HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 1 J.W. AIRPORT RPT 09-05-89TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIN~ A. HUSTON, CIT~ MANAGER COMMUNIIIF DEVELOPf, IENT DEPARI~ENT AIRPORT STATUS REPORT: ,]OHM WAYNE AIRPORT (dWA), AIRPORT SITE COALITION (ASC), COALITION FOR A RESPONSIBLE AIRPORT ~OLUTION (CRAS) AIID H£LI£flPT;R flV£RFI TgH'T~ TA~ I:'fll~.F' It~llT1~l RECOIqHENDATION Receive and file. DISCUSSION JWA - A draft report on the Noise Monitoring study .will be provided to the city by ~J. Van Houten & Associates no later than September 29, 1989. This will coincide nicely with the City's Review of the Phase 2 Access Plan. ASC - There is no new information to report at this time. CRAS - A memo from Kathy Well is attached reporting on the August 14, 1989 Board of 1T~F~ctors meeting. A representative from State Senator Bergeson's office gave a presentation on AB 1830, which would establish a Southern California Airport Joint Authority with Orange, San Diego, Imperial and Riverside Counties. AB 1830 has undergone numerous amendments since CRAS took a position opposing it. The CRAS Board voted to support AB 1830 in its amended form. The Board is also requesting contributions from member cities of $1,000 or more to build up an emergency fund . This is in response to a potential effort by Ken Delano of the City of Newport Beach and the Inter-County Airport Association (ICAA), a quasi-official organization, to persuade SCAG to authorize an independent study on the suitability of MCAS E1 Toro for joint or full commercial use. Despite, and possibly because of, recent Federal legislation, studies by the Marine Corp and ASC actions regarding the unsuitability of MCAS E1 Toro for commercial use, Mr. Delano appears to be leaving no stone unturned in his efforts to have an airport at E1 Toro. In light of this potential issue, the Council should review the Board's request for contributions and provide appropriate direction to staff. City Counctl Report Airport Status Report September 5, 1989 .Page The next Board meetlng ts scheduled for September 25, 1989. HOTF - There is no new Information to report at this tlme. Steve Rubin Associate Planner .Ch'ri~tine A, ShlngTeton ~ - Director of Community Development Attachments: Memo from Kathy Wetl with attachments Community Development Department MEMO TO: TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL. FROM: KATHY WEIL RE: REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF "COALITION FOR A RESPONSIBLE AIRPORT SOLUTION (CRAS) - AUGUST 14, 1989 PRESENTATION by Julie Froeberg - Senator Bergeson's Chief Aide - on AB 1830. The gist of the brief presentation is contained in the two descriptions of the amended bill, included herewith. "CRAS"voted to support AB1830 this time for the following reasons: , , 1) The Board felt that the JPA, described in AB 1830, would give Orange County more protection from Los Angeles, if they decide, in the future, to site another airport in Orange County, against our wishes. .. 2) The Board felt that by supporting the modified bill now, it would keep us in the discussion "loop" and possibly give us an opportunity to improve the legislation in the future. 3) They felt that, if AB1830 passes, some of the CRAS Board members, who have worked so long on this project, should immediately lobby to be seated on the JPA. Such an appointment would help assure the safety of the Coalition's position (mainly on the joint use of El Toro). CRAS obviously felt that Orange County should loin the JPA. 4) The legislation will be heard September through November. FINANCES Though the books are in the black, the Board felt that the solicitation for new funds should continue, in case of the need for an "emergency" mailing in the future. They are requesting that all cities involved contribute at least $1000. I remained mute on the subject other than to say that I would relay the message to you. tgalifornia tate tnatr MARIAN BERGESON TNIR-¥ SEVEN-,V, CHAIRMAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMM!TTEE July 24, 1989 TO: Howard Klein, Don Lippert FROM: David A. Kiff' SUBJECT: Assembly Bill 1830 (Peace) Attached is a copy of 'the latest v~rsion 'of Assh~bly Bill 183'0, authored by Assemblyman Steve Peace and coauthored by Senator Bergeson.. AB 1830 authorizes a multi-county Joint Powers Authority to review possible sites for a~ airport. The proposed JPA does not have actual siting authority. Senator Bergeson feels that AB 1830 is in Orange County's best interest~ because Los Angeles County already has formed a similar organization (OC declined to Join that JPA). You can see the concern; the Los Angeles JPA has the legal authority to site an airport in Orange County against the county's wishes. The countywide action taken by OC's formation of its own JPA gives additional leverage to mount a challenge to any LA siting here in Orange County. AB 1830 includes language which forbids the JPA from siting an airport without the approval of the affected county's board of supervisors. This is a new restriction on the powers of a traditional JPA; most JPA's have the ability to bypass 'local planning procedures. Actual membership on the JPA must be determined by the .Authority's bylaws; the issue is no.t~addressed ..in this bi.ll.. ....... ~- Senator Bergeson recognizes that the powers granted to the participating counties (Orange, San Diego, Riverside, and Imperial) &re already granted under existing law. More than anything else, AB 1830 makes a statement that these counties have acted and will continue to act in a manner consistent with their ~nterests,. Senator Bergeson Also asked chat the term "international" be removed from the legislation. She has also asked Mr. Peace to postpone the bill's next hearing until. August 23 to allow for more public input. This is an often misunderstood bill. My perspective is that in addition to making a statement to L.A. County, the benefit of AB 1830 to Orange County is that it broadens our options for addressing our air travel needs. Orange County would have the option of Joining with other counties to address the issue on a regional, basis. I'd. welcome your thoughts. BILL NUHBER: AB 1830 BILL TEXT AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY JUNE 1, 1989 AHENDED IN ASSEMBLY MAY 16, 1989 INTRODUCED BY Assembly Member Peace (Principal coauthor: Assembly Member Johnson) (Coauthor: Senator Bergeson) MARCH 9, 1989 An act to add Part 3 (commencing with Section 24001) to Division 9 of the Public Utilities Code, relating to aviation. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST AB 1830, as amended, Peace. Airports: Cou~t'ies of San Diego, Orange, Riverside: Joint powers agreement. Existing law provides for the formation of airport districts having responsibility for the development of airports and air navigation'facilities · pursuant to the California Airport District Act.. This bill would permit the Boards of Supervisors of San Diego, Orange, Imperial, and Riverside Counties to enter into a Joint powers agreement to establish the Southern California Airport Joint Authority for the purpose of Jointly studying, investigating, and establishing an airport facility to ser~ the southern California area. Once 2 or more of these counties have entered into the agreement, the authority would have the powers given a public entit2 under the provisions governing these agreements and any common power specifi, in the agreement. The bill would permit additional counties to enter into tl Joint powers agreement if their participation is approved by the boards of supervisors of the named counties. The bill would require the approval of a ' State-mandated local program: majority of the board of supervisors of the county in which the proposed airport site is located. The bill would permit the parties to the agreement to provide money from their treasuries for the support of the authority, and to make personnel, equipment, and property available for its use. The bill would also authorize the Department of Commerce to provide matching funds to the authority in an amount not to exceed $500,000 durin§ a fiscal year, from funds appropriated to the department for that purpose. Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: no. no. BILL NUHBER: AB 1830 B ILL TEXT THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF'CALIFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following: (a) The growth of San Diego, Riverside, Imperial, and Orange Counties has put enormous pressure on the population and infrastructure. (b) These counties face a serious problem as they experience continued business expansion while the present commercial airport facilities have limited expansion potential. (c) The future economic growth of San Diego, Riverside, Imperial, and Orange Counties will be limited by the ability of the area's airports to mee! the transportation needs of the population. (d) As we approach the next century, these communities must have a major airport facility to sustain economic expansion. SEC. 2. Part' 3 (commencing with Section 24001) is added to Division 9 of the Public Utilities Code, to read: -. PART 3. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRPORT JOINT AUTHORITY 24001. The ~oard of Supervisors of San Diego, Orange, Imperial, and ,iverside Counties may enter into a Joint powers agreement pursuant to Chapte 5 (commencing with Section 6500) of Division 7 of Title 1 of the Government Code to establish the Southern California Airport Joint Authority for the purpose of Jointly. studying, investigating, and establishing an airport facility to serve the southern California area. Additional counties may alsc enter into the Joint powers agreement if their participation in the agreement is approved by the boards of supervisors of the members of the Joint authority. 24002. The authority shall prepare and submit a report to the Legislature and Governor not later than July 1, 1991, which specifies, among other things the site or sites selected by the authority for a commercial airport facility The authority's report shall review the results and recommendations of other studies relatin~ t._~o commercial airport facilities in southern California, including, but not limited studies by the Southern California Association of Governments~ the San Diego A~sociation of Governments~ and the Airport Site Coalition of Orange County. It is the intent of the Legislature that the authorit~'s report should not duplicate the. work ---°f previous .~ studies. ......... 24003. The authority is a public entity for the purposes of Section 6508 of the Government Code. Once two or more of the Counties of San Diego, Orange, Imperial, and Riverside have entered into a Joint powers agreement as BILL NUMBER: AB 1830 BILL TEXT provided in Section 21001, the authority me~ do &R &&o ewR name eR~ e~ evGbe~&~p ehatl peeeeee a~p"~®mmen"p®ve~ epee&~&ed'&'n '~he eeee~d&~§ ~o ~e ~eE~ed p~ev&ded &n ~ke a~ee~e~v may exercise the powers authorized pursuant.to Chapter 5 (commencinB with Section · 500) of Division 7 of Title 1 of the Government Code. 26006. The Joint authority shall site and establish an airport within Joint authority area only with the approval of a majority o~ the board of supervisors of the county in which the proposed airport site is located. 26005. The parries to the agreement may provide money from their treasuries for the support of the authority, and may make available for its use any personnel~ equipment~ or other property. SEC. 3. From funds appropriated to it for that purpose~ the 'Department of Commerce may provide assistance to the Southern California Airport Joint Authority in an amount to match monetary contributions of the parties Co the ~oint powers agreement, but not to exceed five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) during a fiscal year. CHAIRMAN PLANNING FOR CALIFORNIA'S GROWTH BORDER ISSUES. DRUG TRAFFICKING 8{ CONTRABAND - '~ TASK FORCE ON .IFORN fa-MEXICO RELATIONS MSON ACT ADVISORY ~OMMITTEE SENATE TASK FORCE ON WASTE MANAGEMENT (California tate enate MARIAN BERGESON SENATOR tHIRTY-SEVENth DISTRICT Chairman LOCAL GOVErNMENt COMMITTEE STANDING COMMITTEES: CHAIRMAN, LOCAL GOVERNMENT VICE CHAIRMAN, BONDED INDEBTEDNESS METHOOS OF F~NANCING A'PPRoPRIAT~&NS AGRICULTURE 8{ WATER RESOURCES TRANSPORTATION TO: COALIT'ION FOR A RESPONSIBLE AIRPORT SOLUTION FROM: JULIE FROEBERG RE: AB 1830 - AIRPORTS 8/14/89 Attached is a copy of Assembly Bill 1830, which.if passed would authorize the formation of a Joint powers authority between Orange, San Diego, Riverside, and Imperial Counties for the purpose of identifying a regional airport site. .. At Senator Bergeson's request, AB 1830 has been postponed for hearing in the Senate Local Government Committee until August 23. We have requested several amendments in the legislation which protect Orange County's interests, including the elimination of all references to "international airports". We are also working with the office to eliminate references to the authortty's ability to establish an airport. With these amendments, Senator Bergeson feels that AB 1830 is in Orange County's interests because Los Angeles County already belongs to a similar organization (which Orange County declined to Join). The concern is that the Los Angeles JPA would attempt to foist an airport on Orange County against our wishes, and that if Orange County is participating with other counties in an airport-siting effort, we would have additional leverage against, such an effort by the Los Angeles County JPA. With this in mind, Senator Bergeson coauthored AB 1830. It is also important' to note'that the po:-ers g'ra'n~ed to the participating counties in AB 1830 are already granted under CAPITOL OFFICE ORANGE COUNTY (' ' IMPERIAL VALLEY WESTERN RIVERSIDE NOF:'THEASTERN SAN DIF_G¢)COUNTIF.S STATE CAPITOL, SACRAMENTO. CA 95814 140 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE. SUITE 120. NEWPORT BEACh. CA 92660 1101 AIRPORT ROAD, SUITE C. IMPERIAL. CA 92251 27403 YNEZ ROAD. SUITE 217. RANCHO CALIFORNIA. C.A 92390 TELEPHONE (916) 445-496 I TELEPHONE: (714! 640-1137 TELEPHONE: {619) 353-8244 TELEPHONE' {7t4} 676.6808 -2- existing law. More than anything else, AB 1830 makes an important statement that Orange County and the other participating, counties will proceed on this issue in a manner which is consistent with their ~nterests. 'f AB 1830 passes, Orange County would decide ~hethe~. to Join the other counties in the formation of a Joint powers agency. Orange County could proceed independently in accordance with the recom- mendations of the Airport Site Coalition. The most important feature of AB 1830 from the local perspective is that the JPA may not site an airport.without the approval of that County Board of Supervisors. In short, AB 1830 provides additional options for Orange County in meeting its air travel needs without Jeopardizing local decision- making on the issue and is careful to take into account the work of the Airport Site Coalition and other groups working on this important Southern California issue. We think it merits support. ., T!~ank you for reconsidering your position. Gen. Alfred Gray Marine Corps cornmandanl~ Airport / /? near .bases Opposed Flights would Curtail training, general says By Gary A. Warner The Register CAMP PENDI.,F. TON *- -- . The commandant of the US Marine Corps said Friday that he would vigorously oppose a new airport or new superhighway that would cur- tail Marine operations in Orange or San Diego counties.. "These people are in the Dark Ages talking about these things .... These things are all non-starters," Gen. Alfred Gray said. Gray declared there was no room for joint civilian and military air. operations at Camp Pendleton or E1 Toro Marine Corps Air Sta- tion or sites near the bases in southern Orange County. , .'.!You can't have an airport out here or in San Clemente without basically terminating the kind of training operations that have to be ~.onducted here," Gray said. The Orange County Airport Site Coalition has looked at possible sites for a new airport at Camp Pendleton and El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, as well as Cris- 'tianitos Canyon and Potrero Los Pinos near San Clemente. The Camp Pendleton and Potrero Los Pinos sites are among three sites still under consideration. Gray said civilian air flights out of a south Orange County airport would disrupt flight patterns for military jets and restrict helicop- ter traffic between the Tustin Ma- rine Corps Air Station and Camp Pendleton. --' .' i Peter Drummund, executive di- rector of the site coalition, said he was disappointed by the general's 'comments but hopes that some kind of accommodation can be 'reached. , ".This new input will have to be 'studied to ensure there are ways to accommodate any.-problems of- that nature," Drummond said. Gray also said he would oppose the Foothill Transportation Corri- dor, a proposed tollway that would slice through a northern portion of Camp Pendleton, because it would cut into an area used for Marine ground combat training. ".Those who would like to see oth- er,things being done here in the camp Pendleton area have to clearly understand that this is a national asset, that this is one of the most important places the na- tion has to train her Marines," Gray said. He added that he felt the same way about the bases at El Toro and Tustin. Orange County Supervisor Thomas Riley, a retired Marine brigadier general whom Gray served under at one time, said he could understand the comman- dant's frustration with civilian de- mands on his bases, but hoped that a compromise for the corridor still could be worked out. "I think there is room to talk, I think there are benefits for the Corps in this project," Riley said. .... Gray, 60, was at.camP'i~e-~-~let°n to review Marine air and ground operations at the rambling north- ern San Diego County base. A one- time private who worked his way up to the Marines' top position over three decades, Gray prefers com- bat camouflage fatigues to lighter khaki uniforms to reinforce what he says is the Marines' image as the nation's premier fighting force. On other topics, Gray said that there were no plans to begin a widespread testing program for · the Marines' inventory of night-vi- sion goggles, despite a recent Army report showing that 27 per- cent of their goggles caused distor- tion that made them useless in flight. "We didn't particularly see any 'need to do the type of analysis they did," Gray said. "We have our own views on this, and, as I said, do inspect them regularly." Asked if he would support efforts to widen military involvement in the fight against drug smuggling, Gray said it would be up to Presi- · dent Bush. "But there isn't anything that 'Marines can't do," Gray said. Opens Fire..on e'endlleton Civ l Airport Notion By H.G. REZA, Times Sta]] Writer The Marine Corps unleashed its heavy artillery Wednesday when its commandant, Gen. Alfred M.. Gray, flew to San Diego .to announce that he will fight efforts by local governments to build an .airport at a~mi~P.Pendleton ,or the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in "The Camp Pendleton situation and the'[MCRDI situation~i'e-~he a~tme-wnen It ffomes to the airport issue," said Gray, a blunt and crusty veteran of two wars who worked his way up from the enlist- ed ranks. "I wish we had a better alternative, but we don't." The Airport Site Co- alition, an Orange Coun- ty group, and the San' Dieg~qo Assn. of Govern- me began separate stt of possible air-. port ~tes to expand or supplement John Wayne Airport and San Diego's Lindbergh. Field. The Orange County group decided on three possible sites for a new regional airport for both counties, including the sprawling, 125,000-acre Camp Pendleton base ....... ~e options studied by the San Diego group were expanding Lindbergh to the adjacent MCRD or moving the airport altogether to Miramar Naval Air Station. However, O~-ay said both Marine bases have shrunk~ considerably over the Y~gued that putt~ airport at either site would have a serious effect on ~ield training programs. He noted that there are also proposals to build a ~i,_hwa'y through Camp Pendleton. These sugge-~o~---~s '~ g_ r~ s to' e rain!ng we do at Camp ~ndleton," he said. ' "The buck stops here and the issue stops here .... ['here is no more acreage available .... From my rantage point, the MCRD is not an an option. It's a'vital nilitary installation. It shares top billing with our key acility at Miramar." Gray also shot down suggestions that the Marincs hove the MCRD to Camp Pendleton and con'solidatc raining programs, making the San Diego site available or ai~rt use. Marine officials have estimated that it you' t $1 billion to build a new training facility at ~am~ ,dl~ton. - r'G'f~-~ the notion a "very big, stupid 'if.' There ; no viable alternative to what we do here .... We annot duplicate what we have here, and if we could )r any reason, we could not afford it." not He also said there is en~.q.~__gh water available for otb b...___~a~2s at Camp Pc~n.The-"~am~SPid'~g its '~n water from undcr~r-r-~T~d wcl Is. , ,. ; R 'Fhursd:~ _agust 10, 1989/Part 11 ~ Marine officials haxTe pointed repeatedly to a 1988 study by a Pentagon panel on base closings that ruled out shutting the MCRD because it meets a clear military need. The MCRD trains about 55% of all Marine recruits. Gray also brought a message from Navy Secretary H. Lawrence Garrett, who opposes the Miramar plan. According to Gray, Garrett said: "Miramar and MCRD are equally important for the Department of the N~vv." acaara Opposes Two County Sites *.udied for.4irport By ROBERT W. ST~-q~T, _ WASHINGTON--A congressman who sits on a powerful House aviation panel said l%iday that he strongly opposes two Or- sage County sites recommended for a new regional airport. A third primary site is San Bernardino County. Rep. Ron Packard (R-Carlsbad) said potential airport sites in Cleveland Nation- al Forest east of San Juan Capistrano and at Camp Pendleton, both in Packard's 43rd Congressional District, "are unilceeptable to me, and I will fight them." He voiced equally strong objections to two secondary sites in Cristianitos Canyon near San CIemente and Palomar Airport in San Diego County--also in his district. "We simply are not anxious at all to have an airport sited in either the populated area, or the future populated area of Orange County," Packard said in an inter- view. He said the only primary site listed that seems acceptable is soon-to-be-closed Norton Air Force Base in San Bernardino Co~ty. 'ard sits on the aviation subeommit- AIRPORT Op,T, lON$ !??'~'::'" Rep. Ron Packard (R-Carlsbad), opposes placing an airport at sites at Potrero Los PinGs and Camp Pendleton. Both are in his 43rd Congressional District. A third site is in San Bernardino County. SAN COUNTY POSSIBLE SITE 1 ./ C--! RIVERSIDE COUNTY · Lake , ORANGE~. Mathew$ COUNTY ~ I" POSSIBLE. S~ Elsinore CAPISTRANO: SAN DIEGO ~~.~.~ COUNTY :,~.:~ :~:~'; ! ~,~,i:~;i,i;~'[...'~:~:?:?'~. i~i.~,?ii~'~OCEANSIDE AIRPORT: Packard Opposes Two Sites for Proposed Airport Continued from Page 1 tee of the House Public Works and TransPortation Committee, which oversees the Federal Aviation Ad- ministration and which would have to approve federal money used in construction of a new airport. "I hope [the site selection com- mittee] will read some writing on the wall there," Packard said. The potential sites were recom- mended earlier this month by the staff of the Airport Site Coalition, a private group sanctioned by the Orange County Board of Supervi- -sors and aided by profes'sional planning consultants. The coalition is assisting preps- rations for a new air passenger airport that would relieve the se- vere overcrowding at John Wayne Airport, nestled between Costa Mesa and lrvine, and northeast of Newport Beach. Packard said he has had prelimi- ' 'iiarY' talks with Rep. George E. Brown Jr. (D-Colton), whose dis- trict includes Norton Air Force · Base, about the idea of putting a new airport there. "What we're doing is inquiring about what the constituents feel about whether a commercial air- port could replace some of that economic and job loss" caused by the Air Force's decision to close the base, Packard said. Building a new airport at the proposed site in the Cleveland National Forest, at Potrero Los Pinos, "would have a very serious impact on the environment," Pack- ard said, The Camp Pendleton location "is totally out of the question," he added, because "it would literally destroy Camp Pendleton asa train. ing base. We simply cannot permit that." August 11, 1989 Sally Anne Sheridan Chairperson ' Coalition for a Responsible Airport Solution 23704-5 E1 Toro Road Suite 411 E1 Toro, California 92630 ~40UNA Dea~_r Sally Anne: I am sorry I cannot be in attendance at the August 14, 1989 n~eting of CRAS as I will be out-of-town that week. I did want you and the other members of CRAS to know my feelings regarding the positiion I believe 'the Golden Rain Foundation and (RAS should take on AB 1830 in its amended form. .Several of our. Board members met witb-Julie Froeberg, Chief of'Staff to Senator' Marian Bergeson, cn July 21, 1989. We expressed our concerns about AB 1830 in that it establishes another governmental body to deal with in finding a solution to the air travel needs of Orange County residents, it doesn't require the Joint Powers Authority to specifically consider the Airport Site CDalition's findings, and it is unclear regarding appoin~t of members to the J.P.A. After listening to Ms. Froeberg's responses, I feel much more ccmfortable with AB 1830 as amended,- The legislation will go'-intb-~ffeCt Janu'ary 1990, by which time the Airport Site Coalition will have completed their work. Therefore, there will be no overlapping of duties between the A.S.C. and J.P.A. In addition, the amended text requires the J.P.A. to review the A.S.C. study, and not duplicate their work. The amended version also has the veto power you requested for the Board of Supervisors of the County in which a proposed site may be chosen. Finally, Mrs. Froeberg indicated that the timing of this bill is such that it could work to the benefit of the Counties of Orange, San Diego, Imperial and Riverside in that the J.P.A. will probably bring the four counties together much quicker than they would without the legislation, thus s~---~cding up the ~ process of solving the Southern California air travel needs which we all desire. Sally Anne, I ~Duld encourage the A.S.C. to reconsider their position on AB 1830 as I believe it. is now in a form we should support. . AIR/WIn 1.40 ( #31 ) cc: R.L. Disbro K.Watilo E. Conser W.B.S~th P.O. BOX 9~20 ~ Sincerely, A. L. Hanson President LACUNA