HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1964 04 06 Minutes of A Regular Meeting Tustin City Council April, 6, 1964 Meeting called to Order. at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Doney. Pledge of Allegiance. Moment of Silent Prayer for General D. Mac Arthur. Present: Doney, Sheridan, Humeston, Mack, K1Lngelhofer. Absent: None. Also present: City Attorney Rourke, Mr.-Reinland, Mr. Carlsen, Mr. Brook, Chief Sissel, Chief Hilton. Moved by Mack, seconded b y Klingelhofer that Minutes of March 16th Regular Meeting and March 25thI Special Meeting be apprcved as mailed. Carried. Report presented from Tastin Planning Commission stating Case 726 ~that they object .unequivocally to-Case ,?26 of the County as not conforming !to the recent ~eventeenth Street Agreement. Moved by Mack, seconded by Humeston that a letter be sent to the Board of ~upervisors stating the objections to Case ~726. Carried. .Hearing opened at 7:38 P~M., on zc 63-133 of Ralphs Ymdus- ZC 63-133 tries to permit a zone chafige"~om 0-2~'R-3 and R-1 to Ralphs Indust. C-l-P, Pr and/or PD zone on property located-northwest corner of ~eventeenth and Yorha Streets. Apolication, location ': and plans explained by Mr. Remtand Mr. A. Bow ie, attorney, spoke =on'behalf of appliea~t and presented letter from C. J. Klatt regarding road. dedication. Mr. Thomas Heinz-and'Mr. Richard-Batph-speke on behalf of Ralphs Industries. Mr. A. Theurich, 17882 Arbolada Way, presented and read correspondence from TABOA. Others speaking in favor ef application: Mr. Rag. Wood, Real Estate Consultant Those speaking against said change: Mr. B. Underwood, 142gt Olive Tree Circle Mr. J. LueLlyn, 17652 Arbolada Way There being no further objections or comments, the Hearing was declared closed at 8:22 P.M. Correspondence received since previous Council Hearing was read by Clerk. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Sheridan that the recom- mendations of the planning Commission for approval of Plan "A" be accepted and the Board of Supervisors be so infor~:~d. Carried by roll call - Ayes: Boney, Sheridan, Humeston, Klingelhofer. Noes: Mack. Absent: None. Mayor Boney called a ten minute recess. Meeting reeonvened at 9:05 F.M. UP 64-158 Hearing opened at 9:15 P.M. to consider the Appeal of the decision of the planning Commission approving UP 64-158 of A. R. Builders for construction of a Planned' Develop- ment - N/W corner of Williams and McFadden Streets. Plans and conditio~s as set forth by the Planning Commission explained by Mr. Reml~nd. Statement ~rom Mr. A.E. McKown regardihg ~ppeal read by Mr. J. McQuald. Those speaking against ~ppeal: John l~?qite, attorney representing A. R. Builders Richard Aubrey - A. R. Builders Wm. Gray, 420 W. Main Street Speaking in favor of Appeal: Mr. J. McQuaid. There being no further comments or objections, the hearing was declare~ closed as 9:2~ P.M. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded b~ Mack thaB Appeal be 8cried - carried. Ayes: Doney, Sheridan, Mack, Kli~gelhofer Abstainel: ~umes~on. Hearing openel at 9:38 P.M. on the ~ppeal of the v.64-140 lecisio~ of the Planning Commission fienying Variance Westmort Application 64-150 of Westmort Investment Corp. Invest. to permik a 10' front setback For proposed s~ructures Corp. in Pr District on South side of Fourth Street 130' Eas~ of "A" Street. ApplicatioB and location explained by Mr. Remland. Those ~peaking on behalf of .,es~mon~ Development: Bob Hall Frank Morris Ther~ being no further commen~s and no objectS. one, Hearing the ~eari~g was declared cLOsed a~ 9:53 P.M. closed Moved by Sheridan, that decision of the Planning Commission be upheld and Appeal be denied. Motion died for lack of a second. Moved by Bumeaton ~hat in light of the future of V.64-140 Fourth Street, Variance No. g4~140 be referred back to the Planning Comrrission for a stuffy of setbacks on narrow lots motion died for lack of second. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconde~ by Mack tha; Hearing on Appeal of decision of Variance 64~140 be continued to next regular meeting, pending furtherlrecommendations, of the Planning Commission and that all information from the ~ity Engineer b~ g~ven to the Commission for their considera~ion. Carried, Hearing opened as 10:48 P.M. on Amendments to Sections 4.7, ~.8, 4,9 and 5.23 of 0rdi~ance ho. 157 as amened. Proposed Ordinanc~ explained by Mr. lemland. Those present with commen~s regarding ~mendments: C. Smyth - 1102 E. Main Street, Tustin C. ]reenw~od - 1601 ~ierra Al~a Drive A. J. Coco, 13622 Fielding Drive B. Windolph, 172 Preble ~rive 2here being no further comments, the Hearing was ~eclared clcsed a¢ 11:06 Moved by Humeston, seconded by Sheridan that attorney draft Ordinance to amend only Section ~-7 of OrdinanCe No. 157 by the substitution of the word '~yes" in place of the word "no" beneath the word "Use Permit Required." Motion failed. Ayes: Humeaton, ;~he~idah.'N~Ss~j"©o~e~i, K~ing~l:~of~r~Ma!Ck4 Amendments to Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute NelSon & Amendments to CC&Rs for ~elson & ~elson - Nelson carried. Moved by Mack, seconded by K!~ngelhofer that the Tract 5469 Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute Agreements and clerk to sign record map for Tract 5469. Carried. Moved by Kllngelhofer, seconded by ~umeston that Tract 5443 9ayor and Clerk be authorized to execute Agreements for Tract No. 5443 and. City Clerk be authorized to execute record map and to accept drainage easement. Carried. Moved by ~ack, seconded by Klingelhofer that Clerk Tract 5311 be authorized to sign record map of Tract No. 5311 and ~ayor and City ~lerk authorized to execute ~greements, when Bonds an~ Agreements are presented and approved by the City Engineer. Carried. Ord. 253 Moved by Sheridan, seconded by ~ack that Ordinance Siegel & No. 253, changing to the 100-C-l-P-15,000 the Greenwood property of Siegel & Greenwood (Application ZC64- 135) have second reading by title only, Carried Unanimously. Ord. 253 Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that Ordinance passed & No. 253 be passed and adopted. Carried. Ayes: adopted Doney, Sheridan, Humeston, Mack, ~lingelhofer Noes: None Absent: None. Corresoondence from William Moses, Chairman of StUdy ommittee regarding Grdinance coverin~ Duties and Powers of City Administrator read. Letter stated that committee had been unable to complete its study. Voorhis, Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer that Trindle & Veerhis, 'l'rindle, & Nelsom be granted a one year Nelson extension for filing final Tra~t 5150. ~iling date Tract 5150 to be prior to May 13, 1965. Carried. Moved b~ Sheridan, seconded by Mack that resignation E.Remland of ~r. Eldon Remland be accepted with regret and resign. Resolution be drafted in appreciation of services accepted rendered. ~otion carried by roll call-all council- Resol. drafted men voting Aye. Moved by gheridan, seconded by Mack that correspond- Corr.received ence be received and filed. Carried. Moved by ~heridan, seconded by ~lingelhofer that bills in the amount of $8,238.25 be paid. Carried. Moved by Humeaton, seconded by Klingelhofer that the Chamber of Commerce be advised that a reasonable market value rental of $60.00 oer month on City owned building at 240 "D" Street, Rent to start at the earliest date commensurate with Agreement between the City and the Chamber. ICarried. Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan tha~ a letter be drafted to the Board.of Supervisors and signed by each coufi~ilman stating that the ~ity is neither for nor against the shopping center under consideration in 6he Peacock Mills srea but would appreciate the consideration of the County for the widening and improving of Newport Avenue in order to facilitate the flow of traffic to the existln~ shopping districts in the City and surrounding area. Carried. Mayor DO~ey called a five minute recess to clear the Chamber forddiscussion of personnel matters. Meeting reconvened at 12:12 A.M. Judy Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Kli~igelhoferthat Plowman's salary Judy Plowman's salar~ be increased from Step One increase ($300.00) to Step Two ($325.00) to effective August 15, 1964, Carried. R Dickerson oved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan'that R. Dickerson salary ~e granted a one step pay raise elfentire April 15, 1964 from $628~0 per month to $660.00. increase Mr. Numeston was excused from the meeting at l:lO A.M. Director~ Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan that the City Public Attorney draft s resolution creating the position of Works Director of Public Works to coordinate the Planning, Wheelock Building, Engineering, Streets and Parks Departments and Utilities and apDointing Mr. B. Wheeloek to this osltion effective April 7, 1964 E890.00 monthly. Motion carried at a salary of by roll call - Ayes: Doney, Sheridan, Mack, Klingelhofer. Noes: None. 'Ebsent:~Humeston. Mr. Wheelo'ck directed to solicit application for an~ Engineer Draftsman and a Planning Advisor. Jack Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that employment of Jack Carlson, Sity Engineer, be increased to 20 Carlson, hours per week ~t $600.00 per month effective April City Eng. 7, 1964 Carried. 'All~c0u~cilmen present voting Aye - Absent: HumeSton Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that Mr. Remland Remland be employed on a part-time basis, as needed at $6.00 part- per hour. C~rried time ' Move~;b~dMack, seconded by Klingelhofer that meeting be adjourned to Tuesday, April 21, 1964. Carried. CITY OF TUSTIN BILLS APRIL 6, 1964 The Tus~in News ............................ ~ 176.87 First Western Bank (Utilities) ............. 409.29 Betty J. Armstrong (April 1964~ ............ 250.00 Smith Corona Marchant Inc .................. 26.99 State Compensation Insurance Fund .......... 2,035.22 Thermo-Fax Sa~es Incorporated~ ............ 54.38 Buel A. Williamson (Auto Allow) ............ 13.50 Orange County Radiotelephone Ser. Inc ...... 30.00 The Orange Daily News ....................... 75.95 Rourke & Holbrook ..... i .................... 580.00 So. Calif. City Clerks Assoc ............... 4.00 The Akron .................................. 139-31 Martin & Chapman Co. Ltd ................... 446.72 Lloyd Drewes-Union Oil .................... 12.99 Wardlaw Fire Equipment ..................... 390.87 Police Systems Inc ......................... 79-30 Tustin Fire Dep~ .......................... 236.00 Tustin Auto Parts ......................... ll.01 David Windh ................................ 40.00 Bob DeSutter Richfield Service ............ 46.25 Whitneyts .................................. 2.50 Hearne Broshers Dr ......................... 98.80 Herbert L. Miller, Inc ..................... 190.54 Business Equipment Co. ..................... 22.88 Van Hove Garage ........................... 157.61 County of Orange ............. ~ .... L ........ 9.00 Desmond'S ................................. 51.43 Jack's Hillview Car Wash .................. 51.00 MarJorie B. Webb (T.A.Y.C. Cleaning Dep.)-- 10o00 William B. Whitaker (T.A.Y.C. Cleaning Dep.) 10.00 Orange Cbunty Auto Parts .................... 22.14 R.F. Dickson Co. Inc ........................ 405.00 COunty of Orange---~ ........................ 78.71 Reflective Products Div .................... 56.50 Reproduction ............................... 8.86 Traffic Signal Maint ....................... 34.00 180.00 Hardy & Hatper ............................. Orange County Blueprint ..................... 70.19 Valley Engineering ......................... 216.00 A1 Ron Dickerson (A~to low) .... ~ ............. 45.00 Ben WheelQck (Auto Allow) ................... 60.00 Blystone Machinery Rental Co ................ 38.28 Departmen~ of General Services ............. 1.25 Five & Ten Nurseries ....................... 85-49 Rudd's Tree S~rvice ......................... 498.~ Andy's Plumbing Repair & Ss~es .............. 221.45 Tustin Blacksmith Bhop ...................... 38.28 John J. Swigart Co. IEc. .................... ~t0.06 Eldon C. Remland (Auto Allow) .............. T33.10 Fred Brook Jr. (Auto Allow) ................. 50.00 Robert R. Marcum (Auto'Allow) ............... 50.00 John A. Coffey (Auto Allow) ................. 5~.~0 Tustin Hardware Co .......................... ~3.18 Santa Aria Office Supply ..................... 19.40 Tustin Woodshed ............................ 86.15 Tustin Paint Store .......................... 20.~9 Carson & Golding ............................ 20.36 Dennis Printers & Stationers ................ 9.64 Ruth C. Poe (Petty Cash) .................... ~ 47.32 Total --$ 8,192.53 2 16 7 Paid U~napproved: Gilbert & Sterns Inc. (Permit Refund) ...... 4.60 Ruth C. Poe (Petty Cash) .................... 41.12 Total .... $ ~