HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 12 CALTRANS D-12-039 09-5-89TO: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SU83EGT: CALTRANS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO. D-12-039 RECOMMENDATION: That the Tustin City Council at their meeting of September 5, 1989 approve Cooperative Agreement No. D-12-039 for the construction of traffic signal improvements along Irvine Boulevard, Newport Avenue and Edinger Avenue, and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement. BACKGROUND: During the past year, both the Caltrans and city staffs have been working on measures to help minimize traffic impacts on the surface streets within Tustin. The diversion of traffic flows to certain city streets during the widening of the I-5 Freeway between Route 405 and Route 55 and the Route 55/Route 5 interchange construction has been acknowledged by Caltrans and they are willing to participate in certain traffic signal improvements on the streets listed below: * Irvine Boulevard from Route 55 to Jamboree Road * Edinger Avenue from Route 55 to Harvard Avenue * Newport Avenue from Nisson Road to Holt Avenue * The intersection of Red Hill Avenue and Industrial Way Similar type projects will be completed on roads through adjacent cities to the southeast. DISCUSSION: The attached agreement No. D-12-039 has been jointly prepared by both the Caltrans and city staffs. It provides for the city to prepare plans, specifications and estimate for said work and to administer.a construction contract for same. Caltrans will fund the cost of the proposed traffic signal work up to the estimated amount of $209,040.00. The work along each street will consist generally of the installation of telemetry modules at each intersection, the upgrading of computer software, and the installation of a hardware interconnect system where it is non-existent. New controllers will be installed at two inter- sections and a master computer will be utilized at both the Irvine/ Newport and the Edinger/Red Hill intersections. The attached agreement has been reviewed by the city attorney's office and all requested revisions have been completed. It is now ready for approval by the Tustin City Council and execution by the Mayor. Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works/Cit Engineer 12-ORA-5 12355 District Asreement No. 12-039 COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT 'ENTERED INTO ON , 19~,is between the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, actin8 by and throush its Department of Transportation, referred to herein as STATE. and CITY OF TUSTIN a body politic and a municipal corporation of the State of California, referred to herein aR CITY RECITALS (1) STATE, pursuant to Streets and Hishways Code Section 93, is authorized to construct and maintain detours as may be necessary to facilitate movement of traffic where state hishways are obstructed by construction. (2) STATE recognizes that with construction of the widenin~ of Route 5 between Route 405 and Route 55, includin8 reconstruction of the Route 5/Route 55 Interchange, intercity traffic flow will be diverted to certain CITY streets and is willin8 to cooperate to alleviate the expected traffic consestion by Participatin8 in street improvements as listed on Attachment A, hereinafter called PROJECT. Attachment A is attached and made a part of this Asreement. (3) CITY recognizes the potential impacts to CITY streets and is willin~ to cooperate in completin~ PROJECT. (4) This A8reement supersedes' any prior Memorandum of Understandins (MOU) relatins to this project. (5) The parties hereto desire to define herein the terms and conditions under which said PROJECT will be developed and desisned and under which the PROJECT is to be funded. SECTION I STATE AGREES: (l) To fund one hundred (100) percent of construction cost of PROJECT provided these costs do not exceed the total amount shown in Attachment A and are completed prior to April 1, 1990. After bid opening for PROJECT, this Cooperative Agreement will be revised to reflect the actual bid price of the successful bidder, which thereaf-ter"w{-lt b~-%'hg-max'i~um amount 'of STATE's participation. In no event will the amount of STATE's participation in PROJECT exceed $209,040. (2) To provide~ at no cost to CITY, prompt reviews and approvals as appropriate of submittals by CITY, and to cooperate in timely processing of the PROJECT. · (3)' To issue at no cost, upon p'roper applic~'tio~-, "an encroachment permit to CITY authorizing entry onto STATE's right-of-way to perform survey and construction activities' required for completion of PROJECT. (4) To deposit with CITY within 25 days of receipt of billing therefor (which billing may be forwarded immediately following CITY's bid advertising date of a construction contract for PROJECT) the amount of construction cost estimated to be incurred in the first month of PROJECT. Thereafter billing shall be ~ade monthly based on the estimated Cost for the following month. The total cumulative amount billed to STATE shall not exceed the amount agreed to in Section I, Paragraph 1, of this Cooperative Agreement. (5) To relinquish all rights and claims to PROJECT at the conclusion of STATE's projects to widen Route 5, the value to STATE being zero, as shown in Attachment B. Attachment B is attached and made a part of this Agreement. SECTION II CITY AGREES: (1) To prepare PS&E and to administer the construction contract of said PROJECT with CITY and/or consultant forces at no cost to STATE. The PS&E are to be prepared 'in accordance with STATE's laws, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, manuals, standard plans and specifications, and other standards including compliance with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requirements. Said PS&E are subject to ongoing review and formal draft and final review and approval by STATE and FHWA. The CITY and/or its consultants shall not incorporate in the design any materials or equipment of single or sole source orisin without written approval of the STATE. (2) To furnish'STATE, prior to commencin8 work on t~e PROJECT, a proposed time schedule to complete the PS&E and the construction contract for PROJECT. (3) TO have the final design and drawinss of structural, mechanical, electrical, civil, architectural, or other en~ineerin~ features of PROJECT prepared by or under the direction of engineers or architects registered and licensed in the applicable professional field in the State of California. Any reports, the specifications, and each sheet of plans shall bear the' prbfeSsional seal, certificate number, resistration classifiqation, expiration date of certificate, and signature of the professional ensineer responsible for 'their preparation. · (4) To retain al.l..b.ooks-~ de-cume~ts, papers, accounting records, and other evidence pertainin8 to costs incurred, including support data for cost proposals, and make such materials available at the respective offices of CITY and its subcontractors at all reasonable times during the contract period and for three years from the date of final payment under the contract. The STATE, FHWA, or any duly authorized representative of the ...Federal Government.shall have access to any books', records, and documents of CITY and its subcontractors that are pertinent to the contract for audits, examinations, excerpts, and transactions, and copies thereof shall be furnished if requested. (5) To provide any necessary additional constr, uction costs incurred over and above the maximum amount of STATE's participation as specified in Section I, Parasraph 1, of this Cooperative Agreement (6) To maintain and operate PROJECT at no cost to STATE durin~ the period of construction to widen Route 5 outlined in this Agreement. CITY asrees to accept all equipment furnished in PROJECT at. the end of STATE's widening, of Route 5. SECTION III IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED: (1) All oblisations of STATE under the terms of this Agreement are contingent upon the appropriation of resources by the Legislature and the allocation of resources by the California Transportation Commission. (2) The total cost reimbursement payable by STATE to CITY under this Asreement will not exceed $209,040, or the amount outlined in Section I, Paragraph 1, of this Cooperative A~reement, and will be subject to audit verification, as to all elements of costs and fees charged. CITY shall furnish STATE with a final accountin~ of cost and return to STATE any funds remaining, o.n.deposit with CITY..for.~ork by CITY within 30 days after completion and acceptance of PROJECT. (3) Nothing in the provisions of this Agreement is intended to create duties or obligations to or rights in third parties not party to this Agreement by imposing any standard of care respecting the maintenance of State highways different from the standard of care imposed by law. (4) It is understood and agreed that neither STATE nor any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reasons of anything done or omitted to be done by CITY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to CITY under this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, CITY shall fully defend, indemnify and save harmless the State of California, all officers and employees from all claims, suits or actions of every name, kind and description brOusht for or on account of injuries to or death of any person or damage to property resulting from anything done or omitted to be done by CITY under'or in connection with any work, auth'ority'or jurisdiction delegated to CITY under this A6reement. (5) It is understood and a~reed that neither CITY, nor any officer or employee thereof, is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reasons of anything done or omitted to be done by STATE under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to STATE under this Agreement. It is understood and a~reed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, STATE shall fully defend,.indemnify and save harmless CITY from all claims, suits or actions of every name, kind and description brought for, or on account of, injuries to or death of any person or damage to property resulting from anything done, or omitted to be done, by...S~TE_~_updpr or.._in connection with .any work, author'if~ or jurisdiction delegated to STATE under this Agreement. (6) No alterati~ ar variation of the ter of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto and no oral understanding or agreement not incorporated herein shall be binding on any of the parties hereto. (7) STATE reserves the right to terminate this Agreement upon written notice to CITY. At the time of termination, CITY will be paid for work accomplished and delivered in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. . ............. . ...... (8) The STATE will only participate in PROJECT work that will be completed prior to April 1, 1990. (9) Except as otherwise provided in Article 7 above, This Agreement shall terminate upon completion and acceptance of the construction contract for PROJECT or on April 1, 1990, whichever i{ earlier'in t. ime,_ .Any CITY "' refunds dde STATE'shall be determined after final accounting of costs. .. STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of Transportation CITY OF TUSTIN ROBERT K. BEST Director of Transportation KEITH E. McKEAN District Director By: Chief Deputy District Director By: Attest: Mayor City Clerk Approved as to Form and Procedure Approved as to Form Attorney Department of Transportation City Attorney Certified as to Funds And Procedure District Accounting Officer · CITY OF TUSTIN TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM HODIFICATION ATTACHMENT A Page ! Irvine Boulevard from State Route 55 to Jamboree Road Location Description Cost Irvine Blvd./Yorba St. Irvine Blvd./B Street · Irvine Blvd./Prospect Ave. Irvine Blvd./Fashion Lane Irvine Blvd./Holt Ave. Irvine Blvd./Newport Ave. Irvine Blvd./.Old-. I.-r.vin~--' Irvine Blvd./Charloma Drive Irvine Blvd./Redhill Ave. . Install Telemetry Module $ 3,500.00 and Upgrade Software Install Telemetry Module $ 3,500.00 and Upgrade Software .. Install Telemetry Module $ 3,500.00 and Upgrade Software Install Telemetry Module $ 3,500.00 and Upgrade Software Install Telemetry Module and Upgrade Software Install Master Compu{er," Coordination Module, Telemetry Module and Upgrade Software' Imstal;l'-Coo'rdinati'on Telemetry Module and Upgrade Software ModUle, Install New System Controller and Cabinet Install Coordination Module, Telemetry Module and ..... Upgrade Software $ 3,500.00 $20,500.00 4,500.00 $13,000.00 $ 4,500.00 ATTACHMENT A Pase 2 CITY OF TUSTIN TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM MODIFICATION Irvine Boulevard from State Route 55, to Jamboree Road (Continued) Location Irvine Blvd./Brown. in8 Ave. Irvine Blvd. from Holt Ave. to Redhill Ave. (3,600 L.F.) Irvine Blvd. from Browning Ave. to 650' East Irvine Blvd. from New Jamboree Road to Old Jamboree Road ( 500' ) Description Install New'System Controller and Cabinet Install 12 Pair Interconnect Cable'in Existin8 Conduit Install 1.5" Conduit with 12 Pair Interconnect Cable Install 2" Conduit with 25 Pair Interconnect Cable · Subtotal Continsencies (20%) Construction Total C o,st $13,000. O0 7,200.00 7,800.00 $ 7,000.00 95, oob. oo 19,000.00 $114,000.00 ATTACHMENT A Pase 3 CITY OF TUSTIN TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM MODIFICATION Edinser Avenue from State Route 55 to Harvard Avenue Location Edinser Ave./Telephone Drive Edinser Ave./Redhill Ave. Redhill Ave/Industrial Drive Edinser Ave. from Telephone Dr: 'to Redhill Ave. (1,000') Edinser Ave. from Jamboree Road to Harvard Ave... (1,650') Redhill Ave. from Edin~er Ave. to Industrial Dr. ( 800' ) Description Install and Up8 Install Te 1 emet Upsrade Install and Up8 Install Cable i Telemetry Module fade Software Master Computer, ry Module and Software Telemetry Module fade Software 12 Pair Interconnect n'Existin'8 Conduit Install 2" Conduit with 25 Pair Interconnect Cable Install 12 Pair Interconnect Cable in Existin~ Conduit Cost $ 3,SO0.O0 $19,500. O0 $ 3,500.00 $ 2,000. O0 $23,100.00 $ 1,600.00 Subtotal Con.tin~encies (20%) Construction Total 53,200. O0 10,640.00 $ 63,840.00 ATTACHMENT A Pase 4 CITY OF TUSTIN TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM MODIFICATION Newport Avenue from"Nisson Road.to Holt Avenue Newport Location Description Cost Ave./Holt Ave. Newport AVe../FiFst.. St. . . Newport Ave./BrYan Ave. Newport Ave./Main St. Newport Ave./Sixth St. Newport Ave./E1 Camino Install Coordination Module, Telemetry Module and Upsrade Software Install-Coordination.-.Module, Telemetry Module and Up~rade Software . Install Coordination Module, Telemetry Module and Up~rade Software Install Telemet Up~rade Coordination ry Module and Software Module, Install Telemetry Module and Upsrade Software Install Coordination Telemetry Module and Upsrade Software Module, $ 4,500.00 "$ 4,500.'oo' $ 4,500. oo $ 4,500.00 $ 3,500.00 · $ 4,500. O0 Subtotal Continsencies .... (20%) Construction Total Grand Total 26,000. O0 5,2OO. O0 $ 31,200.00 $209,040.00 ATTACHMENT B Pase! DEPRECIATION AND VALUATION I · Assumptions and Justification A. Construction Period The first of the Santa Ana Corridor construction projects is scheduled to begin in July, 1989. Several other projects begin in the summer and fall with the last project scheduled to start in January of 1992. Completion of all projects is anticipated to be in June of 1994. This gives a construction period of 5 years. B. Equipment Life Althoush.the equipment may physically last a longer period, its life is assumed to be 5 years. The greatest value to the State is realized when it is used to relieve traffic impacts on the freeway caused by construction on I-5. In addition, due to rapid advancements in the industry, computers, modules, controllers, and software are quickly obsolete. C. Type of Installation/Equipment All equipment and software must be compatible with the city's existin8 system. Both the City of Tustin and..County..of~-ra~e have ordinances requirin~ that all. new electrical construction be placed undersround. D. Salvase/Scrap Value Due to the rapid obsolescence of this type of equipment and lack of compatiblity with other systems,,..the salvage va~ue is 'assumed td"be Zero. Scrap prices fluctuate considerably over a period of time and may not even exist in the future, therefore .the scrap.value is undefined and assumed to be zero. E. Method of Depreciation Since the greatest value to the State is realized in the first years of use and the equipment has a high functional depreciation, a method of accelerated depreciation is necessary. The Sum-of-the-Year's- Disits Method of depreciation is used. ATTACHMENT B ~Page 2 II. Calculations: Sum-of-the-Year's Digits Method* BV, = Book value at the end of n years P = Original cost F = Value at the end of the life of the asset C = Cumulative depreciation factor Assumptions: P = $210,.000 F = -O- Life of ~q~ipment = 5 years Construction peri'od = 5 years · Year · Number of the Year In Reverse Order SYD Depreciation (Digits) Factor 1 5 5/15 2 4 4/15 3 3 3/15 4 2 2/15 5 1 1/15 ... Sum of the Digits = . 15 Cumulative Depreciation Factor 5/15 9/15 · 12/15 14/15 15/15 BV, = P - (P - F) C B.V3 = 210,000 - [210,000 - (-0-)] 15/15 BV~ = $ -0- DDDDDDDDDD *DeGarmo, E. Paul; Canada, R. John; Sullivan, %[il__!iam G., ' En~'ineerin~ E~or/bmy'; 'e~-Y6-~'k, "l;[~cMillan Publishing Co., Inc. , 1979 ATTACHMENT Pa~e III. Final Value As shown in Section II, the book value of the equipment at the end of five years is zero. Since. the. State would have to incur costs to remove the equipment and return the City's streets to their former condition, the State asrees to relinquish the equipment to the City at no cost at the end of the construction period.