HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 1 P.C. ACT AGENDA 10-02-89REPORTS NO. 1 10-2-89 ACTIONAGENDA ------------- TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 25, 1989 CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m., City Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL: Present: Le Jeune, Baker, Shaheen, Kasparian Absent: Pontious PUBLIC -CONCERNS: (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL. OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) 1. Minutes of the September 11, 1989 Planning Commission meeting 2. Sector Landscaping Concept Plan for Sectors 10, 11, and 12 APPLICANT: THE IRVINE COMPANY ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: PROJECT COVERED BY A PREVIOUS EIR (85-2 AND ADOPTED SUPPLEMENTS AND ADDENDUM) FOR THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN REQUEST: MODIFICATION OF CONCEPTUAL SECTOR AND LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLANS FOR SECTORS 10, 11 AND 12 Recommendation: It is recommended that 'the Planning Commission 1) approve Environmental Determination for the project by adoption of Resolution No. 2626, and; 2) approve requested modifications, by minute motion subject to conditions. Commissioner Baker moved, Shaheen seconded to approve the consent calendar. Motion carried - PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. Tentative Tract Map 13902, Hillside and Design Review 89-08 APPLICANT: BREN OSGOOD COMPANY 1 CIVIC PLAZA, STE. 275 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Planning Commission Action Agenda September 25, 1989 Page two OWNER: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: THE IRVINE COMPANY 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 LOTS 249 259 10019 'UU', 'VV' PLANNED COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN) OF TRACT 12870 (MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL --EAST THIS PROJECT IS COVERED BY A PREVIOUS EIR (85-2) FOR THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. NO ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED. AUTHORIZATION TO CREATE 115 NUMBERED AND 17 LETTERED LOTS FOR RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES; APPROVAL OF SITE PLAN AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission take the following actions: approve Environmental Determination for the project by adoption of Resolution No. 2677; approve Hillside and Design Review 89-08 by adoption of Resolution No. 2678 and 2680, as submitted or revised; and recommend City Council approval of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 13902 by adoption of Resolution No. 2679, as submitted or revised. Presentation: Laura Kuhn, Senior Planner Commissioner Shaheen moved, Kas avian seconded to approve the Determination for the project by tea option of Resolution No. 2677. 4-0. Environmental Notion carried. Commissioner Shaheen moved, Kas arian seconded to approve Hillside Review 89-02 and Design Review 89-08 by t e adoption of Resolutions No. 2680 and 2678 with the following changes to Exhibit A of Resolution No. 2678: Page one, Item 2.1 should be changed to read "At building plan check submittal please provide:" �- Page two, Item C line one after "specifications" add "shall be submitted which arew and on line four, after "4.1" add "and 4.3". age two, Item 3.3 add "Director of Community Development." Page three, Item 4.1 add to the end."to review and approval of the Director of Comm ty Development." Page four, Item 4.2, G add the following sentence to.the end "Irrigation timing and/or water regu aton devices shall be installed to protect against overwatering, especially in sloped areas." Notion carried 4-0. Commissioner Shaheen moved, Kas arian seconded to.recommend City Council approval of Vesting Tentative Trat Map 13902y t e adoption of Resolution No. 2679, with revisions to Exhibit A as follows: Page nine, add "0. Provisions for the maintenance and repair of slopes and drainage devices, including standards for slope irrigation to prevent overwateri ng." Notion varied 4-0. Planning Commission Actio. Jenda September 25, 1989 Page three 4. Conditional Use Permit 89-29 (Park Abrams) APPLICANT: PARK ABRAMS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 15751 ROCKFIELD, SUITE 200 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92718 C/O MR. MARC BINDER OWNER: MR. AND MRS. MARVIN LEE 5 OAKMONT LANE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 LOCATION: 100 TUSTIN AVENUE ZONING: C-2 (CENTRAL COMMERCIAL) ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT REQUEST: AUTHORIZE ESTABLISHMENT OF AUTOMOBILE SERVICE SHOPS Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission certify the final Negative Declaration for the project as adequate by adoption of Resolution No. 2672; and approve Conditional Use Permit 89-28 by adoption of Resolution No. 2673 as submitted or revised. Presentation: Daniel Fox, Associate Planner Commissioner Shaheen moved, Baker seconded to certify the final Negative Declaration or the project as adequate by adoption of Resolution No. 2672 as submitted. Motion carried 4 -0 - Commissioner Shaheen moved, Baker seconded to approve Conditional Use Permit 89-28 by tea option of Resolution No. 2673 -Wil -W -the following revisions to Exhibit A: Pae one, Item 1.3, line two, change "exhibit" to "Resolution" and on line three change "unerwayu to wu rway". Page four, add: "6.6 No sign copy shall be permitted on the'proposed canvas treatment on 5e proposed project.0 Motion carried 4-0. 5. Conditional Use Permit 89-30 APPLICANT: PROTEK ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 15243 SPRINGDALE AVENUE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 OWNER: SOUTHERN COUNTIES OIL COMPANY P.O. BOX 4159 ORANGE, CA 92613-4159 LOCATION: 13922 NEWPORT AVENUE ZONING: C-1, RETAIL COMMERCIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. REQUEST: TO AUTHORIZE THE INSTALLATION AND OPERATION OF SELF-CONTAINED, MOBILE UNIT TO EXTRACT AND TREAT CONTAMINATED VAPORS AND GROUNDWATER FROM THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1011 EL CAMINO REAL FOR A 12 MONTH TIME PERIOD. Planning Commission ActiL .,igenda September 25, 1989 Page four Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 2674, certifying the Final Negative Declaration as adequate for Conditional Use Permit 89-30; and adopt Resolution No. 2675, approving Conditional Use Permit 89-30 subject to the conditions contained in Exhibit 'A' as submitted or revised. Presentation: Steve Rubin, Associate Planner Commissioner Kas avian moved, Baker seconded to certify the Final Negative Declaration for Conditional Use Permit 89-30 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2674. Notion carried 3-0-1 (Le Jeune abstained). Commissioner Kas arian moved, Baker seconded to approve Conditional Use Permit 89-30 y the adoption o eso u ion No. 2675 as submitted. Notion carried 3-0-1 (Le Jeune abstained). OLD BUSINESS 6. Slope Warranty Program Presentation: Lois E. Jeffrey, Deputy City Attorney and Christine A. Shingleton, Commissioner Baker moved, Kas arian seconded to approve the Slope Warranty Program by Minute Motion. Notion cam - a een absent). NEW BUSINESS STAFF CONCERNS 7. Request for the Planning Commission to provide possible workshop dates for, Pacific Center East Specific Plan. A tentative workshop date was set for the workshop on October 9, 1989 at 5:00 p.m. 8. City Council Actions - September 18, 1989 meeting Presentation: Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development COMMISSION CONCERNS Commissioner Kasparian asked the status of the Sign Code, The Director responded that the Committee should have a final draft ready for the Commission the first part of November. Commissioner Baker noted the increased amount of traffic in the City and asked if anything was being done. The. Di rector provided an update on the impact of Cal Trans construction and on the proposed Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Santa Ana. Planning Commission Actin agenda September 259 1989 Page five Commissioner Kas arian noted that he had received a package from the FDA regarding aser Light' sows. He would review this information and report back to the Commission. Commissioner Le Jeune noted that -Home Depot had things stored above the fence level. e a so noted that there was a shoe store in the Marshall's center with illegal signs and flashing lights. The Director responded that these items would be*referred to Code Enforcement. Commissioner Le Jeune asked that notices of City meetings be sent to the Commissioners. ADJOURNMENT At 9:40 p.m. Commissioner. Baker moved, Kas arian seconded to adjourn to a Dinner/Workshop on the Pacific Center East Specific Plan ProjeFt on October 9, 1989 at 5:00 p.m. and then to the next regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. on the same dated.