HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 1 J.W. AIRPORT RPT 11-06-89OLD BUSINESS NO. 1 TO: FROM: SUBdEGT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MAN]%GER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEP]%RTMENT ]%IRPORT ST]%TUS REPORT: JOHN W]%YNE ]%IRPORT (JW]%) , ]%IRPORT SITE CO]%LITION (]%SC) ,. CO]%LITION FOR ]% RESPONSIBLE ]%IRPORT SOLUTION (CRAS) AND HELICOPTER OVERFLIGHTS TASK FORCE (HOTF) RECOMMENDATION Receive and file. DISCUSSION JWA - The Airport Commission review of the Phase 2 Access Plan was rescheduled to November 8th, with the Board of Supervisors hearing scheduled for November 15th. Staff will attend both hearings. ASC - The next, and perhaps last, ASC meeting has been scheduled for Saturday, November 18th a~ 8:'00 a.m. at the-University Club at U.C.I. Staff will attend and report back to Council in the December 4th status report. CRAS - Attached to this report is a memo from Kathy Weil discussing the October 23rd Board Meeting. HOTF - There is no new information to report at this time. Steve Rubin, Associate Planner Christine A. ~hingl~on, Director of Community Development SR: CAS: kbc Attachments: Memo from Kathy Weil MEMO TO: TUSTIN CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: KATHY WEIL RE: OCTOBER 23, 1989 MEETING OF "CRAS" BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sam Rake, Irvine staff member appointed as watchdog for CRAS, gave a status report of the ongoing saga of Ken Delano, ICAA, SCAG and the multi-use of E1 Toro. Ken Delano's study of the feasibility of E1 Toro should be completed by October 30. The ICAA will see the final report by Nov 18, with SCAG receiving the report by Nov 21. With Sam attending all these meetings we should have a copy of Ken's report by the November meeting of CRAS. I think it's obvious what his conclusions will be, though he will probably take a circuitous route to conclude that E1 Toro is THE site. CRAS and the Marines at E1 Toro are preparing a rebuttal though, so the fight goes on. One interesting note - on "page 4" of Ken's initial report to $CAG (copy included) - the chart reveals Ken's motives. Under Exclusive Use (Practical) - those figures (according to Sam Rake) assume the complete closure of John Wayne airport. The same is true on page 5, under E1 Toro - All Civilian. Without interference from John Wayne the skys wouldn't be nearly so crowded with aircraft. The Marine Corps will hold offcomment until the final report gets to the Airport Working Coalition. . One side note: The City of Ir-vine sent a letter to SCAG and ICAA complaining that county funds are being spent to duplicate effort that has already been done. They've received no response. Irvine has. also requested that they be given the opportunity to review Mr. Delano's findings. If you'd like to get more information on this you might call Sam Rake, at the City of Irvine at 724-6381.' 818 West Seventh Street, 12th Floor · Los Angeles, California 90017 ~J (213) 236-1800 · FAX (213) 236-1825 ]~,~I.'UTFVIr. (':C)MMI'I'! Kr h,,P'~id Count7 '~; vc...le Coumy Rob~r~ FarrHI, CYtmctlm~dl,,~, I ,,x ,\n.c¢lc.~ C,I.: nl I~n~. B¢~ch CL~rem~ ~mith. £'n,ncJm~,,&'r Lang 6c:,cn t~'dic.~ of Ri~¢r."k. t:ounty .l~ck Clarke. Rh~: r~idc C'idc~ John i e~GIk., Rialt.n In, yin Fried. Y,,,h;, l inda .{,~ki ~~. Ra,wl~, Palos Vo'dc~ ma ~ach MO~no Valley August 25, 1989 Mr. Ken'Delino Executive Director Inter-County Airport Authority 3200 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach', California 92658-8915 Dear Mr. Delino: As you know, SCAG policy directed staff to study E1 Toro and Camp Pendleton further as potential sites for commercial air operations. The two sites have been considered along with number of others by the Airport Site Consensus Team. Since E1 Toro did not rank as a finalist ~ite for study in round III, SCAG needs to assess technical work on E1 Toro to determine whether the SCAG Executive Committee policy guidance for further study has been fulfilled. In that regard, $CAG would appreciate the assistance of the Inter-County Airport ~Authority in collecting E1 Toro technical data completed to date'. The technical ~nformation should be presented under separate cover and follow the attached outline for the E1 Toro joint-use and civilian-use alternatives. upon completion, please forward one copy of the E1 Toro material to Warren Ferrell at.._t_he SCAG offices and one copy for review to A1 Beli at t'~e Planning Center. Thank you Authority. Sincerely, TIM MERWIN Aviation Program Manager Enclosure for'the assistance of the Inter-County ~irport CC: Peter Drummond ln~l~c,ial C,,,,r.,) c .k'anic Vogel..~,,p,~rv~.,.r . I os ~ngclc~ County o ~lmund Edelman..~t,pe't,'t~,r :,mi i',~rr ~ha~mm, 3(q,~t~,r. (.)r~mge Coun~, Gaddi VU.qlU,'*. ~'U~%'i~, · J~n ~anal. Mayor ~ T,',L C)l)re~n · Cdirs*of San ~,'nardi,,, C,.,umy o ~ Rhleha~ M, vor Mc, ntclair · Ch,c, ,,f Venlunl County o Frank MtI~ill. (¥,nclbtwttt~l. Oj.~ o _ ~EftT BY:NEWPOrT BSAOH -1~-~ ; 3'l~P~ ; LICENSE DIVI, ~1~ 23~ 1~2~/# ~ CIVILIAN USE OF USMAC~ EL TORO ANALYSIS AND ISSUES SCOPE OF WORK The following Scope of Work will produce, a..r_eport p~ovlding a convenient summary of the issues surrounding the subject. The report will be based primarily on existing document) and resource~ but will be asgmented with some additional research and updated graphics. Both Joint and exclusive u~e will b~ addressed throughout· .) _T_ASK ~_~ ~_D__E.S.C__R~_~.E__TH_E .FACIL. ITY ~AND ENVIRONS Provide graphics and statistics describing. b · All on bas, activities and facilities including runways, taxtways, fltght, operations, mission requirements, m~intenance facilit~ie~, hou'stn!), p~r~onnel,-,tc. Surrounding land use a and planned Including ways, transit faclliti civilian use. nO lnfra-si~ructure .both existing housing, open-space are.as, road- e~ and others inter-related to TASK 2 - ANALYiZE AIRFI.E.L.,D__I_SSUES Each of the ai rf and con the following issues r~lated to the use or operation of teld will be outlined and discussed (na more-or-less pro ~Ormat. · a, Runway utilization anU flight patterns of civilian aircraft. b. Operational and airspace conflicts between military ond civilian aircraft in a joint use situation. c. Air Space capacity and air traffic conflicts. d. Passenger capacity. e. Live ordlnance danger~. SENT BY:NEWPORT BEACH 236 1825 S C A G ~0n ~5×89 kICENSE DIVI~ 2~3 2,38 ~2~;# 3 TASK 2 (continued) t. Uavigastonal aids. g. Cost of alrsid~ improvements. TASK 3 - A,NALYZE ~,,OUNDS,iID_,E' iSSUE~S Each of the following issues related to passenger and cargo handlln: will be outlined and discussed in a more-or-less pro and con format. a. Terminal location. c, uargo f(~¢i es. d. Mass transit availability. e. Cost of groundside improvements. '._TASK,,4 - AN_ALYZE E?VIRONME~TAL I, SSU,E$ Each of the following environmental impacts will be discussed by providing both a "worst case"' unmitigated scenario and a "best case" mtttgatQU scenario: a. Aircraft noise. b. Air quality. 6. Traffic. T__ASK 5 ..- OUTL_!NE IMPL, E,MENT, AT,I, ON ISS, UES The institutional and reg version of E1 Toro to a c Primary among the issues ula%ory ~nvlronment su'rrounding con- ommercial airport will be outlined. is gainin{..access from the Federal Government which is steadfastl~ oiposeU. Additionally, potential supportmr$ and opponents will e isted including governmental jurisdictions and agencies, industry groups and citizen orgmni- zatlons. Regulatory and zonin~ requirements will be discussed. This ~ection will summarize the problems and potential ~or assembling the necessary financial and institutional wherewithal to accomplish civilian use of El'?oro. · , ! ,. , · I1 : · i ' jATTAg , .! ~.¥VONrK)J NOU. YJ.S ~ -- :. ~J T 3 Z.  UNCONSTRAINED 52% CONSTRAINED 1% <, UNCONSTRAINED 38% CONSTRAINED 0% UNCONSTRAINED 2 'NSTRAINED ~ ~ Airport Boundary ~ Terminal Ar®m 0' 5000-- IO000,FEET .MCAS El Toro (Joint Use)_" Medium Haul Candidate Site NOTE: Figure is conceptual EL TORO PASSENGER CAPACITY ASSUMPTIONS Annual Operations Capacity Joint Use 60,681 Exclusive IFR Peak Use Practical ~~'~1 117,210 153,300 MAP @ 83 pax/op 5,037,000 9,728,000 12,724,000 MAP @ 93 pax/op 5,643,000 10,900,000 14,257,000 MAP @ 100 pax/op 6,068,000 11,721,000 15,330,000 MAP @ 110 pax/op 6,675,000 12,893,000 16,863,000 MAP @ 120 pax/op 7,282,000 14,065,000 18,396,000 COMMERCIAL JET AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS JWA PHASE I Z,. 5 MAP* (EXISTING**) JWA PHASE II 8.0 MAP* ( PROJECTED*** ) HOUR DEP- 'ARR '- DEP ARR 7 - 8 AM 12 3 19 5 8 - 9 AM 6 7 9 9 9 -10 AM 4 3 6 5 10 -11 AM 4 6 6 10 11 -12 AM 6 8 10 12 12 - 1 PM 5 3 8 5 1 - 2 PM 4 6 - 6 .......... 10 2 - 3 PM 7 3 11 5 .... 3- 4 PM 5 6 8 10 4 -'5 PM 6 6 10 10 5 - 6 PM 6 5 10 8 6 - 7 PM ' 6 4 10 6 7 - 8 PM 5 8 8 13 . 8 - 9 PM 5 8 8 13 9 -10 PM 6 8 10 13 10 -11 PM 0 3 0 5 Total 87 87 139 139 EL TORO ALL CIVILIAN (PROJECTED) ~EP ARR 28 8 15 15 10 8 10 16 15 18 12 8 10 16 15 8 12 16 15 16 15 12 15 9 12 20 12 20 14 20 0 0 210 210 Annual Ops 63,510'*** 101,470'*** " 153,300 * Excludes commuter passengers ** 10/13/89 ' · · *** 4 / 1'/90 " **** JWA has an additional 300,000 GA operations JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT 1988 AIRCRAFT LOAD FACTORS A/C Type MD-80 Average Seat Capacity Total Operations 144 14,054 Percent of Operations 24% 737-300 BAE-146 132 20,174 · 82 24,100 33% 4O% B757 187 1,786 3% ~-~ B767.-200 201 B767-300 254 Total air carrier passengers 4,270,000 (excludes commuters) Average 71 passengers per operation Average load factor e~ual 54.4% NOVEMBER 2, 1989 TO.' FROM: FOR: SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION MANAGER OF PLANNING SERVICES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 2, 1989 ACTIVITIES OF THE INTER-COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY RELATING TO THE COMMERCIALIZATION OF MARINE CORPS AIR STATION (MCAS) EL TORO RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Receive staff report. 2. Commission comments. 3. Authorize the chairperson to sign the letter to the City Council. HISTORY: At the Planning Commission meeting of October 5, 1989, members of the Commission expressed concern about the efforts of the Inter-County Airport Authority (ICAA) to study the technics/feasibility of the commercial use of Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) E1 Toro. The Commission was particularly concerned that the study is to be conducted by ICAA Executive Director Ken Delino who is also Assistant to the City Manager for the City of Newport Beach. The Commission requested that staff prepare a draft letter to be sent to the City Council expressing its concerns. ANALYSIS: Staff has preparecl~a draft letter to be sent to the City Council (Attachment 1). The letter expresses the Planning Commission's concerns that Mr. Ken Delino is an inappro- priate choice to conduct the study due to the conflict of interest between his position with the City of Newport Beach and as Executive Director of the Inter-County Airport Authority. Mr. Delino's presentation to the California Commission on Aviation and Airports in September 1988, in which he used outdated graphics, is cited as an example. The letter recommends that the City Council closely monitor the efforts of the ICAA and take the~ appropriate action to limit impacts on the City's strategy for the~ commercialization of MCAS E1 Toro. CONCLUSION: ' Staff recommends that the planning Commission authorize the chairperson to sign the letter to the City Council expressing its concerns. Prepared by: Sammy Rake~ Assistant Planner (724-_6381)- Revie_wed by: Steve Haubert, Principal Planner Submitted b,y: DA WATKINS Manager of Planning Services SR/DW:mjn -- RECEI¥~2~3 _ N0V 0 lS89 COMMUNITY DEVLEOP~ENT 3IJ211-11/CDD(1) NOVEMBER 2, 1989 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: ACTIVITIES OF THE INTER-COUNTY AIRPORT AIT~HORITY RELATING TO THE COMMERCIALIZATION OF MARINE CORPS AIR STATION (MCAS) EL TORO Recently, the Planning CommiSsion was informed by staff that the Southern 'California Association of Governments (SCAG) has requested that the Inter-County Airport Authority (ICAA) collect previously completed information on the feasibility of the commercial use of MCAS E1 Toro. The work is to be done by ICAA Executive Director Ken Delino. -I would like to'make you aware of · the Planning Commission's 'concerns about this study so that you may take the appropriate action. As-you are aware, Mr. Delino is employed as the Assistant to the City Manager of the City of Newport Beach. As the City of Newport Beach favors the commercial use of MCAS E1 Toro, this is a clear conflict of interest with his position as' the Executive · . Director of an impartial organization such as the ICAA. · Mr. Delino's past actions have demonstrated bias favoring the commercial use of MCAS E1 Toro. For example, in September 1988, Mr. Delino made a presentation to the California Commission on Aviation and Airports advocating the commercial use of the facility. Furthermore, in making his presentation, Mr. Delino used outdated maps and graphics to make the site- appear more ATTACHMENT 1 NOV 0 I 1989 COMMUNITY DEVLEO~MENT feasible. This bias could si~ilari~ {~luenc~ the information collected and the results of the ICAA study in favor of the commercial use of E1 Toro. The City Council should be aware of the current activities of the ICAA and Ken Delino. The Planning Commission recommends that these, activities be'closely monitored and the appropriate action taken to limit the potential negative impacts on ~he city of Irvine's strategy for the commercialization of MCAS E1 Toro. MARY ANN GAI DO, Planning Commission Chairperson MG/sr/MAG cc: Planning Commission 04-00j