale, rent, or lease. Mr. Haworth repor[ed that YORBA
o~wner had been contacted twice by the City Attorney
and that hehad reduced the size of the signs and
t~Scked a ,'For Lease. sign on them but had left the
w~rding relating to a major oil company. Mr. Haworth
r~commendedthat the City direct the attorney to take~
l~gal action to see that signs are removed or made
t~ conform to sign restrictions in Pr zone.
Mr. Rour~e stated that if the City wished to be
involved in the wording of all such signs that legal
action would have to be directed agains~ the property
ATTORNEY TO Moved by Ring, seconded by Coco that the City Attorney
TAKE LEGAL be authorized to take legal action a~ainst the
ACTION property owner seeking an injunction to require the
AGAINST removal of these signs. Carried.!
OWNER. Mr. Brook reported that one letter had been received
from the architect regarding planting within the Hodge
Development but had received no other answer to the
30 day limit requirement.
Mr. Haworth reminded the Council of the Workshop on
the Downtown Area to be held Monday, November 23rd.~
CORR. FROM Correspondence from Richard B. Smith regarding sewer
RICHARD B. connectiDn of Tract 5725 read.
Moved by Miller, seconded b~ Coco that permission be
TRACT 5725 granted Richard B. Smith t9 connect Tract 5725 to City
Sewe~ lines. Carried.
CORR. FROM Correspondence read from citizens near the Tustin
Youth Center relative to actions of teenagers.
Chief Sissel stated that a fence on TYC property might
hel~control youth at the Youth Dances. Dr. Elingethofer
SUGGESTIONS suggeste~ ~ committee of interested youth be formed
FOR SOLUTION to helpsfind some solution to the problem.
AT TYC Mayor Mack directed Chief Sissel to contact the student
body officers of both high schools and ask their advice
and report. Clerk directed to write all signers o~
lette~ regarding action being taken/
FATHER Father Sammort spoke commendi~ the Police Department
SAMMON f~r all their efforts on behalf of the Youth of the
COMMENDED Area and ~he wonderful job they have been doing and
POLICE DEPT~ offered his services and help in any way possible.
COUNTY AREAS Mayor appointed the following to work on a Policy
CONN. TO Statement regarding county areas connecting to City
CITY SEWER Sewer lines - Mr. M~ller, Mr. Carlsen and Mr. Rourke.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that correspondence
CORR. REC. be received and filed. Carried.
DEPT. HEADS Mr. Ring requested that each md every department head
TO PLAN THEIR plan their purchases in advance so they can be coordinated
PURCHASING through the City Clerk so as t o utilize availability
of all discounts to reduce the amount of checks and the
overall cost to the City.
BILLS MOved ~y Coco, seconded by Ring that bills ~o the amount
of $7,424.91 be paid. Carried,
First Western Bank ............................ $ 211.08
Atlas Coverall &Uniform Supply ................ 13,150
Hanson, PeterSon, Cowles & SylNester ........... 325.00
Rourke andHolbrook---, ........................ 670.00
Associated Chambers of Commerce ................ 25.00
Orange County Insurance Agency -~ .............. 61~00
League of ~ities ............. ................. 7.80
G.O. Bixler .................................. ,- 679.50
Revere House ................................... 18.24
Gary Burnett~ Sdhool Supplies ................. 31o40
The Tustin Hardware Co. - ...................... 74.07
Neal Van Acker .................................. $ 25.00
Thompson Building Materials, Inc. ............... 51.90
Tustin Paint S'tore ............................. 21.09
Tustin Weedshed ................................. 22.13
Tustin Cement BUilding Block Co ................. 34.21
Wardlaw Fire Equipment .......................... 649.63
Oxygen Service Co.- ............................. 14.25
Metropolitan Industrial Chemical Co .............
D. & G~. ~uto Rarts ............................... 6.24
Industrial Fire Equipmen~ Co.- .................. 6.03
Harris & Frank ................................. 53-04
State Fire Marshall .............................. ll.00
Thermo-Fax Sales Incorporated ................... 54.81
Patterson Jewelers .............................. 17.40
Uniform Center--~ ............................... 88;30
F. Morton Pitt Co ............................... 25.58
Russ Long Woodworking ........................... 7.28
Van Hove Garage ................................. 2~6.47
Carson & Gelding ................................ 71.51
George F. Cake Co. .............................. 105.18
Vista Drug ...................................... 3.94
Carl Entenmann & Son ............................
Tustin Radio & Television Shop .................. 10.25
Dr. Kenneth G. Hebard M.D ....................... 40.00
Signal Oil Go ................................... 318.75
The Conveyer Co ................................. 800.00
Orange County Blueprint ......................... 7~.78
County of Orange ................................... 16
County of Orange - Survey & Road ................ 161.45
Traffic Signal Maintenance Co ................... 46.00
Tustin Blacksmith Shop .......................... 8.53
Graves & Howley, Inc ............................ 33-28
County Superintendent of Schools ................ 1.25
Five & T~n Nursery ............................. 19.22
C. & E. Lumber Co~ .............................. 213.20
Rudd's Tree Service ............................. 1,189.70
Ted B. Adsit .................................... 194.35
Sterling Art & Engineering Supplies ............. 60.41
Office of Procurement _ Stores ................. 16.00
International Conference of Building Officials. 40.00
Buel ~. Williamson ............................. 347.76
Mine Safety Appliances Co ...................... 195.84
TOTAL $ 7,424.91
Moved by K~ingelhofer, seconded by COco that Resolution PARKER ANNEX
No. 748, "A Resolution Declaring that Proceedings have READ BY
been Initiated by the City Council of the City of Tustin TITLE ONLY
to Annex to said City Certain Uninhabited Territory
Described Herein, and Designated as Parker Annexation
to the City of Tustin, California, and giving Notice of
the Proposed Annexation," be read by title only.
Carried unanimously.
MOved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that Resolution Resol. 748
~.~ No. 748 be passed and adopte~. Carried by roll call - PASSED
Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes ADOPTED
None. Absent: None.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that Resolution No. RESOL. 749
749, "A Resolution Declaring that Proceedings have been BRYAN~
Initiated by the City Councilof the City of Tustin, to A~nex NEWPORT
to Said City Certain Uninhabited Territory Described herein ANNEX.
and Designated as Bryan-Newport Annexation to the City of READ BY
Tustin, and Gi~ng Notice of the Proposed Annexation," be TITLE ONLY
read by title only. Carried unanimously.
RESOL. 749 Moved by Coco, ,~seconded ~y Klingelhofer that ResolutiOn
PASSED No.~749 be.passed. and adopted, Carried by roll call.
ADOPTED Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes:
None. Absent: None.
Moved by Klingelhofer,_seconded by Coco that meeting be
adjourned. Carried.