September 21, 1964
Meeting called' to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor pro tem
Pledge of Allegiance
Present: Klingel'hofer, Mack, Coco, Miller.
Absent: None
City Attorney Rourke, present
Moved by Coco, seconde~d by Mack that Minutes of MIN. APPROVED
September 8th meeting be approved with correction WITH CORRECTION
of word "fungus" to "thrips" regarding trees on Main
Street. Carried.
Discussion to consider appointment to fill vacancy on DISCUSSION
the City Council, opened by Mayor pro tem Klingelhofer ON VACANCY
Mr. Mack, Mr. ~oco and Dr. Klingelho~er spoke regarding OF CITY
fine caliber of the six applicants and difficult decision COUNCIL
that faced the Council.
Moved by Coco~laeconded by Mack that Mr. Duane J. Ring DUANE RING
be appointed to fill the unexpired term of Myrl J. Sheridan APPOINTED
Term to expire April 1968. Carried by roll call - Ayes: TO FILL
Klingelhofer, Mack, Coco, Miller. Noes: None. Absent: VACANCY
Hearing opened st 7:45 P.M. on Zone Change 64-139 of ZC 64-139
Ralphs Industries. RALPHS IND.
Planning Advisor Haworth recommended that application APPLICATION
be ~eferred back to the Planning Commission with a REFERRED TO
recommendation that the Commission and Staff work up PLANNING
Ordinance for Planned Commercial or zoning stipulation COMMISSION
that commercial development of five acres or more would
require a Use Permit thereby giving controls desired.
C. Arthur Nisson, representing Ralphs Industries stated
that the applicant was prepared to go along with above
recommendations if only a plot plan was required with
Use Permit application and architectural, parking and
landscaping plans to be approved at time of building
permit application.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that ZC64-139 be
referred to Planning Commission for study and drafting
of Planned Commercial District Ordinance. Motion carried.
Hearing o~ened at 8:02 P.M. to consider appointment of APPOINTMENT
a ~lanni~g Commission member. OF PLANNING
Clerk reported one applicant Mr. Norman A. Halus, MEMBER
who was then called for introduction and questioning
by any interested citizen.
There being no comments or questions, the Hearing was
closed st 8:05 P.M.
Moved by Miller, seconded by Mack that Resolution No- RESOL. 741
741, appointing Norman A. Hslus to fill vacancy on NORMAN HALUS
Planning Commission, term to expire May 28, 1968, be PLANNING
~a§~d and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: COMMISSION
Klingelhofer, Mack, Coco,.Miller. Noes: None. MEMBER
Absent: None.
JOINT MEETING Mr. Haworth, Planning AdviSor, presented the General
OF PLANNING Plan Committee report that requirements regarding
COUNCIL AND Phase I of General Plan Study had been completed.
GENERAL PLAN Committee also recommended that a joint session of
COMMITTEE Planning Commission, Council and General Plan Committee
be held to persent General Plan Concepts.
· Mayor pro tem Klingelhofer directed that a tentative
date be set for September 30th at ?:30 P.M. in Old --~
Chambers, 145 W. Third Street Mr. Haworth
Council -
to confirm date with all concerned.
LARTS Regarding Larts Agreement, Mr. Haworth reported that
AGREEMENT in order for Larts to obtain funds to continue studies
they must have Agreements with cities and counties
stating that they will cooperate.
Mr. Haworth said this Agreement would entail no financial
burden or obligation for man hours and in no way ties
the City down. He feels that Larts is a Reginal Study
and of value and recommends approval of Agreement.
Mr. Rourke said he saw no obligations for financial aid
or staff man hours but offered no recommendati'ons.
Clerk directed to place Larts Agreement on next Agenda
to allow time for study by the Council.
CHIEF SISSEL Moved by Coco, seconded by Mack that Chief Sissel be
AUTHOR. TO granted authorizationto hire crossing guards for
HIRE CROSSING p~rposes as stated in his report and Chief to present
GUARDS anticipated expenditures at next Council Meeting.
ORD. 263 Moved by Mack, seconded by Miller that Ordinance No.
ZC64-138 263, Rezoning Property on app~ication No. ZC64-138 of
Tustin be read by title only. Carried unanimously.
WORLDS FAIR Mr. Glenn Bourret spoke regarding possibilities of
ORANGE Worldi~ Fair site in Orange County and conveyed request
COUNTY that a city official represent Tustin at a California
COMMITTEE Worlds Fair Orange County Committee Meeting Wednesday,
September 30, at 12:30 P.M. st Disneyland Hotel.
COUNCILMAN Councilman Mack designated to attend this meeting to
MACK TO represent the City.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Mack that Resolution No.
RESOL.742 742, Commending Myrl J. Sheridan, be read in its
COMMENDING entirety. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Coco that Resolution No.
RESOL. 742 742, ~epas~ed~aHd adopted. Carried by roll call
PASSED AND Ayes: Klingelhofer, Mack, Coco, Miller. Noes: None
ADOPTED Absent:~ None.
COUNCILMAN Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that Councilman
MACK Mack be granted permission to leave the state from
PERMISSION TO October 4th thru October 10th. Carried. ~'~
Mr. Miller reported that the Parks and Recreation ~
RE-ORGANIZATIONCommisslon is in need of re-organization and there
OF PARKS & is a call for persons interested in serving as
RECREATION commissioners. Commissioners may be from either the
COMMISSION City or the Tustin area.
Mr. Wheelock reported that trees on Main Street MAIN STREET
have been sprayed. SPRAYED
Proposal for Engineering Services from Mr. Carlsen, PROPOSAL FOR
Valeey Consultants, Inc. and recommendations from ENGINEERING
Mr. Wheelock received by the Council. SERVICES
Moved by Coco, seconded by Mack that the Council
take proposal into consideration and attorney draft
an Agreement with Mr. Carlsen's firm, Valley Consultants,
Inc. for presentation to the Council st nex~ regular
meeting. Agreement to follow substantially the
context of the proposal. Carried.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Mack that Council grant APPLICATIONS
authorization to Public Works Department to request FOR CIVIL
applications for the position of Assistant Civil ENGINEER
Engineer in Salary Range 18. Carried.
Moved by Coco~ seconded by Miller that Mr. Wheelock WHEELOCK
be authorized to work overtime until November 30, 1964, AUTH. TO
at his hourly equivalent salary and not to exceed WORK OVER-
15 hours per week. TIME
Moved by Mack, seconded by Coco that Civil Defense WILLIAMSON
Director Williamson be authorized to attend United AUTH TO ATTEND
States Civil Defense Council Conference, Colorado CIVIL DEFENSE
Springs, Colorado, November 1st thru 6th at a cost CONFERENCE
not to exceed ~300.00. Carried.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Coco that improvements TRACT 5327
in Tract 5327 be accepted and bonds exoneratsd.
Mr. Miller asked Mr. Wheelock to apprise all contractors
that Wednesday noon is the neadline for all material
to be brought before the Council at following
Monday meeting.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Coco that final tract TRACT 5614
map for Tract 5614 be approved subject to ths posting
of bonds and inspection fees and the Mayor and Clerk
be authorized to ~eoute the necessary documents,
when ihe above conditions are me~. Carried.
Correspondence presented from City of Garden Grove CORR. FROM
urging this City to adopt a Resolution requesting GARDEN GROVE
the elimination of State Sales Tax on certain items. REQUESTING
Moved by Miller, seconded by Coco that ths City OF STATE
Attorney be directed to study Resolution and report SALES TAX
at next regular meeting. Carried.
Moved by Miller, seconded by Coco that correspondence
be received ~ndfiled. Carried.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Miller, that bills to
the amount of $7,900.89, be aporoved and paid.
Carried '
The Tustin News ................................ $ 43.38
Orange County Insurance Agency ................. 2,~64.68
Hanson, Peterson, Cowlea & Sylvester .......... 515.00
Kleen-Line Corporation ........................ 15.91
Atlas Coverall & Uniform ..................... 11.75
State of California-Documents Section ......... 2.08
American Society of Planning Officials ........ 15.00
Harris & Frank ................................ 8.27
Seagraves Pacific Corp ......................... 61.25
Bayshore Lumber Co ............................. 49.11
The Tustin Drug & Variety Store ................
A.S.C. Auto Parts .............................. 6.76
Tustin Water Works ............................. 1,04~.00
Signal Oil Co.- ............................... ~ 344.25
Auto Service Center ........................... 28.36
Welch's Concrete ............................. 89'~
County of Orange .............................. 37.81
Thermo-Fax Sales Incorporated ................. 14.31
County of Orange ............................... 10.82
Western Auto Associate Store .................. 12.23
Desmonds ..................................... 20.80
B Jock's Car Wash .............................. 64.00
I Dr. Kenneth G. Hebard, M.D.- ................. 30.00
L American Institute'of'Planners.- .............. 20.00
L National Fire Protection Association .......... 2.00
S Concrete Masonry Manual ........................ 8.00
F. Mortion Pitt Co.- ........................... 65.18
Business Equipment Co.- ........................ 33.18
Building News, Inc.- ........................... 1.75
Ted B. Adsit .................................. 299.31
Ralph L. Paulson ............................... 18.24
J.E. Bauer Co.- ................................ 486.20
Los Angeles Times .............................. 76.14
First Western Bsnk (Utilities) ................. 38.46
Hardy & Hsrper ................................. 693.61
County of Or~ge - Survey & Road ............... 634o51
Dresco ......................................... 192.06
County of Orange .............................. 1~.~6
State of Calif.~Documa~t~$ect~on~ .............. ~.I I~_~6~
State of Calif.(Document Section) .............. 10.40
Chamber Mix Concrete - Deposit Refund .......... 357.00
Los Angeles Chamber'Of~Commerce ................ 15.00
S.E. Eaton Co. Refund Street Permit #160 ....... ~0.00
TOTAL $ 7,900.89
MEETING WI~ Dro Klin~elhofer announced that he would be meeting
ALL DEPT. with all~department heads at 8 A.M. ~ursday, September
HEADS AND 24th. This meeting to be followed the next week by
COUNCILMEN a meeting with all employees and any councilmen who
are able to attend.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that meeting be