November 2, 1964
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Mack.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Muck, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring.
City Attorney Rourke, present
Moved'by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that Minutes
of October 19th meeting be approved as mailed.
Hearing opened at 7:31 P.M. - Santa Clara Annexation SANTA CLARA
to the City of Tustin. ANNEXATION
Clerk reported no writteh protests.
There being no oral protests or comments, the Hearing
was declared closed at 7:32 P.M.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that the Council SANTA CLARA
unanimously approve the Santa Clara Annexation to the ANNEXATION
City of Tustin. Carried by roll call: Ayes: Mack, APPROVED
Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes: None. Absent:
Hearing opened at 7:D4 P.M. - Bryan-Red Hill Annexation BRYAN_RED
to the City of Tustin. HILL ANNEX.
Clerk reported one written protest from Mrs. Wilmnth PROTEST
Thompson, 1452!Bryan Avenue, Santa Aria.
Mr. Wheelock reported this property is approximately
10% of assessed valuation in entire annexation.
There being no oralprotests or comments, the Hearing
was declared closed at 7:36 P.M.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer that Bryan- BRYAN-RED
Red Hill Annexation to the City of Tustin be approved. HILL ANNEX.
Carried by roll call - Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, APPROVED
Miller, Ring. Noes: None. Absent: None.
It was requested that Mr. Wheelock contact Mrs. ThOmpson WHEELOCK TO
and discuss the benefits and reasons for annexation and<~ MEET WITH
report Mrs. Thompson~s feelings at next meeting. MRS. THOMP-
Hearing opened at 7:39 P.M~ on ZC63-139 of Ralphs Industries
to permit a change of zone from PD to C-1-P 20,000 and ZC63-139
from PD to Pr on property located on Northwest corner RALPHS IND
of'17th Street and Yorba'Street.
Previous actions of both Council and Planning Commissic~
location and application explained by Mr. Hsworth.
C. Arthur HisSon, attorney, spoke representing applicant.
There being no further comments and no objections, the
Hearing was closed at 7:44 P.M.
Moved by Ring, seconded by Miller that the rezoning of
the Westerly 65 feet of the Easterly 270 feet to 100-
C.1-P-10,000 be granted and remaining portion of
application be denied. Carried by roll call - Ayes:
Mack, Kling~lhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes: None.
Absent: None.
ADOPTION OF Hearing opened at 7:46 P.M. to consider adoption of the
GOALS AND Goals and Objectives of the Tustin Planning Area.
Goals and ObjectiVes explained by Mr. Haworth.
There Being no comments or objections, the Hearing was
declared closed at 7:49 P.M.
ATTORNEY TO Moved by Kling~lhofer, seconded by Miller that the
DRAFT RESOL. City Attorney draft a Resolution stating that the Council
IN FAVOR OF is in favor of the Goals and that Objectives as set forth
GOALS AND be included ih the ReSolution. Resolution to be presented
OBJECTIVES to the Council for adoption as soon as possible. Carried.
Mr. Coco expressed gratification to the General Plan
Committee members and all area representatives and to.
Mr. Haworth and Staff and to Mr. Adsit for the fin~ work
in this report.
APPT. TO Continued hearing opened at 7:54 P.M~· to consider appointments
PLANNING to the Tustin Planning Commission.
Mr. Ring reported that committee had held extensive interviews
of applicants. The fol. lowing applicants introduced themselves:
Mr. James Sharp, 13531 Epping Way
Mr. A:. Stanley Burney, 1311 Charloma Drive
Mr. Harry Brand, 15661 Pacific Street
There bein~ no comments ~r objections, this portion of
Hearing was declared closed at 7:55 P.M.
RESOL. 745 oved by ing, seconde~d~y Miller that Resolution No. 745
e passed and adopted app~O~i~ng Mr.~ Harry Brand to fill
H. BRAND the vacancy on Commission created by the resignation of '
TO PLANNING D. Ring.~ Ter~ to expire November 18, 1967. Carried,
COMMISSION unanimously.
Moved by Ring, seconded by Miller that Hearing t.o consider
appointments to the Tustin Planning Commission be continued
to next regular meeting, November 16th. Carried.
BIDS FOR Report on bids for tracto~sand trucks presented by Mr.
Moved by Miller,,seconded by Ring that Public Works Director
beauthorized to ~r~h~sethe ~ollowing.
1. Tractor and loader from International
Harvester Co. for .... ~ .................. $3,536.00
2. ~5,000 lb. GVW truck from McCoy Ford
Auto Division for ....................... 1,809.80
3- i0,000 lb. GVW truck from McCoy Ford
Auto Division for ....................... 3,331.78
Motion carried.
AUTO FOR Report and recommendation presented from Mr. Wheelock ~'~
PUBLIC WORKS ~egarding purchase of auto for Public Works.
Discussion followed as to advisability of investigating
a smaller automobile.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that Public Works
director be authorized to draw up specifications for an
economy car and resubmit recommendations. Carried.
Report of committee regarding Chamber of Commerce proposal
read'by 81erk.
Mr. Bob Adams or the Chamber Industrial Committee! CHAMBER IND.
spoke on behalf of the Chamber stating the Chamber COMMITTEE
requested authorization from the Council for the
Chamber to work with the City Attorney regarding
sDecific values and details for presentation to the
Council members expressed themseIves as being in
agreement with the concept of the proposal but
stated that a plan and details for payment of costs
and amounts should be worked out. An~ that there
should be coordination between the Planning Staff
and the Chamber when detailsof Agreement are being
worked out by the attorney.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that the
Council authorize the attorney to prepare an Agreement
with the Chamber for contemplated services. Carried.
Mr. Miller reported that he and Mr. Rourke, Mr. Carlsen, AREAS TO
and Mr. Wheelock had met regarding request to connect BE CONNECT
areas to City owned lines. TO CITY
Mr. Rou~ke reported that in review of all documents, LINES
he finds that the lines are owned by the City and
maintained by the 7th Sewer Maintenance District
and that the policy had been to let outside territory
cbnnect. Council should determine if they wish to
continue to.permit connections. All those in the
City Assessment District although in the County, could
not be excluded from hook-up.
Mr. Nisson, attorney for District #7, sp~ke stating
these hook-ups were all part of a general program
, started a number of years ago and that surrounding
district lines were planned and laid so that in two
or three instances they would connect to City lines
on an interim basis and then flow back into District
Mr. Nisson stated that if the City denies connection
it will present considerable problems and the a~ternatives
would be to construct additional lines at considerable
expense to property owners or to condemn city lines
and make them District lines.
Mr. Richard Smith spoke stating that it had been CERTAIN
an'area project to obtain the sewers and all area AREAS TO
citizens had worked to obtain funds for the sewer BE CONNECT.
campaign and felt that connection should be permitted. APPROVED
Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer that Council
approve request of Sanitation District #7 to connect
certain properties at Bryan Avenue Southeasterly of
Woodlawn Avenue and at Cromwell Drive at most North-
easterly end of Tract 5109 to City lines and Attorney
be directed to look into future policy and problems
of annexation. Carried by roll call - all councilmen
voting Aye.
Mayor declared a l0 minute recess.
Meeting reconvened at 8:55 P.M.
Written report from Attorney Rourke relative to REPORT ON
underground utilities presented. Mr. Rourke suggested UNDERGROUND
that this was type of matter to be referred to a UTILITIES
COMMITTEE Mayor appointed the following to a committee to study
APPOINTED the matter and report at the first meeting in December
Mr. Carlsen, Mr. Wheelock, Mr. Haworth and Mr. Brook.
BERING AND Mr. Miller, Parks and Recreation Commissioner, recommended
BALL APPT. appointments of Mr. E. Bering, term to expire 1965, and
TO P&R Mr. H. Ball, term to expire 1966.
Moved by Ring, seconded by Miller that Mr. Harold Ball
be appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission,
term to expire November 2, 1966. Carried.
Mr. Miller requested that P~rks and Recreation Commission
be furnished witha Secretary and that Minutes of Council
and Planning Meetingsbe forwarded to Parks and Recreation
Commission members.
Moved by Ring, seconded by Miller that Mr. Ed Bering be
appointed to the PaPks and Recreation Commission, term
tqexpire November 2, 1965. Carried.
Mayor Mack excused from meeting at 9:10 P.M.
REPORT ON Attorney Rourke reported that Chief Sissel will have a
ACTIONS OF report at the next regular meeting regarding regulating
PUBLIC AT of actions of the public at parades or public events.
Clerk directed to write? the parents of the boy injured
in Tiller Day Parade informing them of this procedure.
CORR. FROM Corresponde.nce from California Worlds Fair Committee
CALIF. WORLDS presented and Mr. Glen R. Watson explained request'
FAIR COMM. for a Resolution from the Council requesting that
the Orange County Board of Supervisors host the fair.
Mr. Watson stated that this resolution would in no
way commit the City.
RESOL. REQ. Moved by Coco, seconded by Ring that a Resolution be
COUNTY BOARD adopted requesting the County Board of Supervisors
OF SUPERVISORSto host the Worlds Fair. Carried.
FAIR ADOPTED Recommendation and report from P.W. Director regarding
Tract 4234 presented.
TRACT 4234
Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller thatimprovements of
Tract 4234 be accepted and the bonds be exonerated~
ABANDONMENT ~Report from Mr. Wheelock re~arding abandonment of
OF PROP, ON property on Second Street between Pasadena and Newport
SECOND ST. Freeway presented.
AND NEWPORT Moved by Miller, seconded by Coco that Hearing date
FREEWAY be set for earliest possible date - Carried.
IMPROVEMENTS Proposed Agreement with the County for improvements
OF MAIN ST. of Main Street from Newport to Bryan and Prospect Avenue
from First to Fourth, presented with recommendations
from Mr. Wheelock.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that the Mayor and
City Clerk be authorized to execute Agreement with the
County of Orange for above specified portions of Main
Street and Fourth Street - motion carried.
MACK PERMISS. Moved by Ring, seconded by Miller that Mayor Mack be
TO LEAVE granted permission to leave the state.
MOved by Miller, seconded by Coco that the Fire'Chief BRIAN GOETTING
be authorized to employ Brian James Goetting, effective EMPLOYED BY
Decembar l, 1964 at Range ~-ll, starting salary $497.00 FIRE DEPT.
Recommendation for employment of full-time janitor RECOMMENDATION
presented. FOR JANITOR
A full financial report of all costs incurred with full-
time employee requested by the Council. Mr. Ring,
Finahce Chairman, stated he wo~ld assist in a complete
May~r Mack returned to meeting at 9:50 P.M.
Moved by Ring, seconded by Klingelhofer that Ordinance ORD. 265
No. 265 rezoning certain property on application 64-139 FIRST READING
of Ralphs Industries have first reading by title only.
Clerk directe~ to contact Engineering and Grading CLERK TO CONTAC~
Contractors Association to determine what portions of ENG. AND GRADINC
ordi'nance they wish to have us take action on. ASSOCIATION
Moved by Coco seconded by Ring that correspondence be CORR. RECEIVED
received and filed. Carried.
Clerk directed ~o place discussion of Building Department BUILD. DEPT.
Pol£cy Manual on next meeting Agenda. POLICY MANUAL
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that Bills to
the amount of ~8,790.62 be paid. Carried.
Betty J. Armstrong (Dec. 1964) ..................... $ 207.50
League of California Cities ......................... 9.10
Orange County Insurance Agency ...................... 767.85
Arrowhead and Puritas Water Inc.- ................... 8.76
Tustin Florist ...................................... 6.69
Economy Office Equipment Co.- ....................... 59.80
Irvine Electric ..................................... 51.77
Tiernan's ........................................... 962.34
Santa Ana Office Supply ............................. 50.90
Atlas Coverall & Uniform Supply ..................... 23.50 B
Zep Manufacturing Co ................................ 22.31 I
State Compensation Insurance Fund ................... 3,000.00 L
Kleen-Line Corporation .............................. 51.13 L
Tustin~News ........................................ 81.66 S
Anthony Pools (Permit Refund) ....................... 11.48
Thermofax Sales Incorporated ........................ 47.26
Oxygen Service Co ................................... 9.46
Fidelity Sound ..................................... 60.84
Halpin Supply Co .................................... 40.09
Eli. Berry (Plastering) ............................. 165.79
Sante Ana Awning Co. Inc ............................ 52.00
Bradford Sheet Metal ................................ 44.46
First Western Bank (Utilities) ...................... 695.33
Orange. Co. Radiotelephone Ser. Inc .................. 30.00
Bob DeSutter Richfield Set .......................... 40.47
Tustin Village T.V.- ................................ 5-30
Louis The Tailor, Inc ............................... 153.36
Cooperative Personnel Services ...................... 63.22
Desmond's .......................................... 34.58
Business Equipment Co ............................... 7.80
Lou Gerding-Studio of Photography ................... 14.50
Taylor & Thornton ................................... 14.82
Tustin Auto Pa~s .................................. 11.45
Palm Stationers ........... ~ ...................... $ 3.74
American Conversation Assoc. Inc .................. 3.00
Exchange Bibliographies .......................... 1.00
Ronald J. Dickers~.n (Auto Allow) .................. 50,00
Benjamin L Wheelock (AUto Allow) .................. 50.00
Fred V. Brook, Jr. (Auto Allow) .................. 50.00
John W~ Coffey ( Auto Allow) .................... 50.00 --
Robert R. Marcum (Auto Allow) ............. ~ ........ 50.00
William L. Csrnshan (Auto Allowl .................. 50.00
Edward E. Haworth (Auto Allow) .................... 50.00
James E. Taylor (Auto Allow) ...................... ~50.00
L.B. Penhall Co. Inc.- ............................ 155.00
R.F. Dickson Co. In~ .............................. 585.00
Reproduction ................................. ~--- 11o29
Santa Ana Engraving Co ............................. 9.28
Tustin Fire Department ............................ 261.00
Pacific Union Metal Division ..................... 95-58
Hardy & Marper ..................................... - 37.00
Sterling Art-& Engineering Supplies ................ 24.07
Department of General Services ..................... 20.00
A~B.C. Blueprint Co ................................ 8.53
Millers Camera Stop .... ~ ........................... 10,67
Qusd Stationers .................................... 22o01
Valley Consultants Inc., ........................... 300.00
Tustin Drug & .Variety Store ............... ~ ........ 7.08
Tahitian Pools (Permit Refund) .................... 22.95
Anaheim Truck & Transfer Co ........................ 3.90
National Fire Protection ~ssoc.- ................... 41~®
TOTA'L' $ 8,790.62
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that meeting be
adjourned. Carried.