HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1964 09 08 314 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL September 8, 1964 Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor pro tem Kling~hofer. Pledge of Allegiance. ~'~ Present:~ Klingelhofer, Mack, Coco, Miller. Absent: None A-leo Present:~ City Attorney Rourke Moved by Coco, seconded by Mack that Minutes of August 17th Meeting be approved as mailed. Carried. ZC64-138 Discussion opened on ZC64-138 to consider the rez0ning of LAGUNA AND certain property at the Northerly corner of Laguna and Red RED HILL Hill from "U" to R-3, R-4 and C-2. Staff report and recommendations presented. Moved by Coco, seconded by Mack that recommendations of Planning Commission to zone two portions from "U"tb 100- C-2-10,000 and R-3 be approved and portion recommended from "U" to R-4 be held in abeyance and remain "U" until a later date. Carried by roll call Ayes: Klingelhofer, Mack, Coco, Miller; Noes: None. Absent: ~one. ZC64-139 Hearing opened at 7:42 P.M. on ZC64-139 of Rslphs Industries RALPHS INDUST.to permit rezoning of Westerly 65' of existing P.D. 3500 zone to 100-C-1-20,000 and a certain portion zoned P.D. to Pr. __ Recommendations presented from Planning Commission and Staff that extension of C zone 65' into P.D. zone be approved. Request read from Ralphs Industries and property owners that portion of subject property requested for Pr zoning be withdrawn. Correspondence from County of Orange read and clerk reported 7 letters from area residents in favor of zone change and 15 letters of protests had been received. DISSUSSION Those speaking On behalf of application: C.A~ Nisson, Attorney Mr. Ainsworth, Architect G. Broomell, representing property owners G.O. Bixler, regarding economics Those protesting application: ~. Theurich, TAHOA q. Flemming, TAHOA J. Ambrose, Foothill Homeowners' Association There being no further commen.tS or protests, Hearing was --~ declared closed at 8:30 P.M. Moved by Mack that request of Ralphs Industries be granted Motion died for lack of second. Councilman Miller suggested that a variance be applied for rather than a straight zone change in order to insure architectural control of development. Upon questioning Mr. Helm of Ralphs Industries stated that this might injure 315, financing depending upon the nature of the variance. Mo~ed by Coco, seconded by Miller that attorney for ATTORNEY FOR Ralphs get together with the city attorney to work RALPH'S AND out terms of a variance which would specifically CITY ATTORNEY retain P.D. zone on Yorba Street and allowing use of TO WORK ON 65' for commercial - Carried, Gouncilma~Mack voting VARIANCE No. Moved by Miller, seconded by Coco, that above motion ZC64-139 be.amended to include that Hearing on ZC64-139 be BE CONT. TO continued to next regular meeting to allow time for NEXT MEETING attorneys to meet.- Carried. Councilman,Mack voting No. Mr. WheeXock and Chief Sissel explained ways, means WHEELOCK AND and needs of school crossing g~ards at ~First & "B" CHIEF SISSEL Streets and Fourth & "B. Streets. EXPLAINED NEED FOR ~ Chief Sissel and Mr.~Wheelock directed to see that CROSSING ~ areas in need of guards are covered until problem is GUARD ~' resolved. ~ Chief Hilton presented recommendation that bid f~r CHIEF HILTON 1250 GPM Triple Combination Pumper be awarded to RECOMMENDS Seagraves Fire Apparatus. BID FOR PUMPER BE Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that the Council AWARDED TO accept the recommendationa~ of Fire Chief and enter SEAGRAVES FIRE into Agreement with Seagra~ Fire Apparatus for 12150 APPARATUS GPM Triple Combinstlion PumperI~a4~cost of $38,910.56 as specified in proposal and wit~ll obligations, conditions and specifications set f~r~h in bid.- - Carried. Moved by Mack, seconded by Miller that the City ~ttorney CITY ATT. be directed to reach an agreement with interested parties TO WORK ON in detail for the purchase option to buy one 1250 GPM DETAILS OF Triple Combination Pumper. Carried. OF PURCHASR Mayor pro tem Kllngelhofer instructed all department DEPART. HEAD heads to have all formal presentations in the hands TO HAVE ALL of the City Clerk byAgenda deadline (Wednesdayl~prior PRESENTATION to meeting date for both Council and Planning Meetings). IN CITY Clerk then to place a~l information in folder with CLERKS Agenda zo be available for each Councilman or Commissioner OFFICE BY by Friday noon prior to their respective meetings. WED. PRIOR TO MEETING Report on insurance .re-evaluation presented by Mr. Mack. Moved by MaCk, seconded by Coco that the City continue INSURANCE sn with California Physicians' Service and city enter REPORT into a Life Insurance Agreemen~ with Standard Insurance of Portland for the life insurance portion of coverage. Carried. Moved by Coco, seconded by Mack that report from City REPORT ON __ Administrator Study Committee be received and action CITY ADMIN. be deferred to a later date. Carried. DEFERRED Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. F. Bacon of League of Women's LEAGUE Voters spoke regarding League work and aims. WORK Personnel Study SessiOn set for Tuesday, September 15, at 7:30 P.M. in Old Council Chambers, 145 W. Third Street. 3 RESOL. 739 M6ved by Mack, seconded by Coco that Resolution No. BRYAN-RED 739, "A Resolution Declaring that Proceedings Have HILL ANNEX. Been Initiated by the City Council of the City of NO. 2 Tustin to Annex to Said City Certain Uninhabited Territory Described Herein and Designated as Bryan-Red Hill Annexation No. 2 to the City of Tustin, and Giving notice of the Proposed Annexation" be read by title only~,Carried unanimously. RESOL. 739 Moved by Mack, seconded by Coco that Resolution No. 739 PASSED be passed and adopted - carried by roll call - Ayes: ADOPTED Klingelhofer, Mack, Coco, Miller. Noes: None. Absent: None. RESOL. 740 Moved by Mack, seconded by COco 'that Resolution No.- 740 SANTA CLARA "A Resolution declaring that Proceedings have been Initiated ANNEXATION be The City Council of the City of Tustin to Annex t o said City certain Uninhabited Territory described heroin and designated as Revised Santa C~ara'Annexation tO the City of Tustin and giving notice of the proposed annexation" be read by title only. Carried unanimously.- RESOL. 740 Moved by Coco, seconded by Mack that Resolution No. 740 PASSED be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call - Ayes: ADOPTED Klingelhofer, Mack, Coco, Miller. Noes: None. Absent: None. DISCUSSION Discussion regarding need for City Engineer deferred and REGARDING Mr. Miller requested that Mr. Wheelock and Mr. Carlson CITY ENG. prepare a summary of the following. 1. List the duties and responsibilities that only a registered city engineer can do and the estimated number of hours each week required to discharge these duties and responsibilities. 2. List the anticipated duties and responsibilities of the City Engineer and percentage of the engineer's time required for each duty. 3- List the anticipated duties and responsibilities of Mr. Wheelock and the percentage of time required foreach,both now and if2nthe City Engineer is hired. 4. List duties and responsibilities of others in the Engineering Department and the per- centage of time required for each,both now and if the City Engineer is hired. 5.What do we pay/month now for engineering consulting services. 6. Will the total cost to the city be more or less if the City Engineer is hired and if more, what is the Justification for the additional expense. CHAMBER MIX Moved by Coco, seconded by Mack that slurry seal CONCRETE INC. improvements by Chamber Mix Concrete Inc. on First Street BID ACCEPTED from Newport Freeway and on "D" Street from First to Laguna Road in the amount of $3,292.64 be accept6d. Carried. Moved by Mack, seconded by Miller that bonds of Chamber Mix Concrete be exonerated. Carried. 3 17 Moved by Coco, seconded by Mack that, improvements made IMPROVEMENTS by R.J. Noble on Second Street from "C" Stl. ~to Prospect BY R.J. NOBLE Ave. in the amount of $11,723.06 be accepted; and bonds ON SECOND ST. exonerated. Carried. ACCEPTED Names of applicants to fill vacancy on the Cauncil read _ NAMES OF clerk directed to make further inquiries as to availability COUNCIL and clearance of all appli'cants and report to COuncil. APPLICANTS READ Moved by Mack, seconded by Coco that resignation of Bernyce B.J.SCHLEITI J. Schleith, Police Dispatcher, be accepted. Carried. RESIGNATION ACCEPTED Mayor pro tem Klingelhofer directed that letter from Tustin Village Community Association commending Officer Cartuba LETTER and the City be received and copies given to Chief Sissel COMMENDING and Officer Cartuba. OFFICER CARRUBA & John Stanley, Campaign Chairman for SantaAna-Tustln CITY Community Chest, spoke regarding request to designate First Street, Tustin, ~s United Way. COMMUNITY CHEST Moved by Mack, secondedby Coco that reques~ of Santa ~na TUstin Community Chest be granted. Carried. Clerk directed to convey the Council's appreciation to APPREC. TO Mrs. Kortmeyer for her help and services during the Clerk's MRS.KORT- absence. MEYER Moved by Mack, seconded by Coco that correspondence be received and filed carried. Moved by Mack, seconded by Miller tha~ Mrs. Edna Harrigan EDNA be employed as dispatcher effective Immediately and Mrs. HARRIGNN & Donna Stephenson be employed as dispatcher effective DONNA September 16th, both at salary stated in Salary Survey STEPHENSON as recommended by Chief Sissel. Carried. EMPLOYED AS DISPATCHERS Mr. Wheelock directed to examine trees on Main Street WHEELOCK East of "D" Street and take necessary steps for ~r~ps TO EXAMINE condition. TREES ON MAIN Moved bY coco, seconded by Miller that Councilman Mack MACK TO replace Mr. Sheridan on all bank sienasure cards. Carried. SIGN SIGN. CARDS Moved by Mack, seconded by Coco that bills to the amount of $10,653.91 be paid. Carried BILLS Betty J. Armstrong Oct. 196~ Orange County RadiOtelephone ~'Y~g[22222 ........... $ ~07.50 ........... 30.00 Tustin Paint Store ................................... 4.08 First Western Bank (Utilities) ........................ 758-98 Tustin Hardware Co .................................... 69.90 Fsrnsworth Jewelry .................................... 12.69 R.L. Duncan & R.A. Heisey ............................. 723.65 Joe Oldham ............................................ 348.00 Rourke & Holbrook ..................................... 498.61 Robert Hill Art for Advertising .... ................... 38.48 Martin & Chapman Co., Ltd ........... Santa Ana Office Supply Co. - ................. 39.26 ........................... ~2.46 Dennis Printers ....................................... 22.61 The Tustin News ....................................... 70.64 Revere House ......................................... 32.28 Rober~s Elec~nic ...................................... 152.53 Tustln Fire Dep~ ...................................... 252.00 National Fire Protection Association 10.35 State Employees' Retirement System .................. California Correctional Ind~s'triesl'Z"lZ ............. 46.06 ................ 33.28 SoundScribers Sales Corp .............................. 1,193.92 Mobile Radio, Inc ..................................... 72.80 F. Morton Pitt Co ..................................... 25.05 Van Hove Garage ....................................... 109.91 Bob DeSutter Richfied~.Ser ............................. 40.10 Tustin Radio & Television Shop ........................ 8.84 David Windh ~T.A.Y.C. Cleaning~ .................... $ 15.® Santo J. Carruba (T.A.Y.C. Extra Duty Officer) ..... 15.00 Guy Hollenbech (T.A.Y.C. Extra Duty Officer) ........ 12.00 B Tustin Florist ..................................... 6.24 I Herbert L. Miller, Inc.- ........................... 87.32 L Business Forms Press, Inc.- ........................ ~1.08 L V.B. Anderson Co.- ................................. 2.86 S Blystone Machinery Rental Co.- ..................... 150-75 Carson & Goldi~ ................................... 27.62 ReprodUction ...................................... 25.97 -- U.S. Porcelain Plant ............................... 339.04 Jezowski &Markel .................................. 316.11 Western Highway Products Co ........................ 12.87 R.J. Noble Co ...................................... ~7.70 Fowler Equipment, Inc.- ........................... 1595-80 Ben Wheelock CAuto Allow) .......................... 50°00 Ronald Dickerson (Auto Allowl ...................... 50.00 Traffic Signal Maintenance Co ...................... 58.00 Tustin Woodshed ................................... 2.50 Orange County Blueprint ............................ 19.03 Hardy & Harped, Inc ................................ 70.76 L.B. Penhall Co. Inc ............................... 118.38 R.F. Dickson Co. Inc ............................... 540.00 The Register ........................................ 66.08 Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Co ................... 5.00 Excelsior Creamery Co.- ............................ 74.73 Santa Ans Blue Print Co ............................ 73.71 Passaic Valley Citizens Planning Assoc ............. 1.50 American Conservation Assoc.- ...................... 3.00 Willisms and Mocine ................................ 1.50 American Society of Planning Officials ............. 10.25 Los Angeles Times .................................. 76.14 Edward E. Hsworth (Auto. Allow) .................... 25°00 Fred V. Brook Jr. (Auto. Allow) .................... 50.00 John W. Coffey (Auto. Allow) ....................... 50.00 Robert R. Marcum (Auto. Allow) ..................... 50.00 Justice Electric (Permit Refundl ................... 2.80 Buel A. Williamson (Auto Allow) .................... 75.00 Ruth C. Poe (Petty Cash) ........................... 41.69 Betty J. Armstrong ................................. 207.50 Holthe Disposal Set ................................ 1,962.00 TOTAL 10,653.9~ Moved by Mack, seconded by Miller that meeting be adjourned. Carried. MAY~ ~~