HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1963 12 16234
DECEMBER 16, 1963
Meeting calle~d to~ order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Doney.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Doney, Sheridan, Klingelhofer, Mack - Mr.
Hu~eston arrived at 7:35 P.M.
C~ty Attorn~y~ r~p.re~se,~t.~d, by Mrs. K. Bryant
Moved by Kl~n~e~hofprI, seconded by Mack that Minutes
o~ December, 2nd be ~appr.ov. ed~ as corrected. Carried.
Bids- Police Comm~ssmgner~ Mac~ '.repqrtedL the following bids for
Police unit Police Unit:
C. B. KnickerbockerI (.~e~rc~ry)? . . .$2,790.01
Rpy Carver .(Pontiac):: ~. . .. 3, 1.04.~0
and recomme~nd. ed the, p~ch.ase of the Mercury.
~oved ~,f Sheridan, pe.co.nd.ed by Klingelhofer that the ~olice
D~partment be empgw~er,ed' ~p purc.hase .Me~rc.ury for the sum
of $2,790.01 ~o bp pa.id for ou~ of the Police Capital
Outlay Budger. C.ar~ri~e~.
Chief Sisse~ repqrt.ed~ t~hat tests for patrolman w~ll be
Tests for held at 9 A.M~. Sa. tu.r.d~y., .De~cemb. er~ 21st and that Mr.
Patrolman B~. Adler will a.c~ as Witnpss. ~ ........
Sheridan Moved by Ma~c~, '.selco~nd~edi ~y ~H~rde,ston. that IMr. Sheridan
leave suave be granted permis, si~on~ ~o leave the state from 19
December through .De.ce.mher 22nd.. .Carried.
Moved by Kl~inge~lho~er., seconded by Mack that Resolution
Res. 685 685, requesting the Cou~nty of Orange ~o include within
the Arterial ~igh. way F'.Lnanc~ng ?ro~ram the development
of Newpor~ .Av~enu~, ,be, .read by ~itle only. Carried
unaninouslZ. , .
Moved by Sheridan.', ~se, cQnd. ed by .Hu. me~ston that Resolution
685 be passed and a~do, p.te~. Candied by R611 Call. Ayes:
Doney, Sher, idan, .HUm~stoB, Mack, Klinge~hofer. Noes:
None, Abse. nt: Nome. ~ ~
Moved by Mack, 'sec6nded 6y She~ida~ that Resolution 686
Res. 686 designating the Department of Building & Safety as en-
forcing authority to Title 8, Division 13, Part 2,
18010, Chapter 3, 18100 and 18101, Chapter 4, 18200,
of California Administration Co. de, be read by title
only. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Humeston, seconded by Mack that Resolution No.
686 be passed and ~dopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes:
Doney, Sheridan-, Humes~0n, Mack, Klimgelhofer. Noes: None.
Correspondence read from Holthe Disposal Service
Holthe requesting renewal of contract ~or 3 years with option
Contract of renewal for 3 or 5 years at rate of '$1.20 per water
Decision regarding said contract c~ontinued and attorney
to check and Holthe to continue service on a month to month
Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan that Mr. Humeston be
Humeston TO reappointed to represent the City as a member of the
Mosquito Or~nge County Mosquito Abatement District Board for
Abatement a term of two years. Carried.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer that
correspondence be received and filed. Carried.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that b~l s in the
amount of $7,232.90 be paid. Carried.
The Sacramento Newsletter Inc ........ 25,00
Farnsworth Jewelry ............ 9.36
First Western Bank (Dep. box) ...... 6.50
Betty J. Armstrong(jan 1964 payment) . . . 250.00
- siness Equipmen ....i ....."40. 6
First Western Bank tilities .......326,78
The Tustin News .............. 287,46 B
Tustin Hardware Co ........... 42.40 I
Orange County Auto Parts ....... 5.19 L
Vista Drug ....... 1.64 L
Tustin Fire Departmmnt ............ 150.00 S
George Dun~on Fordland ........... 2,487.20
Albro Fire Equipment Co .......... ?v.06
Wardlaw Fire Equipment ........ ~.88.40
Palm Stationers .............. 55.02
~ 258
~ Signal Oil Co ............... 08
iN. Kenneth G. Hebard, M. D ........... 85,00
~ F. Morton Pitt Co .......... 247.00
~' Tustin Woodshed ............. 4..74
2~ Carson &Gelding ........... 22.41
De smond ' s ............ 87 · 73
Tustin Radio & Television Shop ....... 8.84
Bob De Sutter tiichfield Set .......... 23,33
Auto Service Center ........ 61.96
County of Orange, Survey & Road ..... 161.82
Traffic Signal Maintenance ~o..c .... 3~.00
R. F. Dickson Co, Inc .......... 270.00
Graves & Howley ......... 9.98
,, M & M Machinery Co. . , ......... 56.11
Orange County Blueprint Co ........ 58.26
Reproduction, Equipment & Supplies .... 18.49
Halin Electronics ............ 1,525.00
Al's Tree Service ............ 355.00
Co 26 28
Blower Paper .............
Tustin Lawmower & Saw Shop, ...... 16.24
Orange CounZy Stamp Co ........... 2.08
Ruth C. Poe (Petty Cash) ........... 42.88
Orange Coast College ........ ~.00
Total ........ $ 7,232.90
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer ~hat the
request from Junior Chamber of Commerce to hold a Christmas Chamber
Tree Collection and Bonfire be granted subject to control Xmas tree
of Fire Department and Police Department and approval collection
of City Attorney regarding insurance coverage. Carried.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that meeting
be adjourned. Carried,
COrrection added to Dec. 2nd Minutes:
Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan that Ordinance No.
247 be passed and adopted. Carried by Roll call. Ord. 247
Ayes: Deney, Sheridan, Humeston, Mack, Klingelhofer.
~-- Noes: None, Absent: None.
City Cler~k~