HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 4 SLOPE WARRANTY 10-16-89TO: WILLIAH A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF SLOPE WARRANTY PROGRAM RECOI~ENDATION Pleasure of Council BACKGROUND The Planning Commission at a regular meeting on September 25, 1989 reviewed and approved a Slope Warranty Program as required by. the recently adopted Grading and Excavation Ordinance. A letter from ~che Foothill Community Builders appealing the Planning Commission decision was received on September 27, 1989. Provisions of the Grading and Excavation ..Ordinance establish Hillside Review Procedures for proposed grading within areas located within the boundaries of the Hillside District shown in the East Tustin Specific Plan and certain hillside areas outside the East Tustin Specific Plan area. In reviewing applications for Hillside Review, the provisions of the Grading and Excavation Ordinance require Hillside Review permits to be conditioned upon the applicant or owner.'s warranty of slopes through implementation of a Slope Warranty Program. The ordinance also required the Slope Warranty Program to be subject to approval and review by the City Attorney and the Planning Commission, subject to appeal to the City Council. The two points of disagreement that the Foothill Community Builders (FCB) has with the Slope Warranty Program are as follows- ® Page 2, Ztem 2a under Program Description identifies slopes equal to or greater than 5 feet in vertical height as being covered by the Program. FCB has requested that this height be raised to lO~feet. ® Page 3, Item 3 requires a repair agreement for interim emergency slope repairs occurring within five years of the date of certification of the grading work for a slope (this includes landscaping required by grading work). FCB has argued that this term should be reduced to three years and begin when slope work is finished rather than when slopes are certified as complete by the City. In preparing the recommended Slope Warranty Program the City Attorney's office has done considerable research and has coordinated extensively with staff and the Irvine Company. Advice was also obtained from the City's engineering consultant on grading. Staff believes the attached Slope Warranty Program is consistent with the Grading and Excavation Code and will ensure that interim emergency repairs will be made including stabilization of any slope displacement while ultimate responsibility is being determined for hillside slope failure. City Council Report Appeal of Slope Warranty Program October 16, 1989 Page two With the program as adopted by the Planning Commission, staff feels the City can be assured of a high level of confidence in protecting the public health and safety. The Slope Warranty Program is attached as adopted by the Planning Commission approval. The staff and City Attorney's office will be available to summarize the program, provide additional justification for the Planning Commission positions and answer any technical questions the City Council may have. Ch-~istine A~ ShingletOn,//// Director of Community De~l opment CAS:kbc Attachment Community Development Department 6 ? 8 9 I0 11 12 14 15 17 18 ].9 2O 21 22 23 25 27 28 RKE: R, WOODRUFF rORNI:Y$ AT LAW ORANGE: SLOPE WARRANTY PROGRAM FOR THE EhST TUSTIN Subsection C(8)n. of Section 8914 of the Tustin Grading and Excavation Ordinance, which applies to hillside areas of the City, imposes the following requirement' "Preparation and recordation of a declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions providing for the development and maintenance of slopes and drainage devices shall be a condition of approval on tentative subdivision maps. Every permit shall also be conditioned upon the applicant and/or owner's warranty of -all slopes through applicant and/or owner implementation of a slope ~warranty · program subject to approval and review by the City Attorney ahd Planning Commission, and subject to appeal to the City Council." Compliance with the following slope warranty program will satisfy this requirement for the Hillside District of East Tustin. Statement of Objectives There ~ave been instances in other cities 'where a slope failure has occurred, and the required slope stabilization and repair work has been delayed while the potentially responsible parties have argued among themselves concerning actual responsibility. The City of Tustin wishes to avoid that situation with development in its hillside areas. The primary method chosen for accomplishing that goal has been to identify. · ' ' 1 1 a responsible person/entity who will be obligated to make'" interim emergency r~pai~s and stabilize any slope displacement while ultimate responsibility is being determined. The program is not intended to and does not supersede the requirement for bonds to assure performance of the grading work in accordance with approved plans and specifications or to guarantee maintenance and repair of City streets, all as set forth in Tustin City Code Section 8917(c).· Program Description 10 1. With the exception of minor grading projects 11 described in Tustin City Code Section 8914c( 4 ), an applicant 12 for a grading permit must show compliance with this Slope -- 13 Warranty Program (the "Program") prior to issuance of a grading 14 permit by the City. ~- ~ 15 2. The following slopes ("warranty slopes") will be 16 covered by the Program and identifie.d by the Planning 17 Commission as part of the grading concept approval- 18 19 20 21 23 25 26 27 a · manufactured slopes equal to or greater than five (5) feet in vertical height and having an average slope at or steeper than four (4) horizontal to one (1) vertical foot but not to exceed two to one; and other manufactured slopes which, in the judgment of the Planning Commission should be included in the slope warranty program because of the existence of a substantial risk to public improvements or the property of another party in the event of a slope failure. 28 WOODRUFF 'ORNI:'Y$ AT LAW ORANGE 1 c. an individual lot owner who is building.on a custom 2 lot or a single-family homeowner may be exemp't from 3 this Program if the Planning Commission, for good 4 cause shown and upon making both of the findings set 5 forth below, exempts from this Program those warranty 6 slopes which, in the judgment of the Planning ~ Commission- . 8 (i) do not pose a r~sk of harm to public 9 improvements 10 (ii) do not pose a risk of harm to the property of 11 another party. 12 In. making such determination the Planning Commission -- 13 shall consider, among other things, the proximity of 14 the proposed manufactured slopeis) to public 15 improvements and the proximity of the propbsed 16 manufactured slope(s) to adjacent real property and 17 structures (including proposed structures). ].8 3. As a condition to issuance of any grading permit that 19 will involve the creation or alteration of any warranty slopes, 20 the landowner shall deliver to the City a written agreement 21 (the "Repair Agreement") that the landowner shall undertake, or 22 cause to be undertaken, interim emergency repairs of any "slope 23 displacement" occurring within five (5) years of the '" 24 certification of completion of the grading work for the slope 25 unless the Repair Agreement is earlier terminated as described ~6 in this Program. The~ phrase "slope displacement,, shall mean 27 the following- a. 6 b. Displacement of soil on a warranty slope .at a depth Of two fee-~'"or more (measured at right angles to the slope face), with vertical movement of one foot or more, regardless of cause, and regardless of the square footage involved, or Displacement of S0il on a warranty slope with vertical movement of one foot or more and involving an area of at least 900 square feet, regardless of depth and regardless of cause· 10 Slope displacement does not include surface cracking or 11 fissures, erosion (unless erosion ultimately results in slope displacement ) or displacement of soil caused solely by -- 13 earthquake or seismic activity' 14 4. Any Repair Agreement s,h. all be terminated in whole 15 in part, as applicable, by- 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 a · City's issuance of a subsequent grading permit for any warranty slope (which shall require prior compliance with this Program), except where Section 9(c) applies. In the event the Repair Agreement covers more than one (1) slOpe, a subsequent grading permit will terminate the repair obligations 9nly as to the slopes or portions thereof affected by the subsequent permit, or 24 b. City approval of a substitute Repair Agreement, in 25 accordance with Sections 6 or 9(a). -. City shall give written notice of such termination to the obligor under the Repair Agreement. · , K£ ~ ~OODRUFF )RNEYS AT LAW ORANGE 1 5. Upon the formation of a homeowners' association charged c by the CC&R's with the responsibility for maintaining and ,~ rep~iir.[llg tile warranty SlODeS, 4 Agreement and security is provided by the homeowners' . associatiog, directly to the City as set forth in Section 6, the 6 obligations under Repair Agreement(s) covering the same slopes''" ? shall continue, but-the obligation thereunder to make emergency 8 repairs in the event of a slope displacement shall be secondary 9 to the obligation of-the homeowners' association to undertake 10 that repair, and shall operate in the' same manner as a 11 performance bond or similar security for the .obligation of the,.. 12 homeowners' association to undertake such repairs. In the 15 event a homeowners' association is unable or unwilling to 14 perform the repair in a timely, manner, city shall provide 15 written notice to the obligor under the applicable Repair 16 Agreement of'its obligation to perform the Agreement The time · · . 17 specified for performance shall be thirty (30) days, unless 18 City determines, in its discretion, that the slope displacement · poses a substantial risk of harm to public or private improvements, in which event a shorter time frame for action may be specified. 6. Any Repair Agreement with a homeowners' association ; or by any person or entity having a net worth of $1,000,000.00 or less, as determined by City pursuant to Section ?, shall be secured in one of the following ways, at the election of the association or landowner. Such agreement and the security therefor shall 'be subject to the approval of the Director of ~K~ ~ WOOI~RUFF 'ORN£YS AT LAW ORANG~" 7 8 9 lO 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~0 21 · o5 25 27 28 :3RNI='Y$ AT I,.A~V ORANGE Community Deb opment and the City Attorney. a · b· c · de delivery of a bond or bonds by one or more duly authorized corporate securities, in an amount equal . . to fifty-five cents ($0.55) per Square foot of warranty slope face, but in no event more than $100,000 (the "Security Amount"). The bond shall name the City as a beneficiary and shall include reasonable costs and expenses, including attorneys fees, incurred by City to"enforce the obligations of the agreement .... deposit of an amount of money equal to the Security Amount with the City or a City-designated escrow agent or trust c~Dmpany; deliverY of an irrevocable letter of credit payable to City in the Securit'~ Amount issued by a financial institution(s) subject to regulation by the state or · fed'eral government; · , delivery of a performance guaranty in a form approved by the City Attorney, executed by a person or entity having a net worth exceeding $1,000,000.00, as determined by City pursuant to ·Section ? below, and who is' (i) a legal or equitable owner of' the land containing the warranty slopes, (ii) a developer or '" subdivider of such land, or (iii) a person or entity who is a joint venturer or venture partner in any such owner, developer or subdivider. Such person or entity shall agree to perform the obligations of the homeowners, association in the event that the e. 10 homeowners' association is unwilling or unable to perform. The performance guaranty shall provide for the award of City's reasonable costs and expenses, including attorneys fees, in the event the guarantor . . fails to perform and the City shall be entitled to · , seek specific performance and/or damages pursuant to CCP Sections 638, et seq.; or Written proof to the satisfaction of City of the # establishment of a separate slope maintenance and repair reserve by the homeowners, association equal to the Security Amount. 1~ 7. In determining whether any person or entity has a net 13 worth exceeding $1,000,000-.00 as provided in paragraph 6 above, 14 the Director of Community Development may rely upon a · . 15 declaration made under penalty of perjury executed by such 16 person, or an officer of the entity, to the effect that the 17 person or entity is worth more than $1,000,000 in real or 18 personal property, over and above all debts and liabilities. 19 In addition to the penalties for perjury, it shall be a 20 misdemeanor for any person to deliver to the City a declaration -21 that is untrue, and the City shall be entitled to recover... treble its damages incurred as a consequence of a delivery to - ~o3 it of a false declaration. The declaration shall include the 24 following acknowledgement, in bold-faced type, of this ~o5 provision of this slope warranty program- 26 "IT IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED AND UNDERSTOOD THAT THE 27 CITY INTENDS AND WILL RELY UPON THE ACCURACY OF WOODRUFF 9 10 11 1 5 ALL STATm.,£NTS CONTAINED IN THIS DECLARATION. THE DECLARATION FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGES, UNDERSTANDS AND ACCEPTS THAT,. IN ADDITION TO THE PENALTY OF PERJURY, IT IS A MISDEMEANOR FOR ANY pERSON TO DELIVER TO THE CITY A DECLARATION THAT IS UNTRUE, AND THAT THE CITY SHALL BE ENTITLED TO RECOVER FROM DECLARANT AND THE ENTITY ON WHOSE BEHALF THIS DECLARATION IS EXECUTED, TREBLE ITS DAMAGES INCURRED AS A CONSEQUENCE OF A:DELIVERY TO IT OF A FALSE DECLARATION." 8. A Repair Agreement with any person or entity exempted 12 under Sections 6 and ? from providing security shall provide that City shall be entitled to specific performance and/or 13 , damages pursuant to CCP Sections 638 et seq,, 14 and that City 15 shall also be entitled to its '~easonable costs and expenses, including attorneys fees in the event the landowner fails to 16 ' ' 17 perform and City is forced to seek specific performance or perform the repair itself. 18 19 2O 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9. No individual lot owner will be issued a permit to grade a warranty slope during the warranty period unless- (a) the owner provides a substitute Repair Agreement, with adequate security, as described in Section 6; or (b) delivers to the City a written guarantee from the slope warrantor and its'" surety that ~uch grading will not terminate the warranty; or (c) the grading is otherwise exempted front this program. In the case of (c), City shall first demand that any slope displacement be repaired by the lot owner. Any substitute'" warranty security or....guarantee shall be subject to. approval of WOODRUFF ORANGE 1 the Director..of Community Development and the City Attorney. ~ 10 Any warranty provided under this Program represents 3 a commitment to make emergency repairs as reasonably required 4 by the City to stabilize the slope and prevent further 5 displacement, and is not a commitment to undertake a comDlete 6 and final restructuring and repair of the slope displacement.,,,. ? Any repair work undertaken under this Program shall not be an 8. admission of ultimate liability fo~ the slope repairs. The 9 person or entity performing repair work as required by this 10 Pro§ram shall be entitled to recover the costs incurred in such 11 perfOrmance from the person or persons ultimately found to be .. 12 liable for the slope displacement. -- 11. This slope warranty program only deals with the 14 obligations owing to the City. ~ny person §lying a warranty to 15 the City under the slope warranty program may privately 16 contract with another party to be held'harmless from and 17 against the liabilities created, although the City shall not be 18 required to release the warrantying party. 19 2O 21 22 LEJ'lw'R'9/27/89(18) 23 25 26 27 28 WOODRUFF ,ORN~:¥$ AT LAW ORANGE