HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1964 05 18 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL May 18, 1964 Meeting called to order at 7:32 P.M. by Mayor Sheridan. Pledge of Allegiance. Present: Sheridan, Klingelhofer, Doney, Mack Absent: Coco Also pre~ent: Attorney Rourke, Chief Sissel, Chief Hilton, P.W. Director Wheelock, Bldgo Chief Brook Moved by Mack, seconded by Doney that Minutes of May 4th meeting be apOroved as mailed - carried. 4 Bids Clerk reported four bids received for placing.slurry for Slurry seal coat on portions of First and "D" Streets. seal First and "D" St. Opening of bids commenced at 7:35 P.M. Anderson Brae. - bond approved- bid $ 4,830.00 Sully Miller ~ bonds approved - bid - 6,363.00 Chamber Mix Concrete Inc. cashier's Check for 10% in lieu of bond bid - 3,324.30 Asphalt Coating Co. - cashier's check 4.147.50 for 10% in lieu of bond bid - Moved by Doney that Chamber Mix Concrete be awarded contract in the amoun~ of $3,324.30 - motion withdrawn.- Mov. ed by Mack, seconded by Doney that the four bids be referred to the engineer for study and report at next regular meeting. Carried. Appt. ef Hearing opened at 8:47 P.M. to consider the appointment one member of one member to the Tustin Planning Commission, to Planning Commission Clerk read rec. ommendation of the Planning Commission rot the reappointment of Mr. C. Miller and reported twenty-five letters received in favor of Mr. Miller and two letters from the Chamber of Commerce requesting appointment of Mr. R. Mahoney. Mr. J. McQuaid, representin~ the Citizens' Committee, requested reappgintment of C.C. Miller. Mr. M, DeMong requested that applicants speak concerning their qualifications. Mr. Mahoney and Mr. Miller both spoke in their ohm behalf. Mr. L. Gerding, Chamber of Commerce president, read correspondence from the Chamber recommending R. Mahoney. __ Mr. V. Humeston spoke in favor of C. Miller. Mr. G. Broomell spoke in favor of R. Mahoney. Hearing There being no further comments, the Hearing was declared closed closed at 8:04 P.M. 281 Correspondence from James B. Sharp read. Clifton Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Doney that Clifton Miller M~ller be ~eappointed to the Planning Commission reappointed effective immediately for a four year term to expire to Planning May 25, 1968. Carried, by roll call. Ayes: ~heridan, Commission Doney, Klingelhofer, Mack. Noes: None. Absent: Coco. carried Mr. Wheelock reported that the committee had interviewed Edward E. three applicants for ~e position of Planning Advisor Haworth and recommended that Mr. Edward E; Haworth be employed recomm. to'start on ~une 8,1964, at a salary of $755.00 per month. for Planning Adv. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Doney that appointment of a Planning Advisor be carried over and Mr. Wheelock instructed to arrange an interview between Mr. Hawcrib and the Council for Tuesday e~ening, May '19th carried. Resol. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that Resolution 715 No. 715 approvlng plans and specifications for the passed improvement of Second Street between" C" Street and adopted Prospect Avenue, and authorizing the City Clerk to carried advertise for bids, be passed and adopted -carried bY roll call. Ayes: Sheridan, Doney, Klingelhofer, Mack. Noes: None. ABsent: Coco. Final Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that Final Tract Map Tract Map- 5109 of Stanville Corp. be approved and mayor and clerk 5109 of authorized to sign agreement and clerk to sign map. Stanville Carried. Corp. Moved by Mack~ seconded by Klingelhofer than Final Tract Final Map 5390'Hodge Development be approved subject to the Tract Map CC & R's being approved by the City Attorney and Mayor C 5390 Hodge and Clerk to execute CC & RSs and lerk to sign map. Develop.- Carried. Moved by Doney, seconded by_Mack that Resolution No. ?16 defining and establishing certain ~treet~ and parts of streets in the City of Tustin, California, as through streets and "stop~ intersections, be read by title only. Carried unanimously. Resol.716 Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that Resolution passed ?16 be passed and adopted - Carr&ed by roll call. Ayes: adopted Sheridan, Doney, Klingelhofer, Mack. Noes: None. Absent: Coce. Initiative Mr. Rourke reported that the legality of the Initiative Ordinance Ordinance would go before the Superior Court Friday, May 22nd at 9:30 A.M. corr. for Mr. McKown presented correspondence requesting that Initiative the council take appropriate measures to defend the Ordinance Initiative Ordinance and requesting that the City retain~~ for lndep. independent counsel to assist Mr. Rourke. coUnSel Mr. G. Broomell spoke stating he was a~ainst additional attorneys and the additional cost involved. Mr. Rourke stated he would do all in his power ~o defend the Ordinance for ~e City but if the 6ouncil sees fit to retain further legal advice that they retain the attorney who drew up the ordinance originally to satisfy all parties. Councilmen Klingelhofer suggested ~hat decision be deferred until Tuesday, May 19th adjourned meeting so that independent counsel could be contacVed and present their opinion of validity of ordinance and costs involved. Decision tabled until later in this meeting. M~or Sheridan announced that there would be a budget study session immediately following adjourned meeting Tuesday, May 19th. summer Councilman Klingelhofe~ reported on progress to date recreation on summer recreation program. Eight people have been -- program employed for the summer staff. Program will be held from July 6th to August 21st, with registration starting June 26th~ Multiple Mayor Sheridan appointed Mr. Coco as chairman of the HOUSING Multiple Housing Committee~ There being no objections, Committee Mr.'Sheridan will reorganize this committee and see that all vacancies are filled. Two minute recess called. Meeting reconvened at 9 P.M. Mr. Doney reported on League of Cities Executive Meeting and r~quested that attorney investigate a resolution for county.wide structural tax by July meeting and a resolution advising City Standing on S~AG at next regular meeting. Mr. Doney also reported that he had been appointed to League E~ecutive Program ~ommittee and that Mr. Sheridan was appointed to League Finance Committee. Ord.No.256 Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that Ordinance No. 256 Tustin City r n Carried Code unanimously. ' Ord. No.256 Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that Ordinance NO..256 passed be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call - Ayes adopted Sheridan, Klingelhofer, Doney, Mack. Noes: None. Absentr Coco. Moved by Mack, sec6nded by Doney that Ordinance No. 257 designating that portion of Newport ~venue at Laguna Road in the City of Tustin a~ a Gounty Highway be read by title only. Carried unanimously. 0rd. No.257 Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that Ordinance Passed No. 257 be ~assed and adopted. Motion carried by roll adopted call Ayes: Sheridan, Klingelhof~r, Doney, Mack. Noes: None. Absent: Coco.~ Ord. No.258 Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that Ordinance Stutsman No. 258, changing the zoning of property of Stutsman App. No.Z.C. on Application No. Z.C. 63-137 be read by tit~e only. 63-137 Carried unanimously. Ord. No. Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that Ordinance 258 No.258 5e adopted as an urgency measure ~o go into effec5 adopted immediately. Carried by roll call Ayes: Sheridan, carried Klingelhofer, Doney,' Mack, Noes: None. Absent:' Coco. Mr. Thourich requested information regarding old and ~ew zoning on Stutsman property. Parcel 3 Moved by Mack, seconded by Ktingelhofer that the Mayor of Agreement and Clerk be authorized to proceed with purchase of between City ~arcel 3 under terms of Agreement between City and &Betty J. Betty ~. Armstrong. Carried.~ ~ Armstrong. Action on resignation of L. Allec deferred to next regular meetii~. Moved by Kllngelhofer, seconded by Mack that Ordinance No. 259 amending the Tustin City 'ode Article l, Chapter 2 283' uo provide a method of disposal of unclaimed property be read by title only. Carried unanimously. 0rd.No.259 Moved by Mack, seconded by Klin~elhofer that Ordinance second No. 259 have second reading by title only. Carried reading unanimously. Ord. No.259 Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that Ordinance. Passed No. 259 be passed and adopted as an urgency measure. adopted Carried by roll call. Ayes: Sheridan, Doney, Klingelhofer Mack, Noes: None. Absent: Coco. Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that ~tty Attorney be requested to d~aEt a resolution transferring $1,525.00 from UNdistributed Reserve to Administration Capital Outlay uo cover cost of P.A. System. Carried. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that correspondence be received and filed. Carried. Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that action pertaining to request by the Citizens' Committee be deferred to the adjourned meeting Tuesday May 19th. Bills for Moved by Doney, seconded z~y Mack that bills to the May 18 amount of $6,703.30 be paid. Carried. BILLS Betty J. Armstrong ......................... $ 250.00 Ruth C. Poe ................................ 45.25 Atlas-Coverall & Uniform Supply ............ 35.25 The ~ustin News ............................ 191.29 Martin & Chapman Co. Ltd ................... 707.66 County of Orange, Office of Co. Clerk ...... 122.82 Economy Office Equipment ~o.- .............. 174.20 First Western Bank (Utilities) ............ 83.99 Ohio Casualty Insurance ~o.- ............... 39.09 Police Systems, Incv ....................... 20.75 Oxygen Service Co.- ........................ 5.46 Halprin ~upply Co.- ........................ 943.19 Motorola .................................. 533.52 Motor Fuels, Ltd ........................... 198.61 Stone & Van ~yke ........................... 120.00 Best Maintenance Supply Co ................. 12.06 Carl Entenmann & Son ...................... 55.10 F. Morton Pitt Co .......................... 25.47 Signal Oil ~o~ ............................. 229.50 Southland Apartments (200-A Ref. Dep.) ..... 1,722.05 Foothill Tool & Equipment Rentals .......... 45~00 The Ee~lster .............................. 18.62 Smith Corona Marchant Inc .................. 8.56 Kenneth G. Hebard, M.D.- ................... 20.00 Santa Ana Blue Print Co. - ................. 26.99 Sully-Miller Contracting CO. ............... 322.75 Hardy & Marper ............................ 50.92 Santa ~na Engraving ........................ 10~6 Graves & Howley, Inc ....................... 33.28 Industrial Plastics Co ..................... 643.66 Total ........... $ 6,695~30 Paid Unapproved: Fred V. Brook (reservations) .............. 8.00 Total ........... $ 6,703.30 28'4: Moved by Doney, seconded byMack that meeting be aaJourned to Tuesday, Msylgth at 7:30P.M- in the Old Council Chambers, 145Third Street, Tustin, for the canvassing of votes of May l!2th election and other matters. ~arrled. ~ c. Poe, City Clerk Mayor