Pleasure of the Council.
At the November 6, 1989 City Council meeting, the City Council
requested staff to investigate the feasibility of changing the
Council meetings to the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month to
eliminate the existing conflict with the Tustin Unified School
District Board of Education meetings. The proposed change in the
Council meetings would also require changing the Planning
Commission to the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month. Since the
meeting times of both the Planning Commission and City Council are
established by Ordinance, appropriate amendments to those
Ordinances would be required.
Staff has identified potential implications and outcomes of a
change in meeting times for the Planning Commission and City
Council which are identified below:
Effective Date - Since City Code Section 1301 and 1515, which
were adopted by Ordinance, establish the City Council and
Planning Commission meeting schedule respectively, amendments
to those ordinances would need to be considered. Given the
requirement for 1st Land 2nd Readings, and a 30 day period
before the ordinance becomes effective, approximately 2 months
time can elapse. Assuming the City Council conducted a 1st
reading for such ordinances at the December 4, 1989 meeting,
the following schedule could be followed:
December 4, 1989 - Introduction and First Reading
January 2, 1989 - Second Reading (No December
18, 1989 meeting)
February 2, 1990 - Ordinance becomes effective
February 5,. 1990 - Planning Commission meets
under new schedule
City Council Report
Council Meeting Schedule
November 20, 1989
Page 2
February 12, 1990 - City Council meets under
new schedule
Council and Commission Agendas - As noted above, February 5,
1990 would be the first Planning Commission meeting and
February 12, 1990 would the first City Council meeting under
the new schedule. This change would not create an impact on
the Planning Commission agendas in that the previous week
would be a 5th Monday in the month and no meetings would be
held. The Planning Commission would simply meet opposite
weeks as normal.
The City Council would have 28 days between the January 15,
1990 meeting and the February 12, 1990 meeting. Although this
may seem a long time, it is only one week longer than normal
due to the 5th Monday in January where no meetings are
Should the Council fall behind the identified schedule,
· potential delays in projects and agendas could run
approximately 2 to 3 weeks. April 1990 would be the next
opportunity for a smoother transition with a 5th Monday which
would require introduction of applicable ord'inances at the
first meeting in February.
Should the Council desire to change the meeting times of the
Planning Commission and City Council, amendments to applicable
ordinances would require approximately 2 months to become
effective. The identified schedule above would provide the
smoothest p6ssible transition with the least impact on agendaitems
and packet preparation. It is recommended that the City Council
provide direction to staff as to the desired schedule for future
City~Council and Planning Commission meetings.
Senior Planner
Christine A. S
Director of Community Development
Community Development Department