HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 5 WIDENING I-5/SR-55 9-5-89DATE: AUGUST 18 , 1989 ~~~F ........ I TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION INFORMATIONAL UPDATE ON THE STATUS OF THE WIDENING OF I-5 AND SR-55 AND THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE I-5/SR-55 INTERCHANGE RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. DISCUSSION: The work to widen I-5 from 1-405 to SR-55 and the reconstruction of the I-5/SR-55 interchange has been divided into several phases. The initial phase is for the reconstruction and/or widening of bridge overcrossings of I-5 and SR-55. Once the bridge structures have been completed, work will begin on widening the highways. The status of the project and phases is summarized as follows: I. I-5 from 1-405 to SR-55 A. Bridge construction 1. Barranca Parkway/I-5 New six-lane overcrossing with northbound on and southbound off ramps for high occupancy vehicles (HOV). ~ Under construction - completion Fall 1990 2. Jeffrey Road/I-5 Four-lane overcrossing and interchange to replace existing substandard structure. Under construction - completion Fall 1990 3. Jamboree Road/I-5 Six-lane overcrossing and interchange to replace existing substandard structure. Under construction - completion Fall 1990 4. Tustin Ranch Road/I-5 New six-lane overcrossing and interchange to Provide needed cross-freeway circulation. Under construction - completion late 1990 B. I-5 Widening I-5 is to be widened to provide four mixed use lanes, one auxiliary lane and one HOV lane in each direction. The widening has been divided into the following segments: 1. 1-405 to SR-133 Under construction - completion Summer 1992 INFORMATIONAL ~PDATE - WIDENING OF I-5 AND SR-55 AUGUST 20, 1989 PAGE 2 2. SR-133 to Jeffrey Road Start construction October 1989 - completion Fall 1992 3. Jeffrey Road to Jamboree Road Start construction December 1989 - completion late 1992 4. Jamboree Road to Newport Avenue Start construction January 1990 - completion Spring 1993 II. I-5/SR-55 Interchange Reconstruction This project has been divided into three phases as follows: A. SR-55 from I-5 to Dyer Road SR-55 is to be widened to provide three mixed use lanes, from one to two auxiliary lanes, and one HOV lane in each direction. The bridges at McFadden Avenue and Warner Avenue are to be reconstructed and the bridges at Edinger Avenue, Dyer Road, and the AT&SF RR will be widened. Under construction - completion Summer 1990 B. SR-55 from Seventeenth Street to I-5 SR-55 is to be widened to provide three mixed use lanes, one to two auxiliary lanes and one HOV lane in each direction. Some portions of I-5 from Red Hill Avenue to Fourth Street will be widened. The bridges at First Street and Irvine Boulevard will be reconstructed. Start construction January 1990 - completion Summer 1991 · C. I-5/SR-55 Interchange Construct fly-over ramps, transitways, soundwalls and final stages of the I-5 widening within the interchange area. Start construction Summer 1991 - completion Summer 1994 III. Caltrans is also planning for the widening of I-5 from SR-55 northerly to SR-91. A. I-5 from SR-55 to SR-22/SR-57 Like the project from 1-405 to SR-55, I-5 is to be widened to -provide four mixed use lanes, one auxiliary lane and one HOV lane in each direction. Start construction late 1992 - completion late 1995 B. I-5/SR-22/SR-57 Interchange Reconstruction Reconstruct interchange to improve its function and vehicular capacity. Start construction Summer 1991 - completion 1996 INFORMATIONAL UPDATE - WIDENING OF I-5 AND SR-55 AUGUST 20, 1989 PAGE 3 C. I-5 from SR-22/SR-57 to SR-91 Alternatives being considered for this project are similar to those considered for the other phases of I-5 improvement. The EIR for this project is currently in the public review stage with certification scheduled for Summer 1990. Start construction Summer 1993 - completion summer 1999 Bob Led~-nd~cker Director of Public Works/City Engineer BL:mv ~) Construction Terms falsework: Temporary scafl'olding erected to hold farina for poured concrete. Erection of falsework may require a nightlime freeway closure. Once concrete has been poured and cured, the falsework can be removed, again at night. gawk screens: l'articleLx~'~rd screens ma, hied on K-rail that temporarily block motorist' view of construction activity. Gawk screens prevent rubber-necking, a major cause of accidenls and freeway snarls. K-rail: Temporary concrete barriers that separate traffic from conslruction activities. righl-of-way~ A strip of land acquired by Caltrans for our roads. The land over which a roadway or transitway passes, or which stalions, parking and other support facJlilJes are sllualed. Road Terms arterial streets: Major avenues and boulevards primarily designed to carry through traffic. au~illar), lanes: Auxiliary lanes are placed between two con~cutive interchanges to accommodate vehicles enterin8 and exiting the freeway. Changeable message signs (CMS): A large panel mounted over the freeway that can be computer programmed to display various messages concerning traffic conditions. Cmnmuler or liOV lanes: Commuter lanes are reserved high-occupancy vehicle lanes constructed in the medians of existing freeways. Use of these lanes is restricted to multi-occupant vehicles, including buses, carpools and vanpools. Commuter lanes are generally located next to the median barrier and are separated from adjacent general purpose freeway lanes by a painted, variable width buffer. Vehicles e~ter and exit commuter lanes at designated locations along tile freeway. llishway Advisory Radio (liAR): A short band radio frequency (also referred to as CaiRadio 530 AM) that i~rovides real-time announcements of accidents and delay~. Motorists can also obtain up-to-date construction zone achvity reports that will help them decide commutin8 option~. Motorists should tune their radios to CalRadio 530 AM when approaching construction zones. high occupancy vehicle (ilOV): A motor vehicle carrying two or more passengers, a bus, carpool or vanpool. '~IOV" sometimes refers to all clas~es of multi-occupant vehicles including buses, carpools and vanpools. mixed flow lanes: Lanes in which ali vehicle~ are permitted to operate regard]ess of the number of occupants or type of vehicle. Sometimes referred to as general purpme lanes. peak houri The hour during which the greatest volume of traffic occurs. There is an AM and a PM peak hour. "Peak perinds" or "rush hours" are those several consecutive hours when the traffic volume is greatest, generally between 6 AM and 9 AM, and again between 3 PM and 6 PM. ramp metering: A syslem tn which the flow of vehicles onto a freeway from a ramp is metered by a traffic signal. real-time~ Literally, what is occurring this instant. The Highway Advisory Radio system, CaiRadio 530 AM, will provide real-time traffic information during peak periods such as reports on accidents and areas of congestion which is of immediale concern to commuters. transltways: High-occupancy vehicle lanes separated from other freeway lane~ by concrete barriers. Transitways are primarily constructed in freeway rights-of-way. Use is restricted to multi-occupant vehicles, including buses, carpools, and vanp(x)ls. Transltways run in each direction along a freeway and have their own emergency shoulders or "break- down" lanes. Access to tl~e transitway occurs at a limited number of well designed median openings along the length of tile transiiway. Connecling ramps provide exclusive access between the transitways and commuter lanes on inter- s(.'cting freeways, and between the transitway and selected streets serving major employment centers. I-5: Interstate 5 Freeway or Santa Aaa Freeway. 5R.55: Slate Route 55 or Costa Me~ Freeway. Transportation AgencteJ Caltrans Construction Hotline (714) 768-4CAL Cailrans District 12-Orange County (714) 724-2000 Zr)Oi Pullman Street Santa Ana, CA 92705 Oversees the state highway system and directs planning, designing, building, operating and maintaining state highways and freeways. California [ iighway Patrol (CHP) Office (714) 547-8311 State highway enforcement agency. Orange County Transit District (OCTD) (714) 638-90{X) 11222 Acacia Parkway Garden Grove, CA 92642-3005 Provides public transit Io Orange County residents, including fixed route bus service and Dial-A-Ride. Respon- sible for construction of a county-wide network of transitway and commuter lanes. OCI'D's Commuter Network (714) 638-9000 Service designed to assist employers in the development of customized transportation programs. These serv- ices include computer-aided carpool and vanpool matching, and expert consultation on alternative work hours, programs, tel~ommuting, parking management, company relocation asslatance and development of transportation management associations. Orange County (Environmental Management Agency) (714) 834-2300 ILO. Box 4048 12 Civic Center Plaza Santa Aaa, CA 92702-4048 Oversees Ihe plannin8, prngramming and implementation of facilities on the County's Master Plan of Arterial Highways wilh primary empbasls in Ihe unincorporated areas. Orange County Transportation Commission (714) 541-7850 1055 N. Main Street Santa Aaa, CA 92701 Responsible for planning and programmin8 of state and federal transportation lundin8 in Orange County. Transportatkm Corridor Agencies (TCAs) (714) 553-0867 3347 Michelson Drivo #450 Irvine, CA 92715 Established by joint Powers agreements between cities in Orange County and the Counly to collectively plan, destgn, construct and finance the Foolhill, Eastern and Ihe San Joaquin itills corridors. Date: 4/11/89 Contact: Caltrans Construction Hotline (714) 768-4CAL FACT SHEET Project: Reconstruction I-5/SR-55 (Santa Ana and Costa Mesa Freeways) Interchange - Stage I Project Location: I-5 and SR-55 Interchange. The Stage I construction area extends along the 55 between Santa Clara Avenue and Dyer Road in Santa Ana. Project Description: Stage I involves widening the 55 Freeway between the interchange and Dyer Road to prepare for construction of fly-over ramps to the I-5. Two lanes are being added in both directions on SR-55 between the 5/55 Interchange and Dyer Road. The McFadden and Warner overcrossings will be demolished and replaced. Bridges over Edinger, Dyer and the AT&SF Railroad will be widened. A median shoulder will be added to provide a four-foot wide buffer be- tween the HOV (High Occupancy Vehide or Commuter) lane and adjacent freeway lanes. Ramps to the free- way and some local streets will be modified. The northbound lanes will be resurfaced. On the north side of the interchange, a sound wall has been constructed along the southbound SR-55 be- tween 27th Street and Santa Clara Avenue in Santa Ana. Funding Agency: Caltrans Project Cost: $19.3 million Contractor: Steve P. Rados, Inc. Start of Construction: October, 1987 Completion: Stage I completion, Early 1990 5/55 Interchanqe Reconstruction - Staqe I Projects: Route 55 Widening Projects · Construct two auxiliary lanes plus shoulder in each direction between 5/55 Interchange and Edinger Avenue. ' Estimated completion: Early 1990. · Construct one auxiliary lane plus shoulder in each direction between Edinger Avenue and Dyer Road. Estimated completion: Late 1989. · Replace McFadden overcrossing in two stages. The finished bridge will be a longer four lane struc- ture to accommodate the SR-55 widening. Estimated completion: Late 1989. · Relocate McFadden on- and offramps to the southbound 55 Freeway south of the reconstructed McFadden Bridge. Estimated completion: Spring 1989. · Widen Village Way off McFadden. Status: Complete · Replace Warner Avenue overcrossing with a longer six lane structure. · Widen existing SR-55 bridges over AT&SF Railroad, Edinger Avenue and Dyer Road to accommo- date additional lanes. Estimated completion: Late 1989. HO V (High Occupancy Vehicle) Construction Projects · Re-stripe widened SR-55 to provide a four foot buffer between HOV (commuter) lanes and other freeway lanes. Estimated completion: Late 1989. · Provide a thirteen foot wide shielded CHP enforcement area. Estimated completion: Late 1989. Additional I-5/$R-55 Interchange Ramp Projects · Permanently close and remove two low volume interchange ramps: Southbound SR-55 to north- bound I-5. Status: Complete · Construct soundwalls along southbound SR-55 between 17th Street and Santa Clara Avenue. Status: Complete FACT SHEET Spring 1989 Contact: Caltrans Construction Hotline (714) 768-4CAL Project: I-5/SR-55 (Santa Ana and Costa Mesa Freeways) Interchange Reconstruction - Summary Project Location: I-5 and SR-55 Interchange. Construction area extends along the 55 between Santa Clara Avenue and Dyer Road. Project Description: The I-5/SR-55 Freeway Interchange will be reconstructed in three stages. Stage I: Widening of the 55 Freeway between the interchange and Dyer Road to prepare for construction of fly-over ramps to the I-$5. Funding Agency: Caltrans Project Cost: $19.3 million Contractor: Steve P. Rados, Inc. Start of Construction: October 1987 Completion: Stage I completion, Late Summer 1989 Stage II: Widening of the 55 Freeway north of the interchange to 17th Street, as well as widening portions of the 5 Freeway between Red Hill Avenue and 4th Street. Funding Agency: Caltrans Project Cost Estimate: $45 million Start of Construction: Early 1990 Completion: Early 1992 Stage III: Construction of fly-over ramps, transitways and soundwalls. Construction will be completed in mid-1994. Funding Agency: Caltrans and OCTD Project Cost Estimate: $86.4 million Tentative Construction Start Date: Mid-1991 Tentative Construction End Date: Mid-1994 Why the project is being built: Reconstruction of the I-5/SR-55 Interchange represents a major engineering challenge. Caltrans is reconstructing the interchange in three stages over a five year period to insure that traffic continues to move safely through the area with minimal delays for motorists and disruptions to nearby communities. Right-of-way acquisitions have been held to a bare minimum. Upon completion, the new interchange will provide a safer and smoother transition between two major Orange County freeways. Traffic Mitigation Measures: The I-5 and SR-55 will remain open du~ing daylight hours. Nighttime closures 0.2am-Sam) will be necessary occasionally for bridge demolition as well as erection and removal of bridge falsework. During closures, traffic will be re-routed on to local streets. Concrete "K-rail" barriers and gawk screens will be installed to separate freeway lanes from construction activities. Long Term Traffic Mitigation Measures: Caltrans is working closely with the Orange County Transit Dis- trict's Commuter Network to promote ridesharing and the use of vanpools and public transit to remove five percent of traffic from the I-5 freeway during peak hours. Residents living near construction areas are encouraged to use local surface streets rather than the freeway. Caltrans will sponsor a roving tow truck service to quickly remove stalled vehicles and minor accidents in the construction zone. Caltrans, in cooperation with the California Highway Patrol, will sponsor CalRadio 530 AM, a highway advisory network that will broadcast regular construction updates and real-time traffic reports. April 1989 Contact: Caltrans Construction Hotline (714) 768-4CAL FACT SHEET Project: Tustin Ranch Road/I-5 (Santa Ana Freeway) Interchange Project Location: Tustin Ranch Road at the I-5 between Red Hill and Jamboree. Project Description: A new six lane bridge overcrossing and partial cloverleaf interchange will be built to accommodate the widening of the I-$ Freeway. Current plans include acquisition of right-of-way for con- struction of a transitway. Funding Agency: Caltrans and city of Tustin Project Cost Estimation: $12 million Contractor: To be determined Start of Construction: Late 1989 Completion: Late 1991 Why the project is being built: Currently, only Red Hill and Newport Blvd. cross the I-5 within the city limits of Tustin and traffic from existing residential, industrial and commercial areas have overburdened interchanges at Myford Road (Jamboree Road) and Red Hill Ave. This new overcrossing and interchange will provide additional capacity for the area. The Tustin Ranch Road overcrossing will also provide an important link between arterials running parallel to I-$ on the south side, such as Irvine Center Drive and Walnut Ave., and streets on the north side, such as Bryan Ave. and Irvine BlVd. Traffic Mitigation Measures: The I-5 will remain open freeway during peak hours. Concrete "K-rail" barriers will be placed along the construction site, and I-$ lanes will be restriped and narrowed slightly to allow construction. Early morning (12am-Sam) freeway closures can be expected when overpass falsework is constructed and later when it is removed. Long Term Traffic Mitigation Measures: Caltrans is working dosely with the Orange County Transit Dis- trict's Commuter Network to promote ridesharing and the use of vanpools and public transit to remove five percent of traffic from the I-5 Freeway during peak hours. Residents living near construction areas are en- couraged to use local surface streets rather than the freeway. Caltrans will sponsor a roving tow truck service to quickly remove stalled vehicles and minor accidents in the construction zone. Caltrans, in cooperation with the California Highway Patrol, will sponsor CalRadio 530 AM, a highway advisory network that will broadcast regular construction updates and real-time traffic reports. FACT SHEET April 1989 Contact: Caltrans Construction Hotline (714) 768-4CAL Project: Jamboree Road/I-5 (Santa Ana Freeway) Interchange Project Location:Jamboree Road (Formerly Myford Road), at the I-5 between Culver Drive and Tustin Ranch Road. Project Description: The Myford Road interchange and undercrossing will be renamed Jamboree Road. The existing undercrossing will be realigned and widened from four to six lanes. The grade at the undercrossing will be flattened, providing drivers with a greater line of sight. The interchange will be reconstructed as a partial cloverleaf. Funding Agency: Caltrans, city of Tustin, city of Irvine Project Cost: $13 million Contractor: Steve P. Rados, Inc. Start of Construction: Early 1989 Completion: Early 1991 Why the project is being built: Myford Road was built in 1956 to rural standards. The I-5 widening and a shift in land use from agricultural to residential, commercial and industrial use requires interchange and undercrossing reconstruction to accommodate present and future demand. Traffic Mitigation Measures: Concrete "K-rail" barriers have been installed to separate traffic from con- struction activity. Freeway and ramp closures will not be permitted during peak traffic hours. Early morning ramp and road closures (12am-Sam) will be necessary to erect and remove underpass falsework. Long Term Traffic Mitigation Measures: Caltrans is working closely with the Orange County Transit Dis- trict's Commuter Network to promote ridesharing and the use of vanpools and public transit to remove five percent of traffic from the I-5 Freeway during peak hours. Residents living near construction areas are en- couraged to use local surface streets rather than the freeway. Caltrans will sponsor a roving tow truck service to quickly remove stalled vehicles and minor accidents in the construction zone. Caltrans, in cooperation with the California Highway Patrol, will sponsor CalRadio 530 AM, a highway advisory network that will broadcast regular construction updates and real-time traffic reports. April 1989 Contact: Caltrans Construction Hotline (714) 768-4CAL FACT SHEET Project: Jeffrey Road/l-5 (Santa Ana Freeway) Interchange Project Location:Jeffrey Road at at the I-5 between Sand Canyon Road and Culver Drive. Project Description: The existing two lane:bridge will be replaced with a longer, realigned four lane struc- ture to accommodate the I-5 widening. The northbound on- and offramps will be reconstructed as a partial cloverleaf interchange. Southbound on- and offramps will be reconstructed later during the actual I-5 wid- ening. Funding Agency: Caltrans and city of Irvine Project Cost: $10 million Contractor: To be determined Start of Construction: Mid 1989 Completion: Late 1990 Why the project is being built: The existing overcrossing is a narrow and low capacity bridge. The new structure will be a longer, safer four lane structure that will add capacity and eliminate the bottleneck created by the narrowing of Jeffrey from four lanes to two lanes over the bridge. The new partial cloverleaf interchange will provide safer access to the freeway. Traffic Mitigation Measures: Two traffic lanes will remain open on the overcrossing during construction. Early morning (12am-Sam) freeway closures will be necessary to erect and remove bridge falsework. Local residents will be encouraged to use alternate routes, such as Sand Canyon, Yale and Culver Drive to cross the freeway and local surface streets rather than the freeway. Long Term Traffic Mitigation Measures: Caltran,s is working closely with the Orange County Transit Dis- trict's Commuter Network to promote ridesharingand the use of vanpools and public transit to remove five percent of traffic from the I-5 Freeway during peak hours. Residents living near construction areas are encouraged to use local surface streets rather than the freeway. Caitrans will sponsor a roving tow truck service to quickly remove stalled vehicles and minor accidents in the construction zone. Caltrans, in cooperation with the California Highway Patrol, will sponsor CalRadio 530 AM, a highway advisory network that will broadcast regular construction updates and real-time traffic reports. April 1989 Contact: Caltrans Construction Hotline (714) 768-4CAL FACT SHEET Project: Barranca Parkway/l-5 (Santa Ana Freeway) Overcrossing Project Location: Barranca Parkway at the I-$ between Alton Parkway and the I-5/SR-133 (Laguna Freeway) Interchange. Project Description: A new six lane overcrossing will be built to accommodate the 1-5 widening and future construction of northbound High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) onramps and southbound HOV offramps. Funding Agency: city of Irvine Project Cost: $3.84 million Contractor: To be determined Start of Construction: Late 1989 Completion: Late 1990 Why the project is being built: The addition of the new Barranca overcrossing will open a major east/west arterial traversing the entire Irvine Spectrum business complex. The completed overcrossing will provide additional capacity for the area and relieve congestion on Alton Parkway and Bake Avenue. Traffic Mitigation Measures: Local arterial traffic will not be affected since Barranca Parkway currently does not extend to the I-5 Freeway. Freeway closures will be limited to early mornings (12am-Sam) to erect and remove bridge falsework. Long Term Traffic Mitigation Measures: Caltrans is working closely with the Orange County Transit Dis- trict's Commuter Network topromote ridesharingand the use of vanpools and public transit to remove five percent of traffic from the I-5 Freeway during peak hours. Residents living near construction areas are encouraged to use local surface streets rather than the freeway. Caltrans will sponsor a roving tow truck service to quickly remove stalled vehicles and minor accidents in the construction zone. Caltrans, in cooperation with the California Highway Patrol, will sponsor CalRadio 530 AM, a highway advisory network that will broadcast regular construction updates and real-time traffic reports. FACT SHEET April 1989 Contact: Caltrans Construction Hotline (714) 768-4CAL Project: Costa Mesa (SR-55) Freeway extension. Project Location: The Costa Mesa Freeway between Bristol and 19th Street in the city of Costa Mesa. Project Description: The Costa Mesa Freeway will be extended from Bristol to 19th Street. Four mixed- flow lanes will be constructed in each direction below grade. Construction will take place in two phases. Phase One: The Costa Mesa Freeway will be extended beween Arlington and Wilson. At-grade bridge overcrossings will be constructed at Mesa Drive, Del Mar, Santa Isabel and Wilson. A northbound onramp at Mesa Drive, a southbound onramp at Fair Drive, and a northbound offramp at Monte Vista will built in Phase One. Funding Agency: Caltrans Project Cost: $12.36 million Contractor: E.L. Yeager Start of Construction: March 1989 Completion: Spring 1991 Phase Two: Construction of the Costa Mesa Freeway extension will continue between Wilson and 19th Street in Costa Mesa. At-grade bridges will be constructed at Fairview, 22nd Street and Bay. A south- bound offramp at Wilson, and a northbound offramp at 21st will be built as part of Phase Two construc- tion. Funding Agency: Caltrans Project Cost Estimate: $37 million Tentative Construction Start Date: Late 1989 Tentative Construction Completion: Late 1992 Why the project is being built: Extension of the Costa Mesa Freeway will provide a vital link between central Orange County and beach communities and help relieve congestion on Newport Blvd. Construc- tion of the overcrossings will also provide better traffic flows east/west in the city of Costa Mesa. Traffic Mitigation Measures: All lanes on Newport Blvd. will remain open during construction. Periodi- cally, traffic will be re-routed during construction of overcrossings. Long Term Traffic Mitigation Measures: Caltrans is working closely with the Orange Cou.nty Transit Dis- trict's Commuter Network to promote rtdesharing and the use of vanpools and public transit. "Ti IE SOLU'I'iON IS I IERE AND NOW" 1-405 WIDENING P! IASE I FACt SI IEET LOCA'I'iON: I,I;.N'i'! !: BI;.'IWEEN TIlE CORONA DEL MAR FREEWAY (ROU'IE 73) AND Tile SAN GABRIEL RIVER FREEWAY (I-605) 14 MILES COS'F BREAKDOWN: FIIWA $28,320,000 ORANGE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY 3,000,000 S'rATE 2,600,000 S'I'ART OF CONS'IRUCllON: AUGUST 1987 TOTAL $33,920,000 COMI'LETION I)A'iE: H;~O. II'~CI' INVOI.VES: SUMMER 1989 WIDENING TI IE NORTH AND SOUTIIBOUND 1-405 FREEWAY FROM 8 TO 10 LANES. Tile NEW LANES WILL B~ BUILT WITHIN TItE MEDIAN AREA FOR BUSES AND CARPOOLS. CONSTRUC~NG 21 $OUNDWALLS - I WIDENING SIX BRIDGES: I IARBOR BOULEVARD UNDERCROSSING SERVICE ROAD UNDERCROSSING 1-405/BEACI! BOULEVARD SEPARATION SANTA ANA RIVER BRIDGE BOLSA AVENUE OVERHEAD NAVY OVERIIEAD SIlOULDER WIDENING OF 12 FEEl' BETWEEN ilARBOR BOULEVARD AND BROOKIIURST STREET IN TilE CITIES OF COSTA MESA AND FOUNTAIN VAI.,I~EY TO ACCOMMOI)ATE 'l'lli:. NI:.W LANES AND MAINTAIN 'i'ilE EXISTING AUXII.IARY LANES. - CONIRACIOR: KASLER CORPORATION OF SAN BERNARDINO I IOURS OF WORK: MUCll OF Tile WORK WILL BE PERFORMED DURING Tile DAY, MONDAY TlIROUGll FRIDAY. IIOWEVER, TIMING AND LANES CLOSURES WILL VARY WITlt LOCATION, DIRECTION OF TRAVEL AND TIME OF TilE WEEK. TIIERE WILL NOT BE ANY NORTII OR SOUTiIBOUND LANE CL, OSURES BETWEEN 6 A.M. TO 8 P.M. AFTER 8 P.M. LANE CLOSURES WILL BE PERMITTED, AND AT TIMES, THE FREEWAY MAY BE REDUCED TO ONE LANE EACI! DIRECTION. INTER M ITTENT RAMI' CI.OSURE:. FAIRVIF, W ROAD l iARBOR I~OULEVAP, I) EUCI..ID STREET' TALBERT AVENUE BROOK! IURST S'IREET WARNER AVENUE MAGNOLIA AVENUE BEACI I BOULEVARD BOLSA AVENUE WESTMINS'IER AVENUE GARDEN GROVE BLVD. VALLEY VIEW BLVD. SEAL BEACil BLVD. I'llASE II: "I'ilE 10-MILE SECOND PIIASE OF Tile PROJECT WILL ADD A NORTI ! AND SOUTi IBOUND COMMU'FER LANE BETWEEN "I'IlE SANTA FREEWAY (1-:5)TO ROUTE ?3 TtlROUGII TIlE CITIES OF COSTA MESA AND IRVINE. Tile ESTIMATED COST IS $22 MIl. LION CONS'i'RUCTION IS EXPEC'I'Ei)TO BEGIN MID TO LATE 1988 Tile ANTICIPATED COMPLETION DATE IS FALL OF 1989 I.,OCA'I'ION: (.~)S'I': S'I'AR'I' Oi'; CONS'I RUCTION: COMPI,ETION l)A'il:z I'R ().1F.C !' INV()I.VI~S' CON'IRACIOR: I IOURS OF WORK: i RO(,I~,I._.S$ IN MOTION" 1-405 Wll)I;.NING I)llASE 2 FACF SI IEET Along Route 405 from Route 5 in Irvine to Roule 73 in Costa Mesa. $21,I';I 1,1 I I.()0 Late July 1988 Summer of 1990 Widening Iht ,,orth nnd soutl,bound 1-405 Freeway from 8 to 10 lanes. The new lanes will be built within lhe median an(I arc for buses and carpools. In addition, auxiliary lanes will be conslrucled on the north and soulhbound lanes from MacArthur Blvd. Io Ct, lver Dr. Constructing 6 soundwalls. Wiclcning 2 bridges: San Diego Creek Bridge San Diego Creek Channel Briclge Kaslcr Corporation of San Bcrnardino Generally the work will be performed during the (lay, Monday Ihrough Friday. llowever. timing an(I lane closures will vary with location, dircclion of Iravel and time during lhc week. In general, II,ere will not be any north or southbot, nd lane closures between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. 1'here arc some locations where minor deviations in lane reqt, irement will be permitle(I. After 8 p.m. closures 1-405 FACT SIIEET PAGE 2 i NI'I:.R MITTENT RAMI' CI.OSURES: I N'I'I ;.1( M i'i"I'EN T (.'()NNI (;i .( ),~1 JRFS will be permitted, and at times, Ihe freeway may be recluced lo one lane in each direction. There will also be short periods when full freeway closures will be required in order to relocate certain overhead sign structures. During these times, freeway traffic will be detoured off the freeway. During these occasions, ample advance notification of the closures will be given and the detour rot, les will be adequately signed. On weekends, lanes closures may be permitted during morning hours. There will be no lane closures in tile afternoon. Cuiver Drive Jamboree Boulevard Mac Arthur Boulevard Brislol Street N/I~I Route 405 to N/I~ Route 55 N/B Route 405 to S/I~ Route 55 S/FI Route 405 to N/B Route 55 S/B Route 55 lo N/B Route 405 S/B Route 55 to S/B Rot, lc 405. N/B Route 55 to S/B Route 405 N/B Roule 5 to N/B Route 405 S/B Route 405 to S/B Route 5 The intermittent ramp anti connector closures will begin at varying times in the p.m. bt, t will all be opened by 5 a.m. I-5 widenine to be started bv the end of the year. -- I-5 1-405 to SR 133 Advertise early May 1989 Complete mid-1992 I-5 Barranca overcrossing Advertise May 1989 Complete Fall 1990 I-5 SR 133 to Jeffrey Advertise .l~ne 1989 Complete l;all 1992 1-5 Jeffrey Rd. to Jamboree Advertise August 1989 Complete late 1992 1-5 Jeffrey Rd. Overcrossing Under construction Complete Fall 1990 I-5 Jamboree (Myford) Interchange Construction underway Complete late 1990 I-5 Jamboree to Newport Ave. (SR 55) Advertise September 1989 Complete early 1993 I-5 Tustin Ranch Rd. Interchange Complete late 1991 5/55 Stage 1 Under construction Complete mid-1990 Stage 2 Advc[lisc Ati?.tlSl 1989 Co~piclc ~ic1-1991