HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 3 ZONE CHANGE 89-02 09-18-89,ATE: SEPTENBER 18. 1989 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLI/~ A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELOP#ENT DEPARTMENT ZONE CHANGE 89-02 REC(MMENDATION It is recommended that the Clty Counctl take the following acttons' 1. Certify the final Negative Declaration for the Project as adequate by adoption of Resolution No. 89-137. 2. M.O. waive further reading and have first reading of Ordinance No. 1030 for Zone Change 89-02 by title only. M.O. That ordinance No. 1030 for Zone Change 89-02 to be introduced. BACKGROUND .... At their regular meeting on August 28, 1989, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 2667, recommending approval to the City Council of Zone Change 89-02 and Reso.lution No. 2668 conditionally approving Desi. gn Review 89-52, a proposal for a 5,825 square foot retail center and certain lot consolidation and reciprocal parking/access bonuses pursuant to the First Street Specific Plan (Attachment A). The applicant proposes to construct a 5,825 square foot retail center on a .44 acre site currently composing two parcels on the southside of First Street, west of Yorba Street. The subject site is located in the CG-PUD (General Commercial/Planned Unit Development) District and is subject to the provisions of the First Street Specific Plan. The easterly parcel (630 W. First Street) is located within the "Commercial as Primary Use" designation of the First Street Specific Plan. The westerly parcel (640 W. First Street) is located within the "Office as Primary Use" designation of the Specific Plan. In order to accommodate the proposed development, the applicant is requesting an amendment to change the land use designation on the westerly parcel from "Office as Primary Use" to "Commercial as Primary Use". The subject site is located on the south side of First Street, west of Yorba Street. The easterly property (50' x 150' in dimension) is presently developed with a contractor storage yard which is considered a nonconforming use. The westerly parcel (78' x 150' in dimension) is presently developed with a large residence which was converted to office use. Pending a positive action on this project, the applicant proposes to move the structure to a property on Sixth Street within the City's Cultural Resources Overlay District at which point it will be converted back and be occupied as a residence (see additional discussion on this issue later in this report). Clty Councll Report Zone Change 89-02 September 18, 1989 Page two Surrounding land uses Include a 7-11 convenience market to the east, apartments to the south, office uses to the west and retatl uses to the north across First Street. A public hearing notlce denotlng the proposal, location, and time of the hearing on thts matter was published in the Tustln News. In addition, property owners wtthtn 300 feet of the subject properties were notified of the hearing by matl pursuant to State law. The applicant, architect, and property o~ners were fo~arded a copy of the meeting's agenda and staff report for this 1tern. DISCUSSIOM General - Submitted development plans propose construction of a 121' x 48' ~'~t~)~t-~g to be located parallel to the rear property line with parking on the front portion of the site. Building improvements would include a shell building with a potential for six 20' x 48' tenant spaces. The proposed building would be setback zero feet on the rear property line, zero feet on the east property line, 5 feet on the west property line and 92 feet from the front property line. Access to the site would be provided by a 25 foot driveway in the northwest corner of the site along First Street. Reciprocal access to the "7-11" site to the east would be provided wi th a 27 foot drive aisle. The existing driveway for "7-11" on First Street would be removed and replaced with parking and circulation. Amendment to Specific Plan - The westerly parcel (640 W. First Street) is ~brrently ..... d~$ignate-d for "office as Primary Use" (Sub-area 1, Planning area 9) in the First Street Specific Plan. The easterly parcel (630 W. First Street) is designated "Commrcial as Primary Use" (Sub-area 1, Planning unit 10). In order to accommodate the proposed project, the applicant is requesting an amendment to the Specific Plan to change the land use designation of the westerly parcel to "Commercial as Primary Use", (expanding Planning Unit 10 and reducing Planning Unit 9). The proposed amendment is consistent with the Commercial land use designation of the General Plan Land Use Element. The proposed amendment is consistent with applicable goals and policies of the First Street Specific Plan by consolidating access and coordinating development sites on First Street. The proposed amendment would allow for a more cohesive development of these two parcels and coordination with the "7-11" store property to the east. The easterly parcel presently is only 50 feet wide which would make any development difficult. Expansion of retail use on the existing office parcel does not appear to create any conflicts with adjacent uses in that both office and conmmrcial uses presently exist on the southside of First Street. The larger commercial. designation would allow for a more functional site for development. Community Development Department Clty Council Report Zone Change 89-02 September 18, 1989 Page three Zoning Requlremen_ts - Provisions of the "Commercial as Primary Use" designation require a minimum 10 foot yard setback, zero foot sideyard setbacks, and a 20 foot rear yard setback. The maximum height is not to exceed 18 feet and 1 story. As previously noted, the applicant has proposed a 92 foot front yard setback, zero foot east side yard setback, 5 foot west side yard setback and zero foot rear yard setback. Pleaserefer to Development Bonuses below for discussion related to the reduction of the rear yard setback. The proposed building height is 18 feet. Parking- A total of 29 parking spaces are required for the proposed retail center of 5,825 square feet at I space per 200 square foot of gross floor area of retail space. The applicant proposes to provide a total of 24 parking spaces, a five space reduction (approximately 18~) for the project. Please refer to Consolidated Parking/Access Bonus below for discussion related to the reduction of parking. As previously noted, the project site proposes a primary driveway access on the westerly portion of the site along First Street. A reciprocal access agreement Is proposed wi th the a~cess to the "7-11" site on the east property line to provide reciprocal access between the sites and to facilitate circulation in the area and to permit an existing hazardous access dr, lveway for "7-11" to be removed. The. existing access to "7-11" from Yorba Street would remain. The two subject properties and the "7-11" property would function as one site and result in the elimination of two (2) driveway approachs on First Street. A reciprocal access and parking agreement between the applicant and "7-11" would be required to accommodate vehicular traffic crossing property lines. Lot Consolidation Bonus Progr_a_m - Provisions of the First Street Specific Plan ~h~ourage .... ~e consolidation of smaller parcels to provide for more functional development. The Specific Plan indicates that the Planning Commission may grant "development bonuses" for properties that voluntarily combine parcels, which include items, but not limited to parking reductions, or other development standards. However, the Specific Plan specifically indicates that granting a development bonus for lot consolidation is completely discretionary and the Planning Commission is under no obligation to grant such bonuses. In determining the degree of the bonus, the Commission should consider how well the development has addressed the design guidelines of the Specific Plan. As alluded to in previous sections, the applicant is requesting several development bonuses due to the consolidation of the two parcels which are as follows: Reducing the rear yard setback along the southerly property line from 20 feet to zero feet. Community Development Department Clty Counc11 Report Zone Change 89-02 September 18, 1989 Page four Allowtng a 9 foot tall monument slgn on the property which is also located In the required front yard setback. Allowing a 9 foot tall pedestrian street bench/trellis structure within the requtred frontyard setback. The reduction tn the rearyard setback will insure that the proposed project's site plan and parking layout can coordinate with the "7-11" store to the east allowing bulldtng mass and onstte circulation to be more functional on these small sttes. This site plan also allows the applicant to matntaln the large jacaranda tree that is existing In the front portion of the site. The building has been designed with a pitched roof on the rear elevation to reduce butlding mass at the rear property line adjacent to the apartment units, tn.addition, if required, if setback was provided, the area behlnd the butldlng would end up being a maintenance "no man's land" which could be a potential nuisance to residential properties to the south. A 9 foot tall monument stgn Is proposed tn the northeast corner of the property. The destgn includes a column design with individual tenant stgns between and a trellis element on top to match other deslgn features of the site. The monument sign exceeds the maximum allowable monument sign height of 6 feet of the Stgn Code and Is located wlthln the frontyard setback where no structures over 3 feet In height may be permitted. The proposed monument sign Is Inappropriate for the stte and inconsistent wlth the First Street destgn guidellnes gtven the scale of this project and existing condlttons on First Street in that the sign is much larger than permitted under the City's Sign Code. Staff recommends that the monument be reduced to an overall height, includlng the trellis element, to 6 feet. The 9 foot tall pedestrian bench is being provided as an amenity to encourage the pedestrian environment on First Street. As just noted, no structures over 3 feet are permitted within the front yard setback area. The intent was to create a tr. eatment similar to E1 Camino Real with the shade structures. The proposed bench would add a small element to encourage a pedestrian environment along First Street. ~; As part of the Design Review approval, the Planning Commission approved the lot consolidation bonuses to reduce the rear yard setback to zero feet, allow a 9 foot tall pedestrian bench/trellis structure within the required setback and allow a six (6) foot tall monument sign. instead of the requested nine (9) feet within the required front yard setback. Consolidated_Parking/Access Bonus - The required on-site parking has been requested ~0 be heduced from 29 spaces to 24 spaces or an 18~ reduction. ,,,Community Development Department City Council Report Zone Change 89-02 September 18, 1989 Page five Pursuant to the Flrst Street Spectflc Plan, (page [[! - 22), any development proposal whtch Incorporates elther consolidated parking or a reciprocal access agreement wlth an adjacent bustness may be ellglble for the Consolidated Parking/Access Bonus' The Bonus shall be an overall reduction of required parktng spaces by 20~. By providing reciprocal access between the subject properties and the "7-1[" Store, four additional parking spaces would be added to the "7-1[" site thereby potentially reducing any parktng shortage on the stte to I space. A reciprocal Ingress/egress and parktng easement would be required to allow reciprocal use of parktng and the enhanced flow of parking and vehicles across property 11nes. Architecture - The proposed architecture ts a conte~orary spanish destgn with a ~lmple glass store front and open pedestrJan arcade.' The column lnclude a built-up design to provtde some architectural detatl. The column design Is also used elsewhere on the site as part of the monument sign and pedestrian bench. A pttched roof treatment ls uttltzed on all elevations to reduce the butldtng mass, particularly on the south elevation adjacent to the apartments. Building materials Include a smooth stucco plaster fJnlsh, barrel roof ttles, and wood trellts elements over the trash enclosure, pedestrian bench, and monument stgn. Proposed colors Include whtte stucco, tan accent stucco, whtte wood trellts, and blue stgn backgrounds. The proposed colorscheme would be In harsh contrast with the adjacent buildings whtch are earthtones. The Ftrst Street Speclftc Plan encourages earthtones. The Planning Commission modlfted the proposed.white stucco color to an off-whlte/earthtone color to be approved by the Community Development Department. The proposed plans are generally consistent w~th the design guidelines for Ftrst Street and the Speciftc Plan In architectural form, detail, and bulldtng materials, and modifted colors as approved by the Commtsslon. Existing Htstorlc Resources - The existing structure located at 640 W. First Street Is a vtctbrian" Italianate residence whtch was constructed around 1874 and ts presently being used as an offlce building. The buildtng Is designated as havlng a "B" rating tn the Draft Histortc Resources Survey which ts a h~gh rattng and is felt to have cultural and historical significance. While the stte is not located within the Ctty's Cul-tural-Resourc~s_~ Overlay Distrf-~?e'qutrements of the California Environmental Quality Act would require that potentlal'den~lltlon of the structure be Identified as a significant environmental tmpact. Staff believes that the impact would be reduced If mitigation measures for the project requtre relocation of the structure.. The applicant does propose to move the structure to a property located at 6[5 Stxth Street whtch Is located within the Cultural Resources Overlay District. The structure would be converted back to a residence at its new location. " Community Development Department ' Ctty Counct1 Report Zone Change 89-02 September 18, 1989 Page stx CONCLUSTON The Planntng Comnflsston revte~ed the tssues associated wtth the proposed project and determined that the plans are tn general conformance with the goals, objectives, and development standards of the Ftrst Street Spectftc Plan and recommended that the City Council approve Zone Change 89-02 as Identified tn the attached 0rdtnance No. 1030. Daniel Fox / Associate Planner Director of Community Development Attachments: Site Plan Elevations Attachment A, P.C. Resolution 2667 and 2668 City Council Resolution No. 89-137 Ordinance No. 1030 Community Development Department 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO, 89'-137 : A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CERTIFYING THE FINAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION AS ADEQUATE 'FOR ZONE CHANGE 89-02 AND DESIGN REVIEW 89-52 AND CERTAIN RECIPROCAL ACCESS AND LOT CONSOLIDATION BONUSES, INCLUDING REQUIRED FINDINGS PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. The City Council of the City of Tusttn does hereby resolve as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. The request to approve Zone Change 89-02 and Design Review 89-52 are considered "projects" pursuant to the terms of the California Environmental Quality Act. B. A Negative Declaration has been prepared for this project and has been distributed for public review. C. Whereby, the Planning Commission and City Council of the City of Tustin have considered evidence presented by the Community Development Director and other interested parties with respect to the subject Negative Declaration. D. The Planning Commission and the City Council have evaluated the proposed final Negative Declaration and determined it to be adequate and complete. II. A Final Negative Declaration has been completed iff compliance with CEQA and State guidelines. The Planning Commission, recommending authority over Zone Change 89-02 and approval authority over Design Review 89-52, and the City Council with approval authority over Zone Change 89-02 have received and considered the information contained in the Negative Declaration prior to reviewing the proposed project and found that it adequately discussed the environmental effects of the proposed project. -On the basis of the initial study and comments received during the public review process, the Planning Commission and the City Council have found that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect on it in this case because mitigation measures identified in the Negative Declaration have been incorporated into the project which mitigate any potential significant environmental effects to a point where clearly no significant effect would occur and are identified in Exhibit A to the attached Negative Declaration and initial study and are adopted as findings and conditions of Resolution No. 2668, and Ordinance No. 1030 incorporated herein by reference. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the ' City Council the ______day of .... _ ~: _ , 1989. held on MARY ~YNN, City Clerk URSULA E. K~NN~DY' - Mayor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2~ 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 1030 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 89-02, TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF THE FIRST STREET SPECIFIC PLAN FROM "OFFICE AS PRIMARY USE" TO "COMMERCIAL AS PRIMARY USE" ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 640 WEST FIRST STREET. The Ctly Council of the City of Tustln does hereby ordain as follows: · I. The City Council finds and determines as follows- A. That a proper application, (Zone Change No. 89-02) has been filed on behalf of the David Meltlli Company to change the land use designation of the First Street Specific Plan from "Office as Primary Use" to "Commercial as Primary Use" on the property located at 640 West First Street legally described as Lot 5, Tract 334. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application on August 28, 1989 and September 18, 1989. C. That a zone change should be granted for the follow, trig reasons: 1. That the proposed Zone Change is consistent with the General Plan, particularly the Land Use Element which identifies this property with a commercial land use designation on the land use map. . That the proposed Zone Change is consistent with provisions of the First.Street Specific Plan related to encouragement for retail uses, consolidation of smaller parcels, and providing reciprocal access between parcels. . That the proposed Zone Change is in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare of the surrounding neighborhood and property by providing orderly development and compatible land uses with the adjacent retail office, and multi-family land uses. De A Negative Declaration has been prepared for the project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 1030 Page two II. The City Counct1 hereby approves Zone Change No. 89-02 to change the lancl use designation of the First Street Spectflc Plan from "Office as Prlmary Use" to "Commercial as Primary Use" on the property located at 640 l~est Ftrst Street and legally described as Lot 5 of Tract 334, as shown on the attached Exhtbtt A. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Ctty Council, held on the · clay of , 1989. · C1 ty Clerk U ~$ULA-~:-,: KENNEDY;- -- Mayor EXHIBIT A ZONE CHANGE 89-02 IR' Pr Pr Pr 'i 'R1 R3. IL_ IMA;N 640 W. First Street A.P. No. 401-551-003 I I I RI' .:1 r '" MHP $ 2P PROPOSED DESIGNATION' 'Commercial as Primary Use'~ First Street Specific Plan ?.t3' W c~ ! I I I1 I I I 'I1 I · I 11 l~ I .: jl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t! '1 el. er~EET NEGATIVE DECLARAT. IQN CITY OF TUSTIN :300 CENTENNIAL WAY, TUSTIN, CA. 92680 Project Title: ZONE CHANGE 89-02/DESIGN REVIEW 89-52 (MELILLI) Project Location: 630 AND 640 W. FIRST STREET Ftle No. Project Description: AMENDMENT TO FIRST STREET'SPECIFIC PLAN TO ACCOMMODATE A 5,825 SQUARE FOOT RETAIL CENTER Project Proponent: -DAVtD-MELI~LI COMPANY ...... Contact Person: DANIEL FOX Telephone' 544-8890 Ext. 254 · The Community Development Department has conducted an initial study for the above project in accordance with the City of Tustin's procedures regarding implementation of the California Envir'onmental Quality Act, and on the basis of that study hereby find: ..... , ........ · That there, is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment.. That potential significant affects were identified, but revisions have been included in the project plans and agreed to by the applicant that would avoid or mitigate the affects to a point where .clearly no significant effects would oc6ur. Said revisions are attached to and hereby made a part of this Negative Declaration. Therefore, the preparation bf an Environmental Impact Report is not r~quired. The initial study which provides the basis for this determination is on file at the Community Development Department, City of Tustin. The public is invited to comment on the appropriateness of this Negative Declaration during the review period, which begins with the public notice of a Negative Declaration and extends for seven calendar days. Upon review by the Community Development Oirector, this review period may be extended if deemed necessary. REVIEW PERIOD ENDS 4:30 p.m'. on AUGUST 28, 1989 DATED: AUGUST 22 1989 /~~t _ ' ' ~' Community Devel or CITY OF TUSTIN Community Development Department ENVIRONMENTAL INITIAL STUDY FORM iii II. o I. Name of Pmpenent 2, Address-' and ' Phone Nomber-of Print " Date of Checklist Submitted ~bLS~L~T ~.'"lq~c~' Agency ReCl~.iring Checklist · ,,. .. Name' of P~oposal, if applicable (Expkmations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets.) Will the proposal result in: 0 fo Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? Disr~ptiam, displacements, compaction or. overcovering of-the soil? ..... Chcr~e in topography ar ground surface relief features? The destruction, covering ar.modification of my. unique geologic or physical, features? Any increase in wind ar water ~erosion of soils, either'on or off the site? Chonges in deposition or erosion of beach sands, of' changes in siltation, depes it ion ' or erosim which may modify the channel of a river or stream ar the bed of the ocean or my bay, inlet ar lake? mm lY 0 3~ ~xposure of people or property to geolo- gic hazards such as earthquakes, landslici~, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? Air. Will the proposal result in= a. Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? b. The creatian of objectionable odors? C. Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? Water. Will' the proposal result ira' Changes' in currents~ or the course of di- rectJa~' af water movements, in either . marine or fresh waters? 0 Changes in absorption rates~ drainage pat- terns, or the rote and amount of surface runoff? c. Alterations to the course or fl~w of flood waters? .d. Change in the amount of surface water in. any water body? fo Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality~ in- cluding but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? Alteration of the direction or rate of flow. of ground waters? go ... Chaxje in the quantity of ground waters~" either through direct additions or with- drawaLst or through interception of an aquifer' by cuts or excavations? .h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water' _supplies? i. Exposure of people or property to water re- lated hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? i! 5, 0 0 PIm~t Life. Will the proposal result Change-in the diversity o~ species, ar number of my species of plants (including tree~, shrubs, gross, crop~, and aquatic plants)? b. Reductian of the numbemOf any unique, rare or entered species of plants? c. 'lntt"~'fian'~0f';'new Sl~:ies "6:f-' Plants into m area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? · cl. Reductim in acreage of any agricultural crop? , Animal Life. Will the proposal result ins a.Change In the diversity of species, or nurnbem of any species of anirncls (birds, .. land animals including reptiles, fish and shellfbh, benthic orgmLt~ns or insects)? b. Reducti~n of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered speci~ of animals? c. Introductlan of new species of mimais into m area, or result in a barrier 1o the migrati~n or movement of mirncis? cl. Deterioratian to existing fL~ or wildlife habitat?. Nei~e. Wlll the proposal result in: a. Increases..in existing noise levels? . . b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? Light m~cl..Glare. Will the proposal produce ....... new light or glare? Land Use. Will the proposal result in a sub- stantial alteration of the prese.:.t or planned land-use of an area? ' Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a. Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? Y~ · 10. -b' Substantial depletion of any'n°nrenewabl, nal~.ral resource? ...~. . Y~ A rizk of m explmian or the releaze of Izzzarda~ ,ubetance, (including. but mt 'limited to, oil. pesti~icle,, chemical, or radiatian) in the event of an eccidmt ar upzet oan~t~am? b. Pamible interference with an emm'gergy reqxx~ plan ar m~ ~ evoctmtien plm? , II. Populatlan, Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the humm pol~..latim of an area? 12. I-laming. Will the proposal affect existing heus- lng, or create a demand for additional housing? 13. "Trcrqxrtatlen/Orculatlan, Will the propaaal re.~ult im a, Generation of substantial additional vehicular.movement? · b. Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? c. Sul~tantial impa~ upm existing transpor- tation systems? ' d. Alteratlan~-to prezent-patterr~ of circula- ' ........... tion or movement of people and/or goods? ! ii e. Alterations to waterborne, mil or air traffic? . f. Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists ar pedestrians? .. pub'ij~: Ser~icm. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or alter_ed govemm.enta! services in any of the. following areas= a. Fire protection? b. Police protection?. c. Schools? Yes d. Pc~ks ar other recreational facilities? e. Maintenance'Of public f~ilities, including mad,? 15. f. Other govemm .ental services? ~gy~ Wlll the propmal result im a, Use of substantial amaunts of fuel of energy? b. Sul~antial increase in demand upan exist- ing ,aurces of energy, or require the development of new .aurce. of energy? .... 16, Utilities. Will the propasal result in a need' for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utili.ties: a. pOWer or natural gas? · b. C~m~~iam systems? c. Water? cl. Sewer ar septic tardcz? e. S tarm water drainage? f. Solld waste ~ dispasal? · 17, I-Immm Health, Will the proposal result im a. Creatioh 'of-my--l~altl~' haz~' Or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? b, Exposure of people to potential health hazarclz? 18. Aesthetics. Will the propmal result in the obstructian of any scenic vista or view open to the .. pub lict 'or'will the proposal result in the' creation of an aesthetically offensive site open 'to public view? 19, -IRecreatian. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of exLsting recreational opportunities? 20. Cultural Resau~'cm. Will the pralxaaal result in the alteratian of ar the clmm~ian of a prehistoric or historic ~lagical site? Ill. IV. Will the proposal r. ult in adverse physicol or amthetic effects to a prehistoric: or historic building, strucl~e, or object? Doe, the propmal have the potential to cau~ a physical chmqe which would affect unique ettmia cultural value? 21. d. Will the pr..apoeal re~trict existing religiom or ~orod um~ within the potential impact mea? .... Does the project 'have the potential to ' degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish' or wildlife species, ccuse a fish or wild-. life population to drop below self sus- .raining, levels, threaten to elim..inate a" 'Plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the rmcje of a mm or endangered plant ar animal ar eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history ar prahistory? Does the projecf have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-. term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relative, ly bric. f, definitive period of time while long-term tmpacts ' will endure well into the future.) c. Does the project have Impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively con- siderable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts an the environment is significant.) cl. Does 1:he'.project 'have environmentaI effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Disau~ian of Envir~td Evaluatian Oeterminatian (To be completed by the Lead Agency) Yes May · . .i On the b~si.s of th~ .initial ,~valuatlonz · I find that the propmed project COCILD NOT have a significant effect an the envimnnmnt, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that. oltho~h the proposed preject ceuld have a signific~nt effect an the environment, there will net be a significant effect in this cese because'the mitigatlen measur~ described an an attached sheet have been added te the pmjec?. --! iii A NEC;ATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. ! find the proposed project MAY ha~ a significant effect an the enviran- ment, ,xt .an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. I--I DTBCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENT~ EVAL~TION. .. . SONE CHANGE 89-02 /%ND DESIGN REVIEN 89-52 PRO~ECT DESCRIPTION SUPPLEMENT - The proposed pro~ect is a request to change the First Street Specific Plan use designation from "Office as Primary Use- to "Commercial as Primary Use- on the property located at 640 W. First Street and Design Review for a 5,825 square foot retail center on the properties.located at 630 and 640 W. First Street· The project also includes a request for Lot Consolidation and Reciprocal Access Development Bonuses to reduce the rear yard setback from 20 feet to zero feet, reduce the required parking from 29 spaces to 24 spaces, to permit a 9 foot tall pedestrian/shade structure within the front yard setback area, and to permit a 9 foot tall monument sign within the front yard setback The subject property is located in an urban area in the CG-PUD (General Commercial - Planned Unit Development) District and within the limits of the First Street Specific Plan. Surrounding uses include a retail convenience market to the east, multi-family residential uses to the south, office uses to the west, and retail uses across First Street to the north. · EARTH - The proposed project would result in the removal of existing structures and recompaction and precise grading to accommodate the building pads and landscaping. Appropriate soils reports and grading plans would be required as part of · the CLty s review and plan check process. Sources: City of Tustin Community Development Department Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: The applicant would be required to submit appropriate soils reports and grading plan's identifying the scope of work at the plan check stage. Ail work would be done in conformance with the Uniform Building Code as required by the the Building Official. · AIR - The proposed project would not result in any degradation to the existing air quality. Sources: AQMD standards for Preparing E~R documents' · Mitigation Measures/Monitorina: None Required. -- WITTER - No significant change to the existing water conditions, absorption rates, or drainage would take place as a result of the subject project since the property is presently developed with structures. Sources: City of Tustin Community Development Department City of Tustin Public Works Department Mitiqation Measures/Monitoring: The applicant would be required prepare a precise grading plan which would be required to determine adequate site drainage in acC.0, rd.ance with applicable city standards. D'rscuf~BI'ON OF ENVIRO~AL EVALUATTON SeNE CHANGE 89-02 AND DES'rGN REVIE~ 89-52 (MELTLL'r) Page 2 · 0 0 PLANT LIFE - The property located at 640 W. First Street is presently developed with landscaping which is good condition· there is a large Jacaranda and Avocado tree existing in the site. the property located at 630 W. First Street is free from 'any existing plant, life. The proposed plans identify new landscaping for both properties and preservation of the existing Jacaranda tree. Sources= Field Observations Proposed Development Plahs Mitiqation Measures/Monitorinq: The existing jacaranda tree shall remain on the project site unless a. licensed arborist determines that the tree is diseased beyond repair, subject to review and appr?val_~y, the Director "of Community'Developme~t. All efforts shall be taken as feasibly possible to protect the tree during ~onstruction and after project completion. If the tree is 'determined to be dead or diseased beyond'repair, a substantial tree of a similar species shall be planted in its place. The size and species of the replacement tree Shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development prior to removal of the tree. ANIMAL LIFE - The subject property is located within a commercial area and currently developed with a contractors storage yard and office building. The site is free from any significant population of animals, fish, or wild life. Sources: Field Observations. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. NOISE - The Proposed site deSign"whiCh places the rear of the commercial building toward the rear property line with parking adjacent to First Street would effectively screen any commercial "activity from impacting the residential uses to the south. Since the properties are presently developed, there should not be any perceived increase of existing noise levels in the area. Sources= City of Tustin Community Development Department Field Observations Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. DISCUSSION OF ENVIROli~ENTAL EVALUATION SeNE G"B2q~GE 89-02 2tND DES~GNRE;v~w 89-52 (I(EL~LL~) Page 3 · · · 10. LIGHT ]tND GL]tRE - The proposed project would add additional lighting on the properties to provide adequate parking lot lighting. The site design would prevent and reduce existing conditions of light glare on the existing residential uses to the south· Sources= City of Tustin Community Development Department Mitigation Measures/Monitorinq: All exterior lighting shall confine direct light rays and glare to the subject properties and shall be developed in. accordance with the C2. ty s Security Code L~ND USE - The project site is located within the First Street Specific Plan. The westerly parcel (640 W. first Street) is located within the umOffioe as Primary Use- designation while the easterly parcel (630 W. First Street) is located within the -Commercial as Primary Use- designation. In order to accommodate the proposed project, the westerly parcel designation needs to be changed to ~mCommercial as Primary Use~. the change in use designation would be compatible with the existing land uses of the First Street Specific Plan and surrounding properties given the existing commercial, office, and residential uses in the vicinity. The project would be consistent with the goals and objectives of the First Street Specific Plan. Sources: City of Tustin Community Development Department First Street Specific Plan Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. I~tTURaL RESOURCES - The proposed project would not result in any increased use of natural resources given the scale of the project. Sources: City of Tustin Community Development Department .... .... City of 'Tustin Public Works Depargment Mitiqation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. .. RISK OF UPSET - The proposed project would not result in any risk of upset given the type of proposed development· Retail uses of this scale typically do not represent a significant potential for risk of upset· Ail construction shall be in accordance with applicable Building and Fire Codes· The proposed building shall be equipped with an automatic fire detection system· DZBCUSBZON OF F, NVZRO~I~ENTAT., EV]LT.,U~TZON ZONE CH]t.NGE 89-02 ]tliD DESZGN REVZEW 89=52 (NELTLLZ) Page · 11. 12. 13. Sources: Orange County Fire Department City of Tustin Community Development Department Mitiqation Measures/Monitorinq: None Required. POPULATION- The proposed project is an infi11 project and would not result in any direct increase in population in that no additional dwelling units would be created. This small scale project would be designed to meet the needs of the existing residents and businesses bf the community. source: city of Tustin Community Development Department Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. HOUSING - The proposed project is an infill project and would not result in any creation of new dwelling units. This small scale project would be designed to meet the needs of the existing residents an~ businesses of the community. Source= City Of Tustin Community Development Department Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. TRANSPORTATION ]tND CIRCULATION - The proposed project would not have any impact t5 existing off-site transportation or circulation systems. The project is anticipated to. generate approximately 600 vehicle trips per day. The project site presently generates approximately 200 vehicle trips per day based on the existing office development and contractors storage yard. The existing street system is adequate to accommodate the anticipated traffic generation of the project. The project would provide reciprocal parking and access to the property to the. east as encouraged by the First Street Specific Plan. This would result in the closure of an existing driveway, of First Street to improve current conditions, at the intersection of First Street and Yorba Street. Consolidation of the two subject parcels would also eliminate one potential driveway as only one driveway to serv~ the development is proposed. All parking for the subject property is provided on-site in accordance with provisions of the First Street Specific Plan. Sources: City of Tustin Public Works Department City of Tustin Community Development Department Proposed Development Plans DZBCUSSZON OF ENVZRO]~NTAL EV'ALITATZON SONE ~GE 89-02 ~ DESZGN ]IEVZ~ 89-52 (I~EL'rLLT) Page 5 Mitigation Measures/Monitorin0: The driveway for the "?-11- property to the east along First Street would be removed and access consolidated with the subject property. 14. PUBLIC SERVICES - All services are existing and are adequate to serve the proposed project. No additional public services would be required. Sources= City of Tustin Community'Development Department Orange County Fire Department City of Tustin Police Department City of Tustin Public Works Department Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. ENERGY - ~ The proposed project would "' no~ .... result in any significant change in the current use of energy in that the existing development would be replaced with new development. · Sources: City of Tustin Public Works Department Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. 16. UTILITIES - The site is located within an existing commercial area with all utilities available to the site from First Street. The proposed project would not required any new utility service to the property. Sources= City of Tustin Public Works Department Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. 17. ~ HEALTH- The proposed project would not result, in any effect on hUman health, the proposed uses that would be permitted under the "Commercial as Primary Use- designation retail and service commercial uses which typically do not create conditions 'that negatively effect hUman health. Sources: City of Tustin Community Development Department First Street Specific Plan Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. 18. ~ESTHETIC8 - The First Street Specific Plan requires the Planning Commission approval of any Design Review of the subject properties. Development of the project is regulated by the development standards of the Specific Plan and. First Street Design Guidelines. As designed and conditioned, the DZSCUBSZON OF ENVZRO~~~U~TZON SO:NE CHIll'GE 89-02 ~ DESZGN REVIEW'89-52 (M:ELZLLZ) Page 6 proposed project would be in substantial conformance with the provisions of the Specific Plan and the Design Guidelines. Sources: First Street Specific Plan First Street Design Guidelines City of Tustin Co~unity Development Department City of Tustin Design Review Process Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: Conditions of approval for Design Review 89-52 shal~ be incorporated into the project design and final working drawings for the project. ... 19. RECRFJ~TION - The proposed project would not result in an increased need for recreational opportunities. Commercial uses typically do not demand extensive recreational .amenities from the community as do residential land uses. Sources: City of Tustin General Plan Land Use Element City of Tustin Community Development Department Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. 20. CULTURAL RESOURCES - The existing structure on the westerly property is a Victorian-Italianate residence that was constructed in 1874 and is designated as having a 'B' rating in the City,s Historic Resources Survey which is a high rating of significance. The site is not located within the City,s Cultural Resources Overlay District. The historic structure is proposed to be relocated to 615 'B" Street which is within the City,s Cultural Resources Overlay District-~ ............... "' Sources: city of Tustin Historic Resources Survey City of Tustin Community Development Department Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: The historic structure shall be relocated to a site within the City,s Cultural Resources Overlay District, subject, to_~inal approval.of · he ~ actual ' locatio~ by the Community Development Director. No relocation permits for the historic structure shall be issued until all discretionary approvals for the subject"project are obtained. In addition, no building permits shall be issued for development of the subject site until relocation of the historic structure occurs. The applicant shall be responsible for paying related relocation permit and new development fees for the relocation of the historic structure and any utility company costs for temporary DTSCUBHZON OF BNVZROHIf]ENTAL EV'ALUAT'FON ZONE ~'H2t.HGE 89-02 AND DEBZGN R.L*V~ 89-52 (MEL]~LL]~) l:'age 7 raising of utility lines for the move and for reimbursing the City for any damage to public improvements durinq the move. & photo survey shall also bo provided by the 'applicant to the Community Development Department prior tV the issuance of any relocation permits. IGqNDATORY F~ND~NG8 OF H~GN~FXCANCR - The proposed project to amend the First Street Specific Plan and construct a 5t825 square foot retail center could ~ave a significant effect on the environment. However, due to the project design and conditions of approval, potential impacts would be reduced to a level that clearly no significant impacts would occur. Sources~ As Previously Noted. Hitiqation Heasures/Honitorina~ As Previously Noted. DF ~ 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 RESOLUTION NO. 2667 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, RECOMNENOING APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF ZONE CHANGE 89-02 TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF THE FIRST STREET SPECIFIC PLAN FROM "OFFICE AS PRIMARY USE" TO "'COMMERCIAL AS PRIIqARY USE" ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 640 WEST FIRST STREET. The Plannlng Commission of the Clty of Tustln does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planntng Commission ftnds and determines as follows- A. That a proper application, (Zone Change No. 89-02) has been ftled on behalf of the Oavtd Melt111 Company to change the land use designation of the Ftrst Street Spectfic Plan from "Office as Prlmary Use" to "Commercial as Primary Use" on the property located at 640 West First Street legally described as Lots 5 and 6, Tract 334. · B. That a public heartng was duly called, notlced and held on said appl t cation on August 28, !989. C. That a zone change should be granted for the following reasons: 1. That the proposed Zone Change Is consistent with the General Plan, particularly the Land Use Element which Identifies this property wtth a commercial land use designation on the l~nd use map. . The the proposed Zone Change Is consistent wtth ~revlsions of the First Street Spectflc Plan related to encour~,~er,.-.ent for retail uses, consol l aa tl on of sm~,lier parce~, and providing reciprocal access between parcels. 3. That the proposed Zone Change Is in the best interest the publlc health, safety, and welfare of the surroundlnq neighborhood and property by providing crder!y develcpmer, t and co~atible land uses with the a~jacent retati office, ~:- and multi~~iy land uses. D. A Negative Declaration has been prepared for the project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act. 'ATTACHMENT A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 2667 Page two II. The Planntng Commission hereby recommends to the Ctty Counct1 approval of Zone Change No. 89-02 to change the land use designation of the First Street Speclftc Plan from "Office as Prtmary Use" to "Commercial as Prtmary Use" on the property located at 640 West First Street as sho~n on the at~ched Exhlblt A. PASSE~ANDthe ~ADOPTEDday ofat a~./~~xj~y~regular meeting of,the. 1989.Planning Commt sslon, held on d - '! .' R--I~eeNc~oZrdlng S~cretar~ , / t£Sr.'i£'' tou ; Chairman EXHIBIT A ZONE CHANGE 89-02 Pr Pr , Pr R1 R3. iL_ LN. 640 W. First Street A.P. No. 401-551-003 R1 . 11· MHP ..~ $ 2P '.., PROPOSED DESIGNATION- 'Commercial as Primary Use First Street Specific Plan · I I I I I I I I hh STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, PENNI FOLEY, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Recording Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. ~.~3~.j ~ was duly passed and.adopted at a regular meeting of the ]F~stin Planning Commission, held on the ._~Y~Y' day of ~~,/z_~ , 198~/~' PENN'I FOLEY / Recording Secretary 1 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 1,5 16 17 18 19 20 2'2_ ~3 24 25 ~6 ~7 28 RES(1LUTION NO. 2668 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF Tile CITY OF TUSTIN, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING DESIGN REVIEW 89-52, A REQUEST FOR A 5,825 SQUARE FOOT MULTI-TENANT RETAIL CENTER AND A REQUEST FOR CERTAIN LOT CONSOLIDATED BONUSES A RECIPROCAL PARKING/ACCESS BONUS PURSUANT TO THE FIRST STREET SPECIFIC PLAN LOCATED AT 630 AND 640 W. FIRST STREET. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows' I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows' Ae That a proper application, (Design Review Nm. 89-52) was filed on behalf of the David Melilli Company requestin§ approval of a 5,825 square foot multi-tenant retail center located at 630 and certain Lot Consolidation Bonuses related to reduction of the rear yard setback, placement of a pedestrian structure in the front yard setback and placement of a monument sign in the front yard setback and parking reduction for providing Reciprocal Access in accordance wi th the First Street Specific Plan. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application on August-28, 1989. C · Pursuant to Section 9272 of the Tustin Municipal Code, the Commission finds that the location, size, architectural f~.~ures and general appearance of the proposed dev~.lopment impair the orderly and harmonious development nf the a~.~'' ~he ~'~, ccc~;pancy as a present or future development therein, whole. .In making such findings, thai Commissi~,~ ~as cnnsi~r~d at least the following items' 1. Height, bulk and area of buildings. Setbacks and site planning. 3. Exterior materials and colors. 4. Type and pitch of roofs. 5. Size and spacing of windows, doors and c. ther openings. · Towers, chimneys, roof structures, fla~F~oles, radio and television antennae. 7. Landscaping, parking area design and traffic circulati:)n. 8. Location, height and standards of exterior illuminacion. 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 25 26 27 Re~olutinn No. ?6~;q Page two e Location and appearance of equipment located outside of an enclosed structure. 10. Location and method of refuse storage. 11. Physical relationship of proposed structures_to existing structures in the neighborhood. 12. Appearance and design relationship of F, roposed structures to existing structures in the neighborhc~d. 13. Proposed signing. 14. Development Guidelines and criteria as adopted by the City Counci 1. D. A Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act. II. The Planning Commission c. onditionally approves~ [)esign Review 89-52 authorizing construction of a 5,825 square foot multi-tenant retail center, subject to the conditions in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herei, n by reference. III. The Planning Commission approves subject to all cnn,iitions in Exhibit A attacahed hereto and incorporated herein by refer~_;~ce the followin!i Lot Consolidation Bonuses and Reciprocal Parking/r~:cess Bonuses: 1. Reduction of the rear yard setback from 20 feet to zero feet. e Allow placement of a 9 foot tall pedestrian bench within the front yard setback. 3, Allow placement of a 6 foot tall monument si,go within toe front yard setback. Reduction of required on-site parking from 29 spac6~ t~ 2~ spaces. heldPASSEDon ANDthe ADOPTED~+~_ atdaya orfegul a r~.~~_~?~meeting of ..the ,Tusti n1989. Pi ,~nn i ng Commission, PENNI FOLEY, Recording Secretary LESLIE A. I~)NT[OUS, Chairman EXHIBIT A DESIGN REVIEW 89-52 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RESOLUTION NO. 2668 GENERAL JL ~ (1) 1.! The proposed project shall substantially conform with the submitted plans and sample material and color board for the project date stamped August 28, [989 on file with the Community Development Department, as heretn ,modtfted, or as modtfled by the Director of Community Development Department tn accordance with thts Exhtblt. The Dtrector of Community Development may also approve subsequent mlnor modifications to plans durtng plan check if such modifications are found consistent with this Exhtbit and provisions of the East Tusttn Speclftc Plan. (1) 1.2 Unless otherwise specified, the conditions contained in this Exhibit shall be complied with prior to the issuance of any building permits for the project, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. (1) 1.3 Design review approval shall become null and void unless all building permits are issued within eighteen (18) months of the date on this Exhibit. (1) 1.4 The applicant shall sign and return an Agreement to Conditions Imposed form prior to the issuance of any permits. 1.5 Design Review 89-52 shall become null and void unless Zone Change 89-02 related to this projct is approved by the City Council. 1.6 Applicant shall comply with all required mitigation measures contained in Negative Declaration incorporated herein by reference including those related, to the historic structure. 1.7 All overhead utilities exclusively serving the site shall be removed and new service provided underground. (1) 1.8 A Covenant to Hold as one property shall be recorded as required by the Engineering Division. 1.9 Developer shall install wall climbing vines on rear building wall and install Eucalyptus or another tree species 'at '-intervals subject to approva~T~-by '~ Community Development Director along rear property line if requested in writing within 30 days of approval of this resolution by the property owner. Said .request shall include provisions for right-of-entry to developer for installation of trees and access for construction on the developer's project site. SOURCE CODE S r-~ STANDARD coNDITION EIR MITIGATION (3) UNIFORM BUILDING CODE/S (4) DESIGN REVIEW *** EXCEPTION (5) .SPECIFIC PLAN (6) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREMENT (7) LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (8) PC/CC POLICY Resolution No. ~_668 r-~hit A ,st P_R, 1989 Page two PLAN SUBMITTAL 2.1 At building plan cheCk submittal: (3) A. (2) B. (3) (Z) C. (3) ( D. (1) E. F. (6) (6) (1) (1)" (1L Construction plans, structural calculations, and Title 24 energy calculations, requirements of the Uniform Building Codes, State Handicap and Energy Requirements shall be complied with as approved by the Building Official. Preliminary technical detail and plans for all utility installations including cable TV, telephone, gas, water and electricity. Additionally, a note on plans shall be included stating that no field changes shall be made without corrections submitted to and approved by the Building Official. Final grading and specifications consistent with the site plan and landscaping plans and prepared by a registered civil engineer for approval of the Community Development Department. A precise grading plan shall be prepared and shall be based on the Orange County Surveyor's benchmark datum. A separate 24" x 36" street improvement plan shall be prepared showing all proposed construction within the public right-of-way which shall include, but not be limited to, curb and gutter, sidewalks, drive aprons, undergrounding utility connections, and construction of all missing or damaged public improvements adjacent to this development. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for combustible construction, evidence that a water supply for fire protection is available shall be submitted to and approved by the Fire Department. Fire hydrants shall be in place and operational to meet the required fire flow prior to commencing construction with combustible materials. G. An automatic fire detection system shall be provided and operational prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy. H. All doors, locks, and entryways, including air conditioning air ducts, shall be secured with locking devices in accordance with the Tustin Security Code. I. The building shall be equipped with a commercial alarm system. J. The roof access ladder shall be secured with an approved locking device to prevent unauthorized access to the roof. Res-olutt6n No. 2668 E~xhlbl t A ust 28, 1989 three BUILDING AND SITi: CONDITIONS iii ii i ~ ~ (4) 3.1 Pavement materials in the pedestrian areas shall be decorative in design consistent with the architectural treatment. Details of such treatment shall be subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department during review of the final working drawings. (4) 3.2 Parking lot lighting fixtures shall be decorative in design consistent with the architectural treatment. Details of such fixtures shall be subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department during review of the final working drawings. (1) 3.3 Provide "dry" underground conduit tO the back of curb for Cable TV installation and internal wiring. (1) 3.4 The mechanical well shall be designed such that all mechanical equipment shall be located a minimum of 6 inches below the top of parapet. (4) 3.5 Final exterior colors shall be subject to approval of Community Development Department. PARKING *** 4.1 A reciprocal parking and ingress/egress easement with the property to the east shall be provided and recorded, subject to approval of the City Attorney prior to the issuance of any permits. (1) 4.2 Improvement plans for parking lot, landscaping modifications and driveway closure on the property to the east shall be prepared and submitted at the time of plan check. Said plans shall be prepared in accordance with the (4) City's Parking lot and Landscaping Development Standards and requirements as noted in Condition 2.1 above and in item 5.1 below. *** 4.3 The closure of the "7-11" driveway and subsequent construction shall not be permitted until, the driveway and parking lot on the subject property is completed and operational. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for the subject project until completion of all adjacent improvements. 'esolution No. 2668 -'.y' it A ~ c ~.F~, 1 gF~9 'age four LANDSCAPING i 1) 5.1 Submit at plan check, complete detailed landscaping and irrigation plans for all landscaping areas consistent with adopted City of Tustin Landscaping and Irrigation Submittal Requirements. Provide a summary table applying indexing identification, to plant materials in their actual location. The plan and table shall list botantical and common names, sizes, spacing, actual location and quantity of the plant materials proposed. Show planting and berming details, soil preparation, staking, etc. The irrigation plan shall show location and control of backflow prevention devices, pipe size, sprinkler type, spacing and coverage. Details for all equipment shall be provided. Show all property lines on the landscaping and irrigation plans, public right-of-way areas, sidewalk widths, parkway areas, and wall locations. The Department of Community Development may request minor substitutions of plant materials or request additional sizing or quantity materials during plan check. Note on landscaping plan that adequacy of coverage of landscaping and irrigation materials is subject to field inspection at project completion by the Department of Community DeveloPment. The existing Jacaranda tree shall remain on the subject site unless a licensed arborist determines that the tree is diseased beyond repair, subject to review and approval by the Director of Community Development. All efforts shall be taken as feasibly possible to protect the tree during construction and after project completion. If the tree is determined to be dead or diseased beyond repair, a substantial tree of a similar species shall be planted in its place. The size and species of the replacement tree shall be reviewed and approved by the Comnunity Development Director prior to removal of the tree. 5.3 Landscaped berms up to a maximum of 30" in height shall be incorporated into the landscaped area along First Street. However, the monument sign shall not be located on a berm. 5.4 The proposed planter areas at the arcade column bases shall be included on the landscaping plans as shown on the site-~plan. Bouganvilla, which shall be trained to climb on the columns, shall be utilized in these locations. SIGNS L) ~) 6.1 The proposed monument sign shall be reduced in height and width proportionally to not exceed an overall height, including the trellis element, of 6 feet. ~esolution No. ~_66~ ~ ..... bit A ~ 3t ~_8, 19R9 Page fi ve FEES 7.1 The applicant shall pa~v all applicable fees prior to the issuance of permits, including, but not limited to: A. Orange County Sanitation District No. 7 sewer connection fees to the Public Works Department. B. £ast Orange County Water Oistrict fees to the Public Works Department. C. Major Bridge and' Thoroughfare Fees to the Public Works Department. D. Building Permit and Plan Check Fees to the Communit~v Development. Oepartment. E. F~ Ge New Development Fees to the Community Development Department. New Development Fees related to relocation of the existing residence at 640 W. First Street to the Community Development Department. School Facilities Fees to the Tustin Unified School District. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, PENNI FOLEY, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Recording Secretary of the Plan~ging Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution ~o. ~.....~ was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the ~'~ day of _/~_ c~.~.~ , · PENNI FOLEY Recording Secretary