HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 3 Z.C. AMEND 89-01 11-06-89TO: FROM: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 89-01 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council take the following actions: i · Certify the Final Negative Declaration for the project, as adequate by adoption of Resolution No. 89-162. · M. O.: Waive further reading and have first reading of Ordinance No. 1035 for Zoning Code Amendment 89-01 by title only. · M. O.: Introduce that Ordinance No. 1035 f~r Zoning Code Amendment 89-01. BACKGROUND At their regular meeting on October 23, 1989, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2690, recommending approval to the City Council of Zoning Code Amendment 89-01 and Resolution No. 2691 conditionally approving Use Permit 89-35, a proposal to allow an automotive service and repair business at 14401 Franklin Avenue. The applicant is requesting amendment of Section VI.C of the Planned Community Industrial District for the Irvine Industrial Complex to add automotive service and repair as a conditionally permitted use. The applicant's current operation is located at f122 E1 Camino'Real and is scheduled to be utilized by Cal Trans for improvements to the Interstate 5 freeway. Cal Trans has scheduled the building to be abandoned by November 8, 1989. Staff has worked with the applicant to facilitate review by both the Planning Commission and the City Council. The applicant proposes to locate its operation (Volvotech) at 14401 Franklin Avenue. Since "Automotive Service and Repair" is not a permitted use in the Planned Community Industrial District for the Irvine Industrial Complex, a change in existing district standards was needed. As previously mentioned, the Planning Commission approved Use Permit 89-35 subject to City Council approval of the Zoning Code City Council Report. , Zoning Code Amendment 8~ -01 November 6, 1989 Page two A copy of the October 23 1989 Planning Commission Staff Report for Conditional Use Permit , 89-35 and Zoning Code Amendment 89-01 is attached. A public hearing notice enoting the proposals, location, and time of the hearing was pub~ ~shed in the Tustin News. In addition, property owners within 300 feet of the subject property were notified of the hearin' by mail pursuant to State law. The applicant, architect, ar [ property owner were forwarded a copy of the meeting's agenda an~ staff report for this item. ANALYSIS Zoning Code Amendment Currently, there are no rovisions in the development criteria for the Irvine Industrial ( )mplex to permit automotive service and repair. Under the pe mitted use section of the development criteria "automotive rep ir" is specifically excluded as a service industry. Therefore, ~ ~ interpretative decision as to whether automotive repair is a ~ rmitted use, by right, could not be made. The zoning code amendme t, if approved, wohid amend section VI.C (permitted uses subject to conditional use permit) by adding the following: 10. "Automotive service an~ repair, not to include automotive body and paint establis ~ments and operations, provided the use occupies an entire )uilding or developable lot or parcel." The Irvine Industrial :omplex contains a number of uses and services. While automot ve repair can be seen as a less intensive use in this zone, some f its operational characteristics have potential to be offensi~. ~ in certain situations. As is evidenced by existing automotive ervice establishments, automotive repair needs are often spontane us and tend to create a continuous ingress and egress of automobi es to and from the establishment. In addition, inoperable ve .icles, service performed outside of the building, and noise, are ~11 potential problems usually encountered by such a use. Under the present City ~ oning Code, automotive repair is allowed as a conditionally perm: tted use in the C-1 (retail Commercial), C-2 (Central Commercial) an C-G (Commercial-General) districts. The use is not permitted in amy industrial zone in the City. This is, possibly, due to the risibility usually required for automotive businesses to sustain tk~ir operations. Industrial zones are not usually located along ma or arterials in the City and therefore do not provide the incent ve for automobile repair businesses to locate within them. Communi y Development Department Ci.ty Council Report Zoning Code Amendment 89-01 November 6, 1989 Page three The specific language proposed in the requested amendment addresses concerns of both the Irvine Company and staff. Since many existing sites in the Irvine Industrial Complex contain large single tenant developments, there was a concern about the potential for existing businesses to section off a portion of their buildings for "mini tenant" uses, since automotive uses have some environmental concerns, there was a desire to protect the integrity of other types of uses. By adding the requirement that automotive uses occupy an entire building or developable lot or parcel, the City will be assured that individual automotive tenants will have to be concentrated and be able to locate on the same site as non-related businesses therefore maintaining the integrity of the individual non-automotive tenants. Because of the environmental problems associated with automotive body and paint establishments this type of automotive service and repair has also been specifically excluded from the amendment. By providing automotive service and.rePair as a conditionally permitted use, such establishments that desire an industrial park type of setting can be given an opportunity to be considered on a case by case basis while not locking the City into requiring such use as an· outright permitted use. The conditional use permit process also enables staff to address all issues of each individual' establishment in order to determine if the use is appropriate for a specific location. CONCLUSION The Planning Commission reviewed the issues associated with the proposed project and determined that the Zoning Code Amendment is in general conformance with the goals and objectives of the Irvine Industrial Complex, and therefore has recommended that the City Council approve Zoning Code Amendment 89-01 as identified in attached Ordinanc~o. 1035. Chris~o.~her E_~a~j~~ C~e A~~. S~ ASSOCiatePlanhercksOn' Director of Communit~Development CEJ:CAS:kbc Attachments: P.C. staff report for ZCA 89-01, and CUP 89-35 P.C. Resolutions 2690 and 2691 City Council Resolution No. 89-162 Ordinance No. 1035 ,Community Development Department ' . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 15 16 17 18 i9 ~0 ~3 ~4 25 ~6 27 ~8 RESOLUTION NO. 89-162 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF TUSTIN CERTIFYING THE FINAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION AS ADEQUATE FOR ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 89-01 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 89- 35 INCLUDING REQUIRED FINDINGS PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: ae The request to approve Zoning Code Amendment 89-01 and Conditional Use Permit 89-35 are' considered "projects" pursuant to the terms of the California Environmental Quality Act. Be A Negative Declaration has been prepared for this project and has been distributed for public review. Ce Whereby, the Planning Commission and City council of the city of Tustin have considered evidence presented by the Community Development Director and other interested parties with respect to the subject Negative Declaration. De The Planning Commission and the City Council have evaluated the proposed final Negative Declaration and determined it to be adequate and complete. II. A Final Negative Declaration has been completed in compliance with CEQA and State guidelines. The Planning Commission, having recommended authority over Zoning Code .Amendment 89-01 and approval authority over Conditional Use Permit 89-35, and the City Council with approval authority over Zoning Code Amendment 89-01 have received and considered the information contained in the Negative Declaration prior to reviewing the proposed project and found that it adequately discussed the environmental effects of the proposed project. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12. 13 14 15 ltl 17 18 i9 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -Resolution No. 89-162 Page two On the basis of the initial study and comments received during the public review process, the Planning Commission and the City Council have found that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on it in this case because mitigation measures identified in the Negative Declaration have been incorporated into the project which mitigate any potential significant environmental effects to a point where clearly no significant effect would occur and are identified in Exhibit A to the attached Negative Declaration and initial study and are adopted as findings and conditions of Resolution No. 2691 and Ordinance No. 1035 . incorporated herein by reference. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the day of , 1989. URSULA E. KENNEDY, Mayor MARY WYNN, City Clerk 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 19 ~0 23 24 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 1035 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 611, THE PLANNED COMMUNITY DISTRICT REGULATIONS FOR THE TUSTIN/IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX TO ADD AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE AND REPAIR AS A PERMITTED USE IN THE INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL CONDITIONAL USE DESIGNATION SUBJECT TO A USE PERMIT The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby ordain as follows: 1. The City Council hereby finds and determines: at That a proper application (Zoning Amendment 89-01) has been filed on behalf of Volvotech for the purpose of amending the Planned Community District Regulations for the Tustin/Irvine Industrial Complex to permit automotive service and repair subject to a use permit. be That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application on November 6, 1989. Ce That an Environmental Impact Report was previously certified for this industrial complex and a Negative Declaration has been prepared in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act for this specific code amendment. d® Than the amendment would be consistent with the General Plan in that the General Plan recommends that industrial areas be preserved and protected against encroachments of conflicting and non- compatible land uses and automotive service and repair uses are not incompatible with existing uses currently permitted in the PC District. ee That said amendment will not affect public health and safety as said uses are only permitted by application and approval of a conditional use permit. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 i9 ~0 23 24 ~5 26 ~7 28 Ordinance No. 1035 Page two · The City Council does hereby amend Ordinance No. 611, the Planned Community District Regulations for the Irvine Industrial Complex to as follows: Section Vl.C entitled "Permitted Uses Subject to Conditional Use Permit" (page 13 ) is amended to added item 10 to read: 10. Automotive service and repair, not to include automotive body and paint establishments and Operations, provided the use occupies an entire building or developable lot or parcel. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the day of 1989. MARY WYNN, City Clerk URSULA E. KENNEDY, Mayor epor to 'Planning Commission Item No. 3 DATE: SUB,1ECT: APPLICANT: ONNER: LOCATION: ZONING: · · 'NV I RONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: OCTOBER 23, 1989 ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 89-01, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 89-35, AND VARIANCE 89-07 BRIAN BENNETT 1122 EL CAMINO REAL TUSTIN, CA 92680 IVAN HALAS 6341 VIA COLINITA RANCHO PALOS VERDE, CA 90274 14401 FRANKLIN AVENUE PLANNED COMMUNII~ INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, IRVINE INDUS'TRIAL COMPLEX A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALII~ ACT A REQUEST TO AMEND SECTION VI.C. OF THE PLANNED COMMUNITY INDUSTRIAL .DISTRICT FOR THE IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX TO ADD AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE AND REPAIR AS A CONDITIONALLY PERMII'~ED USE' AND A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE AND REPAIR, AND A VARIANCE TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF REQUIRED PARKING SPACES FRDM 54 SPACESTO 32 SPACES AT THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. RECOFd4ENDATXON It is .recommended tha~ the Planni'ng Commission: e Certify the Final Negative Declaration for the project as adequate by adoption of Resolution No. 2689; Recommend. to the city Council approval of Zoning Code Amendment 89-01 by adoption of Resolution No. 2690; ® Approve Conditional Use Permit 89-35 by adoption of Resolution No. 2691 as submitted or revised. , , Community Development Department P l anning Commi sslon Repor~ Zoning Code Amendment 89-01 3ctober 23, 1989 ?age two BACKGROUND On February 4, 1974 the City Council adopted Ordinance 611 which rezoned the subject property as well as surrounding properties from Planned Community Residential to Planned Community Industrial and adopted the Irvine Industrial Complex, Planned Community District Regulations which govern permitted and conditionally permitted uses as well as development standards. On June 2, 1980 the City CounCil approved an amendment to Ordinance 611 to provide for "Neighborhood Commercial" uses subject to the location of such structures gaining approval of a conditional use permit. Since this amendment, no other amendments have been applied. The applicant is requesting to amend SeCtion VI.C of the Planned Community Industrial District for the Irvine Industrial Complex to add automotive service and repair as a conditionally permitted use. In the event the amendment is recommended to the City Council, the applicant further requests approval of a conditional use permit to allow his automotive service (Volvotech} to locate in the Irvine Industrial Complex at 14401 Franklin Avenue. The original ~pp!ication included a request for a variance to reduce the number of required Parking spaces from'54 spaces to 32 spaces. T~'is aspect of the project has been resolved and a variance is no longer required and therefore has been withdrawn. The applicant's current operation is located at 1122 E1 Camino Real and is scheduled to be utilized by Ca'l Trans for improvements to the Interstate 5 freeway. Cal Trans has scheduled the building to be abandoned by November 8, 1989. The subject site is approximately 1.1 acres in size and located on Franklin Avenue midway between Chambers Road and Michelle Drive. The site is fully developed with a 24,000 square foot building and parking for 41 parking spaces (33 compact spaces, seven regular spaces, and one handicapped space) as currently striped. The building was previously utilized by Pacific Telephone for executive parking. Surrounding uses include L.H. Research and Cal Tech Cabinets to the east, a vacant bu-ilding to the sou,th, a vacant building to the west, and vacant property to the north. A .public hearing notice denoting the proposals, location, and time of the hearing was published in the Tustin News. In addition, property owners within 300 feet of the subject property were notified of the hearing by mail pursuant to State law. The applicant, architect, and property owner were forwarded a copy of the meeting's agenda and staff report for this item. ..... Community Development Department Planning Commission Repor~ Zoning Code Amendment 89-01 ' October'23, 1989 ?age three ANALYSIS Zoning ~ode A.me,nment Currently, there are no provisions in the development criteria for the Irvine Industrial Complex to permit automotive service and repair. Under the permitted use section of the development criteria "automotive repair" is specifically excluded as a service industry. Therefore, an interpretative decision as to whether automotive repair is a permitted use, by right, cou'ld not be made. The zoning code amendment, if approved, would amend section VI.C (permitted uses subject to conditional use permi, t) by adding the following: 10. Automotive service and repair, not to include automotive body and paint establishments and operations, provided the use occupies an entire bui.lding or developable lot or parcel. The Irvine Industrial Complex contains a number of uses and services. While automotive repair can be seen as a less 'intensive use in this zone, some of its operational · characteristics have potential to be offensive in certain situations. As is evidenced by existing a.utomotive service establishments, automotive repair needs are often spontaneous .and tend to create a continuous ingress and egress of automobiles to and from the-establishment. In addition, inoperable vehicles, service performed outside of the building, and noise, are all potential problems usually encountered by such a use. Under the present City Zoning Code, automotive repair is allowed as a conditionally permitted use in the C-1 (Retail Commercial), C-2 {Central Co.mmercial), and C-G (Commercial-General) districts. The use is not permitted in any industrial zone in the City. This is, possibly, due to the visibility usually required for automotive businesses to sustain their operations. Industrial zones are not usually located along major arterials in the City and therefore do not provide the incentive for automobile repair businesses to locate within them. By providing automotive service and repair as a conditional.ly permitted use, 'it does give opportunities for establishments that desire this type of .setting to be considered while not locking the City into permitting such use. Additionally, it will enable staff to address all issues of each individual establishment in order to determine if the use is appropriate for a specific 1 ocati on. In addition to the zoning code amendment, the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CCR's) must also be addressed. Currently, no (CCR's) provisions for automotive repair exist in the Irvine Industrial Complex. These CCR's, unlike most, set forth uses which are permitted in the complex. While this document is a legal instrument which has been used to control, uses in the complex this has been an instrument used by the Association and the City is not obligated to administer CC&R's. Community Development Department Planning Commission Report Zoning Code Amendment 89-01 ~ctober 23, 1989 .Jage four The Planned Community District Regulations, as adopted by the City Council, are the regulations which govern the use of property in the subject industrial 'complex. Whether the instrument was modified to reflect current uses has yet to be determined, however, staff has strongly suggested that the applicant seek to have the document reflect any changes which may be implemented by this app 1 i cati on. CONDITIONAL USE PEI~IIT ii i Should the zoning code amendment be recommended to the City Council, the applicant has requested approval of a "conditional use permit" to permit an automotive service and repair business (Volvotech) at 14401 Franklin Avenue. The applicant proposes to remodel an existing 24,000 square foot industrial building to accommodate 16,560 square feet of automobile service shops and 2,400 square feet of office space. Si.re improvements include adding two {2) roll-up doors on the north side of the building for egress purposes only, enhancement of the existing landscaping, and restriping of the parking spaces. Presently, the parking configuration is in confl'ict with the Tustin Parking Standards in that all but 8 spaces are substandard compact spaces. The code provides that a ~aximum of 20% of the spaces may be comp. act wi th- DirectOr of Com. munity Jevelopment approval. No such approval for changes to the parking configuration are on file. Building modifications include interior partitions for a potential of 3 automobile service tenants. However, the applicant has conveyed that his operation will occupy units "C" and ."D", while unit "E" would be reserved for an additional automobile service tenant. The applicant also proposes to provide new store fronts with awnings on all car entrances on the south side of the bull ding. Zoning Requirements - Because the building is existing, the development criteria in terms of building location, configuration and setbacks have already been satisfied. The landscaping in general is in good condition and with the applicant's modifications, will be a welcome addition to the site in relationship with the physical environment which currently exists. The proposed development plans would not change any of the existing setbacks. Driveways are allowed to encroach into setbacks per the parking and landscaping code of the City of Tusttn. ' ~-' The Irvine'Industrial Complex Development Standards do not include parking standards for automotive service and repair. Staff, in its review of appropriate parking standards to utilize, referred to the C-1 (retail commercial) district. The C-1 district provides parking standards for auto service and storage at a ratio of 1 sp. ace per 500 square feet of floor area. 'Jtilizlng the above formula, the City Code would require a minimum of 43 spaces. The required parking summary is provided below- Auto Service: 16,560 x 1/500 : 33.12 Office: 2,400 x 1/250 = 9.60 ~ of 43 total spaces Community Development Department Planning Commission Repor~ Zoning Code Amendment 89-01 October 23, 1989 Page fi ve The site, as presently striped, does not comply with the parking design layout as specified in the City Parking and Landscaping Development Standards as the majority of the spaces are substandard compact spaces. Proposed development plans reflect the original parking layout from which the findings of this report have been drawn. The applicant is aware that the spaces will have to be brought into conformance as a condition of this application. The site provides for a total of 32 parking spaces (1 handicapped, and 31 standard parking stalls). The applicant has reserved 12 employee parking spaces inside the building. This results in a total of 44 parking spaces which exceeds the amount required by an application of the City Code by one space. In essence, the auto service parking ratios are identical to the manufacture, research and assembly parking requirements (two spaces per 1000 square feet of gross floor area). Archtte~cture -Modifications to the existing architecture include new awnings (vhich are proposed to be of a canvas material without any exterior illumination to denote car entryways on the south side of the building. Conditions which orohibit illumination 'and signage on the awnings have been involved in Exhibit A of Resolution 2691 (attached). The color of the canvas awning has not been selected to date, but will be reviewed during the design review process. This proposes no problems to the character of the building or its surroundings. Landscaping- The applicant proposes to provide mature palm trees along side of the new awnings to further define entryways and provide additional character to the building. A.total of ten (10) to twelve (12) new trees are proposed to be added to the site. Additionally, the applicant will be .replacing dead or dying vegetation on the site. Approximately 1,500 square feet of landscaping, which is totally made up of sodded turf, is proposed to be removed to provide the egress on the north side of the building. Appropriateness of Use - Since the industrial park is removed from residential neighborhoods, that in itself provides a buffer between incompatible uses. Proposed plans identify hours of operation-from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, with selected hours on Saturday and the operation is closed on Sunday. Provided that the operational standards set forth in the conditions of approval can be satisfied and maintained, the proposed use would be an appropriate use in this i.ndustrial area. VARIANCE After the official notice had been referred for publishing, staff was able to work with the applicant to make provisions in his development for the addition of the remaining required parking spaces on the site. The applicant provided 12 spaces inside the existing building. Since this area can not be counted in calculation for parking because it is parking, this resulted in a net reduction of automotive service square footage. Therefore, the applicant wishes to withdraw the application for a variance. Community Development Department Planning Commission Report Zoning Code Amendment 89-01 3ctober 23, 1989 ?age six CONCLUSION iii i The proposed improvements to the site would allow for provisions to provide approximately 16,560 square feet of automotive service inside of a 24,000 square foot existing building. The proposed use, as conditioned, would be compatible with adjacent uses and comply with the Irvine Industrial Complex Regulations. The zoning code amendment would provide-for automotive service uses to be a conditionally permitted use within this industrial complex provided they do not include auto body and paint operations and they occupy a entire building or developable site. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission certify the Final Negative Declaration for the project as adequate by adoption of Resolution No. 2689, recommend approval of Zoning Code Amendment 89-01 to the City Council, by adoption of Resolution No. 2690 as submitted or revised, and approve Conditional Use Permit 89-35 by' adoption of Resolution No. 2691 as submitted or revised. Jhristo~her E. Ja Assoclal~e Planner kson, Christine A. Shlngleton, Director of Community Devel°pment CEJ:CAS:kbc Attachments: Site Plan/Elevation Negative Declaration Resolution No.s 2689, 2690, and 2691 Community Development Department III 1 r 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 1.4 15 16 17 18 i9 20 23 ~6 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2689 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CERTIFYING THE FINAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION AS ADEQUATE FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 89-35 INCLUDING REQUIRED FINDINGS PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows' I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows' A. The request to approve Conditional Use Permi: 89-35 is considered "project" pursuant to the terms of the California Environmental Quality Act. B. A Negative Declaration has been prepared for this project and has been distributed for public review. C. D. Whereby, the Planning Commission of the City of Tustln has considered evidence presented by the Community Development .Director and other interested parties with respect to the subject Negative Declaration. The Planning Commission has evaluated ~ the proposed final Negative Declaration an~ determined it' 'to be adequate and complete. II. A Final Negative Declaration has been completed in compliance with CEQA and State guidelines. ' The Pla6ning Commission, having final approval authority over Conditional Use Permit 89-35, and the Community Development Department having final approval authority over Design Review has received and considered the information contained in the Negative Declaration prior to approving the proposed project and found that it adequately discussed the environmental effects of the proposed project. On the basis of the initial study and comments received during the public review process, the Planning Commission has found that al though the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect on it in this case because mitigation measures identified in the Negative Declarati°n have .been incorporated into the project which mitigate any potential significant environmental effects to a point where clearly no significant effect would occur and are identified in Exhibit A to the attached Negative Declaration and initial study and are. adopted as findings of Resolution No. 2691, incorporated herein by reference. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the day of __~, 1989. Pen~t- Faley Recording Secretary [~Ti ~ ~k~e- Pant~u~~ -- C ha I rrna n 1 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 · 17 18 19 20 21 , 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2690 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 89-01, TO ALLOW AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE AND REPAIR AS A CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED USE IN THE PLANNED COMMUNITY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (PC) REGULATIONS FOR THE TUSTIN/I RVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX The Planntng Commission of the City of Tustin, California does hereby resolve as follows' 1. The Planning Commission finds and determines that' Ae The Planned Community Industrial District (PC) does not currently list automotive service and repair uses as a permitted use subject to a Conditional Use Permit. B. The proposed Amendment would be consistent with the.General Plan in that the General Plan recommends, that industrial areas be preserved and protected against encroachments of conflicting and non-compatible land uses and automotive service and repair uses are not incompatible with existing uses currently permit%ed in the PC District. · C. That' the approval of this amendment would not permit by right automotive service and repair uses in other industrial districts. D. The proposed land use would not represent an incompatible land use in the PC Industrial District or in the area surrounding the PC Industrial District. E® The requirement 'to obtain a Conditional Use'Permit will provide the ability to mitigate any potential impacts of an automotive service and repair use in the PC Industrial District through imposition of the conditions that could be imposed on individual applications. 1 3 4 6 7 .8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~3 ~4 25 26 27 28 ~esolution No. 2690 ~age two II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment 89-01 which would amend Ordinance Ne. 611, Section VI.C of the Planned Community District Regulations as follcws: 10. Automotive service and repatr,-not to include automotive body and paint establishments and operations, provided the use occupies an entire building or developable lot or parcel. ~ASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the. Planning Commission held on :he day of , 1989. L"~[~E-PbNTiOUS .... Chairman FOLEY, Secretary 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~0 Ill 22 1!3 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2691 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 89-35, AUTHORIZING ESTABLISHMENT OF A 16,560 SQUARE FEET AUTOMOBILE SERVICE SHOP LOCATED AT 14401 FRANKLIN AVENUE. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: Ae That a proper application, (Use Permit No. 89-35) has been filed on behalf of Volvotech Automotive Service to authorize establishment of a 16,560 square foot automobile service shop on the property located at 14401 Franklin Avenue and described as Lot 38 of Tract 8590. Be That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application on October 23, 1989. C. That establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, 'morals, comfort, cr · general welfare of the'persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings: ® The use applied for is a con(titionally permitted use within the Planned Community Industrial District of the Irvine Industrial Complex. The use applied for is consistent with the Industrial Land Use Designation of the City's General Plan. De As conditioned, the use will not pose a threat to surrounding uses which are typically more intense than automotive service. A Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance wi'th the California Environmental Quality Act. 1 3 4 $ 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 . 18 19 ~0 ~3 ~4 26 27 ~8 Resolution No. 2691 Page two II. The Planning Commission hereby approves Conditional Use Permit 89-35 to authorize establishment of a 16,560 square automobile service shop, subject to the conditions contained in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the day of , 1989. Chairman 1)l~NN I= FOLEY~=~ - Recording Secretary RESOLUTION 2691 EXHIBIT A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERNIT 89-35 GENERAL (1) 1.1 The proposed project shall substantially conform with the submitted site plan for the project date stamped October 23, 1989 on file with the Community Development Department, as herein modified, or as modified by the Director of Community Development in accordance with this exhibit. (1) 1.2 Unless otherwise specified, all conditions contained in this exhibit shall be complied with prior to the issuance of a building permit for the project, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. 1.3 Use permit approval shall become null and void unless all building permits for modifications to the existing building are issued within one year of the date on this Resolution and substantial construction is underway. · (1) 1.4 The applicant shall sign and *return an Agreement to Conditions Imposed form prior to the issuance of any building permits. ~LAN SUBH ITTAL (3) (3) 2.1 At design review/building plan check, submit three sets of construction level plans as follows: A. COnstruction plans sh~ll indicate the type of construction and group of occupancy of units E, D, and C. These units shall be mechanically ventilated per requirements of the Uniform Building Code. B. Speclfy the fire-resistance of the occupancy separation and protection of openings between Units C, 0 and E and their respective office areas. SOURCE CODE S (1) STANDARD CONDITION (2.) ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION (3) UNIFORM BUILDING CODE/S (4) DESIGN REVIEW *** EXCEPTION (5) SPECIFIC PLAN (6) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREMENT (7) LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (8) PC/CC/ POLICY Resolution No. 2691 Exhlbi t A Oage two (3) c. (3) D. If a portion or portions of the building is demised for a similar occupancy, i shall be required that approved egress, electrical service, ant restrooms (complying with the State Handicapped Regulations) ~e provided for the remaining portion or portions of the building. All construct on shall be in accordance with applicable Building and Fire Codes ir ~luding installation of a commercial fire extinguishing system. Sa~i construction would be inspected by the Community Development £ :partment and Fire Department during construction and prior to proj' ct final. OPERATIONAL STANDARDS *** 3.1 All mechanical wo ( shall take place entirely within the building. No vehicle repairs s~ ll take place in any parking space or drive aisle. *** 3.2 All vehicles that are not being worked on within the building shall be parked onqy .with ~ designated marked parking spaces. Absolutely no parking shall be ermitted in front, of the roll up 'doors or any drive aisle. *** 3.3'. All inoperative ve icles shall be parked within the building. Absolutely no inoperative vel !cles shall be permitted to be parked on-site outside of the building, i cluding marked spaces. (1) 3.4 No outdoor storage or display of materials of any kind shall be permitted except as provide' for by the City's Temporary Use Permit process for speci al events. (1) 3.5 All requirements of the City's Noise Ordinance (Chapter 6 of the Municipal Code) st ll be met at all times, which, in part, requires noise levels not to exce d 60 dba. at any time. BUILDING/SITE (4) 4.1 The proposed egre~s on the north side of the building shall be clearly marked "one way" and signs to that effect shall be posted in the landscape planted along the north property line. Said sign shall be. located behind the 4 parking spaces on the north side of the building. (4) 4.2 The "exit only" dr veway width shall be a minimum of 20' and shall comply with applicable :Candards .of the City's Parking Lot and Landscaping 'Development Stand~ 'ds. 4.3 All twelve (12) ir :erior parking spaces shall be designated and utilized for employee parki )g only. No automotive repair uses shall occur in the designated parking area. Resolution No. 2691 Exhibit A Oage three BUILDING/SITE (4) 4.4 The proposed awnings shall be of a canvas or similar opaque material and shall not be illuminated from underneath. The awnings shall be maintained clean and presentable at all times. (4) 4.5 All existing parking spaces shall be re-striped to comply with the Tustin Parking Lot and Landscaping Development Standards. The applicant may apply to the Director of Community Development for compact spaces amounting to 20[ of the total required parking. Said modifications shall be shown on plans submitted for plan check. (4) 4.6 The employee parking area shall be open and accessible at all times, therefore, the pull doors shall remain open during normal operational hours. The area shall be striped and posted pursuant to the provision of the Parking and Landscaping Code. ENGINEERING (1) 5.1 Construction of a five foot wide sidewalk located adjacent to the curb w, ill. be required. A separate 24" x. 36" street improvement plan will be required showing this construction along with all above ground obstructions. The sidewalk shall flare out around these obstructions. This construction will require some regrading of the existing landscape berm. · LANDSCAPING (1) 6.1 Submit at plan check, complete detailed landscaping and irrigation plans for all modification to existing landscape areas consistent with adopted City of Tustin Landscaping and Irrigation Submittal Requirements. Provide a summary table applying indexing identification to plant materials in their actual location. The plan and table shall list botanical and common names, sizes, spacing, actual loction and quantity of the plant materials proposed. Show planting details, soil preparation, staking, etc. The irrigation plan shall show location and control of backflow prevention devices, pipe size, sprinkler types, spacing and coverage. Details for all equipment shall be provided. Show all. property lines on the landscaping and irrigation plans, public right-of-way areas, sidewalk widths, parkway areas, and wall locations. The Department of Community Development may request minor substitutions of plant materials or request additional sizing or quantity materials during plan check. Note. on landscaping plan that adequacy of coverage of landscaping and irrigation materials and replacement of existing landscaping in poor condition with new landscaping is subject to field inspection at project completion by the Department of Community Deve 1 opme n t. R&solution No. 2691 Exhibit A Oage four SIGNS (1) 7.1 All signage shall be subject to a separate permit and shall be developed in accordance with the Irvine Industrial Complex District Regulations. 7.2 No sign copy shall be permitted on the proposed canvas awnings. FEES (6) 8.1 Prior to the issuance of any building permits, payment shall be made of all required fees including, but not limited to- A® All applicable plan check and building permit fees to the Community Development Department. Co' CITY OF TUSTIN ~ity Development Department ENVIRONMENTAL INITIAL STUDY FORM 1. Name of Proponent Volvote~h Automax Center Address and Phone Number of Proponent 1122 E1 Camino Re~l~ Tustin CA, 92680 (714) 544-9000 (Brian Bennett) I!. 3. Date of Checklist Submitted October 23~ 1989 ~. Agency Requiring Checklist City of Tustin $. Name of Proposal, if applicable Zoning Code Amandment 89-01, Conditional Use Permit 89-35, Var lance 89-07' Enviramrr~ntQi (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets.) Earth. Will the proposal result in: a. Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? b. Disruptions, displacements, compaction. or overcovering of the soil? c. Chcmge in topography or ground sur, face relief features? d. The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? e. Any increase in wind or water eros/on of sails, either on or off the site? .f.- Changes in deposition-or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, depOSition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? g. ExpOSUre of people or property to geolo- . gic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? Air. Will the proposal result in.' a. Substantial air emissions or deterioration' of ambient air quality? b. The creation of objectionable odors? c. Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, either .locally or regionally? Water. Will the proposal result in.' a. Changes in currents, or the course of di- rection of water movemenls, in either marine or fresh waters? b. Changes in absorption rates, drainage pat- terns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? c. Alterations to the course or fl;3w of flood waters? d. Change in the amount of surface water in. any water body? e. Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality~ in- cluding but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? f. Alteration of' the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? g. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or with- drawals, or through interception of an aquifer bY cuts or excavations? h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supp lies? , i. Expasum of people or property to water re- lated hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? e Se Plant Life. Will the ~r~o~i. r~ult in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or number of cr~/ species of plants (including' trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? c. Introduction of new species of plants into on area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms or insects)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered sp~:ie~ of animals? c. Infroductian of new species of animals into an area, or resui't in a bah'let lo' the migration or movement of animals? cl. Deterioration to existing fish 'or wildlife habitat? · · Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? Light croci Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? Land Use. Will the proposal result in a sub- stantial alteration of the pres¢;~t or planned land use of an area? Natural Resources. Wili'the proposal result in: a. Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? b. Substantial depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? 10. Risk of Upset. Will the proposal inveive~ a. A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticiclees, chemi~ls or radiation) in the event of an acx:ident or upset conditions? b. Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evocuatian plan? 11. Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distr, bution, density, .or growth rate of the human populatian of an area? 12. Housing. Will the proposal affect existing hous- ing, or create a demand for additional housing? ! 3. Transportatian/Circui~ian. Will the proposal result in.- a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular, movement? b. Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? c. Substantial'impact upon existing trmspor- tation systems? d. Alteratians .to present patterns of circula- tion or movement of people and/or goods.? e. Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? 14. Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered govemmental services in an), of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? Y~ X o- d. Porks or other recreational facilities? e.' Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services? 15. Energy. Will the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? b. Substantial increase in demand upon ex/st- lng SOUrces of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? 16. Utilities. Will the proposal result'in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a. Power or natural gas? b. Communications systems? c. Water? cL' Sewer or septic tanks?' e. Sterm water drainage? f. Solid waste and disposal? 17. Hurr.~ Health. Will the proposal f6sult in.' a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? 18. Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of. an aesthetically offensive site open to pul31ic view? ' 19. Recreatia~. Will the Proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? 20. Cultural Resources. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic arcfx3eologicai site? Yes >( Ye, b. Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building~ structure, . or object? c. Does the proposal have' the potential to -cause a physical change which wauld affect unique etl~mi¢ cultural valUeS? d. Will the pr~l restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? 21. Mm~iato~y Findings of Significance. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, ccuse a fish or wild- life population to drop below self sus- taining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b: Does the project' have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of .long-term, environmental gcx31s? gA short- term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) c. Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively con- siderable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) d. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? !11. Discuss/on of Environmental Evaluation IV. Determination (To be completed by the Lead A§ency) On the basi~ Of this initial evaluatiom · I find that the propos, project COULD NOT have a sig~ ;ant effect on the environment, and a. NEGATIVE DECLARATION will' be prepared. i find that although the proposed, project could have a significant effect on the environment~ there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on'on attached sheet have been 'added to. the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the 'environ- ---- ment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ' ! ! DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONKBNT~L EVALUATION ZONING ORDI~CE ~MENDMENT- 89-01 /%ND CONDITION]~ USE PERMIT 89-35 PROJECT DESCRIPTION SUPPLEHENT - The proposed project is a request for a zoning code amendment to provide for automotive service and repair as a conditionally permitted use within the Irvine Industrial Complex - East and a conditional use permit to operate an automotive service and repair on the property located at 14401 Franklin ~venue. The conditional use permit is subject to approval by the planning Commission while the zoning ordinance amendment is subject to approval by the City Council. The subject property is fully developed and is located at 14401' Franklin Avenue in an existing industrial park. Surrounding uses include a research and development building to the east, a vacant building to the south and west, and vacant property to the north. lo F~R~ - The proposed project would not result in any change to the existing earth conditions. The site is presently developed and with the exception of modifications to existing landscaping and installation of an egress only driveway on the north side Of the building, no other alterations would be made to the existing building footprint or parking lot. SOurces: City of.Tustin Community Development Department Field Observations Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None .Required. air - The proposed project would not ~esult in any degradation to the existing air quality .as there will be no emissions of polluted, contaminants into the air as a method · of operation. Sources: AQMD standards for preparing EIR documents Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. W~TER - The proposed project would not add any new impervious surfaces to the site which would effect existing drainage and run off conditions in that the existing footprint and parking lot would remain unchanged. Sources: City of Tustin Community Development Department City of Tustin Public Works Department Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. D'rscuss'rON OF EIi'VIRON~NT]tL EVi%LU~TTON ZONIN(] ORD'i'Ni~CE ]~M:ENDI~,I~ 89-01 ]tND CONDTTTO~ USE PERHTT 89-35 Page 2 · · · · PLANT LIFE - The project site presently -includes decorative landscaping as part of previous industrial development. New landscaping would be added to the site to enhance the existing landscaping in conformance with the City, s Landscaping and Irrigation Submittal Requirements. Sources: Field Observations Proposed Landscaping Plans Mitiqation Measures/Monitoring: None Require~. /~NI~ LIFE - The subject property is located within a industrial area and is free 'from any significant population of animals, fish, or wild life. Sources: Field Observations. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. NOISE - The proposed project would not add any new new noise sources into the area since the property is located in an industrial complex. There -'are no land uses. in the immediately vicinity that would be especially sensitive to noise generated by the proposed use at this location. Sources: City of Tustin Community Development Department Field Observations Mitiqation Measures/Monitoring: All development related to noise generation shall be in accordance with the City,s Noise Ordinance which, in part, limits noise generation to a maximum of 60 dba which would be verified by the Community Development Department prior to project final. LIGHT ~ND GLARE - The pr. oposed project will not replace existing parking lot lighting which would result in no net change to the existing lighting conditions on the site· Sources: City of Tustin Co~unity Development Department. Proposed Development Plans Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None required. DISCUSSION OF ENVIRON~ENT~ff., EV'ALUAT'rON ZONTNG ORDTN~a. NCE i%MENDMEHT 89-01 ia. ND CONDTT'rON~ USE PER~TT 89-35 Page 3 · · 10. 11. L~ND USE - The proposed project would be located in an existing industrial complex which provides for uses which are more intense than automotive service and repair. The zoning code amendment would allow automotive repair and service uses to be listed as a conditionally permitted use within the Irvine Industrial Complex - East. Sources: City of Tustin Community Development Department Irvine Industrial Complex Planned Community District Development Criteria Mitigation Measures/Monitorinq: None Required. N~T~ RESOURCES - The Proposed project would not result in any increased use of natural resources given the scale of the project· · Sources: City of'Tustin Community Development Department- City of Tustin Public Works Department Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. · RISK OF UPSET - The proposed project would not result in any significant risk of upset given the scale and nature of the proposed use. Proposed' building improvements would be required to satisfy the Uniform Building Code and Uniform Fire Code, including installation of a commercial fire extinguishing system. Sources: Orange County Fire Department City of Tustin Community Development Department Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: All construction shall be in accordance with applicable Building and Fire Codes including installation of a commercial fire · extinguishing system. Said construction would be inspected by the Community Development Department and Fire Department during construction and prior to project final. POPULATION -' The proposed project is a remodel of an existing facility and would not result in any direct increase in population in that no additional dwelling units would be created. This small scale project would be designed to meet the needs of the existing residents and businesses of the community. D'rSCU~S'rON OF ENV~RONMENTi~'~UI~T'rON ~ON~N~-ORD'rN~_NCE i~MENDI~ENT ~9-01 ~ COND'rT'rOlq~., USE PElleT ~9'-35 Page 4 Source: City of Tustin Community Development Department Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. 12. HOUSING - The proposed project is a commercial remodel pro~ect and would not result in any creation of new dwelling units. This small scale project would be designed to meet the needs of the existing residents and businesses of the community. Source: City of Tustin Community Development Department Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. 13. TRANS~RTATION ~ CIRCULATION - The proposed project would not add any new square footage to the site as the building is presently existing. No alterations to circulation are proposed except to provide egress out of the north side of the existing building. All required parking as required by the City,s Zoning Code would be provided. The existing street system could accommodate the proposed,project. Sources: City of Tustin Public Works Department ' .City of Tustin Community Development Department Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: Ail alterations to the site must conform to the parking and landscaping criteria of the City of TuStin. 14. PUBLIC SERVICES - Ail services are existing and are adequate to serve the proposed project. No additional public services would be required. Sources: City of Tustin Community Development Department Orange County Fire Department City of Tustin Police Department City ~f Tustin Public Works Department Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. 15. ENERGY - The proposed project' would not result in any significant change in the current use of energy given the scale of new development. Sources: City of Tustin Public Works Department Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. DTSCUSS'rON OF ENVIRONKE~A~ EV'AL~TON SO~NG-O~~CE ~~~ 89-0~ ~ ~~T~O~ USE PE~T 89-35 Page 5 16. UTILITIES - The site is located within an existing industrial area with all utilities available to the site from First Street or Tustin Avenue. The proposed project would not require any new utility service to the property. Sources: City of Tustin Public Works Department Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. 17. HUNAN ~TH - The proposed project Would not result in any effect on human health. The proposed use as an automotive service shop typically would not create conditions that negatively effect human health. Sources: City of Tustin Community Development Department Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. 18. ~ESTHETICS - The proposed project would make minor exterior modifications to elevations of the existing building which would significantly improve existing conditions on the property. 'Said exterior improvements would be subject to the City,s Design Review process to ensure architectural integrity and conformance with applicable zoning and development standards. · Sources: City of Tustin Community Development Department City of Tustin Design Review Process Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. 19. RECREATION - The proposed project would not result in the need for additional recreational opportunities. Commercial uses typically do not demand extensive recreational amenities from the community as do residential land uses. Sources: City of Tustin Community Development Department City of Tustin General Plan Land Use Element Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: None Required. 20. CULTURAL RESOURCES - The proposed project would not result in any effect on existing cultural resources in that the General · . Plan does not identify any cultural resources on this property. DZBCUSBZON OF ENVZ~~~~~TZON ZONZNG ORDZIO~CE~MENDHENT 89-01~NDCONDZTZON~LUSE PERHZT 89-35 Page 6 Sources: City of Tustin Historic Resources Survey City of Tustin General Plan Mitiqation Measures/Monitorin_~: None Required. 21. I~%ND~TORY FINDINGB OF SIG~IFICaNCI - The proposed project would amend the Irvine Industrial Complex East District Regulations to include automobile repair and service uses as a conditionally permitted use within that district and establish approximately 19,000 square feet of automobile service shops on the property located at 14401 Franklin Avenue which could have a significant effect on the environment. However, due to the project design and conditions of approval, the potential impacts would be reduced to a level where clearly no significant impact would occur. sources: As Previously Noted. CJ: kb c · Mitigation Measures/Monitoring: As Previously Noted. ·