HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 1 RESIDENTS REQ'S 09-05-89 NEW BUSINESS ,.)ATE: August 9-9, '19~9 ~ TO: FROM: SUBJECT: William A. Huston, city Manager A~ministrative Services Department GREEN VALLEY RESIDENTS~ REQUESTS RECOMMENDATION: Pleasure of the City Council. BACKGROUND: At the Council meeting August 21, 1989, Mr. Berklee A. Maughan appeared'on behalf of a group of residents of Green Valley. Mr. Maughan presented four issues to the City Council for consideration; staff reports the status of these issues: 1. The first problem concerning police cars parking in a red zone was addressed at the August 21 Council meeting by Police Chief Doug Franks· Mr. Franks informed the Council that the Police Department has ceased this practice. Police officers will no longer park in this red zone. · · The second issue was a petition regarding street sweeping. Residents of the area requested that the "No Parking" for the purpose of street sweeping be changed from 6:00 a.m. to noon on Mondays to 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Mondays. Mr. Bob Ledendecker, Public Works Director, has responded to this request, and this response is attached for Council consideration. Third was an issue regarding a variance that was granted to the Green Valley tract by the County of Orange. Mr. Maughan presented a petition which asked that the City Council honor the variance granted by the County and alleged that this variance permitted residents to park vehicles in their driveways. The City Attorney's response is attached. He has stated that the variance regarding substandard length of the driveways is not relevant to the issue of parking in the public right-of- way. His response is attached for Council review. Page 2 4. Mr. Maughan also proposed that the City Council establish a Tustin City Problem Resolution center. Staff will research this suggestion and return it to the City Council within 45 days. It is anticipated that this item will be agendized in October. Royleen A. White, ' rector Community and Administrative Services RAW:kd Attachments: 1. Inter-Com from Public Works Department regarding street sweeping. 2. Inter-Com from city Attorney to Chris shingleton dated August 22, 1989. TO: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: PARKING RESTRICTIONS DURING STREET SWEEPING HOURS - GREEN VALLEY AVENUE RECOMMENDATION: Pleasure of the Tustin City Council. BACKGROUND: At the August 21, 1989 city council meeting, Mr. Berklee A. Maughan of 14331-A Green Valley Avenue presented a letter outlining four concerns. The concern addressed in this report will respond to Mr. Maughan's comments on the restricted parking during street sweeping hours along Green Valley Avenue southerly of Mitchell Avenue. Accompanying Mr. Maughan's letter was a petition signed by forty (100%) of the residents of Green Valley Drive requesting the city council to change the "No Parking from 6:00 A.M. to Noon on Mondays" signs to "No Parking 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. on Mondays". A copy of the petition and letter is attached for the council's information. DISCUSSION: The restrictive hours of 6:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon were established to provide the city with the maximum flexibility to provide street sweeping services with minimal staffing/equipment and cost to the community. The sweeper operators commence work at 5:00 A.M. and work till 1:30 P.M. The first two hours of the workday provides for routine preventive maintenance on their vehicles and the sweeping of arterial streets, median curbs and intersections prior to the morning peak hour traffic loads. The last one and a half hours provide for equipment clean-up and hauling debris to the landfills. The actual sweeping hours on residential streets run from 7:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon. The requested 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. restrictions would not fit into the city's current work scheduling. Additionally, if these hours were to be altered for Green Valley, it is anticipated that we would receive many other requests to accommodate individual neighborhood time schedules. Any altered schedules would tend to reduce productivity of the street sweeping operations. Based upon the above-mentioned information, it appears that there are three possible alternatives to the matter as follows: 1. Revise the hours of parking restriction from 6:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon to 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. per the residents' request. PARKING RESTRICTIONS DURING STREET SWEEPING HOURS ON GREEN VALLEY AVENUE AUGUST 28, 1989 PAGE 2 2. Remove all parking restrictions if 2/3 of the residents so request. 3. Maintain parking restrictions as they currently exist from 6:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon. Based upon the above-mentioned information, staff would suggest alternative 3 remain in effect, or the complete removal of all parking restrictions per alternative 2. Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works/City Engineer BL:mv Berklee A. Maughan 14331 Green Valley Tustin, CA 92680 AUgust 2'1, 1989 Honorable Mayol' and Council City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tust~n, California 926SO Dear Mayor and Council Members: ~ ,. As a resident of the City of Tustin since 1964, I have been -asked to spe~k..tonight on behalf of th'~ resident~ of Green Valley and present to the Council three problems and a request for a "Problem Resolution Center" on behalf of the citizens of Tustin. We are here tonight to explain why we were unable to resolve our problems on different occasions these past two years. The first problem concerns police cars that are parking in a red zone that obstructs the view of on coming traffic when exiting left from Green Valley on to Mitchell. When exiting right on Mitchell, police cars are parking in a red zone which blocks the right hand lane and causes traffic to line up in single file and prevents traffic from exiting Green Valley. The second problem is presented in the form of a petition to change the no parking ~J. gr]s fo],' ~t~'ee~ .... sweep:lng. Our original petition asked fox' no parking between the hours of 9:OO a.m. to 3:O0 p.m. on Mo~d:~¥. When th(~ signs ~ver~ posted the hours read no parking fi'om 6'00 a.m. to noon. Residents resent getting up at' 6:00 a.m. 'to ~ move their vehicles on Monday. It has been observed that the street sweeper generally arrive~ between 10:00 a.m. and noon. Occasionally the stree~ sweeper has arrived in the afternoon and vehicles were already pa~ked back on. the street. (See Exhibit I). The third problem is anothe',' petition from 'the residents. It relates to a variance tha't was granted to the Green Valley tract by the County of Orange, twenty-five years ago, before this tract was anne×ed by 'the City of Tustin. Orange County allowed the builder 'to construct driveways, on Green Valley, that would not accommod~,.te ;~n average size vehicle parked in the driveway, o- ~v~. ra 1 residents have received parkin9 violation ci'tation~ .fo~. vehicles that extend beyond the driveway. We request that you honor the variance and refrain from issuing parkino violations driveways on Green Valley. (See Exhibit Ot~r attempts to resolve our probl~ms h:~%,,? u:a~u:~ed '~he Green Valley residents to focus on ~vhy the city .problem re:~olut.ion that one facet .of .. the problem reso'luti6n process by city staff and citizens is missing. We, therefore, propose that the City Council establish., by resolution, for one ~ear, a T~stin City Problem Resolution Center (TCPRC), composed of volunteer residents. 'The TCPRC will address only problems of ci'tizenc that have been unable to get resolution by working with the city staff. The TCPRC will insure 'that every effort is made to see that citizens first seek the proper channels within the city services. In tho~e cases whez'e there is an irreconcilable resolution to the problem, the people will be invited to present their case, in writing, to the TCPRC. The written correspondence will contain a statement of the problem(s), recommended solutions, a summary of responses by the city staff, why the resident(s) feels the result-s were not satisfactory, and how long they have been trying to resolve the problem. This volunteer committee would then prepare a proposed recommendation to.the City Council with a copy to the City Manager for 'their final disposition. We believe this committee will assist the Council in helping the citizens negotiate solutions, participate and have a voice in the solution process. Members of the committee will use their time and talents 'to improve t]~e city process. Currently the o~ly ]:.ev:i. ew ]?]:'ocess is 'the City Council.' This committees recommendations will save effort by the Council and allow them more 'ti. me to cDpe with the Tustin City growth problems. Thank you for your consideration. If I can provide further information, please let me know. Sincerely, Berklee A. Maughan BAM/dm Exhibits 4 5 ? $ 9 10 11 13 15 17 18 19 ~0 ~3 ~4 25 ~? To The Tustin City Council: The residen~residing on Green Valley in Tustin, California who have signed this petition below request the Tustin City Council to direct the authorized person(s) to change our No Parking signs from 6:00 a.m. to Noon on Mondays to No Parking 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Mop,days. The stceeg sweeper l~as been arriving after twelve noon and the cars are parked back on the street. Consequently, our stroo~ does not got.cloa~o~...ol~ tlteso Mop,days. 14241 Green Valley CA 14241 Green Valley CB 14242 Green Valley CA 14242 Green Valley ~B 14251 Green Valley CA 14251 Green ·Valley CB 14252 Green Valley ~A 14252 Green Valley~B 14261 Green 14261 Green .[~! Green 14262 Green Valley ~A Valley ~B Valley ~A Valley ~B ~ ,. Valley ~A Valley ~B Valley ~A Valley~B Valley ~A Valley ~B 14271 Green 14272 Green 14272 Green 14281 Green 14281 Green 5 $ 7 $ 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24~ 27 14282 Green Valley ~A 14282 Green Valley~B . 14291 Green Valley ~A 14291 Green Valley ~B 14292 Green Valley #A 14292 Green Valley ~O 14311 Green Valley ~A 14311 Green Valley 14312 Green Valley ~A 14312 Green Valley~B 14321 Green Valley ~A 14321 Green valley~B 14322 Green Valley ~A 14322 Green Valley ~B 14331 Green Valley~A 14331 Green Valley~B 14341 Green Valley~A 143~j Green Valley ~B 14351 Green Valley~A ~/Green Valley ~B 14352 Green_~a~y.~A 14352 Green Valley ~B TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CHRIS SHINGLETON, DIRECTOR OF CONNUNITY DEVELOPNENT '/' CITY ATTORNEY GREEN 'VALLEY If the speaker representin9 Green valley residents at the most recent City Council...meetin_g.i~_cor._r_ect that this project was developed wi'th 'substand-a'rd driveways pursuant to a variance from usual development standards granted by the County of Orange prior to annexation of the develo~ent to Tustin, such a variance would have little to do with parking vehicles in those driveways in such a manner that the vehicles extend into the public right-of-way, i.e. the sidewalk and/or into the street. Such a development appears to present unfortunate difficulties for the residents and the general ..p.u. blic, however th~ere is n.o way veh/cles could be allowed to be parked so as"to extend into those public right-of-way areas. City Attorney JGR:cas :R.-A8/22/89 (2) cc: Chief Franks RL WH RN