HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 5 CAR WASH 10-02-89w,r AGE.iND/4 ` ��..mwlmw� r ATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION OCTOBER 2, 1989 WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER C0194UNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ULU DU3111GJJ NO. 5 10-2-89 Inter - Com CAR WASH AT BENT POWELL CHEVRON/13052 NEWPORT AVE./VICTORY OUTREACH CHURCH Pleasure of the City Council. BACKGROUND In addition to the background transmitted at the September 18th City Council meeting (attached), the City Council on September 18th requested that the issue of a fee waiver for Victory Outreach be agendized for City Council discussion. The Victory Outreach Church is proposing to operate an outdoor carwash every Friday at Bent Powell Chevron at 13052 Newport Avenue. Because this activity will require a Conditional Use Permit and due to the nature of the group, Victory Outreach requests that the processing fee be wa-i ved. Upon City Council waiver of the fees, an application and public hearing before the Planning Commission will be required. Any Planning Commission decision on the matter would be subject to appeal. by the City Council. ABethcoemann, Associate Planner Attachments CAS:BS:kbc r st ne A. ShingletW, Director of Community Development r ATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: SEPTEMBER 18, 1989 WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF CAR WASH IN VIOLATION OF CITY CODE/TUSTIN NEWS 9/7/89 On June 30, 1989 the Community Development received a complaint from the Police Department regarding a continuing outdoor car wash at Bent Powell Chevron at 13052 Newport Avenue.' The corresponding code enforcement action was implemented with a letter for unauthorized temporary uses on 7/14/89. After receiving the letter, the Powel 1 ' s phoned and were informed of the temporary use policy ( see attached) . At this point, the case was considered closed on 7/24/89. On 9/7/89, George Stewart wrote an article in the Tustin News representing that the church -sponsored halfway house (.Victory Outreach Church) felt that the policy was unfair. The article stated that the group would be seeking relief from_ the City Council at the September 18th City Council meeting. However, neither Bent Powell Chevron nor Victory Outreach church has applied for a Temporary Use Permit pursuant to Section 9270 (c) . Once the permit is denied by the Community Development Department, the Planning Commission becomes the appealing body. The City Council,, however, would have the ability to waivefees for processing the Temporary Use _Penni t.._ .-The fee for a Temporary Use Permit is currently $75.00 plus $50.00 for a refundable bond to return the property to its previous condition. Beth Sch emann Associate Planner CAS : BS : j k Attachments i ristine Shi.ngleton Director of Community D velopment CL Oty ofTustin Community Development Department July 14, 1989 Mr. Bent Powell _ Bent Powell Chevron 13052 Newport Avenue Tustin, CA 92680 SUBJECT: OUTDOOR CAR WASH AT 13052 NEWPORT AVENUE, TUSTIN Dear Mr. Powell: I t has come to the attention of this office through routine field inspections that outdoor car washes.. -are.. being -conducted -at the Chevron Station. at 13052 Newport Avenue. This activity requires a Temporary Use Permit. Temporary Use Permit applications may be obtained in the Community Development Department at City Hall. 300 Centennial Way. ' `-� We would appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (714) 544 -8890, -extension 257. Sincerely, Beth Schoemann Associate Planner BS: jk 300 Centennial Way o Tustin, California 92680 • (714) 544.8890 l \Y1\ U \. RECEIVING DEPARTMENT D R CEI ED ECEIVDEPARTMENT REFERRED TO ADDRESS OF COMPLAINT QA NATURE OF COMPLAINT WA. W\ ))0,)( C c,r waJ� I: REQUESTED ACTIONS G COMPLAI NTANT J C"I\k - ` 1 k n � { P `r `RESS ��� ��� Q �'� CA v .,-,IONE NUMBER FOLLOW UP ACTIONS DEPARTMENT DATE ACTION 1 Nk QJ S -N 'fYc m AIN -4., 1 1( �t-4� �j A A7) r- CLOSED _�„ u `qc, MARKS -- SIGNED: fit, #A.,1 111th 11. I..'rilli,Ali TUSH CT ~ODE ZONING 9270b(e �, (e) Presentation of live entertainment, (Ord. No. 406 (fi Dish antennae located in residential zones exceeding three (3) feet located other than in rear in diameter and � Yard areas obscured from pub No. 926, Sec. 2124-85) lic'right-of-way view. (Ord. (g) Dinh antennae located in all zones other than residential, exceeding three (3) feet in r diaaneter and not fully screened or otherwise (Ord. No. 926, Sec, 2, 24-85)obscured from public right-of-way view. c Approval of Temporary -Uses . The Planning Commission may grant temporary by following the Po m'Y uses for a period of up to six (6) months e procedures herein described for the issuance of use permits. however, that a permit of one (1) month duration P Provided, on approval of the other City departments for may be issued by the Planning Department, stands and Christmas tree lots. (pial. No. 3629 Sec.1 s such as, but not limited to, fireworks Such action by the Planning Departiment for temporary less may be granted by the Community Development Director, use permit of one (1) month or hearing or notice. ector, and shall not require a public The fee for as application for such temporary ($25.00)9 payable at the time of submission c use permit shall be twenty-five aollar•s of application. ,�1,;�+v�,,c, Said fee may be waived or modified in those instances where `c � modified on a Business License Fee, (Ord, No. 501) re a waiver has been granted, or. W 9271 SPECIFIC PROVISIONS a Accessory Buildings Accessory buildings sha11 be construct ain building. (Ord. No. .157, Sec. 5.4) ed with, or.subsequent to the construction of the . m b Public Utilities Public utility distribution and transmission line towers for distribution of gss, water, electricity and tele t Poles and underground facilities districts without limitation as to height or without a communications shall be allowed in all obtaining a use permit thereof and the Provisions of this Chapter shall not be construed to l aintenance and operation imit or interfere with the installation, . mof public, utility pipelines and electric transmission communication lines when located in accordance with thea or telephone the Public Utilities Co applicable rules and regulations of mmission of the State of California and within ri hts-of- ments, franchise, or ownership of such public utilities. (Ord. No, g Way, ease- • c Temporary Real Estate Offices 157, Sec. 5.5) The following temporary uses shall be permitted in any district: (1) Model homes and their garages used as Offices' solelfo a'subdivision on the following conditions: Y r the first sale of homes within REV: 7-85 LU -2-58 CURREWT TEMPORARY USE PERMIT POLICY irruennAnv evg%iio atilt ftas-wmftw— - -- 1, One display per building or street frontage,**: 2. Banners must be fixed to the building. hung below the roof line. 3. Banners must be' of a cloth material and professionally made. 4. Decorative flags, bunting. etc., shall only be permitted for original grand openings for a period of 30 days. 5. Advertising for purposes other than grand openings is restricted to periods of up to 30 days. Display of banners should be for special events only, and not for each promotion a na ti ona'Ilnchi se might wish to publicize: All temporary use permits are issued sub ect to the Director of Community Development, 11 approval of 6. Any banner used for the sale, lease or rental of property ma one (1) 120 day permit per year or as authorized above: y be issued SPECIAL EVENTS AND. OUTDOOR SAL -ES: -- 7. Temporary outdoor sales are limited to one sale per calendar each location. quarter for e• Sales are limited for up to three days In y duration, and only on weekends. 9. Temporary. outdoor sales are allowed in all commercia professional office zenes). zones (excluding 10. Any deviation from the above • guidelines requires approval of the Director of Community Development. Shouldan permit i be bedeniedby the Director of Community Development, all decisions Commission. appealed to the Planning Community Development Department 't I ',•' ' ._-._.. - moi•', , r�� -i:i j.,.: �� :r••'•:S'? •� :�., .,y„��.•11.`Q. •Q,•'.:1 �o— a-t•iirt anew. i ���� �- '��'.� :,; T O :tff,asci ,cn , y.:. , :ell indicated; that~ a r .1 r _'�. , . , ., a ,► • ,.J; Y; _ ,,`;, `,.;`• -,.• <. When churcht�.r ,EDINGS, Page A -t . , ; }. ! <t epre'sentatives�. wash cars for;3 apiece or trucks for ;.�..,.by'GEORGE'STEWARTr ,::i; Wvent, to: the. city,for;.clarification ► Several,.local . businesses aft cir- ;5 + at : gas:'stations where 'manage k. they were told they, trust purchase a ' r. i'' ��'� ular car•, r .-ment will volunteer the water.. ;�_ �` temporary outdoor sales permit for culating a petition for a pop �.. • ; ' r4° .c; '..washing service'at a.Tustin gas sta-. One 'of these gas stations is Bent'+k r ,�y $125, itwhich:.would allow': them to , ° ° a, ' " tion, run :;. by a .church -sponsored . � Powell Chevron, • ; a t , the corner . of.-. . }, • ►.,. was "cars for one weekend within a ; • halfway house, to be reinstated after;, NevKport Avenue 'and Irbine Boule: , i,. three-month period.,,,; , .,: „ „. , • tr , t , vard ; where, , for several months; = f.� i,,. (ie S the city closed it: down. ':.:, ; , ,,. ,, i , c , •Theo ration ceased because one } �� ,; `i about a dozen members of the group:+ , Pe I d The Victory Outreach Church, at , r weekend of • work for,;' every three have been washing vehicles every'months at.;125 wouldprovide.nei'; 1233 Alvarez, in Orangeprovides a. Friday, home and rehabilitation for drug ad- `' they the work time* needed for the They had become a regular fixture : '; dicta, alcoholics and ex -gang mem--- in the neighborhood used by em- '.. men's rehabilitation, nor.the profit. ►7 " s berg_ who have been released from requlred to meet the mens financial jell and found religion: ) ployees at many local businesses un- needs. ` �� 'til about'a month ago: , : d i USD-;.: ;, ' :; '- r• Among several, businesses:. with The self-supporting church allows That's when Tustin police'noticed petitions to .the city •council . fo{ s ,L LEACH ; .t. these.ex-prisoners about one year. to that they were operating without the . . lengthy staff ;pre= waiver of the required permit !s the ,.;w stay and make their transition back ,, required permit for temporary out• Chevron station.itself.?� rev ote actions; ,� door sales..The police notified the ci=; , Into society.: ;•r: SI- a ,, : , We volunteered the water be-' 'iet ►ol-. District; *• One stipulation is. that they must ty staff and Beth Shoemann associ• 'cause we liked the -guys Arid the'cus :sda, adopt, a ted for their rent and groceries,. : ate planner; sent a letter to the' sta- ::. , „ ;et for the 1989-90 fig- pay tomers were well' pleased; , said As= tees unanimousl ; both for the church's economic wel- tion' management,', notifying 'them �, sistant Manager Mary Berry. ;"The! Y .• •s fare and to` give the men a sense of.',,, that the operation was in violation of �, way I feel about it is the government )jected $38.2, million ' responsibility: ?.To 'that. end, they, , city code.: ,; ; r is pushing for neo out of some adjustments in j , ; r•• �, pie to stay :, : ,�;, ti • ri: i t:{: ,y�:; , . ,,� . �; ; � a . Y' �,` jail, but they don't want to give them �. �. _ Corrmtssion'i�ea�S a break because they re involved ►negotiations are pia rtn t ng, .. .. vithsettlemedtex , ,, �, :�' ,,; ;;,,;.i;•t,.t.'rr�,#'i"E��rt►'withthe;church';,.Basically;' 11 0 ". -} a` • ' ; " ' <.want- is''a chance' for •the 'guys to October.: .,�,' r.; : C artance aSa� eS lives. 'It's just a with 1J l ; straighten out their, ) 'd Fisher, district :' ;, %•;. � ,.. , : •, . ► c , ., ; t c .: ' t matter of getting it, together:' ninistrator; pro- : MIMI S PLA Jeffie Glover said' Victory 'Out- The;Tustin Planning Commission = ; . r . the upcoming `,. Several signage variances' were 878 with anti-;- dealt ;with several signage issues leach helped him; on and now he M6, a lied for at Mimi's Plaza! (named'; 't P� during: its last' regular meeting, in-.:,. •::.. PP � •.!',,'works -on the staff *of.the group.;, 1 of ;37,113,862.: • , , percent' eluding the relocation of the Rev Mimi s restaurant), a, retail"We're"self supporting,!' -he said. i pie 63 pert .; House si n and variances for sl ns'' -` `center currently under construction : ' '' "'The* finances we get go' to run our. be generated g g at the corner of Carroll Way and 17th B percent)' will '•, advertising Mimi's Plaza.: •� Street. • home:' It would-be hard'.(to' pay for r The owner • of the• Revere House : • the'permlts) because wedon�t have eight percent : The only variance recommended ; , 4 : restaurant, 900 W. First St.,, reques-�" ` it In our budget.; ,'..; ' -the' sale, .of :.: p b city, staff and. approved by the ;y;r, "We're trying to,makeTan Impact School; ;and',' ted the relocation of. the ` resent. Y y :'670- ware foot freeway, le sin commission : (40) allowed a moms-•, ;;: , :T, Page :A•2•l,,� y' sigm, sign fairing Carroll , Street; f>, on the city and get' dope fiends and This is to accomodate Caltrans plans r alcoholics off the streets: • We're do- .• to 'widen the Newport Freewa st, : identifying the tenants of the plaza, , po Y placed seven feet from the.;. ing : something• for,•.the .community ;the` irif at" which the 'sign, now to be " `and I think this is unfair.','-! p° s ,.future right of way at the site, rather, stands. ._.,., .: (�;*-:111,0..,111.the aired nimum 15 feet `than req' Shoemann pointed out that a per -,-- m' _ ,•'�''' mit is required for this type of opera - I t «• {' ..The.,,commission approved a ase Bob Break attorney- for ,owner ,, , permit' for a _new sign by a 4-0 vote. tion on a business location because it Gerald Misurek, requested filet wall :, ' Commissioner AI Baker.was absent,: provides competition for legitimate, A i- signs • on the . backs of the plaza P pe . , _��� k ; It',was `requested that the 65 -foot f,; be 75- and 30 -square. feet, , 'carwashes, r"� tall.sign be moved 20 feet southeast :.buildings "The petitlon ia'Eiie best'lcourse of ' ' t, =. i >> : ' : + in order to compete with neighbor , ; .z .., } ; inW the rking lot. ,+, _;,.:,;.. . ; action for them. to take,", she' said. , Its xpe ence a ' �` The std would be set In"a land• ' : ing business signs ( particularly es to �camge County,. ,."Because, unless the council author- sca planter- between the Plaza Lafayette). izes us otherwise; we have to go, by District bus. routes Pe P An additional momlment sign far- t• freeway..; right *of . way, the parking Y, Sept. 10. ,,:''�_; :.:...:.�. Y` g Y, P .. g • in 17th Street was denied because.,', the permit policy,";.';;,' ; service',chaoge:'•. stalls and an interior driveway. This g The permits, with their collective ' move is -considered an improvement , the sign code allows only one such.,, signatures, will be presented before ' roving weekday 'fre- sin r shopping center: of our busiest' lines `;: by city staff because the sign now g Pe Pp g the cit council at its Sept. 18 meet- , I adjustments aimed Y stands out of, bare asphalt parking However, staff recommended and Y , : P j - , ' +► •; •r ' the .commission concurred that . fig• enrice forehome-to-'F`•"spaces. ,; ,;., , ;. �� ;,��' +u ,,; , , conform to code ' • '' �' . these signs should , t ichert _ , , } .:; , }; �r: a• Tiller Applzcattons aid James Re ,", , „, • ., ,: y specificati that they be no larger; ww••1 •fella. qrii1' n.Jow �.,_.f j :. ' . ... .1 lL,..... ..ra __:,1-.;r+r.�t. _ ..+5•.._ - - - ,„r -, ..;$_.. _..J, _ ... •ons - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 .16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 •26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 87-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING PLANNING RELATED FEES AND SERVICE CHARGES The City Council of the City of Tustin, California does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1. Planning Fees and Service Charges are hereby established as shown in Exhibit A and supersede any existing fee and shall be applied uniformly except where, in the discretion of the City Manager, reduced fees are justified by special circumstances. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 2nd day of March, 1987. RICHARD B. EDGAR Mayor Attest: MARY E. WY , City C1 er EXHIBIT A CITY OF TUSTIN COMMU! DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FEE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE March 2, 1987 TYPE OF AC_ Zoning Administrator actions Temporary Use Permit Use Interpretation Variance Minor Major Conditional Use ABC license Minor Major Zone Change Zo , Code Amendment Design Review Signs Minor remodel Major remodel Minor new Major new General Plan Revisions Minor textural Major textural Land Use map Tract Maps Tentative ET -per sector Tentative ET -per project Tentative Standard Final map Parcel Maps Tentative Final RECOMMENDED FEE ($) 75 75 100 300 525 200 525 1000 750 750 50 275 500 400 775 575 1500 min.dep(2) 775 4500 2150 950 1050 950 875 page two TYPE OF AC_ Vesting map Reversion to Acreage Lot line adjustment Lot merger Certificate of Compliance CC&R review Environmental Initial study Negative Declaration EIR - Minor Major Other Miscellaneous (4) document preparation Appeals RECOMMENDED FEE ($) base map fee + 50 base map fee + 50 200 150 75 150 75 100 1750 3100 min.dep(3) 150 1/2 of filing fee (1) includes cursory review of applications by building staff. (2) additional actual production costs to be reimbursed at hourly rate of $39.10 (3) minimum deposit is for city review only - additional actual time spent by sta be reimbursed on an hourly rate of $39.10. Applicant to also deposit actual for consultant preparation of EIR, when required. (4) examples are parking agreements CAS 2/10/87 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~- -� COUNTY OF ORANGE ) § . CITY OF TUSTIN ) GARY E. WYNN, City Clerk and ex -officio Clark of the City.. Council of the City. of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; -that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 87-27 was duly and regularly introduced, passed and adopted at a regular meeting'ofCity Council held on the 2nd day of March, 1987, by the `ollowing vote: AYES : COUNCILPERSONS: Edgar, Hoesterey, Kelly, Kennedy, Saltarelli NOES : COUNCILPERSONS: None ABSENT: COUNCILPERSONS: None E" �J- WY ity Cler City of Tus , Californ a