HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1964 03 16258 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL March 16, 1964 rled.'ge of Alle~i~nQe.~ ...... Pres~ent: Do~.ey, ~Sh. er. id.a~., .N~.ck,. ningelhofer, Absent: Humeston Also Prosent: C!t tt.'o ne, y ng : eer Carlsen, Building 'I~spector Brook, Police Chief Sissel, Fire Chief Hilton. Moved by Kling~lho~e~, 'seconded by Mack that Minutes of March 2nd meeting be approved as mailed. Carried. Mayor Doney introduced three Boy Scouts from Troop 150 of North Side ChUrch ~O'f 'ChriSt., ' Hearing opened at 7:34 P.M. to consider appointment of a member to the Tus tin Planning Cormmission. There being no comments, the Heari~4g was d~ctared closed at 7:37 P.M. MARVIN Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that Marvin E. LAWRENCE Lawrence be appointed to fill the vacancy on the Planning PLANNING Comzaission. Term to expire November 8, 1964. Motion COMMISSION carried - all councilmen present voting Aye. WILLIAMSON Moved by ~ack, seconded by Klingel ofer that permission PERMISSION be granted Civil Defense Director Williamson to leave the TO LEAVE state to represent Region 8 in Washington, D. C. STATE Motion carried. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that $150.00 be transferred from Administration to Civil Defense to cover expenses of C. D. Director's trip. Carried. GWYNETH DRIVE Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer, that the Mayor CROSSING and City Clerk be authorized to execute Gwyneth Drive LICENSE Crossing license with the A.T. & S.F. RR recomecended by the City E~ineer. Carried. LOT SPLIT Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that the City ORD. Engineer be aut =orized to work with the City Attorney to draft a Lot Split Ordinance. Carried. SPRINKLER Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan that the Parks and SYSTEM TYC Recreation Department be authorized to proceed with ins- tallation of sprinkler system at T~stin Youth Center at a cost not to exceed $800.00 - $400.00 from Parks and Recreation Budget and $400.00 from refund from Winston Groene and Andersen. Carried. Moved by Mack, seconded by Et;~nge~thofer that Ordinance ORD. 253 No. 253, rozoning property on Applic~.tion 64-135 have APP. 64-135 first reading by title' only. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Mack reported on Executive Meeting of the League of Cities regarding discussion of paid TV. Statement regarding PlannLng Commission read by Mayor Doney. Request road from Planni~ Commission aski~ for deferment of second reading of Ordinance 253 until amendment to Ordinance 157 regardingg~ stations has been heard~ Correspondence from Mr. ~A~ Theurtck, Com~ittee Chairman TAHOA, read. Moved by Mack, seconded by Kli~elhofer that letter be sent to the Orange County BOard of Supervisors with copy case 726 to County Planning Department, County Planning Commission, ZC 63-133 Supervisor Hirstein and Mr. Theurich, requesting the Board to defer action on Case 726 until the Council has had a chance to act on ZC 63-133 or until after Council Meeting Of April 6th. Carried. Moved by Mack, seconded by Klinge~l~er that a copy of letter ~rom Mr. THeUrich and letter to Board of Super- visors be sent to TuSti~ Plaaning ~ommissioners requesting their views on the mtter. Carried. Moved by Klingel~fer that 'no action be taken on corres- TENTATIVE pondenence from Voohris, Trindle & Nelson Inc. regarding TRACT 5150 Tentantive ~¥a~t 5150 and City Engineer to report back to the Council on said tract. Carried. Correspondence from Wm~ Gallienne, Chairman of Diamond jubilee Corn. referred to the TUstin Chamber of Commerce. MoVed by Mack, seconded by Sheridan that correspondence be received and filed. Carried. CORR. RECIEV. Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that bills in the amount of $6,035.195 be appreved and paid. Carried. Betty J. Armstrong, . First Western Ban~ (~t~i~i~si ~ 2 2 '$ 250.00 . . 120 ~'~ The Tustin News ........... 100.54 B The Revere House .......... ~ . 23.51 Orange Co: Radiotelephone Service . 30.00 I Ora~e County Insurance Agency ..... 32.62 L Hanson & Peterson ......... 250.00 S Rourke & Holbrook ......... 545.00 Ted B Adsi~t ' - ' 520.00 Kleen-Line orp ............ 26.52 Main Photo Service ......... 5.70 Harold F. Bougher .......... 218.92 Oxygen Service Co ............ 6.86 Tu tin Paint Store. -.- .- . . . .. ~. .... 20.22 Motorola ............. 140.40 Palm Stationers ........ 2.56 Motor Faels, Ltd ............ 5.47 A1 's Lock & Key Service ........ '6.50 F. Morton Pitt Co ............ 175.83 Union Oil Co. of California ....... 3.74 Kenneth G. Hehard, M. D ........ 25.00 Tustin Radio & TV .......... 30.49 Signal Oil Co. . ........ 242.25 Business Equipment Co ....... 25.48 Tustin Hardware Co ............ 67.09 Carson & Golding .......... 20.40 Orange County Blueprint ........ 116.04 Santa Aria Engraving Co. ......... 18.35 Hard~ & Harper Inc 141 36 Western Highway Products Co ...... 229.16 Boyle and Lowry. . . , ....... 84.00 Five and Te~ Nursery ......... 146.54 California Electric Service Inc ..... 7.38 Tastin Woodshed ........ · · . · · 67.75 American Concrete Institute . . . . . . . 3.00 Coast Office Equipment Co ...... 150.00 Internat'l Conference - Bldg. Offi~i~ . 45.05 First Western Bank(Utilities ....... 639.38 Dept. of Gen. Services ........... 75 Leo Mass - Extra Duty T.A.Y.C ....... 20.00 Eudd's Tree Service ......... 1,470.00 Total ....... 6,035.95 26QL MAYOR GRANTED Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that Mayor be PERMISSION TO granted permission t6 leave th~ s~a~te for one f~ll week LEAVE STATE March 17th thra March 23rd. Carried. ONE WEEK Mayo~ Doney called a recess and asked that Chamber be cleared for a personnel ses_sion. Meeting reconvened. Attorney asked to draft Resolution in appreciation of the RESOL. FOR services of the late Eugene Jacobso~. E. Jacobson Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan that the following PAY SCALE pay scale be established effective April I, 1964. Mariel Stafford $367.00 Carol Marlett 367.00 Clara Pomaville 367.00 ' Motion carried. Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack autherizing step F. BROOK increase of Fred Bro0k~from $693.00 to $727.00 effective STEP INC. April 1, 1964. Carried. Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that City Engineer Car~sen be authorized to 'direct preparation of 2156 Deficiency Study at an hourly cost of $5.00 not to exceed 15 hours per week for 8 weeks maximum. Carried. Mr. Wheelock to be requested to be present directly after me~ting of .A~r~ *.6~h' f6r p~rsdmieI study. Moved by Sheridan, sedo~d~d'by MaCk'tHat'salarY of Deputy SALARY FOR City Clerk, Florence Eortme~er, ~ ~et~at $400.00. effec- F.KORTMEYER tive April 1. 1~6~. ~ Oa~rri~e~. SET APRIL 1 Moved by Sheridan, Sedo~d&d'b~ MAc~ that meeting be · . . ~ .Y9R ~ .... 7~ CITY CLERK~