June 15, 1964
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Sheridan.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Sheridan, Klingelhofer, Doney, Mack, Coco
Absent: None
Also Present: City Attorney Rourke, Chief Siseel, Mr.
Wheelock, Mr. Carlson, Mr. Haworth.
Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that Minutes ofI"June 1st
be approved as mailed but with the correction of name
General Study Committee to General Plan Study Committee.
Motion carried~
Bids for Moved by Doney, seconded. by Mack that bids fo~ improving
Second St. Second Street between "C" Street and Prospect Avenue be
opened opened. Carried.
6 Bids Clerk reported six bids received. Bids:
D.C. Muralt ....................... $12,795.00
Hardy & Herper .................... 10,832.50
R.j,Noble Co ...... ' ................ ]0,319.00
Griffith Co ....................... 11,016.50
Sully MilIer Co .................... 11,552o70
Industrial Contracting Co~ ....... . 10,618.25
City Attorney reported all bonds in order.
Moved by Klingelh0fer, seconded by Mack that bids be
referred to the City Engineer for tabulation and checking
for report later in the meeting. Carried.
Appeal Hearing opened at 7:55 P.M. on Appeal of the decision of
the Tustin Planning Commission denying UP application No.
denying UP
No.64-166 64-166 of the First Church of Christ Scientist to permit
First Church c°nstructi°n of church building at 4~0 West Main Street.
of Christ
Scientist As having interest in property in the area, Mr. Doney
stated he would disqualify himself and left his chair st
the table
Mr. Howard Robertshaw of ]827 Loma Roja Drive, representing
the Church, requested the continuance of Hearing until
afte~ August 15th meeting for submitting altered plans.
UP 64-166 Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that UP 64-166 be
referred referred back to the Planning Commission for fu~'ther
to Planning hearing and reconsideration of revised plans.
Mr~ Paul Snow requested immediate decision.
Above mo~iOn~ carried unanimously.
Mr. Doney returned to his chair at 8:05 P.M.
UP 64-168 Discussion opened an Appeal of decision of the Plarming
Foster & Commission denying UP 6~-168 of Foster & Kleiser to permit
Kleiser an outdoor advertising sign in C-2 zone on 17th Street,
West of Yorba.
City attorney reported that in a quasi-judicial pro-
ceeding, which the granting of a Conditional Use Permit
is, only councilme~ should participate who can make
an objective consideration and an impartial decision.
In the present instance, it would appear that the
councilmen have a very remote interest in the subject
matter and might therefore be ignored. The individual
councilmen should consider whether they can be objective
and make their own decision on their qualifications.
Mr. Dan Davis sooke representing Foster & Kleiser.
Hearing reopened at 8:15 those present with comments:
Mr. A. Enderle spoke
Hea~ing closed at 8:16 P.M.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that Resolution Resol.
No. 721 be passed and adopted permitting sign as applied #721
for in UP 4-168 for a period of three years and to UP64-168
conform to the following conditions:
1. hemoval Bond be posted in amount of
2. Sign to comply with requiremats of
Tustin Sign Ordinance No. 183.
3. A building permit be obtained for the
erection of sign.
Motion carried by roll call- Ayes: Sheridan, Klingelhofer,
Doney, Mack. Noes: Coco AbseNt: None.
Moved by Doney, seconded by Ma~k that Colonel Williamson COL.
be granted permission to lea~e the state, June 25th thru WILLIAM-
June 30th. Carried. SON PER.
Chief Sissel instructed to work on ordinance with the STATE
City Attorney, Fire Chief, Building Official and Public
Works director regarding solicition within the City and SOL. IN
restrictions on carnivals, cirbuses etc. CITY
Mr. Coco reported on Adsit report.
City Clerk directed to notify Planning Commission and JOINT
General Plan Study Committee members of a joint Study STUDY
S~ssion with Council and Mr. Adair at 7:30 P.M. on SESSION WIT:
either June 23rd or 24th which ever is better for the PLAN. COMM.
majority. GENERAL PLAN
Moved by AuaCk, seconded by Coco that the following pay Pay
Scale and dates be established for Tustin Youth Center scale
summer program: for
Pay from June 22nd to August 21st, subject to completion
of Police investigations:
Total Total
Name Wa~e Hours Salary
G. Beaman $2.50 360 $900.00
S. Beltran 2.25 375 843.00
Ken Turknet~e 2.25 360 810.00
Vic Zuniga 2-25 200 a50.00
Carol Baxter 2.00 360 720.00
F. Sullivan 2.00 360 720.00
J. Jenson 1.80 360 6~8.00
Motion carried.
Mr. Wheelock informed the Council of bids for TYC lign~ir~. TYC
W.A. Roberts Co. $765.00
A.R. Edman Co. 830.00
Council directed Mr, Wheelock to obtain more bids and
with inclusion of lighting for parking lot area.
Tract No. Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that improvements for
4854 off-site sewers be accepted and bonds exonerated for ~_~
Tustin Tract #4854 - Tustin Villag~ I.. Carri6do
Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that improvements
Tract for streets and sewers for Tract 5~34 be accepted and bonds
#5234 exonerated.~;.6arried.
Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that temporary closure of
McFadden Street at Newport Freeway be authori~zed for a period
not to exceed three weeks. Carried.
Resol. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Doney that Resolution
No. 722 No. 722, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of
Tustin, Expressing its Desire for an Amendment to 'the Free-
way Agreement for the Newport Freeway to Provide for a Cul-
De-Sac on Newport Avenue, Northerly of the AcT. & S~F. RR
in conjunction with Current Construction of the Newport
Freeway," be read by title only. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that Resolution No.
722 be a~dopt6d.
Moved by Doney second'ed by Klingelhofer that resolution
include paragraph stating that Cul~de-sac will be at the
expense of the state. Carried unanimousl.y.
Resol.722 Prior motion adopting Resolutio~ No. 722 passed by roll
passed call. Ayes: Sheridan, Klingelhofer, Doney, Mack, Coco
Noes: ' None.! Absent: None.
City Engineer Carlsen reported R.J. Noble as low bidder
for improvement of Second Street and recommended award of
R.J.Noble Moved by MscW, seconded by Elingelhofer that contract be
awarded to R.J. Noble, being low bidder and Mayor and
Clerk be authorized to execute said contract in am~ount
of $10,319.00. Motion carried.
Resolo Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that ~esolution ~o.723
#723 "A Resolution of the City~ Council of the City of Tustin,
Requesting That Property Within the Corporate Limits of
the City of Tustin be Excepted From Tax Levy~ by the County
of Orange for Structural Fire Protection of County Areas,
be read by title only. Carried unanimously.
Resol. ~Moved by Doney, seconded by Elingelhofer that Resolution
#723 No. 723 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call-
passed Ayes: Sheridan, Klingelhofer, Doney, Mack, Coco. Noes:
adopted None. Absent: None.
BROOK, Mayor Sheridan~appointed Building Official Brook and
WILLIAMSON C.D. irector Williamson to the Advisory Committee to
INDUST. PER~ the Industrial Park Committee.
Five minute recess called by the Mayor.
Meeting reconvened at 9:25 P.M.
Moved by Doney, seconded by Kl'ingelhofer that clerk~ be
authorized to return bonds to unsuccessful bidders.
Chief Sissel recommended that resignation of Larry Allec LARRY ALLEC
be accepted and a letter of commendation for ma~y years RESIGNATION
of faithful service be sent.
M~ved by Doney, Seconded by Mack that letter of resignation
be accepted as of May 30, 1964. Carried.
MOved by Mack, seconded by Doney that the City Attorney RESOLUTION
~'~ draft a resolution commending L. Allec for his ma~y years COMMENDING
of service to the City. Carried. L. ALLEC
City Attorney and City Clerk asked to report at next BLANKET BOND
regular meeting on coverage of a blanket bond for the FOR CITY
C~ty employees. EMPLOYEES
MOved by Doney seconded by Klingelhofer that Mr. Mack PERMISSION
be granted permission to leave the state from June 19th FOR MACK TO
to 22nd. Carried. LEAVE STATE
Mayor Sheridan appointed Mr. G.O. Bixleras deputy City G.O. BIXLER
Treasurer. Appointm~nt~to!e~p~re April 1966. DEPUTY CITY
Correspondence from Siegel, Sloan and Associates requesting
conditional approval of final maps for tracts 5468 and CORRES. SIEGH
5470 read. SLOAN & ASSOC
TRACT 5468
Those present with comments: and 5470
Mr. Max Sloan of Siegel, Sloan and Associates
Mr. G. Argyros of G.L.A. Dev. Corp.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Mack that Council conditionally TRACT
~ approve the final maps for Tracts 5468 and 5470 subject 5468 &
to the developer's engineer working out the improvement 5470
plans and bond amounts ~ith the City Engineer and that
Agreements, plans and bonds be subject to approval of
Attorney, City Engineer and Public Works Director and
at such time as approveS, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized
to execute Agreements and Clerk sign the final tract
maps. Carried.
Moved by Klingelhofer, ~econded by Mack that correspondence
be received and filed. Carried.
Moved by Doney, seconded by Klingelhofer that bills to
the amount of $8,035.86 be approved and paid. Carried.
Tustin Paint Store ..................................... $ 27.50
California Correctional Industries .................... 123.85
Desmond's ................. ~ .......................... 96.72
Tustin Hardware ........................................ 121.67
Tustin Blacksmith Shop ................................. 4.16
Buel A. Williamson (C.D. Expenses) ..................... 15.00
Mullin Lumber Co ....................................... 12.48
County of Orange ....................................... 43.24
Graves & Howley, Inc ................................... 16.64
~-- Traffic Signal Maintenance Co .......................... 34.00
Hardy & Hsrper ......................................... 59.80
~ Orange County Stamp Company ............................ 3.32
First Western Bank (Utilities) ......................... 64.43
Western Plumbing Officials Assoc ....................... 6.76
Miller's Camera Shop .................................. 162.39
Anthony Pools (Building refund) ........................ 15-73
Clark Dye Hardware .................................... 10.92
Tustin Village Inc. (Sewer reimb. Agreement) ........... 2,500.00
Anaheim Sewer Construction ............................ 200.00
Blystone Equipment Co .................................. 584.22
Jack Claborn ........................................... 20.80
Stilley's Photo Supplies ........................... $ 468.00
A.R. Edman Co ...................................... ' 120.36
ASC Auto Parts ..................................... 70.41
Farnsworth Jewelry ................................. ll.00
Tustin Drug & Variety .............................. 1-93
Vista Drug ......................................... 89
Tustin News ........................................ 210~!54
Harris &F~ank ..................................... 26.52
F. Morton Pitt Co.- ................................ 33~14
Business EqUipment Co .............................. 15.18
~ef~rey's .......................................... 98.00
Palm Stationers .................................... 10.25
Union Oil Co ................ ~ ......... ~ ............ 10.62
Orange Coast-Pirate Book Store ..................... 13.76
Jack's Car Wash ................................... 54.00
Mrs. Weldon O'Toole ................................ 25~00
Western Auto Assoc. Stores ......................... 5.04
Dave Windh ......................................... 15.00
Business Forms Press ............................... 236.43
Tustin Radio & TV .................................. 15.89
Los Angeles Stamp & Stationery Co.- ................ 18.72
Kenneth G. Hebard, M.D.- ........................... 72-50
Bob deSutter Richfield Service---~ ................. 39-03
La Paloma ...... ~ .................................. 4.99
Trewett's ........................................ 24.88
Gerding Studio ..................................... 40.00
Herbert L. Miller .................................. 83.03
Signal Oil Co.- .................................... 348.10
Dennis Printers .................................... 24.62
Carson & Golding .................................. 77.48
Santa Ana Blue Print ............................... 215.86
Orange County Blue Print .......................... ~ 32.66
Tiernan's Office Equipment- ........................ 405.89
U.S. Post Office (C.D.) ............................ 154.00
Economy Office Equipment ........................... 595.82
Reproduction Equipment & Supplies .................. 15.81
The Regent of the University of Calif.- ............ 25.00
Ruth C. Poe (Petty Cash) ........................... 40.11
A.B. Dick & Co.- ................................... 251.77
TOTAL 8,035.86
Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that meeting be
adjourned to Monday, June 29th at 7:30 P.M. in Council
Chambers, Tustin Area Youth Center. Carried