HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1963 11 18228'
NOVEMBER 18, 1963
Meeting ,cal~d to Dr~ at Z: 30 P.M. by ~yor Doney.
Pledge of A~nc~ ....
P~sent:~ Doney,~ ~er~,~ ~mston, Mack, Klhgelhofer
Absent:. None
City Attorney Ronrke., Asst. City~ ~ineer Wheelock,~
planning ~dvisor Re~d, Buildi~ Inspector Brook -
all pre~nt.~
Moved b~ ~he~,~ s~ecLo~eH ~ Mack that Minutes of
November, 4~, 1963 b~ ap~noved as ~iled. Carried.
Fourth & Newport Hearing on Fourth a~ Ne~or~ Annexation opened at 7:33
Annex. P.M. and ~yor~ mp~or~ed over 51%~ p~esu had been ~ceived.
Moved by~ ~ck,, seconded by ~i~elhofsr t~t the Fourth
and Newp.ori Annex~tio~ be abandoned. Carried.
Warner-Sycamore Hearing on ~arner-~camore~ ~tion opened aL 7:35 P.M.
As there~ were no. protests,. or counts, the Hearing was
,closed ~ 7:36 P,-~ - , =
Mr. Rourke, excuss~ from ~he meeti~ and ~placed by Mr.
K. B~a~t.~
Moved by~ ~ck,~ SeCDn~e~ by. ~gelhofer t~t O~in~ce
No. 245, kppro~hg the. An~xation of Certain Unhhabited
~errito~, ~signaied as. "War~r-Sycamore Amexation"
~he City of ~sti~, Galifor~a ,, have first readin~ by
litle o~. Carfist
Appt. of Hearing .conti~ed frD~ NQveEer ~th meeting ~ga~ing
Planning Com. appoint~enL of Plaming COF~iSSiOn opened a~ 7:40 P.M.
Applica~ts~' ~s~e~ read and those pmsen~ introduced.
~hose pmse~ wi~k ~o~ents:
Col. W. Farrell
Bearing closed a~ 8:07 P.M.
Moved bF Sherid~, seconded by~ck that. Mr. Duane J
D. Ring Ring, 15712 ~rtle Avenue, Tustin, be appohted Lo fi~
appt. existing vacancy. Tem to e~im November 18, 1967.
Carried by roll ca~. All Councihen voting Aye.
Mr. Sheridan excused.
Mr. Fred ~ok, Building Inspector, mported on need for
Building Co~aissioner.
Mr. Sheridan retumed to meeting.
R. R. crossing Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhof~r that City
Holt Ave. Engineer be authorized {o file with the ~blic Utilities
Co~ission for pe~ission to cross the S.p.R. ~. north
of First Steer in co~ection with the realigment of Holt Ave.
Mr. Rourke mturned at 8:27 P.M.
Mo~d by Klingelhofer, seconded ~ Shefinn t~t Police
Helmets Department be authorized to purchase helmets out of
present operating funds. Ca~ied.
Moved,by Humeston, seconded by Mack that Stree~ Super_ Trees
intendent be authorized ~o engage company ~o top Laguna & C
Eucalyptus ~rees on Laguna Road and C Streets. Earried.
Moved by Kl~ngelhofer, seconded by Humeston that recomr~en-
dation of Fire Department be accepted and Thomas R. Cochran to
Cochran be appointed to the Volunteer Fire Department. Fire Dept.
Correspondence from residents of Pasadena Avenue regarding
use of state land for co~ercial storage referred to the Storage
on State
City Attorney. Land
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that correspondence
be received and filed. Carried.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that Ordinance Ord. 241
No. 241 - amending Ordinance No. 206 be read by title only.
Carried unanimously.
Moved by .Mack, ,secQn4e4 b.y ,Sh. er. id. an that O~iinance No.
241 be .passed and adopted as an urgency measure.
Carried by roll call - Ayes: ,Dqney, Sheridan, Humeston,
Mack, Klinge!hofer. Boes: None~. Absent.: None.
Moved bLSheridan, seconded by Mack that Ordinance No.
244, amemding the Tustin,CSty Code, Article 1, Chapter Ord. 244
2 ~o provide a, method of dispqsal of unclaimed property
be read by title only. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Klingel~ofer, seconded by Mack that Or~mnce 244
be passed and adoptted. Carried bY roll cal~ - Ayes:
Doney, Sheridan, Humes~on, Mack, Klingelhofer. Noes:
None. Absent :_ None.
Mayor Doney appointed ~h~e follgwing committee to study
pay raises as per 63-64 budget and report a~ next meeting. Pay
R. Klingelhofer,, R. Poe,-and M. Sheridan, as chairman. Committee
Moved by Mack,. s~ec.on~de~d by Sheridan that Resolution No.
682,~ repealing Kesohtions 479, 481 and 624, desognating
indLviduals a~tkorized t9 sign, for and accept~ surplus Res. 682
Federal prope~ty~, be r~ad bF title only. Carried
Move~d ~by~ Mack, seconded by K!ingelhofer that Resolution
No, ~682 he ~assed and adq~ted. Carried by roll call, all
councilmen v~otin~g ~Ze.~
Moved by Mack, seconded byKlingelhofer that
No. 246,~ rezoning proper~y of A. R. Build&rs on Application Ord. 246
No. Z.C. 63-131 have firstmading by title only.
Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mack, s~conded by Klingelhofer that Ordinance
No, 246, changing proper~y from "U" ~o C-1 zone have
first reading ~by title only. Carried Unanimously.
Mr. McKown of the Citizens Cormnit~ee asked for information Refer.
regarding affidavits and referendum status. Petitions
Mr. J. Erickson, attorney and Mr. ~. Colgan, spoke on
behalf of Citizen's Commitzee regarding referendum
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that corres-
pondence and affidavits be referred to the City Attorney
for clarification and report at nex~ regular meeting.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Humeston that above
motion be amended to include that after study by the
attorney the matter be reconsidered by the Council.
Motion failed. Ayes: Sheridan, Humeston, Noes: Doney
Mack, Klingelhofer.
Adsit Mr. Mack reported on recom~I~endations of committee that
Agreement an Agreement be entered into with Ted B. Adsit for
planning and Development Consulting Services.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that Ted B. Adsit be "~
employed for land use and zoning study in an amount not
to exceed $3,000.00 and Mayor and Clerk authorized
to execute Agreement not tO exceed said amount° Carried.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that bills to the
Bills amount of $8,~99.91 be paid. Carried.
State Compensation Insurance Fundl ..... $2~000.00
Betty J. Armstrong (rent Nov. & Dec. ) .... 500.00
The Tastin News. · · · · · .......... 85.00
First Western Bank (Utilities) , ...... 46.39
Rourke & Holbrook. · ......... 775.00
Tustin Hardware Co ...... . 243.58
Hanson & peterson ..... 250'00
Best Maintenance Supply Co. . . .. 3-90
Kleen-Line Corporation I i .... 5.82
Thermo-Fax Sales Inc .......... 29.97
State Fire Marshall Yearly pamphlet. · 12.50
County of Orange, Comminications . · 45.43
National Fire protection Assoc. . . 24.00
Signal Oil Co ....... · .... 396.96
Los Angeles Stamp Co & Stationery ...... 35-34
F. Morton Pitt Co.c .... · ..... 13.50
Palm Stationers .... · ......... 7.71
Kenneth G. Hebard M.D .......... 90.00
County of Orange, Communications .... 77.23
Traffic Signal Maintenance Co.c ..... 34.00
Valley Engineering ..... ~460.00
Hardy and Harper .......... 141.75
U. S. Porcelain Plant ........... 978.87
Yustin Woodshed ....... ~ . . . 8.44
M & M Equipment Rentals .... ..... 610.53
Industrial Contracting Co.c ...... I . 1,513.61
Business Form Press, Inc ...... 15.18
Document Section, SacramentO, Calif .... 7.28
Coast Office Equipment . . . . ..... 556.50
The Register . . . .I ........ 29.40
International Conference of Building . . . 1.06
Total ....... 8~ 999.91
Correspondence regarding general obligation bonds
referred to City Attorney.
M~ved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that Mayor Doney be
Doney to granted permission to leave the s~t~e in the month of
leave state December, clerk to be notified of dates. Carried.
School Dr. Klingelhofer dire6ted to invSstigate negotiation
property proceedings for school property.
Mc~ed by Mack,' seconded by Sheridan t~at meeting be adjourned.
Ruth ~. Poe, City Clerk
· G. W. Doney~