May 4, 1964
Meeting called to order at 7:32 P.M. by Mayor Sheridan.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Present:~ Sheridan, Doney, Mack, Coco.
Absent: Kllngelhofer.
Also Present: K. Bryant representi~g!f~.J. Rourke, Brook,
Carlsen, Wheelock, Sissel, Hilton,
Mr. Rourke arrived at 8:26' P.M.
Moved by Mack, s~conded by Doney that Minutes of April 6th
Regular Meeting and April 21st Regular Adjourned Me~ting
be approved as mailed. Carried.
Hearing opened at 7:35 P.M. on ZC 64'137 of Allen W.
Hearing Stutsman to fezone property at NQrtheast corner of
Opened on Newport and Walnut from "U" to C-1 or on recommendation
zc 64-137 of Plannir~ Commission to 100-C-l~P-10,O00.
Allen W.
Stutsman Location explained by Wheelock and Resolution of Planning
Commission recommending 100-C-l-P-10,000 read by clerk.
Mr. Allen Stutsman and Mr. C.A. Stutsman, Jr.
spoke on behalf of application~
Mr. A. Andrews protested depth of commercial
along Walnut.
There being no further comments or objections, the
Hearing Hearing was declared closed at 7:48 P.M.
Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that recommendation
of the Planning Commission be upheld and Zone Change
zc 63-137 63-137 be !~ranted for 100-C-l-P-10,000 zoning. Carried
granted by roll call. Ayes: Sherildan, Doney, Mac~, Coco.
Noes: None. Absent: Klingelhofer.
APPT. OF Hearing opened at 8:02 P.M. to consider appointment of
TWO PLANNING two members to the Tustin Planning COmmission.
Applications were read from:
Mo Enderle, C. Miller, K. Pardee and R. Mahoney
Those speaking in their own behalf:
C. Miller, M. Enderle.
Mr. Sheridan explained that Mr. Mahoney's application
had been received too late to be checked for this Hearing.
Those present with comments:
Reg Wood
Hearing declared closed at 8:16 P.M.
Resol. Moved by Mack, seconded by Doney that Resolution No.
No. 709 709 appointing Mr. Maurice Enderle to~th~ Tustin Planning
Commission be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call
Ayes: Sheridan, Doney, Mack, Coco. Noes: None
Absent: Klingelhofer.
Moved by Coco that Mr. Clifton Miller be reappointed
to the Planning Commission. Motion died for lack of
Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that appointment of
second Plannir~ Commissioner be deferred awaiting a
full complement of the Council and Hearing be reopened
at next regular meeting. Motion ended in a tie vote.
Ayes: Doney, Mack, Noes: Coco, Sheridan, Absent:
Mr. Rourke arrived 8:26 P.M.
Moved by Coco, seconde~ by Doney that Hearing on Appointment
of Planning Commission member be continued until next
regular meeting for the purpose of receiving additional
applications and revlewing applications now before the
Council. Motion carried all councilmen present voting
Mr. Endable Moved by Doney, seconded by Coco that Mr. E~v~n~l~rle,s
term of term of office be for four years effective ~ay ll, 1964
office 4yrs. to expire May ll, 1968. Carried.
~uggestion that term of office for Planning Commission
Chairman be for two years and that chairman be elected
by the Commissioners d~ferred for study.
Hearing open Hearing opened at 8:38 P.M. to consider the Appeal of
on Appeal of the decision of the Planning Commission denying UP
UP64-162 application 64-162 of Foster& Kleiser to permit the
Foster & erection of an outdoor advertising structure (unilluminated
Kleiser back-to back) at 171 E. First Street.
Location explained by Wheelock and decision of the
Planning Commission read by Clerk.
Those s_peaking in favor of Appeal: D. Davis - representative of Foster & Kleiser~
W. Moses
Hearing There being no further comments and no objections, the
closed' Hearing was declared closed at ~:00 P.M.
Appeal Moved by Coco, seconded by Mack that the Council consider
Resol. 710 favorably the Appeal and Resolution No. 710 granting
ranting UP UP 64-162 be passed and adopted. Sign to comply with
64-162 Sign Ordinance in all respects. Carried by roll call
passed Ayes: Sheridan, Doney, MaOk, Coco. Noes:~ None
adopted Absent: Klingelhofer.
Hearing Hearing opened at 9:20 P.M. to consider the Appeal of
opened the ~ecis4on of the Planning Commission denying UP
Appeal UP application No. 64-163 of Foster & Kleiser to permit
64-163 the erection of an outdoor advertising structure
Foster & (u~llluminated back-to-back) on East side of "D" Street
Kleiser 150' north of S~ixth Street.
Location explained by Wheelock and decision of Planning
Commission read by clerk.
Those speaking in favor of Appeal:
Mr. D. Davis - representative of Foster & Kleiser.
John Prescott
L. Gerding
Those speaking against Appeal:
V. Humeaton
E.A. McKown
Hearing There being no further comments or objections, Hearing
closed was closed at 9:34 P.M.
Mr. Coco stated he felt s~ch a sign would be detriment-
al to this area.
Resol. 711 Moved by Mack, seconded by Doney that Appeal of
granting Decision of Planning tommission be acted upon favorably
UP 64-163 UP passed
3 and Resolution 711 64-163 and
granting be
passed adopted. Sign to comty with the sign Ordinance.
adopted Carried by roll call - Ayes: Sheridan, Doney, Mack,
Noes: Coco Absent: Klingelhofer.
Mayor Sheridan called a lO menute recess- meeting
reconvened at 1O:05 P.M.
Floyd Resignation of Floyd Anderson ashPolice Patrolman read
Anderson and Police CommiSsioner ~ack a~ked for personnel meeting
resignation directly after this meeting.
Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that Ordinance No. 257
Ord. 257 designating that portion'of Newport Avenue at Laguna
Road in the ~lty of Tustin as a County Highway, be read
in its entirety. Carried.
Resol .712 Moved by Doney, se~onde~ by Mack that Resolution vl2
Vincent expressing appreciation to Vincent Humeaton b~ read in
Humeston its entirety. Carried. --
Resol. 712 Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that Resolution 712
passed be passed and adopted. Motion carried by roll call -
adopted Ayes: Sheridan~, Doney, Mack, COco. Noes: None.
Absent: Klinge!hofer.
Resol. 7~3 Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that Resolution 713
Eldon Remland expressing appreciation for services of Eldon Remland
be read in its entirety. Carried.
Resol. 713 Moved by Mack, seconded ~y Coco that Resolution 713
passed be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call ~ Ayes:
adopted Sheridan, ~oney, ~ack, Coco. Noes: None. Absent:
Moved by Mapk, 'seconded by Doney, that the Mayor and
City Clerk be authorized tp execute Agreement with the
State of California, Department of Finance, relative to
having the Finance Department make a populatIOn~ estimate
for the City of Tustin. Motion Carried.
Resol. 714 Moved by Mack, seconded by Doney that Resolution 714
officials appointing officials and employees of the City of Tustin
employees be read in its entirety. Carried.
Resol. 714 Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that Resolution 714
passed be passed and adopted.
Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that the following
Resol.714 correction be inserted in Resolution 714 - Chief
correction Building Inspector and Building Official - Fred Brook
Resol. 714 Motion adopting Resolution 714 carried by roll call
adopted Ayes: Sheridan, Doney, Mack, Coco. Noes: None.
Absent:' Klinge~hofer.
Ord. No.256 Moved by mack, seconded by Doney that Ordinance
Amend. Tustin256, Amendin~ the TuStin ~ity Code to provide a Director
City Code of Public Works, be read in its entirety. Carried.
Moved by Coco, seconded by Mack that first reading of
Ordinance 2561be deemed read~With~the deletion of Section 2
in its~entirety. Carried.
-- B.Wheelock Moved byCoco, seconded by 'Mack that Mr. Benjamin Wheelock
salary be givensalary'increase tO $890.00 retroactlve to
increase April 1st, 1964. ~Carried.
Ord. 254 Moved by Mack, seconded by Coco that Ordinance No. 254
Malena Dr. aDprovir~ the annexation of certain uninhabited territory
Annex. dcsignated l"Malena Drive Annexation" to the City of
carried, Tustin have second reading ~by title only. Carried
Ord. 254 Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that Ordinance No. 254
~ passed be passed and adopted. Motion Oa~ied by roll call.
CO adopted Ayes: Sheridan, Doney, Mack'COCo. Noes: None.
~ Absent: Klingelhofer.
Cl~ Sanitation Communication from Sanftati~n District No. 7 regarding
Dist. 7 change i-n trunk sewer line 'servibing Foster Art Books
Foster Art read by Mr. Doney.
Attorney Rourke' recomm'e~ded entering into an Agreement
with Foster Art Books~ I~c. grantling them a license to
maintain a sewer line on City owned property. All sS
per req-uirements set forth lih~ihding stipulation t~at
if ever' propertyITs n'eeded for development Foster Art
BoO~s would have to' remDve and reroute line.
Mr. J.W. Putnam'representinE Mr. Foster stated that they
would be'in agreement with all stipulations.
Moved by~Doney, seconded by Mack that Mayor and City
Clerk be authorized tO execute Agreement with Foster
Art Books Inc. Concerning sewer license in east property
line of Tustin Youth Center property. Carried.
Ord. 255 Moved by Mack, seconded by Coco that Ordinance No. 255
adopt. Sheridan~ e , CocO; Noe~: None. Absent:
Mayor & Moved by Doney, se onded by Mack that one councilman
Council- · designated'by the ~ayor be authorized to attend the
mens Inst. Mayors and Councilmen,s Institute at a cost not to
exceed $50.00. Carried.
Corr. Correspondence from United-Presbyterian Church to be
United acknowledged and letter referred to the Planning
PresbyterianCommissio~ for feasibility of a study of zoning between
Church Newport Freeway and Newporu Boulevard.
__ Oper. Mayor Sherid~an proclaimed the period from 1 May thru
Red,White 14 June, 1964, as 'Operation Red, White & Blue" requesting
Blue that appropriate flags be displayed within the City.
Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that correspondence
be received and C
filed. arried.
Moved by Doney, seconded ~y Mack that bills ~o the amount
of $18,859.31 be approved and paid. Carried.
27 8:
MAY, 4 1964
FirSt Western Bank (Utilities) ................. $ 646.25
The Tustin News ; ? 27 28
Tiernan's Office Equipment ..................... 7.59
Denni Pri ters & Stationers ' 10.'91
Tustin Auto Parts ........... . .................. 3.61
Rourke & Holbrook 900 00
La Paloma ........... ~ .......................... 24.36
Russ Long ~oodworking · ' 31 20
Orange County Radiotelephone Set. .............. 30.00
Bue~ A.Willi~mson (Auto Allow) ................. 19.50
Motorola . .................. 1,407 90
Santa An~ Office Supply Co ................... 28' ~
Tustin Hardware Co ....... ...................... 33.39
Auto Service Center · 30 35
Drewes Union Service .......................... 5.51
Joe Prevos~ Jr i 90
Desmond' [ ....... """""' ............. ' '
s. 45 19
V.B. Anderson Co ............................... 2.86
Carson & Golding ' 46 02
Bob Desu~er Richfield Set ..................... I 23.42
Herbert L. Miller Inc ......................... 33-51
Van Hove Garage ............................... 73.79
Ben Wheelock (Auto Allow) ' ' 60 00
Ron Dickerson IAuto Allow~ ..................... 45.00
Orange CoUnty Blue~ ........... ; ........ 28.93
R'.IF Dick Co. Inc.. 405 00
Chuck Bell Concrete ConstructiOn ............... 535.00
Traffic Signal Maintenance Co .................. 167.18
Winston Green Anderson ll 415 l0
Hardy and Hatper ............................... 196.26
Fred Brook Jr. (Auto Allow) .................... 50.00
Robert ~_. Marcum (Auto Allow] .................. 50.00
John W. Coffey (Auto AllOw) .................... 50.00
International Conference of Bldg. Officials .... °40
Total ...... $ 16,799.61
Holthe Disposa ........... ' ........ 1,701.60
United States Pos .................. .. 60.00
Total ..... .$ 18,561.31
Tustin fire Department ......................... 298.00
Total ...... $ 18,859.31
Donation Mr. Putnam informed the Council that he had been
$ lO0.O0 authorized by Mr. Foster of Foster Art Books Inc. to
for rehab. donate $100.00 toward the rehabilitation of the Old
old Fire Fire Engine No. 1.
Mayor called a five minute ~ecess to clear the Chamber
for a Personnel Session.
Meeting reconvened at ll:2~ P.M.
Interview Mr. Coco, Mr. Carlsen, Mr. Wheelock, Mr. Brook and a
applicants representative from the Irvine Company were designated
for planning- to constitute an Oral Board for interviewing applicants
Advisor & for positions of Planning Advisor and Civil Engineer
Civil Eng. Assistant.
Moved by.Doney, seconded by Coco that resignation of
Resig. of Patrolman Floyd Anderson be accepted, effective April
Floyd 29, 196~. Carried.
Moved by Doney, seconded by Coco that Charles Crane be
appointed Patrolman for a probationary period of one
Charles - -
year at starting salar~ of $420.00 per month, effective
Crane 16 May, 1964, all as recommended by Chief Sissel and
PATROLMAN Police Commissioner. Carried.
POLICE CHIEFMoved by Doney, seconded by Coco that Police Chief and
AUTH. TO . Commissioner be authorized to hire a dispatcher au their
HIRE discretion an starting salary of $ 75.00 per month~
Robt. Moved by Doney, .seconded by Coco that Robert Cor~way
Conway be employed as patrolman ~ for a probationary
PATROLMAN period of one year at s~arting Salary of $420.00
effectively immediately, and Uniform allowance when due.
Clerk requested to include action on resignatio~ of L.
Allec on Agenda for May 18th meeting.
AUTH TO Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that clerk be authorized
HIRE CLERK- to' hire clerk-receptionist at $2?5.00 per month. Carried
Moved by Mack, seconded by Coce that meeting be
adjourned. Carried.