HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1964 04 21 MINUTES OF A REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING TUSTINCITY COUNCIL APRIL 21, 1964 Meeting called to order by Mayor Doney at 7:30 P.M. Pledge of Allegiance. - ~-~ Present: Doney, Sheridan, Humeston, Mack, Klingelhofer. ~!lso Present: City Attorney Rourke, Engineer Carlsen, Building Inspector Brook, Police Chief Sissel, Fire Chief Hilton. Colonel B. Williamson and Mayor Doney presented commendations framthe State Disaster Office and Citations from the City Civil Defense to the Boy Scouts of Tustin Area, the Tustin Chamber offCommerce and the Tustin News. The canvass of votes of the April 14th General Municipal Election was then commenced. Sealed envelopes were opened and results found in tally sheet were read, checked and recorded as follows: FOR COUNCILMAN:. GERALD C. MACK MYRL J. SHERIDAN Precinct Votes Precinct Votes i ~220 i 13r 2 lll 2 143 3 81 3 94 "~ 4 104 4 243 Absentee ~ Absentee TOTAL .......... 527 TOTAL ......... 632 ANTHONY J. COCO ROBERT E. LEWIS Precinct Votes Precinct Votes i ~ i 207 2 129 2 97 3 71 3 75 4 243 4 125 Absentee 2 Absente~ 9 TOTAL ................ 566 TOTAL ............ 513 ROLLIN J. MAHONEY ~EORGE E. MARTINt SR. ?rec~nct Votes Precinct Votes 2 103 2 128 3 80 3 70 4 96 4 214 Absentee 8 Absentee 2 TOTAL ................ 513 TOTAL ............. 522 STANLEY RADOMSKI Precinct Votes i 33 2 22 3 50 4 45 Absentee TOTAL ..... . ...... . .... 151 269 FOR CITY CLERK: - RUTH C: POE Erecinct Votes WRITE IN VOTES: 2 167 Name Precinct Votes Total 3 118 ' 4 243 Rollin J. Mahoney 1 1 1 Absente~ l~ Florence Kor~meyer 1 i 1 Jane Ru~-h ~eMong 2 ~1 1 TOTAL ................ 790 Mrs. A.E. McKown 4 1 1 Mary Wilson~/~ 4 5 5 Total number of votes cast in Precincts in the City- 4,168 Total absentee votes ................................. .~ TOTAL VOTES CAST ............................. 4,223 Total ballots voted in the City .................... 1,134 Total absentee ballots voted ..... ................... 14 TOTAL ~LOTS VOTED ......................... 1,148 Moved by Klimgelhofer, seconded by Mack that Resolution 705, reciting~ the fact of the General Election held April 14, 196~ and declaring results thereof br read by title only. Motion carried unanimously. Resol.705 Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that Resolution pass. 705 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call- Ayes: adopt. Doney, Sheridan, Humeaton, *'~ack, Klingelhofer. Noes: none. Absent: none. It was then declared that the following persons were duly elected: To City Council: Myrl J. Sheridan, Anthony J. Coco, Gerald C. Mack For City Clerk:~ Ruth C. Poe Oath of ~ffice administered to City Clerk by City Attorney. City Clerk administered Oath of Office to Mr. Sheridan, Mr. Mack and Mr. Coco. Mr. Doney turned the meeting over to City Clerk who immediately opened nominations for mayor. Moved by Doney,,seconded by Mack that Myrl j. ISheridan be nominated for office of mayor. Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that nominations be closed. Motion carried. Above motion made by Mr. Doney, carried and Mr. Sheridan duly elected may/or bY unanimous vote. Mayor Sheridan assumed the chair and opened nominations for-ma~or pro tem. Move~ by Doney, seconded by Mack that Ronald Klingelhofer be elected mayor pro tem. Moved by Mack, seconded by Doney that nominations be clo~ed. Carried. Above motion made by Mr. Doney carried and Eonald Klingelhofer elected mayor pro te~- Hearing openedeating opened at 8:38 P.M. on Malena Drive Malena Dr. Annexation ~o the City of Tustin. Clerk reported no written protests or correspondence received. Hearing There being no oral or written protests presented and closed no comments the Hearing was declared closed at 8:40 P.M. Ord. No. Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that 254 Ordinance No. 254 "An Ordinance approving the annexation of certain~uninhabited territory,_designated 'Malena 1 Drive Annexation' to the City of ~ustin, California have first reading by title Only. Carried unanimously. Hearing Hearing opened at 8:44 P.M. to consider appointment of opened two members ~o'the PIanning'Commission for four year terms. Those present with comments were: Casey McDUffy Ken Pardee Hearing There being no further comments, the Hearing closed at closed 8:50 P.M. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that Hearing be deferred and renoticed for next regular meeting. Carried. Moved by Doney, seconded b~ Mack that expiration dates of vacancies once filled be 1 June - four years hence being June l, 1968. Motion ~arried. Appeal on Hearing continued from AOril 6th meeting on Appeal of Vat.64-140 decision of the Planning Commission denying Variance Westmont In. No. 64-140 Westm~3nt Investment Corp. was opened at vest. Corp 9:55 P.M. Minute orders from April 13th Planning Commission regarding opinion of Commission on this matter read. Those present speaking for Westmont Development: Bob Hall, President Dr. Aschieris, 1913 E.~17 Street, Santa Ana There beingno further comments, the Hearing was~ declared~closedo Resol. ~oved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Doney that Resolution 706 No. 706 be passed and adopted granting the ~ppeal of Passed the 4ecision of the Planning ommission denying Variance adopt. No. 64-140 Westmont Investment Corp~ Carried by roll call - Ayes: Sheridan,~Klingelhofer, Doney, Mack, Noes': None. Abstained: Coco. Absent: None Mr. Fred Feagin, 125 S. "C" Street, Tustin, Calif. A filed Petition for lternative Writ of .Mandate, Declaratory Relief, and Injunct~on~'~No. 123179. Moved by Doney, seconde4 by Klingelhofer that City Attorney be directed to defend 6he City against Petition for Writ of Mandate No. 123179. Motion Carried unanimously. 271 Earl R.Cla~Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that Earl R. Clark appt, to be appointed a member of the Volunteer Fire Department Vol. Fire effective April 21, 1964. Carried. Dept. Chief Hilton reported that it wo~ld cost approximately $600.00 to restore 1913 fire truck to Punning condition. Moved by Doney, seconded by Klingelhofer that before any money is spent by the City to restore 1913 truck, it either be done by volunteer workers or that public subscription be sought. Carried. EXAM. FOR Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that Fire Department FIREMEN be authorized to hold examination for firemen to establish an eligibility list for regular firemen. Carried. R.Marcum Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that Mr. R. Marcum, increase Building Inspector, go to next step increase as he has salary served his probationary time and been~'~ecommended by Chief Building Inspector. Increase to be from $628.00 to $660.00 per month effective May 1, 1964. ARTER. Moved by Doney~secOnded by Klingelhofer that Mayor and HIGHWAY City Clerk be authorized to execute A~eement with FINANCING County for Arterial Highway Financing ~program ~ProJect PROGRAM No. 193. Carried. Move~ by Doney, seconded by Mack that Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute Agreement between the SOuthern Pacific Railroad, the ~ounty of Orange and the City of Tustin. Carried Resol. 'Moved by Mack, seconded by Doney that Resolution 707, 707 approving specifications for placing slurry seal coat carried on portions of First and "D" Streets and authorizing City Clerk and directing the city clerk to advertise for bids. be dir. ~o read by title only. Carried, unanimously. adv.for Bi~s Moved by Elingelhofer, seconded by Mack that Resolution Resol. No. 707~be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call 707 Ayes: heridan, Klingelhofer, Doney, Mack, Coco. pass. Noes: None. Absent: None. adopted Moved by Roney, seconded by Mack that any two of the PERSONS following three named persons be authorized to sign AUTH. TO checks for Sewer Bond Account for'Tustin City Sewer SIGN SEWER Assessme~ District #1: Mayor Myrl Sheridan, City BOND ACC. Clerk Ruth C. Poe, City Treasurer W. Lelnberger. Carried. PERSONS Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that the following AUTR. TO persons be authorized to sign ~arrants and payroll SIGN WARR. checks: Mayor Sheridan, Mayor pro tem Klingelhofer, AND PAYROLL City Clerk Poe and Deputy City Clerk Eortmeyer. Carried. Moved by Klingelhofer, s,conded by Mack that G~er~elDo~e~ ~e.rap~ei~e~ua~oalternate on Board of Directors for Sanitation Districts #1 and#7. Carried. C0rrespo~dence from Walter Foster of Foster Art Books regarding request of easement for sewer purp6se~ read. Moved by Klingelhofer , seconded by Doney so that problem may be solved equitably between the City and Foster Art Books, the City Attorney and City Engineer study and submit a report at next regular meeting, Carried. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Doney that correspondence be received and filed. Carried. 27;2 Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that bills in the amount of $4,547.94 be paid. Carried Election Expenses for April 14,1964 ...... $ 276.00 The Tustin News .............. - ........... 107.70 Tiernan's ................................. 34.43 R~lph Paulson ............................ 39.10 B Kleen-Line Corp .......................... 5.82 I A.R. Edman Co. ............................ 266.00 L Dennis Printers,& Stationers, Inc.- ....... 34.89 L Oxygen Service Co. ....................... 9.98 S California State Fireman's Association, Inc. 57.00 Signal Oil Co.- ........................... 367-23 Allan Brown (TAYC 200-c Ref. Dept) ......... 20.00 David Windh (TAy~ 200-d Ref. Dep) ......... 30.00 County of Orange .......................... 8.11 Carl Entenmann & Son ..................... 50.73 Union Oil Co. Of California ............... 6.37 Kenneth G. Hebard, M.D. - ................. 60.00 F. Morton Pitt Co ......................... 49.98 U.S. Porcelain Plant ....................... 21.59 Santa Aria Valley Irrigation Co ............ 1.65 Minnesota Mining and Mfg. Co. ............. 2.27 County of Orange .......................... 1,036.07 Santa Aria Engraving Co. ................... 8.56 & arper ............................ 642. J6hn J. Swigart Co. Inc ................... Halin Electronics ......................... ~3.92 Five & Ten Nursery ........................ 85.49 Ted B. Adsit ............................. ~292.43 Eldon C. Remland (Auto Allow) .............. 12.30 TOTAL ...... $ 3,584.28 Paid Unapproved: Los Angeles State Collage Foundation ..... 10.00 U.S. Post Office ......................... 201.16 County Sanitation Dist. # 7 .............. 752.50 Total ....... $ 4,547.94 RESOL. DRAFTED Moved by Doney, seconded by Klingelhofer that Resolution FOR VINCENT be drafte& complimenting Mr. Vincent Humeaton for his HUMESTON C years of service to the ~ity and that resolution be presented at a Council Meeting. Carried. 0rd. No. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that Ordinance 255 Ralph's No. 255 changing zone of property of Ralph's Industries Indust. App. On Application No. ZC 63-133 have first reading by title No. ZC 63-133 only. Motion carried unanimously. carried Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that Resolution RESOL. 708 No, 708, Expressing appreciation for Services of EUGENE Eugene Jacobson be read by title only. MotiOn carried JACOBSON READ unanimously. BY TITLE ONLY · RESOL.708 Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Doney that ReSolution pass. No. 708 be passed and adopted. Carried by rollcall: adopted Ayes: Sheridan, Klingelhofer, Doney, Mack, Coco. Mayor Sheridan_and Mr. Doney to deliver Resolution in person to Mrs. Jacobson. ORD.~ 256 READ Moved by Coco, seconded by Doneythat Ordinance NO. IN ITS ENTIRETY 256 be read in its entirety. Carried. 273' Ord. No Moved by Doney, seconded by Mack that Ordinance Nd. 256 256 appointing B. Wheelock as Public Works Director and setting forth duties be referred back to the City Attorney with further instructions. Carried. Moved by Mack, seconded by Doney that meeting be adjourned.