HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 CLAIMS #03-12 & 13 07-07-03AGENDA REPORT Agenda Item Reviewed: City Manager Finance Director MEETING DATE: JULY 7, 2003 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF TUSTIN CITY ATTORNEY CLAIM OF JUANITA ERVIN; CLAIM NO. 03-12 ,., IIII111111~ I ~ SUMMARY: · The City Attomey is requesting that the City Council deny the claim and direct the City Clerk to send notice thereof to the claimant and claimant's attorneys. RECOMMENDATION: After investigation and review by this office and the City's Claims Administrator, it is recommended that the City Council deny the claim and direct the City Clerk to send notice thereof to the claimant and the claimant's attorneys. DISCUSSION: The claimant alleges that she was sexually assaulted at a group home. The claimant mistakenly alleges that the City owned or operated the group home and was negligent in the hiring of personnel for the home. The City does not own, maintain, or operate any group homes. The City did not contract with any third-party to operate the group home in question. The City does not employ the person identified as "Melissa" in the claim. The City has no connection to the incident alleged in this claim. The City's Claims Administrator sent the attorney for the claimant a declaration from the City Manager which verifies that the City of Tustin does not, maintain or operate the group home in question. As the claim has not been withdrawn, it should be denied. ATTACHMENT: Copy of Claim LOIS E. JEFFRE~ / Y ~ CC: William A. Huston, City Manager 165688.1 '.,~-- CITY OF TUSTIN ~ 'C-,-dM AGAINST THE CiTY OF '~ ,.,,STIN (For Damages to' Persons or Personal Property) The law provides generally that a claim must'be filed with the City Clerk of the City of Tustln withinsix ~ after the Inddent or event occurred, Be s~re your claim Is against the City of Tustin, not another public entity, 'Where 'space Is Insufficient, please use addltlonal paper and Identify information by · paragraph number, Completed claims must be mailed or delivered to.the City Clerk, City of Tuetin, 300 · Centennial'Way, Tustin, California g2780, . · · WHEN COMPLETING THIS FORM, PLEASE TYPE OR USE BLACK INK · To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Tustin, California: The undersigned reepectfu!ly submits the following claim and information relative to damage tO person and/or property: ,, 1 1 -3. a. Narne of Claimant:_ ,TO~L-qITA. ERVIN, c/o [~LI:C~L L. ,313STIC~, ' b. ' Address of Claimant: 0. City/ZipCode: .. Woodland Hills, d.. Telephone Number: 818-/'992-8'1~39 - e, DateofBi.rth: - .... f. Sooial Seourlty Number:` ~ . -- g, Driver License Number:. _ "- This claim is submiffed against: a .... The City of Tu.~tin only. b..~ The following employee(s) of the City of Tustin only: _.. Occurrence oi' event from which the claim arises: a. Date:_ _Seotet~ber - Nov_e_~mber.~ 20,0,2 b, Time: .. _. -- . ii i i . i i i ~ i 11 , - - ;i'he C'_~y of Tt~Stin and the following e_m. ploye'e(s) of th.e CJ_ty of Tustin only: An unknown _e~.ploy_ee- ..whose... f~rst name. _ · __ iii m ,,,~. ---" ' - ~ --- · illUl iai! iiii ii c. Place(Exactand-SPeciflcLocatJon):F~L,~Y soLi3~zoas eaO0~, aot~ts; ..... ---" 13671 ~a:L. rmoat., 'z'aatta~ ca].l£orn~a "gzbuu ..... al How and under what circumstances did 'd~mage o'~'i~ju~ oc~ur~ .... Specify the particular. occurrence, ev t or omission you claim caused the injury or damage (use additional · Name, telephone, and post omoe address to ~;hlch claimant desires notices, to be sent (if other than above): ~# .OFF, CJI OF .KI:CI~3n..~.. JI38T[C~_., 2180'00~naz'cl Street. 'S..utte 7.90, Woodland H~iZ~e ~ .Califo.r~a 91367 -"-- ' _ _ . . ,111 ~ ,,,,, __ ':" ' paper'~.necessa, ry~--~ on information and belief,~-,~.the City' was · ~'in' '~:he man~ ,.:t, 'oper~:ion; a~.'cl Control v~v th~ rAI~I~.X , G~O~ FOS , v ere ~ ~nalvld~a~ n~.u~Zbb~" s~Ua~zy-'assaff&2'ea .... plaintiff; ~no ia-a '~i'nor,-an~ Waaa r'~i~-~t u~ aii="~i~.-3~iu, tlu,~ See res~-~ *~ (~) a~ .... ...... , .... - i iii ill _ . i ii i E _ u i i i i __ .... .. . i i · -- I i ii i i i i ii i ii i . . , 5. Give a descrip~on of the ]nju~, prope~ damage or loss so far known at the time of this claim, if ·em were no tnJudes, ~tat, ,no injuries". ~latnt~f has ~x~rienced_. tremendous '~tional pain ~d' ~raum~ from. the ~exual molestation, inClUding ~eng~y n~Spitaiiza~i0n Xn h~&~__v'z 'p ............... psyc c nos zta~, - .......... ;'. .,, O. Give the name(s) of the City employee(s) causing the damage or-injury: An tnd~ivtdual., n~ed M~_L!SSA;.. , -- ¥ - ill · il _ J i i ,., = i, N/A. i iii ii il _ Name and address of any other pars.on Injured: · --- ill _~.~ --- .,= ,_ ..~'. ',,,,,,8' Name and address of the owner'of any. damaged property: · , Damages Claimed: a. Amount olalmecl as of this date: $1,00o,o00.oo b. Estimated amount of future costS:_ o~'.0wn ..... - ......... c. Total amount claimed:_ _See above. d, Attach basis for computation of amc~unt~" claimed (ir~ol~de 0~Ples of-all I~ts, invoices-, estimates, etc.) · Names and addresses of all witnesses, hospitals, doctors, etc. 1 IT I$ A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE ~LAIM (Penal Code Section 72; Insurance Code Section 556.0) 10. WARNING: I have read the matters and statements made in the above claim'and I know the same to be true of my own knowledge, except as to those mat~ers stated to be upon Information or bellefand as to such matters I believe the same to be true. I certify un__de,~?n~ of perjury that the foregoing Is true and correct. · Claire'hr, sign,tut.: Executed this day of I April ., fo[ 'Clafinant J~A~iTA': ERVTN ,20 03 ., Date fil~ this . -. .... day of_ 2:~M (I/O0) 'T~TRI P. ~ AGENDA REPORT Agenda Item Reviewed: City Manager Finance Director MEETING DATE: JULY 7, 2003 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF TUSTIN CITY ATTORNEY CLAIMS OF MELISSA BIRSCHBACH/STATE FARM INSURANCE; CLAIM NO. 03-13 SUMMARY: The City Attorney is requesting that the City Council deny the claims and direct the City Clerk to send notice thereof to claimants and the claimants' attorneys. RECOMMENDATION: After investigation and review by this office and the City's Claims Administrator, it is recommended that the City Council deny the claims and direct the City Clerk to send notice thereof to the claimants and the claimants' attorneys. DISCUSSION: Claimant Melissa Birschbach has filed two claims. One is for her out of pocket expenses. A second is for expenses incurred by her insurer, State Farm. The damages stem from an incident where a City tree, propelled by high winds, fell on the claimant's car. The total amount of the claims is $6,512.30. The claimants allege that a City employee was informed about the tree during windy conditions in the Fall of 2002 and that the City employee agreed that the tree was in poor shape and that it would be removed. The City employee in question denies the allegations. It was his opinion that the tree was in good condition and its health appeared to be vigorous. The tree in question was on a timely trim schedule, having last been trimmed in April, 2002 and August, 2002, just before the incident happened. In our opinion, this is not a case of City liability, and the claims should be denied. 170703.1 HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF TUSTIN JULY 7, 2003 Page 2 ATTACHMENT: Copy of Claims LOIS E. JEFFREY cc: William A. Huston, City Manager ~--~--~ ~.,~r ~,~ ~ ur- ~u~ ~r~. 7Z4 g32 6392 P.04 .'~-~ CITY OF TUSTIN ClaIM AOAINST THE ClT~ OF TUSTIN. (For Damages to Persons or Personal Property) The law provides generally that a claim must be filed with the City Clerk of the City of Tustin ~ithin six (61 .[]3gD. L~ after ~.e incident or event occurred. Be sum your claim is against the City of Tustin, not another public, entity. Where space is insufficient, please use additional paper and identify information by paragraph number. Completed claims must be mailed or delivemcl to-the City Clerk, City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, Califomia 92780, WHEN COMPLETING THIS FORM, PLEASE TYPE OR USE BLAC. K INK · .. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Tustin, California: 2~ . ,mm,mm and/or property: 1. 3; b. ~d~s of Cla~nt: d, Telephone Number: e. Dam of Bi~: f. Social Secuf~ Numbe~ g. DHver License Numben · Name, telephone, a, nd post office address to which claimant desires notices to be sent (if other than above):. ~J_~C,.._ 4¢b~. ,~..,bOVP- - ' .... i 11 This claim Is submitted against: a. '~' The City of'rustin only. b. ~',,. The following employee(s) of the City of Tustin only: ellII I . , _ I I I I1 I.. I I1 , ..... The city; of Tu~'fin and the following emPlo'~,ee(s) of the City Of Tustin" °nlyi ........ i _ i _ 11 i i · i ...... ..... iii. · ~ - · __1 il ..... : ,1 . ... Occurrence cF_event from which the claim arises: a..Date: b. 'l"ime:w_~/Z/'2.~3~_;~ ~O ..... -- ' ' C, d~ HOW and under what circumstances did' 'damage or injur~ 'OCCUr? Specify the particular occurrence, event, act or omission you claim caused the injury or clamage (use additional , ,-,-,.-~-.,.-.~,~..,u., ~o.,,.,r . ~ ~ ~ ur' ~u~ ,~r~ '¢].4 032 6:3B2 P. la5 ,, ¢ ~ /~"" , · e. action by ~e C~; or ~s employees, ~used th~ al ~ed damage or inju~ Sm am e 10, GN, e a desCrfption of the in]u~, prope~ damage or Joss so ~r known at the time o~ this ~/~ claim, ff  em were no injures. ~te "n~ injuries". . Gi~e the name(s) of ~e C~ employee(s) ~using the damage or Inlay: ' ' · ~o ~%~ .. ~~ ~ ~~:..~.~ ~ .~~'. e~'.'~/!~,~,a~. ..... . ........ ..~, ~'~?~_.4e~~ u~~.~ '~ ...... ~ '" ...... Name and address of any other person injured: ~ ]~,_ , - i i Il I~ I I I.i- Name and address of the owner of any. damaged prope~: ~G/I~~ ~)~.~/~~ ~ Da~ges Claim~: a. ' A~unt daim~ as'of this date: ~/~, /~ b. E~timated amount of future costs: NDft[;', ' -- · "' ~ c. T~tal amount claimed: $'/2~.5,/~ '- ....... ' ...... d. Attach basis for computation 'of amounts'~iaimed (include COpie~ 'Of all .bills, invoice~, estimates, etc.) ' , $ Names and add£esses of all witnesses, hosaitals doctors, etc. ..... WARNING: IT I$ A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE CLAIM (Penal Code Section 72; Insurance Code Section 566.0) I have read the matters and statements made in the above claim and I know the same to be true of my own knowledge, except as to those matters stated to be upon information or belief and as to such matters believe the same to be true. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Ex. ecuted this. . _ day of__ . . .. ,20____._. ,- __day of Date filed' this 2~CLAIM (1/~0) '. RPR-2~.-2~3 3.6:41~ CITY OF TUSTIN T3.4 832 63'B2 P.~ , .,..*,,.~, · . ..i .o i " APR-21-2003 16:48 ~_.CITY OF TUSTIN ?14 832 6382 IT $ IT # h'z4075 !702~ gENTAL A6~EEHi~,' f~NTER . !-DCAL~ L. ICENS£.Ao84~'~ HAIR ~UMMARY O? OHARSE8 3 DAYI~ .~ 88.~9 · 86.P7 8ILL. TO Y :L!BT # ~ATE FARM-COSTA MgSA P.O. ~0× 501¢~ ADDITIONAL '~lO OTHEr' PRIVER' PEE:I SALES TAX~ ?.75 /NFO I g tAT~ r~-ERMI$~iDN T(', LE~t:E ~',U,.R'roI'IER $ISNATURE 0~ FILE' vi'lENT .rl',l~:Oi~,lqr ]'01,'. At'/OUN'? Pg.E'Y ?yr..-.. :,.~.-:9 AU'tH CLOSED TICKET P4YMENT l:,,'~O OEF'O~IT5 77.71 ~E=UND , E ILL TO CIJS'r i~"FSEK$ 16,00 ... RPR-21-2B03 16:49 CITY OF TUSTIN CALEN.n.q~ 9~',v i ~UTO CSN?~ ~ ?~-~-li~e R£~TAL !'Y~E ! ~OY~C$ ~T=~:~- 052 ~ENT~L ~BREEMEN'F P~ ! C~ , REI~I'ER . '.OCAL: · BUH'!AR¥ D~' ~HARGEE NO DHARG~ r-,.ZLL TO v CU,C:T # $TA!'E FH .M'.-..,:, . M----~A ~,.,:.. . 'r.:.IOUSAND O~KB CA 9,",O-3GD,-?4a ~, ~ ! .~5 .m'-DO :. C, · ADD TT;O/..J4- ",10 OTHED 9RIVER .. ~: "-,6~:"". LIREI" $ DAT~{ .~./',:~/03 ='- ACCIDEk:? r DU~OHE~ glGNATUR£ 0'~1 PAYMENt INFDRHATiO~ AMOUNT =D,DY rV~'~ D~T¥: A~TH CLOCJED TICKET T~TAL DHARGE$ DE~O$IT~ ~61.~ ~EFLIND 9!LL TO C:UST · L,'U OPENED 2Y #5~6~T ~ARON~H KENNEY ' CLOSED BY #3707~ ~:E~RY'C ~OLL~ ~I.A, IM AGAIN..~T THE CITY OF TUSTIN (For Damages to Persons or Personal Prop. arty) OFFICE-TUSTIN CITY'CLERK , · The law provides generally; filet a claim mu~t be filed with the City Clerk of ne City of Tustln within six16) ~ after the in.~iden[ or event occurred. Be sdre your claim Is against the City of Turn, not another public entity.. 'Where'space ts Insufficient, please use additional paper and identify information by paragraph number. Completed Glaims must ~e mailed or delivered to the City Cle~, City of Tustin, :300 centennial Way, Tustin, Oaltfomia 92780. , ' '' WHEN COMPLETING THIS FORM, PLEASE TYPE OR USE ~1 _LACK INK · · To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Tustin, Califo. mia: . '.";~';~~i{~-fi'~l .,reap~Mfa~y '~ub~'~ thg followln~'czai~' ahd 'i~ifo..m~tion 'relet/~a:~..'- ~a~a~e :te.-pars. or~ · property: 1. :: ,a "- ' ...... -- ' ' ' c. Ci{y/ZipCode: ~ [,o~'<~,.'-~[ O~Y-~ ': C.~ ~tl3~ff-, 5~.i0 , ' '" d., Telephone Nu~nber:._ $~,_~-_Rt,~,'~_~'"/ ~-.'-~-_~, ? -.: ..... . ......... - e. Date of Birth: ' ' .. - ........... ' .... - f. $ooial Secur'~--Number: '", " _. . ..... --- - '- ....... g. Drive[License Number. ..... .--:. ' .... --" 2. Name, telephone, and post ,~_..ce address to v;hich clalmant desires no;dce~ to be cent (fl offer than . z_4~t, aS ~~,. . .... above): ....._- : ...... - -, ................. · 3. This claim is l~ubrnltted again~ ' a. ~ The City ofTuetin onl?. b. __..._. The f~llowlng employee(s) of the City of Tustin only:. -- i_ _. ii I i ii ii iii · - -- -,, -- " ~:~ - : :~: '" _ ' ' ,m, _ ,~: _ _'" · '' · I I · .... . ..... ii c, ____.. The City of Tu~n and the following employe~(s) of ~e'City 'of Tustln only:. il I i · _ . _ . .... ii ,. , . i .__i . .. . i i : :-- ' *, Ooc, urre~ce or event from which the claim arises: b. Co e Place{Exa~ct ,,d ~pec~ii= LocatJon): '5ff9 3'X .~_~ ~ I'~<~A. CJt .... - - -- Row and under what ci~[Jmstar~ces did oe, curmnce, event, act or omission you claim caused the injury or damage (use additional CITY CZW ~ T~IN ~4 ~ ~2 P.~ ~qp~.~.~~ - . - , . ,. .......... e.. ~ ~ffimlar ~ by ~e C~, or ~ employees, caused ~ all~ damage or inJu~? ~ , GNa a d~~n ~ the inju~, pmpe~ damage or loss so far ~o~ S.----13t~th~ame(s)'ePIhe'Gity emPloyee(e)=auslng-the damage_or Injury:. __ ..... m Name and add~ of any other pets.on injured:_ e Name arid addr~$ of~e owner of a.ny damaged property: _, ._. , , Damages Claimed: .. Amount olaimed ma of this data:__~ ~ ~', ~ 9' I~ .... .-. . b. Estimated amount cd' future po _s~s: d. All;mob. 13a~la for computation of amounts ~i'almed (i~]u.de CoPie~ of all bills:Linvoi~es~ e~llmates, etc.) ' ' to. Nmr~ and addresses of all witnesses, hospitals, doctors, etc. _ , ,., ,, , -- . - .... ! ,1 i _. ....... - ....... ~: ~- ...... -. ~ ......... . . i i i _ .,.L ', .__ , ' ,,, , ' · WARNING: IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE {~t. AIM (Penal Code Se~n 72; Insurance Gode O~n 550.0) ~ieve ~. ~ame ~ ~ ~e. I. ~ under p~a~. pedu~ ~at ~e ~r~olng i~ ~e and _ , _xo_. , , TO'I'RI- P, ~ TOTAL P.04