HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1964 06 29 295 MINUTES OF A REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL June 29, 1964 Meeting called to order at 7:34 P.M. by Mayor Sheridan. Pledge of Allegiance. Present: Sheridan, Klingelhofer, Doney, Mack, Coco. Absent: None Also Present: Attorney Rourke, Public Works, Wheelock, Chie~ Siseel, Fred Brook~ Moved byeMack, seconded by Elingelhofer that Minutes of MINUTES June 15th meeting be approved as mailed and corrected. APPROV WITH (Correction - Re: Hearing UP 64-166 - from Mr. Doney being property owner to having interest in property) CORRECTION Carried. MULTIPLE Mr. Coco explained recommendations of Multiple Housing HOUSING COMM. Committee regarding Phase One of Study. PHASE ONE Moved by Klin~elhofer, seconded by Mack that the City Multiple accept recommendations of Multiple Housing Committee Housing for Phase l, Subsections l, 2, 3 and ~ as presented. Committee Carried. Moved by Coco, seconded by Mack that pianning area cover approximately 9500 acres as outlined in recommendation by Mr. Adsit. Carried. Moved by Doney, seconded by Klin~elhofer that Mr. Adsit be given every consideration in working on Phase 1 only as long as original quoted rates are not exceeded, and total cost no~ to exceed $1500.00o Carried. Moved by Coco, seconded by Mack that the name Multiple MULTIPLE Housing Study Committee be changed to General Plan HOUSING COMM. SItudy Committee. Carried. CHANGED TO GENERAL PLAN Moved by Doney, seconded by Klingelhofer that General STUDY COMM. Plan Study Committee include a representative from Tustin Elementary School District, TustinUnion High. ~choo! District and Tustln Area Council of Churches. Carried. It was decided that each group represented to this committee appoint alternates for each representative to assure representation a~ all meeting. Reports on acquisition of land for Fire Department and LAND FOR FIRE land for further expansion of Civic Center deferred to DEPT. DEFERRED next regular meeting. TO NEXT MEETING Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that Mayor Sheridan be Mayor granted permission to leave state for a period of his Sheridan convenience due to the illness of his mother. Carried. Permission to leave Councilman Mack reported on committee's findings on state proposal of L. GetdinS for city ohotography work and presented letter setting forth c~sts. Mr. Mack reported L. Getdins that Police Depar~men~ and Fire Department would use City Photo. this service the most and occasionally the Public Works Department. Committee recommends that Agreement with L. Gerding be entered into on a three months trial basis and that Police or Fire photos or negatives noz be released for other uses unless permission granted by the department head and when released, the City is to be credited or reimburse~ for call. · 296 Agreement Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that the Council with L. accept the report of committee and City enter into Gerding Agreement with Mr. Gerding for three month trial period at prices as set forth in letter, and contract to be drawn by the City Attorney. Carried. B.Wheelock Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer that appointment Dir. of of Benjamin Wheelock as either Director of Public Works Public or Public Works Coordinator whichever title is set forth Works. in Ordinance No. 256, be confirmed. Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that above be amended to include "at salary of current rate now received." Carried, Motion as amended confirming appointment of Mr. Wheelocko Carried. Mr.D'Arnel spoke regarding establishment of Annexation Committee and existing. Chamber of Commerce Committee. Wheelock Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that Mr. Wheelock advisor be appointed advisor to Chamber of Commerce Annexetion C.ofC. Committee and report periodically to the Council as to Annex. Com. what is taki~g place. Carried. Corr. from Correspondence of June 23rd from Rutan and Tucker~reEarding Rutan& Appeal of Judge Tamura's decision read by clerk~ and Tucker statement covering costs for services rendered re Harry K. Stanly etal V. City of Tustin presented. Moved by Rlingelhofer, seconded by Doney that no action be taken in filing of Appeal on mati;er of Initiative Ordinance. Motion carried. UNDIST~ Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Doney that $1,856.80 RESERVE be transferred frem Undistributed Reserve and invoice $1,856~80 from Rutan and Tucker be added to list of bills to be a~Droved for payment. Carried. ADMIN. BUDGET City Clerk explained a d~fici~ in Administration Budget DEFICIT ' of $1,717.36 due to election costs. Resol. Moved by Mack, seconded by Ellngelhofer that Resolution 724 / No. 724 transferring $3,574.16 from Undistributed Reserve to Administration Department be read by title only. ~. Carried unanimously. Resol.724 Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelh0fer that Resolution passed & No. 724 be passed and adopted. Carried-by roll call - adopted Ayes: Sheridan~ Klingelhofer, Doney, Mack, Coco. ~.bsent: :~ None. Noes: None. Resol..720 Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that Resolution No. 720 L. Allec commending Larry Allec be read in ~ts entirety. Carried. Reso. 720 Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that Resolution No. 720 passed & be passed and adopted. ~arried by roll call. Ayes: adopted Sheridan, Elingelhofer, Doney, Mack, Coco. Noesr None. Absent: None. Mel'Heil Moved by Doney, seconded by Klingelhofer t,hat Mel Heil be appt. appointed permanent Police Sergeant to serve at the pleesure Police of the Council. Appointment to be retroactive to June Sergeant 1964. Carried. State Tuesday, July 14th at 7 P.M. in Old Council Chambers s,et Personnel for study session with State Personnel Officer. Officer 2:97 Letter from Arthur L. Gu~zel commending two Tustln Letter Police Officers read. commending Sergo Hell .Council directed the Police Commissioner ~o present ~copies of letter to Sergeant Hell and Officer Madden, Officer the officers involved at a PolicedFormation and a copy Madden .put ~n Police Department files. ~COrrespondence read form O. Greenwood requesting one Tentative ~year extension on TentatiVe Tract Mac No. 5142 and UP Tract Map ~No. 63-149. Mr. Wheelock requested that sai~ extension 5142 ~be granted. Carried. UP63-149 Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that one year extension on Tentative Tract Map 5142 and UP 63-1~9 be granted. Carried. Moved by Do~ey, seconded by Coeb that permission be SANTA CLARA ~granted residents of Wheeler Place to block off a AND LAURIE ~portlon of the street between Santa Clara and Laurie LANE TO BE Lane july 4th from 5:30to 9:30 P.M. Residents to BLOCKED JULY 4 check with Police and Fire Departments for final ~clesrance. Carried, Minutes of Boundary Commission re Sa~l~ Clara Annexation read - annexation to be heard by Local Agency Formation CommZttee July 8th. AUGUST Mayor Sheridan authorized to proclaim the month of August M.S.Month as Multiple Sclerosis Month. Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack ~h~ contract with Signal Signal Oil Company be extended from July l, 196~ thr~ 0il Co. and including June 30, 1965. Carried. contract extended Moved by Elingelhofer, seconded by Mack tha~ request of Orange County~Water District for action regarding Congressman Utt's bill be tabled.I Carried. Moved by Doney, seconded by Elingelhofer that correspondence be received an~ Filed and require8 action taken. Carried. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Doney that Bills t o the amount of ~22,329.07 be paid. Motion carried. First Western Bank (Utilities) ................ ~ 75.16 The Tustin News .............................. 32.22 F~rnsworth jewelry ........................... 2.75 Santa Arts Office Supply ....................... 138.30 Dennis Printers & Stationers, Inc ............. 20.48 Tiemane ...................................... ~o16 B Blower Paper Co ............................... 33.07 I Wardlaw Fire Equipment ........................ 915.20 L Cooperative Personnel Service ................. 29.50 L County of 0rmnge .............................. 87.48 S Barr Lumber Co ................................ 16.38 The Revere House ............................... 7.55 Santa Aria Book Store .......................... 39-85 F. Morton Pitt ................................ 122.25 Smith-Corona Marchant Inc ..................... 12.75 Tiemane Office Equipment .................... 130.03 County of Orange ............................. 10.82 Tustin Radio and T.V ......................... 17.11 Carl Entenmann i Son~ ......................... 67.14 Gerding Photo Studio .......................... ll.~0 Signal Oil Co ................................. 301.14 Morrison Co ................................... 28.83 Orange County Blueprint ....................... 111.92 Hardy & Hatper ................................ 91.50 R.F. Dickson Co. Inc .......................... 405.00 2'98 Stsr-Llte Electronic Co.- ....... Z ............ $ 11,98 Division of Highway .......................... 78,65 Hines Wholesale Nurseries .................... 43.16 B Pacific Athletic 0o.- ........................ 55o12 I Nests Sporti~ Goods--, ...................... 72,72 L The American Co.- ............................ 16,01 L S.S. Kresge Co ............ . ................. 7.52 S Ariahelm Sewer Construction Co.- .............. !I~.00 Ted B. Adsit ................................. 512.97 LoB. Penhall Co. inc ............ - ............ 20.00 Santa Ana Blueprint Co.- ..................... Pacific Scientific Co.- ...................... 142.14 A.B. Dick Co ................................. 223.55 Thermo-fax Sales Incorporated ................ 155.96 Armstrong Acquisition ........................ 15,033.50 Fred V. BrookJr.- .................... ~ ...... 3.00 Edward E. Haworth .......... ~ ................. 3.00 Calif. CorrectionalIndustries ............... 1o70 Go Siseel (expense reimbursement) ............ 24.75 Stanton House (League Dinner) ................ I0.00 Rourke & Holbrook ................ ---~ ...... -- 725-00 Rutan & Tucker ............................... I!1,856.80 'Total 22,329.07 Moved by Doney, seconded by Klingelhofer that meeting be adjourned. Carried.