HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 7 COMM SYS TRUST FD 9-18-89.TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER RONALD A. NAULT, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE LAW ENFORCEMENT]PUBLIC WORKS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM TRUST FUND RECOMMENDATION: _ _ Authorize the City Finance Director to deposit funds in the County of Orange's Law Enforcement/Public Works Communications System Trust Fund, and transfer $142,125 from the appropriated reserves in the Capital Improvement Fund to the General Fund for the first deposit for Police and Public Works and appropriate $9,200 from the unappropriated reserves ef the Water Fund for it's proportionate share, for a total appropriation from all funds of $151,325. DISCUSSION: In June of 1989 the city Council adopted Resolution No. 89-96 authorizing participation in the Countywide ~roject of upgrading the Law Enforcement/Public Works Communications System. The County has had continuous dialogue with all agencies as to financing mechanisms and has proposed the use of a County managed Trust Fund as a reasonable alternative for cities and other agencies. They have developed a Five Year Amortization Schedule discounting each agency's total share by an earnings factor of 8 percent annually. I've discussed this program with the County staff, and I think that they've used reasonable assumptions and the the fund will be easy to administer. The County Treasurer has a very good reputation in the investment community and I feel. that the 8 percent annual yield is ~a~hly conservative. The City will benefit primarily, through the simplification of accumulating it's $924,129 share of the project cost. We simply make annual appropriations of $151,325 for five years and with interest income, the $31 million project cost will be completely funded. Police, Public Works and Water will all appropriate their share beginning this year and continuing through fiscal 1993-94. Page 2 September 13, 1989 We will receive annual reports that will detail balances and accrued interest. If we are unhappy with the County's performance we simply withhold further deposits. Director of Finance RAN:is Attachment County of Orange GENERAL SERVICES AGENCY Information Systems and Purchasing Santa Aha, Caht~ (7.14) 834 August 23, 1989 TO' City Managers SUBJECT' LAW ENFORCEHENT/PUBLIC WORKS COI,1HUNICATIONS SYSTEH TRUST FUND On Hay 16, 1989 the Board of Supervisors passed ResolUtion 89-741 confirming tile County's commitment to participate in the new Law Enforcement/Public Works Communications System. The action taken by the Board also directed the Auditor-Controller to establish an interest earning trust fund. Attachment 1 indicates that the trust fund has been established and is included for your reference. The purpose of the'trust fund is to provide a location in which each participating a~ency may accumulate-funds over a five year period to pay for the system. The"County is placing funds in the account beginning in FY 1989/90. Cities may utilize the trust fund to accumulate their portions oF the system cost. Attachment 2 shows the estimated total costs and annual deposits required for law enforcement and public works participation. The use of the trust fund is optional. Your cit'y may elect to use the fund, or accumulate funds to pay for its share in some other manner. For plann'ing purposes it is important that we know what your city intends to do. Please complete and return the Trust Fund Participation Form (Attachment 3) by H,,,~da.7, October 2, 1989. ir .you have any questions please call Neil Jones at 938-4310 or Hary Ellen i'~lleman at 834-5911. '--in<:erely, P, onald S. Rubino, Director (~SA/Informal~ion Systems & Purchasing r~J' as Attachments CC' F. Branca, GSA/Fiscal Services N. Jones, GSA/Communications i.1. E. Fuelleman, GSA/Fiscal Services County of Orange OFFICE OF AUDITOR-CONTROLLER August 9, 1989 TTACHMENT 1 STEVEN E. LEWIS AU OI TO R-C ON TR O LLE Fi FINANCE BUILDING 630 NORTH BROADWAY P. O. BOX 567 SANTA ANA, CA. 92702-0567 "rE I. EPHONE: 8:34--24,50 AFIEA COOE 714 TO: Robert L. Citron Treasurer-Tax Collec tot SUBJECT: Fund Structure Request No. 144 As requested by the C~neral Services Agency and authorized by the Board of S~ra~:iso.~ ~solu~ion No. 89-241, we have e~'-~ '; ~ '~" ~'~ ~": ...... ~"-~ ' 1502 Law; Enforcement/Public Works Communications System This fund is established to account for contributions from participating circles and County agencies of the 800 MHZ communications network. !n[erast earnings should be credited to this fund. controlled by the General Services Agency-. fund will be LL:v cc: Loan Lablow, Manago~ General Ledger J.M. McConnell, A-C, General Accounting j. Stephenson, A-C, General Ledger S. Brandt, A-C, Single Audi~ G. Leach, A-C, Claims & Disbursing C. Worthen, A-C, Claims L. Denton, A-C, Claims C. Gibson, A-C Disbursing K. Permenter, A-C, Revenue and Budget B. Bordeaux, A-C~ Accounts R~ceivable A. Acosta, A-C~ Cost B. Castro, A-C, GSA Accounting R. A. Scott, GSA . R. Rubino, GSA F. Brarma, GSA M. E. Fuelle~n, GSA M. ~abe, Treasurer ATTACHMENT 3 TRUST FUND PARTICIPATION Law Enforcement/Public Works Communications System Please check the appropriate box below and return a copy of this letter and any trust fund deposit to' Ronald S. Rubino, Director GSA/Information Systems & Purchasing 14 Civic Center Plaza Santa Ana, California 92701 Please make out any checks to' "County of Orange, Auditor-Controller." Your deposit will be placed in the interest earning trust fund, FUBU 1502, and a receipt will be i~sued. Annual statements will be provided showing the balance and accrued interest. [ ] Yes, the City of trust fund. Enclosed is a check for ~ intends to deposit funds in the for our first annual deposit' into the fund. [] No, we do not intend to participate in ti~e trust Fund. We plan to , finance our participation as follows' TRUSTFND-2 /C OHO .,~ ............ LAW ............ TOTAL ANNUAL PART!CiPANT COST DEPOSIT , TOTAL ANNUAL COST DE?OSIT ...... LAW AND PUBLIC 7%.,'C ...... TOTAL ANNUAL COST DEPOSIT ANAHEIM $3,53!,045 BUENA PARK 477,337 COSTA MESA 912,9B0 CYPRESS DANA POINT FOUNTA!~ VALLEY ~49,7~4 m iL) =~tDN t, ,~,, 208 8AROEN 8ROVE 1,298,551 HUNTINGTON BEACH 2 !RVINE LA HABRA 507~245 LA PAL~A LABUNA 9EACH 406~ !2B ORANGE 94B~096 SAN CLE)E)TE · ~63,5~2 SAN JUAN CAP!STrAND TUSTiN 783,504 VILLA PARK 130,09! WE~TM!NISTER YORBA L~NDA TOTAL CiTiES $24,08!,445 ,, $57B,20B 92,790 1!0,?!3 147,§00 n v)~ 4!,290 ~06,395 ~0,391 03,06! 43,93B d6,503 "313 'J/ ! 91,747 266,05B l{~ n~O ~2,Hl? ?2,2?? 43,~47 A1 50,205 .~,2~B 2!,302 !00,!63 $1,~39,S43 $252,102 I40,!BB 22,954 235,313 38,532 342,8!3 54,!35 122,125 19,998 0 0 !94,063 31,77B c. 87§ ~n~ o~n ~7.20! 549,1BB 93,204 ~o,43B 54,~00 t05,18B ~7,~ 93,!BB !5.259 0 0 333,063 54,539 2B4,43B 46,576 134,~ '14, "6.a?; 19 067 .,w~ ~'~'Y 54,&2~ B,9~5 234,375 38,~v~.~, , $6.725.,-= , , $5,070:62B $B30,310 70~, PA7 ! !5,746 .=.!2,~0 !49,445 ~',' 2."5,793 .'v.~"';=, o..,~'=" 5~2,742 90,514 252,154 41,290 843,807 138,172 ! ,700,083 27B, ~H7 l,~BT, 801 2~9, ~ ?r;,555 a20. ?26 !, d79,349 274,992 612.4.33 100:285 · ~,.i ,,.I~. 59,!97 -", §40,1.!4 91~767 · ,l 957,~52 320,=a~,,,,, i ,) .d..J/ , 5]" ~: ~. 780 7!3 "" ..... , '..,4: ! ~c. 03.= ~-=n,v0! 62, ",,, ~,(,,~ = ~ ' 579 .,~..,: . .3,./ I · . . ,*~.: *. a 924, lob iS1, .~..~ 30,247 B46 ~' .t .--I s.:w, ,.,,',