HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA 06-20-88 AGE:IIOA OF A ~GULAI~ ~ET. JJ:" 'OF' Ti:IE"'I~¥~I CITY COU. CtL -{. t~OUNCIL CHAMBERS, 300 CENTENNIAL WAY '-JUNE 20, 1988 .7:00 P.M. · This Agenda contains a brief general description of each item to be consid- ered. Any person having a questton concerning an 1tern may call the City Clerk's Office to make inquiry concerning 'the nature of same, Except as otherwise provided by law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing i n the fol lowing agenda. Please note: Listening devices for'the hearing impaired are available upon request from the City Clerk. ', I. gAlL TO gRDE.R/PLEDIZ OF /~I.£[[/IItVI~ATIOII III. PUBLIC ItEARINGS 1. LEVY OF ANNUAL ASSESSNEIITS FOR TIJE 1988-89 FISCAL YEAR- FOR THE TUSTIR LAIIDS~ /I. ND LIGItTING DISTRICT The Engineer's Report, prepared by BSI Consultants, Inc., has been filed with the City Clerk. A total of 18 parcels are 'proposed for annexation, to the District, most of which are in Tustin Ranch, north of Irvine Boulevard. 'Recommendation: That the City Council: (1) Conduct the Public Hearing and take testimony from citizens and property owners wishing ito speak. o (2) RESOLUTION NO. 88-68 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF ADDITIONAL TERRITORY TO AN EXISTING DISTRICT AND CONFIRMING THE ANNUAL 1988-89 FISCAL YEAR LEVY OF ASSESSMENT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT, MAINTENANCE ANO SERVICING OF PUBLIC LIGHTING FACILITIES WITHIN* THE BOUNDARIES OF THE TERRITORY INCLUDED IN THE TUSTIN LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT Adopt Resolution No. 88-68 ordering annexation of additional territory to the District and confirming annual 1988-89 fiscal year levy of assessments as recommended hy the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. IV. PUBLIC INPUT (At this time members of the public may address the City Council r. egarding any items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council provided that'NO action m~y be taken on off-agenda items unless authori zed by law. ) CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PAGE 1 ,JUNE 20, 1988 Vo CONSENT CALENDAR ' '~ '~ All matters listed under. Consent'Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion.- There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time of the voting on the motion un]ess members of the Council, staff or public request specific items to be' discussed and/or removed -from the Consent Calendar for separate act i on. 1. /L°PROVAL OF MINUTES - JUNE 6, 1988, REGULAR MEETING JUNE 13, 1988, ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING APPROVAL OF OEMANDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,813,659.56 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $177,176.39 3. RESOLUTION NO. 88-66 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR MANUFACTURE AND DELIVERY OF REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-2 AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Adopt Resolution No. 88-66 approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for the manufacture and delivery of reinforced concrete pipe, Assessment District 86-2 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 841-67 -A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, INFORMING THE ORANGE .COUNTY ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE STATUS OF .THE CITY OF TUSTIN MASTER PLAN OF ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS Adopt Resolution No. 88-67 informing .the Arterial Highway Financing Program Advisory Committee of the status of the City of Tustin Master Plan of Arterial Highways as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. G~...~ AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ORANGE 'AND THE IRVINE COMPANY FOR' THE IMPROVEMENT OF JAINBOREE RO/U) BETWEEN IRVINE BOULEVARD AND EXISTING CHA~ AVENUE ~ Approve an agreement with the City of Orange and The Irvine Company for the improvement of Jamboree Road between I rvine Boulevard and existing Chapman Avenue and authorize the Hayor and City Clerk to sign as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engi neeri ng Di vi si on. 6. RESOLUTION NO. 88-65 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, OPPOSING ANY FORM OF JOINT OR FULL COMMERICAL USE OF MCAS EL TORO Adopt Resolution No. 88-65 opposing any form of joint or full commerical use of MCAS E1 Toro as requested by the City Council. AGREE~NT Mill4 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY FOR EL CAMINO REAL BETWEEN MYFORD ROAD AND JAMBOREE ROAD Approve an agreement with the Southern California Edison Company for extension of underground electric lines and street lights, on E1 Camino Real between Myford Road and Jamboree Road as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PAGE 2 JUNE 20, 1988 8. PROFESSIOF SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR'~OT~'~CAL SERVICES- JN4BOREE' ROAD BETW~ IRVINE BLVO. A,ND SAW'TIAGO C~ _j.N ROAD Approve the professional services agreement desi 9natin9 GeD-Soils, linc. of Santa Ana to provide geotechnical services along Jamboree Road between Irvine Boulevard and Santiago Canyon · Road in the City of Orange, and authorize the Mayor to execute .said agreement. 9. AUTHORIZATION FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/STRUCTURAL PLAN CHECK AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Approve the agreements with the firms of r4elad & Associates, Roger Leggett, Inc., BSI Consultants, Inc. and GPS Consulting Engineering and authorize the City Manager to execute said agreements as recommended by the Commun i ty Development Department. VI. ORDI~ES FOR INll~ODUCTION- None VII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION 1. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDfUENT 87-4 (CULTURAL RSOURCES DISTRICT) The following Ordinance No. 1001 had fi.rst reading and introduction at the June 6, 1988, meeti rig. ORDINAliCE #O. 1001 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 87-4 AMENDING PART 5 AND 7 OF CHAPTER 2., ARTICLE 9 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO CULTURAL RESOURCES. Recommendat i on: M.O. - That Ord,nance No. 1001 have second reading by title only. M.D. - That Ordinance No.'1001 be passed and adopted. (Roll Call Vote) 2. CITY ORDINANCE 1008 - ADOITION TO TUSTIN CITY CODE 4930 PERTAINING TO CROSS-COMWECTIOll COW'TROL, PUBLIC WATER SYSTEMS The following Ordinance No. 1008 had first reading and introduction at the June 6, 1988, meeting. ORDI~E NO. 1008 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CROSS-CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM, THEREBY ADDING CHAPTER 1, SECTION 4930, TO THE TUSTIN CITY CODE, TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM WITHIN THE CITY'S WATER SYSTEM AREA Recommendat i on: M.O. - That Ordinance No. 1008 have second reading by title only. M.D. - That Ordinance No. 1008 be passed and adopted. (Roll Call Vote) 3. COPiI~IUNITY SERVICES COW4ISSION ORDINANCE NO. 1009 The following Ordinance No. 1009 had first reading and introduction at the June 6, 1988, meeting. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PAGE 3 JUNE 20, 1988 O~DINANCE ND. )' ~- AN ORD'INANCE OF THE CITY 'NCIL oF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFC A, ADDING PART V, CONSIS~ Y OF SECTIONS 1551 -THROU~ 1557-, TO CHAPTER 5 OF ARtiCLE 1 OF THE TUSTIN.CITY CODE TO ESTABLISH A COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION. R ec on~mendat i on: im i · M~O. - That Ordinance No. lOOg have second reading by title only. M.O. - That Ordfnance No. 1009 be passed and adopted. {Roll Call Vote) VIII. OU) BUSINESS 1. STATUS REPORT - ,)WA/CRAS/ASC Update on the Qohn Wayne Airport Noise Monitoring Program, Coalition for a Responsbile Airport Solution (CRAS), and Airport Site Coalition (ASC). Recommendation: Receive and file as recon~ended by the Con~nunity Development Department. 2. REQUEST FOR HANDICAPPED PARKING STALL (FIRST/PACIFIC STREETS) City Council requested staff contact Ms. Davies and discuss any impacts of requesting her employer to furnish a handicapped parking stall within their on-site parking lot. Recommendation: Receive and file as recommended by the Public Works Departmentl'/Engi neeri ng Di vi si on.' 3. UIIOERGROUND/UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 10 FOR NEWPORT/MCFAOOEN AVENUE At previous meetings, the City Council surfaced concerns regarding the funding responsibility for the utility service conversion from overhead to underground at the O'Dell residence at 17341 McFadden Avenue. .Recommendation: Pleasure of the City Council. 4. COLUIWlIUS TUSTIN PARK Councilman Edgar requested that the City Council consider his recommendation that the City proceed with preparation of working drawings for Columbus' Tustin Park. Recommendation: Pleasure of. the City Council. IX. NEW BUSINESS 1.. POLICE MOTORCYCLE REPLACEMENT Council authorized the replacement of four (4) pJlice motorcycles in FY 87/88 budget. Sealed bids were opened in the office of the City Clerk on June 9, 1988, and were read as follows- CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PAGE 4 JUNE 20, 1988 Xo ,' $22,467 76 Santa Ana K~ aki, Santa 'Ana ' Tri-City Honda-Kawasaki, Anaheim $22,57'3.76 Harley-Davidson, Santa Aha $23,320..00 . · Recon~nendation: Authorize the 'purchase of four {4) new police motorcyclesi~ the cost of '$5,299 each, plus tax, for a total of $22,467.76, including tax, from Santa Ana Kawasaki, 1850 'E. Edinger ' Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92705, as recommended by 'the Police Department. 2. TAPES AND TRANSCRIPTS OF ~ETINGS A question has been raised about the availability of tapes and/or transcripts of public meetings of the City Council and Planning Commi s s i on. ,Recon~endation: Pleasure of the City Council. ii 3. CAMPAIGN COMll~IBUTION LIMITATIONS Councilman Kelly requested agendizing this item. Recommendation: Pleasure of the City Council. 4. PUROIASE OF FUEL MANAGE~ SYSTEM AI~ REFUSE COMPACTOR Bids on the equipment were received until 10:00 a.m., June 9, 1988, at the office of the City Clerk as follows: REFUSE COMPACTOR: Fcuntain Truck Equipment, Santa Fe Springs Haaker ·Equipment, Pomona Century Machinery Co., Inc., phoenix, AZ Rolpak, Belmont $13,205.48 $13,197.00 $13,865.67 $14,335.96 FUEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: JoF. Keaveny, Inc., National City Petro Quip Co., Santa Ana $18,950.00 Did Not Meet Spec. Recommendation: Authorize the purchase of Refuse Compactor from Fountain 'l~oCk Equipment for $13,205.¢8 and the purchase of Fuel Management System from J.F. Keaveny for $18,950.00 as recommended hy the Public Works Department/Field Services. REPORTS 1. PLANNING CO~ISSION A~TION AGENDA - JUNE 13, 1988 All actions of the Planning Commission become final unless appealed by the City Council or member of the public. RecOmmendation· 'Ratify the Planning Commission Action Agenda of June 13, 198'8'." CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PAGE 5 JUNE 20, 1988 2. RESIDENTIAL COMI~.,ITY CARE FACILITIES 3' 'Mr. Walter Davis appeared before the City Council at th'eir meeting- on June 6, 1988, and voiced concern about the existence of halfway and related residential community care facilities and their concentration or density in his neighborhood. Reconmmndation: C'ontinue matter until July 5, 1988, as recommended b~ the Community Development Department. RETROFIT OF BUILDINGS TO COMPLY WITH UNIFORM FIRE COOE PROVISIONS FOR SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Councilman Edgar at the City Council's meeting on June 20, 1988, asked that staff explore the possible retrofitting of structures to comply with the recently introduced provisions of the Uniform Fire Code related to requirements for automatic fire sprinkler systems. Recommendation: Receive and file as recommended by the Community Development Department. 4. SEVEIITEENTH STREET, YORBA STREET/CARROLL WAY TO ROUTE 55 FREEWAY At a previous City Council meeting, a public concern surfaced regarding the blockage of the intersection at the Seventeenth Street and Yorba Street/Carroll Way intersection. Recommendation: Receive and file subject report. 5. FLEMING RESIDENCE AT 13831 ORANGE STREET At a recent City Council meeting, a concern was raised regarding a- City employee, acting on behalf of the City, that may have offered to buy Margaret Fleming's residence at 13831 Orange Street. Recommendation: Receive and file. subject report. XI. OTHER BUSINESS 1. CITY IMRAGER 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY COUNCIL XII. CLOSED SESSION- Litigation has been formally initiated to which the City is a party. The title of said litigation is Fenwick vs. City of Tustin, Case No. 479698. Said Closed Session is held pursuant to the authority of California Government Code Section 54956.9(a) and based on existing facts and circumstances, the City Council has decided to initiate or is deciding whether to initiate litigation. Said Closed Session is held pursuant to the authority of California Government Code Section 54956.9(c). XIII. ADJOURNMENT- To an Adjourned Regular Meeting on July 5, 1988, at 7'00 p.m. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PAGE 6 JUNE 20, 1988