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October 5, 1964
Meeting called to order at 7:31 P.M. by Mayor pro tem
Pledge of Allegiance..
Present: Klingelhofer, Cbco, Miller, Ring.
Absent:' Mack
City Attorney Rourke, present.
Election of Mayor and Mayor pro tem deferred to MAYOR DEFERRED
next regular meeting.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that Minutes of MIN. CORRECTED
September 21st meeting be approved with addition
of the words "per week" in Minute Order authorizing
overtime for B. Wheelock. Carried.
Hearing opened at 7:34 P.M. to consider an amendment AMENDMENT TO
to Ordinance No. 157, as amended, regarding Planned ORDINANCE 157
Commercial District.
Two proposed Ordinances explained by Mr. Haworth ORD. REQUIRING
with recommendation of Tustin Planning Commission USE PERMIT FOR
and Staff for adoption of Ordinance requiring a FIVE ACRES OR
Use Permit in commercial zones for development of MORE.
five acres o~ more.
Mr. Moses spoke objecting to a Planned Commercial PLANNED COMM.
District. DISTRICT.
Mr. C.A. Nisson, representing RalDhs Industries RALPHS INDUST.
stated that they were willing to proceed under WILLING TO
proposed amendment requiring a Use Permit. PROCEED WITH
Hearing declared closed at 7:44 P.M.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that Ordinance ORD. 264
No. 26~ be read in its entirety. Carried unanimously. READ.
Upon questioning as to why five acres or more and
not two or three sores or why commercial any mot6
than any other zone, Mr. Haworth explained that
certain controls are necessary st the present and
more research muse be made before controls could
encompass smaller developments.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that Ordinance 0RD.264
No. 264 amending the zoning of the City of Tustin, AMENDING
0rd~nance No. 157, as amended, to provide for ORD.157 SECOND
conditional Use Permits in the C-1 zone, have READING
second reading by title only. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that Ordinance 0RD. 264
No. 264 be passed and adopted, as an urgency PASSED AND
measure. Carried by roll call - Ayes: Klingelhofer, ADOPTED
Coco, Miller, Ring, Noes: None. Absent: Mack.
Hearing opened at 7:55 P.M. to consider appointment APPOINTMENT
of Planning Commission member. PLANNING COMM.
Clerk reported no new written applications.
Mr. Harry A. Brand of 15661 Pacific Street, Tustin HARRY BRAND
asked the Council to reactivate his application of ASKED TO HAVE
October 30, 1963. APPLICATION
APPOINTMENT Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that Hearing
OF COMMISSIONER to consider appointment of a commissioner be
CONT. TO NEXT continued to next regular meeting of October
MEETING 19th. Carried.
ABANDONMENT OF Hearing continued from August 3rd opened at
PROPERTY AT FIRST 7:57 P.M. to consider abandonment of certain
AND NEWPORT AVE. property at First Street and Newport Avenue.
Wristten report from Mr. Wheelock presented.
COMMENTS Those present with commen~s and objections.
William Moses
J. McQuaid
Upon questioning by the Council, Mr. Wheelock
explained that this area will not be needed for
street widening as the widening will be entirely
on the Southeasterly side of Newport and that the
railroad is at grade level at this point. Mr.
Wheelock also stated that the City has no use for
this property but is responsible for the upkeep
and tk!at upon vacation ~e believed the property
would revert to the nearest land owners but this
would be up to the Title Company.
Mr. Rourke explained that it has been the policy
to abandon any streets or easements not presently
put to public use or planned for future use. In
this case, the Agreement with Larwin Square and the
Southern Pacific Railroad at the time they deeded
this property to the City had been that Abandonment
proceedings would be instigated by the City but
that no promise was or could be made to vacate.
Therefore, the City had fulfille~ its part by
bring the matter to hearing.
There being no further comments or objections, the
Hearing was declared closed st 8:35 P.M.
HEARING TO BE Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that Hearing be
CONT. AT FIRST continued to the first meeting in November for the
MEETING IN NOV. purpose of exploration of using this abandonment to
negotiate proceedings with the Southern Pacific.
Motion failed.
ABANDONMENT Moved by Ring, seconded by Miller that abandonment
PROCEEDINGS proceedinEs on certain property at First and Newport
FIRST AND NEWPORT be discontinued. Motion carried.
Mr. Haworth described Larts Agreement and stated
LARTS AGREEMENT that it does not obligate the City in any way.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer that Mayor
MAYOR & CLERK and Clerk be authorized to execute Larts Agreement.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Ring that Ordinance No.
ORD. N0. 263 263, rezoning property on application No. ZC64-138
SECOND READING BY of Tustin have second reading by title only -
TITLE ONLY carried unanimously.
ORD. 263 Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that Ordinance No.
PASSED & ADOPTED 263 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call -
Ayes: Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes: None
Absent: Mack.
Worlds Fair subcommittee minutes filed with the WORLDS FAIR
Council by Mr. Haworth. MINUTES
Mr. Rourke presented proposed Agreement between
the City and Valley Consultants, Inc. for Engineering PROP. AGREE.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that Mayor and
Clerk enter into Agreement with Valley Consultants,
Inc. for Engineering Services. Carried.
Upon recommendation of Mr. Rourke, action on RESOL.
Resolution regarding Sales Tax exemptions deferred REGARDING
to next regular meeting. SALES TAX
Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that Resolution NEXT MEETING
No. 743, requesting permission to make purchases
under ~he CoUnty Cooperative Purchasing Program RESOL. 743
be read in its entirety. Carried, unanimously. CARRIED
Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that Resolution RESOL. 743
No. 743 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. PASSED AND
Ayes: Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes: None ADOPTED
Absent: Mack.
Mr. Wheelock presented street sweeping report and STREET
requested authorization to lease a mobile sweeper SWEEPING
for a period of three months with an option to REPORT
Moved by Miller, seconded by Coco that City Attorney THREE MONTHS
and Public Works Director be authorized to draft
Agreement authorizing the leasing of mobile sweeper
for a period of three months. Carried.
Report presented by Chief Sissel regarding crossing REPORT
guards. Chief directed to purchase additional items REGARDING
requested including ~aterproof rubber compound yellow CROSSING
raincoats at s cost of $19-95 each. GUARDS
Appointment of Sanitation District alternate deferred SAN, DIST.
to next regular meeting. ALTERNATE
Mr. E. McKown, Mr. J. McQuaid, and Mr. Engle spoke NEXT MEETING
to Council regarding problems and discrepancies and
lax enforcement of Use Permit, bui~lding and architectural PROB. OF
plans for Hodge Development. USE PERMIT
These gentlemen were requested To contact the Building
Department and Mr. Brook directed to investigate and
report at next meeting.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that Civil Defense CIVIL DEFENSE
be authorized purchases for C.D., Police and Fire AUTH. PURCH.
Equipment az a cost not to exceed $4,500.00 includin~
ta~- Carried. o
Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller tha~ suthoriza~ion RESURFACE
be granted Mr. Wheelock to resurface Main Street from MAIN ST.FROM
"D" Stree~ ~o Prospect a~ a cost no~ To exceed $t,100.00 "D" TO
Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that there be a short PERSONNEL
personnel meeting a~ the conclusion of t~is meeting. METTING
Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that Bonnle Jeanne BONNIE MYERS
Myers be employed October 15th as clerk-dispatcher, EMPLOYED AS
Range 5-k, Salary $3~!.00 per month. Carried. CLERK-DISP.
Mr. Miller and Mr. Ring asked To a~ue~d League of MILLER &
Cities Business ~ing - Thursday, October 8th. ATTEND LEAGUE
APPLIC. Mr. Miller reported three applications have been
FOR PARKS & received for Parks & Recreation Commission and
RECREATION stated he would appreciate hearing from any other
COMMISSION interested parties whether City or Area residents.'
CORRESPOND. Correspondence read from the County SanitatiOn
FROM COUNTY District requesting permission to connect to existing
SANITATION City Sewer facilities at two locations. On request
DISTRICT of Mr. Miller, this matter was deferred ~htil the..
next regula~ meeting pe~ing investigation by Public
WorkS:'Director and ~lanning, Staff as to possible
annexation of areas wishing to connect to sewer facilities.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Miiler that correspondence
be received and filed. Carried.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that bills to the
amount~of $?,215. 83 be paid ~ carried.
The Tustin News ....... i .................... $ 1~.18
Santa Ana Office Supply .................... 198.18
Dennis Printers & Stationers ............... 22.01
Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Co .... , ......... 1.65
Orange County Radiotelephone Ser, Inc~'- ..... 30.00
B Rourke and Holbrook ........................ 426.60
I League of California Cities ................ . 3.12
L Orange County League of Cities .............. 68.00
L Thermo-Fax Sales Incorporated ............... 28.06
S First Western Bank (Utilities) .............. 704.90
Tustin Hardware Co.- ........................ 72.80
Drewes Union Ser ........................... 21.11
Harley Electronics, Inc.- ................... 57.20
Carl Entenmann and Son ...................... 39.35
Tustin Fire Dept ............................ 183,00
Welch's Concrete ........................... 74.62
Bayshore Lu~ber Co~ ....... r ................. 205.71
Carson & Golding ........................... 11.52
Orange County Wholesale Electric Co.- ....... 49.40
Dr. Kenneth O. Hebard, M.D.--~ .............. 30.00
Louis The Tailor, Inc. - .................... 50°86
F. Morton Pitt ~o.- .......... ~--r--r ........ 6~.97
Neal Sporting Goods .... ..................... 15.60
The Livery- ....... - ........................ 49.92
Earl DeGowin ............ - .................. 7-50
Bob DeSutter Richfield Service ............. 47.44
Tustin Paint Store ......................... 85.97
Tustin Blacksmith Shop ............ ~ ........ 13.25
County of Orange ............. r ............. 62.40
Tustln Woodshed ............................ 28.45
Van Hove Garage ......................... ~-- 86.22
County of Orange .... ~-r .................... 212.17
U.S. Porcelain Plant ....................... 87.83
Hadco Engineering Co .................... .... 64.95
R.F. Di~kson Co., Inc.- ..................... 615.00
R.J. Ncble Co. - ............................ 1,172.31
County of Orange ...................... ..... 278.00
Orange County Blueprint ...... ' .............. ~4.58
Hardy & Harper Inc .......................... 29.04
Metropolitan Printing Co .................... 21.22
Kleen-Line Corp ............................. 7.80
General Binding Corpo- ...................... 234.00
Vent-A,Hood Specialty Co .................... 35-20
Dresco ................... T,', ................ 9-31
Santa Aria Blue Print Co.~-~ ................ 9.88
Benjamin L. Wheelock (Auto Allow)-. .......... 50.00
Ronald J. Dickerson (Auto AlloN)- .......... - 50.00
Edward E. Haworth (Auto Allow) .............. ~ 50.00
James E. Taylor (Auto Allow) ................ 50.00
Ralph L. Paulson ............................ 16.26
American Society of Planning Officials ...... 15.00 B
Tustin Radio & Television Shop .............. 15.45 I
Economy Office Equlpmen~ Co ................. 256.36 L
Valley Engineering ........ ~ ................. 364.00 L
Department of General Service, State of Calif 14.00 $
Fred V. Brook, Jr. (Auto Al~low) ............. 50.00
,.~ John W. Coffey (Auto Allow) ................. 50.00
Robert R. Marcum (Auto Allow) ............... 50.00
Fowler EqulDment, Inc ........................
' William Carnahan (.Auto Allo~) ............... 50,00
Buel A, Williamson (September Expenses ....... 56,30
Ruth C. Poe (Petty ~Cash) .................... 47,18
U,S. Post Office (Stamps) ................... 25,00
TOTAL 7,215.83