HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1964 06 01 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL June l, 1964 Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Sheridan Pledge of Allegiance. Present: Sheridan, Klingelhofer, Doney, Mack, Coco Absent: None ~lso Present: Attorney Rourke, Siseel, Hilton, WheeloCk, Brook Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that the Minutes of May 18thregular meeting and the May 19th and 20th adjourned meetings be approved aS mailed. Carriedo~ Appeal on Hearing opened at 7:32!P.M- on Appeal of the decision Up 64-168 of the Planning Commission 8enying UP64-168 of Foster & of Foster & Kleiser to permit an outdoor advertising sign in C-2 Kleiser zone on 17th Street. West of Yorba Street. Location and application and decision of Commission explained by Mr. Wheeloek. Mr. G. Bourret, 17552 Laurie Lane, representing TAHOA spoke in favor of decision of Commission and against Appeal. Hearing There being no further comments or objections, the closed Hearing was declared closed at 7:38 P.M. Saddleback Councilman Kli~gelhofer asked Mr. John Prescott to Bank sign present his views regarding sign on behalf of Saddleback Bank. Mr. Prescott stated that he believed sign would be used by Saddleback Bank for duration of sign. Appeal Moved by Mlingelh0fer that the Appeal of decision of denying Planning COmmission denying UP64-168 be upheld for a UP64-168 'limitation of five years. Motion died for lack of second. Four-fifths of the Council stated they would have to abstain as they were stockholders in said bank. MOved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that decision on Appeal be continued to next regular meeting - Carried. City attorney to report at next regular meeting at to legality of a de~ision on Appeal by this body. Resol. Of Mayor Sheridan presented a plaque and resolution of Appreciation appreciation for past services to Mr. Vincent Humeaton. for Mr. Mr. Humeaton was also presented a gift of appreciation Vincent from a grateful neighborhood. HumestOn Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that Chief Hilton be reimbursed upon presentation of a bill for expenses incurred in attending State Fire Chiefs' Association Meeting. Amoun~ not to exceed $15.00. Carried. Mr. Doney made a plea to the Citizens of Tustin to refrain from going ~o fires and causing traffic tie-ups and hazards. Building Official Brook presented report ~o Council Moved by Doney, seconded by Klingelhofer that improy- Tract No. ments be accepted and bonds exonerated on Tract No. 5203 5203 - carried. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Doney that contract State of be entered into with the State of California Personnel CaIif. Board for classification plan and a compensation plan Personnel covering city employees and the Mayor and City Cl~rk Board. be authorized to execute Agreement with the state. Classifi- Carried. cation of employees. Mayor Sheridan reported the appointments of the follow- ing members to the General Plan Study Committee: Members Councilman Coco, chairman, Councilman of the Klingelhofer, mayor Sheridan. Planning Gen. Plan Commissioners: Enderle, Milier and Hefner Study C Representing itizens' Committee: Mr. McKown Com. Mr. McQuaid, Mr. Colgan. Representing Developers Mr. Greenwood, Mr. Gray, Mr. Smith; Representing the~Chamber~f Commerce: Mr. Buchman, Mr. Jacobson Mr. Gerding. Mayor Sheridan appointed the following to committee for COMMITTE~ Industrial Park Area study to be made prior to General INDUST. P~an Study: Mr. Coco, chairman, Mr. Bacon, Mr. Bob Adams PARK AREA Industrial Development Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and directed Mr. Wheelock to contact the Irvi~e Company and Santa Fe Land Improvement for representatives to this committee. Mayor Sheridan also appointed the following to act in ADVISORY advisory capacity to above committee: Mr. Wheelock, COMMITTEE Mr. Rourk~, Mr. Ted Adsit~ Planning Advisor E. Haworth and ex-officio members: Fire Chief Hilton, Police Chief Siseel and a member of the. Planning Staff from Marine Corps Air Facilities. Recess called by the Mayor. Meeting reconvened at 8:51 P.M. Mr. Coco reported on the Mayors' and Councilmen's Institute. Mr. Doney reported on League of Cities General Meeting. Mr. Doney directed to express the views of Council at next meeting of League of Cities as ~asically in agreement with SCAG. Mr. Fred Feagin of 125 S. "C" Street, Tustin, addressed the Council concerning a personnel complaint. Matter delegated to the City Attorney for investigation and report. Correspondence from L. Gerding regarding proposal for City CITY photography work referred to P~lice Chief, Fire Chief and PHOTO. Councilman Mack. WORK L. GERDING ~posal to the City from the Chamber of Commerc~ referred to Mayor Sheridan, Councilman Klingelhofer and Mr. Eourke. Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that correspondence be received and filed. Carried. Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that bills to the amount of $8,294.19 be paid. Carried. Election ExpenSes for May 12, 1964 .............. $ 276.00 Betty J, Armstrong .... . .......................... 250.00 Smith Moser (Refund, Overpayment Bus. Lic. ) ..... 30.00 The Tustin Ne~s .................................. ll0.20 The ReVere House ................................. 44°77 Jamestown Kitchen ................................ 11.28 Smith - C0rona'MarchantInc~ ..................... 8.10 Santa Ana Office~Supply Co.- ..................... 149.50 First Western Bank (Utilities) .................. 385.88 Buel A. Williamson .............................. 57.04 County of Orange - Communications ............... 31.73 Halprin Supply Co.- ......... ~ ..................... 162.76 Harold F. Bougher ................................. 53.98 A.S.C. AUto Parts ................................ 21~.21 Drewes Union Service ............................. 18.24 Volunteer Fire~ighter .......................... 6.00 Auto Service Center .... ~ ......................... 23.95 Thermo-Fax Sates Incorporated .................... 26.59 David Windh ..................................... 20.00 Louis The Tailor, Inc.- .................. ~ ....... 50.86 County of Orange'- Auditor. Controller ............ 17.46 Herbert L. Miller, Inc ........................... 3.00 Carl Entenmann & Son ........... ~ ................ 222.56 The Register ..................................... 23.12 Hardy & Harper, Inc. ............................. 116.30 Rudd's Tree Service ............................. 682.50 Anaheim Sewer Construction ............ ~ .......... 123-75 Santa Aria Engraving Co ........................... 9.42 R~F. Dickson Co., Inc ........................... 405.00 Benjamin L. Wheelock (Auto Allow) ................ 60°00 Ronald J. Dickerson (Auto Allow) ................. 45.00 Jamleon Mfg. Co.- ................................ 269.38 Kleen-Line Corp.~ ................................ ~18.63 Arrow Glass and Mirror Co ........................ 3.75 Ted B. Adair ..................................... 322.51 Business Forms Press, Inc ......................... 137-45 Fred V. Brook J. (Auto Allow) .................... 50.00 John W. Coffey (Auto Allow) ...................... 50.00 Robert Marcum (Auto Allow) ....................... 50.00 Rourke & Holbrook .......... ~ ..................... 676.00 Orange County Radiotelephone Ser., Inc ........... 30.00 Orange County Wholesale Electric CO .............. 54.60 Van Hove Garage ................................. 183.04 Tustin Garage ................................... 12.00 Townsend Trucking Co. Inc ........................ 13.52 Tustin Auto Parts ................................ 2.00 Tiemane ........................................ 40.~6 Tustin Fire. Department ........................... 332.00 Ralph L. Paulson-~ .......................... T .... 18.67 Total ---$ '~,303.21 Paid Unapproved: State of Calif. Documents Section .... 12.48 Vic Stein Electric Inc. (Refund Bldg. Permit) 16.50 Holthe DispOsal Service .............. 1,962.00 Total ..... $ 8.294.19 MayOr reminded everyone of a budget session to be held at 7:00 P.M. Tuesday, June 2nd in City Hall. Moved by Mack, seconded by Coco that Meeting be adjourned. hayor