August 17, 1964
Meeting called to order at ?:30 P.M. by Mayor Sheridan.
Pledge of Allegiance.
LETTER OF Letter of resignation from Mr. Cllfton Miller, from position
RESIGNATIGN on Planning Commission, read.
ACCEPTED Moved by Klingethofer, seconded by Mack, that resignation of
Mr. Miller be accepted by Councill. Carrled by roll call
Ayes: Sheridan, Mack, Coco, Klingelhbfer. Noes: Nonel. Absent:
OATH OF Oath of office administered to Mr. Clifton Miller by Deputy
OFFICE City Clerk.
C. MILLER Present: Sheridan, Klingelhofer, Mack, Coco, Miller.
Absent: None
Also Present: Attorney Rourke, Sisse!, Hilton, Wheelock,
Brook, Haworth, Williamson.
MIN. APPROV.Moved by Mack, seconded by Coco that Minutes of August 3rd be
approved as mailed. Carried.
FIRE AND Requested by Klingelhofer that a ruling be given by Mayor
PARKS AND regarding the filling of vacancy for Fire Commissioner which
RECREATION was due to the resignation of Mr. Domey.
APPOINTED !~ppointed by Mayor Sheridan:
Parks & Recreation - Clifton Miller
Fire Commissioner - Dr. Klingelhofer
Fire badge presented to Dr. K!ingelhofer by Mayor.
ZC64-138 Hearing opened at 7:40 P.M. on rezoni~ of Laguna and Red Hill
LAGUNA & to R-3, R-4 and C-2 application ZC64-138.
There being no protests or comments, HearinS was declared
closed at 7:45 P.M.
DISCUSSION Discussion followed explanation given in usage by Mr. Haworth
and Mr. Wheelock.
Recommendation from Coco that R-3, C-2 be granted as called
for with possible further study on the R-4..
DEFERRED Moved by Kllngelhofer, seconded by Mack that matter be deferred
TO NEXT until next meeting in order for more study at which time action
MEETING can be taken. Carried by roll call - Ayes: Klingelhofer,
Sheridan, Mack, Coco, Miller: Noes: None. Absent: None.
PLANNING Moved by Coco to amend the motion that a Planning Staff be
STAFF TO directed to make a study specifically of the parcel proposed
STUDY R-4 for R-4 zoning, to determine the feasibility of lesser density
ZONING in this area, and results of study to be read at next Council
Meeting. Seconded by Miller. Carried by roll call - ~yes:
Sheridan, Mack, Coco, Klingelhofer, Miller. Noes: None.
Absent: None.
UP64-166A Hearing opened at 8:00 P.M. on UP6a-166A an Appeal of the
APPEAL ON decision of the Planning Commission granting UP64-166A of
FIRST CHURCHFirst Church of Christ Scientist to permit the erection of
OF CHRIST church bui!din~g at. 440 W. Main Street, Tustln.
Planning Advisor Haworth explained application end gave back-
ground of U.P. application and request.
Mayor Sheridan acknowledged petltiOn of some approximately 166 PETITION
names of property owners protesting app!Icatlon, as having been PROTEST.
received. APPLICAT
~Zose speaking against granting of Appeal were: SPEAKING
Mr. Reg Wood, 1212 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana, representing APPEAL
proDerEy owners surroundl~ the area in question.
Mr. Fltch Sawyer, resident of sezond house West of
Church property.
Paul Snow, 430 W. Main Street, Tustin.
Those speaking in favor of church were: THOSE
Howard Robertshaw, 1827 Loma RoJa Drive, representing IN FAVOR
apnlicant. OF CHURCH
Exhlbits A, B, C and D ~gai~ opened for review by the Council. EX.A,B,
~ebuttal betwee~ opposlng speakers followed. OPENED
Hearing closed a~ 8:43 P.M.
Discussion followed.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco th~ t~esolution ?38 RESOL.738
covering Planning Commlssion on Appeal on UP64-166A, First UP64--166A
Church of Chrls~ Scientist, be upheld. Motion c~rried by roll First
call Ayes: Sheridan, Klingelhofer, Mack, Coco, Miller. Noes: Church of
None. Absent: None. Christ
T ~
en minute recess called by Mayor at 8:5~ P.M.
Meetlng reconvened at 9:0~ P.M.
Bids opened on 1250 Gallon Pumper En~lne for rustin Fire BIDS
Department. 'The following four flrms submitted bids and OPENED ON
delivery dates as follows: PUMPER
~1,9~0.00 ~0,709.83
Trade-In 00.00 Tra e-in
Dellvery Da~e: Delivery Date:
190 workinS days after 160 working days after
recelp~ of order receipt of order
$38, ~1~. oo $37,575 - 68
l~000,O0 Tra~e-In l~000,00 Trade-In
$~7 ~14.00 .$36,575,68
Delivery Date~ Delivery Date:
Within 130 working days 130 working days after COMMITTEE
after receip~ of order receipt of order APPOINTEE
Due ~o the varied technicalities, specifications and delivery BIDS
dates listed in each bid submitted, Mr. Sheridan directed further
study be made before the letting of b~ds and appointed a comml~ee
comprise~ of City Attorney Rourke, Fire Chief Morgan Hilton and
new Fire Commissioner Klingelhofer to study proposals and report
back at next Council Meeting.
There being no objections, it was as directed by Mayor.
Reportsof Department~
GEN. PLAN Mr. Haworth, Pl~nning Advisor, presented General Plan Cost
COST EST. Estimate to Council for their review.
GEN. PLAN Mr. Haworth informed the Council that a report on General
STUDY COMM. Plan Study concerning the goals and objectives of the
Community, which has been underway, will be ready for Council
review when Mr. Adsit completes his study of questionnaires
and makes report to General Planning Committee.
MILLER TO Mr. Sheridan appointed Mr. MilIer to continue serving on
REPLACE General Plan Committee, replacing Mr. Mack as Councilman
MACK ON GEN. on the Committee. Frank E. Bacon, chairman of Plamning
PLAN COMM. Commission to appoint Mr. Miller's successor on Planning
Commission immediately.
PLAN. DIR. Recommendation to City Council that Planning Director be
AUTH. TO a~thorized to hire a secretary for Planning Department at
HIRE SECRET. 2A~,0 "D" Street, by august 2~th, or at such time as new quarters
are remodeled or ~hichever comes latest.
PLAN. DIR. Recommended to City Council that authoriz~tion be given
AUTH. TO Planning DireCtor to hire a Planning Technician, last week of
HIRE PLAN. August or lst.week of September, or at completion of remodeling
TECHNICIAN of building at 2~0 "D" Street, whichever comes. latest.
SALARY MOved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer that Planning Department
FOR SECRET. be authorized to hire a secretary by August 2~th or at such
PLANNING latest, at a monthly salary i 37 referencing
DEPARTMENT to Salary Report and approval of Department and Council.
Motion carried by roll call - Ayes: Sheridan, K!Ingelhofer,
Mack, Coco, Miller. Noes: None. Absent: None.
SALARY FOR Moved by Coco, seconded by Kli~gelhofer that Planning Department
PLAN. TECH. be authorized to hire a Pl~nntng Technician not later than
OF THE PLAN. August 21st, or when buil~i~ facilities are ready, whichever
DEPARTMENT comes latest, ata beginning salary of ~22.00 per month and
at approval of Planning Department and COuncil. Motion carried
by roll call - ~yes: Sheridan, Klingelhofer, Mack, Coco,
Miller. Noes: None. Absent: None.
TRACT 4974 Requested by Ben Whee!ock that Improvements on Tract #~97~ be
accepted byICounci! as completed and bonds to be exonerated.
Improvements Moved by Kl!ngelhofer, seconded by Coco, that sub-division
ACCEPTED improvements on Tract #~97~ be accepted and bonds to be
exonerated~ Motion carried.
TRACT 4237 Recommended by Mr. Wheelock that Subdiv. Improvements be
accepted in Tract ~237 and bonds exonerated.
IMPROVEMENTS Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by C~co that ~ub-dlvis{'~n
ACCEPTED Improvements on Tract ~2~7 be accepted and bonds be~eXonerated.
Motion carried. -
A report on Gas Tax Expenditures from the State read by
Mr. Wheelock.
RESOL. 736 Moved ~y Klirgelhofer, seconded by Coco that Resolution No.
READ BY 7~6 "AResolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin,
TITLE ONLY California, Certifying the Annual Report of Expenditures for
Improving the SeleCt System for Fiscal Year Ending June 30,
!96~" be read by title only. Carried.
RESOL. 736 Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that Resolution 736
PASSED AND be passed and ado"~ed. Carried by roll call - Ayes: Sheridan,
ADOPTED Kllngelhofer, Mac{, Coco, Miller. Noes: None. Absent: N~ne.
Requested by Mr. Wheelock that Interview Board be BOARD TO
appointed to interview applicants for City Engineer. INTERVIEW
Mr. Sheridan appointed ~o serve on Interview Board, FOR CITY ENG
one member from City Council, Mr. Coco, Mr. Wheelock,
Asst. Engineer, a representative from Irvine Ranch, a
representative from County and Mr. Fred Brook, Tustin
Building Department.
Report from Fire Department and Police Department stated TUSTIN TILLER
they had no objections to Tustin Tiller Day Parade route PARADE
-- as presented to them, but suggestions from Fire Department APPROVED
were given as per letter given Council and on file. BY POLICE
Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that route as DEPT.
presented be accepted and clerk to so notify Chamber of RECOMMEND.
Commerce as to stated recommendations of Fire Department FROM FIRE
as stipulated- Carried. DEPT.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that Ordinance 0RD. 261
No. 261, "An Ordinance of the City of Tustin Establishing SECOND
Set Back Lines on Fourth Street" have second reading by READING
title only. Motion carried by roll call Ayes: Sheridan,
Ktingelhofer, Mack, Coco, Miller. Noes: None. Absent:
Moved by Mack, seconded by Klin~elhofer that Ordinance ORD. 261
No. 261 be passed and adopted. Motion carried by roll PASSED
call. Ayes: Sheridan, Klingelhofer, Mack, Coco, Miller. ADOPTED
Noes: None Absent: None.
Mr. Coco stated that he wished to go on record as being
unhappy with ordinance 10foot set back from right of
way line.
There being no report from committee regarding City COMMITTEE
"~ Administrator Study, Mr. Sheridan recommended that if FOR CITY
no report is received at nex~ meeting of September 8th, ADMINISTRAT
Committee be dissolved
Weed abatement charges explained by Mr. Wheelock. WEED ABATE.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Coco that charges on Weed
Abatement, presented by Mr. Wheelock, be accepted.
Motion carried.
POrtion of Agenda which read "Council 5o give expression 0RD. 157
as to necessity for amendment ~o Ordinance No. 157, as
amended, to limit signs in "U" zone to an overall height
of 50' from grade" be deleted from Agends and struck from
Letter of Petition with ei~ht signatures of property PETITION
owners received by City Council regaPding parking PARKING
procedures on the 700 block on Wes~ Main Street, acknow- PROCEDURES
ledged as having been received and referred to Chief W. MAIN ST.
S~ssel an~ Mr. WheelOck for study.
"' Letter from Mrs. V.C. Crawford, 165 Orangewood Lane, REQUEST
s~sting need for a cement sidewaIk school crossing sign FOR CROSSING
at "B" and Fourth and a request for Crossing Guard GUARD
referred to Mr. Wheelockj Mr. Wheelock to report back
a~ next Council Meeting concerning the question as to
w~at agency or department assumes responsibility for
hiring of Crossing Guard.
Minutes from Board of Supervisors pertaining to larger STREET
stree~ lights at First and "D" Street read Mr. Wheelock LIGHTS AT
given authDrization to include this request in present 1ST & "D"
year plan for Tustin Lighting District.
Letter of commendation f89 ~olice Department read- copy
to be given to Chief of Police and original filed. FOR POLICE
All other correspondence ordered received and filed. DEPARTMENT
LETTER OF Letter of resignation as Mayor and City Councilman
RESIGNATION received from Mr. Sheridan, read byDeputyCity Clerk,
FROM Resignation to become effective midnight August 31, 1964.
MR. SHERIDAN Resignation tendered because of additional heavy responsi- bilities in own personal position.
Moved by Mack, and with deep regret that the resignation
of Mr. Sheridan be accepted and the City directed to draw
up a Letter of Commendation for his Iong and faithful
service seconded byeCoco and with deep regret that
resignation be accepted and also a remin~yer that replacement
for Mr. Sheridan would not be easy due to his exceptional
service and abilities and because of his background and
familiar knowledge pertaining to financial matters and budget
preparation. Motion carried.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that the bills in
the amount of $4,840.38 be paid. Motion carried.
The Tustin News ................................. $ 138.50
Orange County InsuranCe Agency .................. 602.00
B Security TitleInsurance Co .................. ,._ 60.00
I Departmentlof Finance-_, ........................ 190.00
L Red Hill Ridge (Ref. Acct. Sign UP 62-15) ....... i00.00
L Dennis Printers & Stationers .................... 124.32
S Santa Ana Office Supply ......................... 285.84
Robert R. Marcum ................................ 30.00
Business Equipment Co ........................... ~19.03
David Windh .................... ~ ................ 25.00
Hanson, Peterson, Cowlea & Sylvester ............ 25.00
Kleen-Line Corporation .......................... 42.69
"Louie" Schmetzer Co ............................ 18.06
Penney's ....................................... 26.85
Harris& Frank ................................... 62.87
Auto Service Cen~er ............................. 68.02
Wardlaw Fire Equipment ......................... 208.00
Carson & Golding ............................... 119.60
Bob DeSutter Richfield Set ...................... 35.47
Patterson Jewelers ............................. 15.60
Carl Entenmann & Son ........................... 9.24
Dr. Kenneth G. Hebsrd M.D ....................... 20.00
County of Orange ................................ 10.82
ThermosFax Sales Incorporated ................... 96.10
Signal 0il Co .................................. 369.75
Van Hove GaPage ................................. 163-59
Graves & Howley, Inc ........................... 20.80
Orange County-Blueprint ......................... 21.21
The Re~ister ................................... 53.20
Hardy & Harper .................................. 194.87
Valley Engineering .............................. 480.00
Traffic Signal Msint. Co ........................ 34.00
U.S. Porcelain Plan~ ............................ 370.92
Zumar Industries, Inc ........................... 24.96
Royal Crown Beverage Co .......................... 44.55
Foes Parking Lot Maint.~4 ...................... 35.00
The Tustin Hardware Co.1 ......................... 41.85
Tustin Woodshed ................................. 7-36
Fire Extinguisher Maint. Co ..................... 5.00
Ralph L. Paulson .............................. 45.24
MacPherson Stationers ........................... 95.12
House of Trophies .............................. 32J95
John Claus - Buses for charter .................. 196.00
Ted B. Adsit- Planning & Development ...............
Alexdraft Equipmenn Co. ~.95
NAHRO-Southern Calif. Chapter 10.00
Betty J. Armstrong ~2.~0
Meeting adjourned to Tuesday, September 8, 1964, due to the