That the City Council approve an agreement with the City of Orange and-
The Irvine Company for the improvement of Jamboree Road between Irvine
Boulevard and existing Chapman Avenue and authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to sign.
The city Council adopted a Resolution of Intention June 13th and set a
public hearing for July 18th regarding formation of Assessment District
86-2. This assessment district will include territory of East Tustin, a
portion of the City of Orange, and a portion of unincorporated
territory. A key element in the improvements to be constructed under AD
86-2 is the improvement of Jamboree Road between Irvine Boulevard in
Tustin and existing Chapman Avenue in Orange. The total cost of this
arterial highway project is estimated at over $36 million. The city of
Orange will contribute $1.7 million in direct funding from an already
formed assessment district in that City.
This agreement provides that the City of Tustin will be the lead agency
in administration of the construction of the project. The Irvine
Company agrees to provide all necessary rights-of-way and easements at
no cost. The Irvine Company will provide advance funding for
engineering, clearing and grubbing, and a portion of the rough grading,
and will be reimbursed for these costs from AD 86-2 bond monies. In the
event AD 86-2 is not formed, the Jamboree Road project would not move
forward, but the City of Tustin would be under no obligation to
reimburse The Irvine Company for expenditures which they have previously
The agreement has been executed by The Irvine Company and is scheduled
for City of Orange City Council action on June 21st. It is anticipated
that construction could begin this September and be completed in March
Bob Ledendecker
Director of Public Works/City Engineer
Ro~ald E. Wo~rd.
Engineering Mervlces Manager
THIS AGRa, is made and entered into, to be effective this
day of
, 1988, by and among:
CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation,
hereinafter referred to as "TUSTIN";
CITY OF ORANGE, a municipal corporation,
hereinafter referred to as "ORANGE";
THE IRVINE CC~PANY, a Michigan corporation,
hereinafter referred to as "OOMPANY".
WHEREAS, Company is owner and developer of land in the East
Tustin area of the City of Tustin, East Orange area of the City of
Orange and unincorporated territory of Orange County located between
the two cities; and
WHEREAS, in conjunction with development of Company's land and
other land, the East Tustin Specific Plan was approved by Tustin; and
WHEREAS, the East Tustin Specific Plan proposed a North-South
road to be constructed to major arterial highway standards between the
Santa Ana (I-5) Freeway and Tustin Ranch Road and to primary arterial
highway standards between Tustin Ranch Road and Chapman Avenue as it is
Page 1
located on the date his Agreement (hereinafter- ~red to as
"Existing Chapman Avenue"), with provision for posslole future
upgra~ to a major arterial, the general location of said proposed
North-South road (now known as and hereinafter referred to in this
A~/re~t as "Jamboree Road") is shown on the map attached hereto as
Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein as though fully set forth; and
WHEREAS, Orange has approved development of the area known as
"Santiago Hills" including formation of Assessment District 86-1
(Orange) which provides funding for a portion of Jamboree Road · o
(described in the 86-1 Agreement as Weir Canyon Road, which was the
name given to such portion of Jamboree Road in the County Master Plan
of Arterial Highways); and
WHEREAS, Tustin and Company have previously entered into a
reimbursement agreement and bonds have been sold for Assessment
District 85-1 (Tustin) to provide funding for the design and
construction of Jamboree Road from I-5 freeway to Irvine Boulevard; and
WHEREAS, Company has filed a petition with Tustin requesting
formation of Assessment District 86-2 (Tustin) to provide additional
funding for the portions of the Jamboree Road construction from Irvine
Boulevard to Existing Chapman Avenue which are not covered by
Assessment District 86-1 (Orange); and
Page 2
WHEREAS, pur~ ~o ~Annexation No. 374 in tbs' ,y of Orange,
portions of the unincorporated area of Orange County where Jamboree
Road will be constructed have been annexed into the City of Orange; and
WHEREAS, it is now the desire of the parties hereto to enter into
a cooperative agreement to provide for the method of furmling the
preparation of improv~t plans, specifications and bid documents and
for the construction and subsequent maintenance of the segment of
Jamboree Road and associated improvements located between Irvine
Boulevard and Existing Chapman Avenue, hereinafter referred to as' t~e
"Project;" and
WHEREAS, the present estimated cost for design and construction
of the Project, including all engineering, contingencies and incidental
e~penses, is approximately thirty-four million three hundred
seventy-six thousand two hundred forty-five dollars ($34,376,245) as
shown on Exhibit "B;" and
WHEREAS, action was taken by Tustin on July 6, 1987 and by Orange
on August 25, 1987 to approve Environmental Impact Report No. 87-1 for
Jamboree Road, and all necessary environmental documents for the
Project have been conloleted in ommpliance with the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and
WHHRREAS, Cont0any has engaged the services of a civil engineering
firm and other consul~ts for the preparation of plans, specifications
and estimates (PS&E) for construction of the Project.
consideration of the muttv~ .¢enants and
agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows:
SECTION 1: Public Agency Responsibilities
Tustin shall act as the agency responsible for a~lishing and
completing the Project. Such responsibility shall include approval of
the PS&E, bid advertising, administration of construction contracts,
securing of necessary public agency permi~ (including any permit~
required by the County of Orange), construction inspection and ' °
acceptance of Project improvements on behalf of all parties, including
portions of Project within Orange, except that:
(a) Orange shall review and approve PS&E for the portions of the
Project within the boundaries of Orange, and
b) Orange shall design and inspect any traffic signals required
in connection with the Project within the jurisdiction of Orange.
Tustin shall provide regular status reports to the other parties
regarding the progress of the Project. Tustin also agrees to notify
all parties of material changes and/or construction change orders
affecting the Project design, cost or completion schedule.
Page 4
Orange shall f ..~ate with and assist Tustir ~11 respects to
carry out its responsibilities for completion of the Project, including
review and approval of PS&E, issuance of permits, inspection and
acceptance of rights-of-way and improvements as specified herein.
Upon completion of the Project, Orange and Tustin each agree to
accept dedication of the Project improvements located within its
jurisdiction, as well as main~ce responsibility for the Project
improvements as provided in Section 16 below.
SECTION 2: Consent of Jurisdiction
Orange hereby consents and delegates to Tustin the responsibility
for preparation of the PS&E, inspection during construction, and
acceptance of the portions of the Project which are located within the
jurisdiction of Orange.
SECTION 3: Review of Plans/Pro_~ect Desiqn
Tustin shall review and approve PS&E for the Project with respect
to improvements within Tustin and contract documents for the entire
Project on behalf of the parties hereto. Orange shall review and
approve PS&E for the Project improvements within the jurisdiction of
Orange o
Page 5
SECTION 4: _C/~- .'mation with County.
Tustin shall be responsible for coordinating and handling all
Project-related matters with the County of Orange. Such coordination
shall include, but not be limited to:
Obtaining County review of plans for modifications to
Santiago Canyon Road and conformance with CEQA;
Obtaining a consent of jurisdiction from County for ' °
construction of the Project and formation of Assessment
District 86-2 over any lands within the jurisdiction of
County affected by the Project;
Obtaining necessary grading, encroachmant and construction
permits from County for any Project work within
unincorporated areas of County and adjacent to County's
Peters Canyon Regional Park; and
Upon completion of the Project, obtaining County's
acceptance of maintenance and repair responsibility for the
Project improvements affecting Santiago County Road within
unincorporated portions of the County.
Page 6
.;ion of Easements/Rights-of'
~y shall dedicate with no monetary consideration all
necessary easements and rights-of-way (including slope easements) for
the Project to Tustin, Orange and Orange County for improv~ts within
the respective jurisdiction of Tustin, Orange and Orange County, as the
case may be. Said dedications will be subject to existing easements
and matters of record. Company agrees that, except for the easement to
the East Orange County Water District for its two relocated water lines
serving the filtration plant east of Jamboree Road, any new easements
within the Project area conveyed after the date of this agreement shall
be made subord/nate to the proposed street easement for Jamboree Road.
As part of Project incidentals, Company shall provide necessary
right-of-way maps and legal descriptions prepared by a registered civil
engineer or land surveyor and convey easements in a form mutually
acceptable to the Company and the party receiving such easement. A
title report shall be prepared and submitted to Tustin for all parcels
to be conveyed. No title insurance shall be required.
SECTION 6: Review of Bids and Award of Contracts
Prior to the advertisement for bids for any contract related to
the Project, Ommpany shall have fifteen (15) days to review and ~t
upon the notice inviting bids and the proposed contract documents.
After the receipt of bids and prior to any award of any such contracts
by Tustin, ~y shall have fifteen (15) days to review and ccmm~nt
upon the bids. Company agrees that any such contracts which are
awarded by the City may be extended in time or modified, in whole or in
Page 7
part, upon prior wr'i ~i notice to company allowirr' _easonable period
within which Company may approve or disapprove such extension or
modification. Company will remain bound under this Agreement
notwiths~ any extension of time or modification or failure of
Tustin to give such notice; provided, however, that the scope and costs
of the Project improvements shall not be materially ex--ed by such
extension or modification beyond the description of the Project
imp~~ts as specified in the 86-1 Agreement and 86-2 ~t (as
defined in Section 6 below) and estimated costs therefor as shown on
Exhibit "B" unless previously approved in writing by Company. · °
SECTION 7: Funding of Construction Costs. The total cost of
construction of the Project is presently estimated to be $34,376,245,
as shown on Exhibit "B." The parties contemplate that all of the costs
of the Project shall be paid through financing in place or being
arranged under Assessment District 86-1 (Orange) and Assessment
District 86-2 (Tustin). The agreements for each such district are
entitled, respectively, "Acquisition/Financing Agreement for
Infrastructure Improvements, City of Orange Assessment District 86-1,"
dated as of September 2, 1986 (hereinafter referred~to as the "86-1
Agreement"), and "Agreement for Payment of Costs for Infrastructure
Imp~~ts, East Tustin Assessment District 86-2," dated as of
Dec~mber 15, 1986 (hereinafter referred to as the "86-2 Agreement"), as
such agreements may be amended from time to time. However, to the
extent that construction costs of the Project exceed available
Assessment District funding, the Company shall be responsible to pay
such excess costs.
Page 8
SECTION 8: _P ~ts by company.
With respect to advances or payments by Company for construction
costs under the 86-1 Agreement and the 86-2 Agreement, such advances or
payments shall be in the amounts and at the times as provided in such
agreements. To the extent that Project construction costs exceed
available Assessment District funding, Company agrees that this
Agreement constitutes a guarantee of (a) payment of normal progress
payments within thirty (30) calendar days following Company's receipt
of requests for such payments by Tustin together with adequate · ·
documentation substantiating such requests, and (b) payment in full
upon completion of the Project and final cost accounting and demand
therefor by Tustin. Within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt by
Company of each request and supporting documentation, ~y will pay
to Tustin the amount shown on such bill or bills which is supported by
the documentation. Tustin will make financial and accounting records
related to the contracts for Project improvements available to ~y
upon reasonable notice.
SECTION 9: Payments by O~_e.
Orange shall be responsible for payment of costs for h~alf-width
improvements for Jamboree Road within the jurisdiction of Orange as
specified in the 86-1 Agreement (for improvements relating to Weir
Canyon Road) and which are described in the estimated costs on Exhibit
"B." Said payments will be made by Orange to Tustin within thirty (30)
calendar days after Orange's receipt of a request by Tustin for
payment. The total amount of Orange's payments to Tustin for the
Page 9
Project improver~' .1 be adjusted promptly aft~~ '~,~pletion of the
Project. The adjustment will be based upon the actual cost of the
Project imp~emants. Any payments by Orange for such improvements
will be made solely from Assessment District proceeds (i. e., not from
city of Orange General Fund or gas tax monies).
SECTION 10: Assessment District Formation
After the formation of the assessment districts and sale of the
bonds by such districts, Company's financial responsibilities undeI-the
terms of this Agreement shall be reduced correspondingly to the extent
that funding for portions or all of the Project are provided by such
assessment districts.
SECTION 11: Reimbursement to Company
Tustin shall, to the extent legally permissible, reimburse
~y in accordance with the 86-2 Agreement and a~_v~tme~ts thereto,
for all funds advanced by Company for the Project at such time and to
such extent that Tustin has received the proceeds from the sale of
assessment district bonds for the Project.
If Tustin has expended all available assessment district bond
proceeds prior to completion of the Project, Tustin shall, within three
months of completion of the Project, prepare a final accounting of all
Project ex~m2xiitures and credits
· _
Page 10
and, promptly thereafter
bill Co~y
for any work not previously billed or reimburse Company any funds due
~y, as the case may be.
SECTION 12: Improvements Constructed by Company
Upon approval by Tustin Director of Public Works and in
accord_a_nce with either (a) the provisions of the 86-2 Agreement
regarding construction of certain improvements by Company prior to
Tustin's adoption of the Resolution of Intention for formation of ·
Assessment District 86-2, or (b) its rights as property owner under
Public Contracts Code Section 20485, Company may undertake ~letion
of portions of Project as deemed to be mutually advantageous for cost
and scheduling reasons. Said improvements may include, but are not
limited to, rough grading and earthwork within proposed Project limits,
installation of drainage facilities and other substructures. It is
mutually agreed that the costs of such work shall be accounted for by
Company and included in reimbursements to Company pursuant to the 86-2
Agreement and Section 11 above.
SECTION 13: Project Completion
It is the desire of all parties to this Agreement to complete
construction of the Project at the earliest possible date in view of
the overall traffic benefits it will provide to existing and future
residents of Tustin and Orange. Therefore, the parties agree to
exercise their best efforts to commence construction by September 1988
and complete construction by March 1990.
Page 11
SECTION14: ?-~ ~ctAccess/Inspection
At all times during the progress of Project construction, Orange
shall have access to the work. If Orange deems any remedial measures
to be necessary, Tustin shall be notified thereof.
SECTION 15: Acceptance of Improvements
Upon request by Tustin, Orange shall review the completed
construction of Project within the jurisdiction of Orange and shall,
give Tustin approval to accept improvements within the territory of
Orange. Orange agrees that approval shall be withheld only for work not
completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications.
SECTION 16: Maintenance and Repair Responsibility
Upon Tustin's acceptance of the improvements under the
construction contract(s), Orange and Tustin shall each accept
responsibility for the maintenance and repair of the Project
improvements as follows:
(a) Orange shall be responsible for maintenance and repair of
(i) the structural integrity of all Cut and fill slopes required for
Jamboree Road construction which are located within the portions of
Peters Canyon Regional Park adjacent to the Jamboree Road right-of-way,
and (ii) all Project improvements within the Jamboree Road right-of-way
-- as well as all cut and fill slopes required for Jamboree Road
construction lying outside of and adjacent to the right-of-way -- which
Page 12
are located north c~ ...~ soUtherly boundary (the "S~ ~_rly Annexation
Boundary") of the ar~a annexed into Orange pursuant to Annexation No.
374 as shown on Exhibit "A," but not for Project improvements for which
County is responsible (such as landscaping within Peters Canyon
Regional Park or Santiago Canyon Road improvements within
unincorporated portions of the County); provided, however, that Orange
shall not be liable for injuries or damages resulting fr~m any
structural or earth failure caused by any landscaping installation or
maintenance which is performed by the County of Orange; and
(b) Tustin shall be responsible for maintenance and repair of
all Project i~provements within the Jamboree Road right-of-way -- as
well as all cut and fill slopes required for Jamboree Road construction
lying outside of and adjacent to the right-of-way -- which are located
south of the Southerly Annexation Boundazy.
SECTION 17: Insurance
Tustin agrees that any construction contract entered into between
Tustin and any contractor for the purpose of construction of the
Project shall require the contractor to obtain and maintain, until the
c~mpletion of the improvements, liability insurance in the minimum
amounts shown on the insurance table' attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and
incorporated herein as though fully set forth, naming Tustin, Orange
and Company as additional insureds under the policy or policies
providing such insurance coverage. Written proof of such insurance a~d
the naming of the above additional insureds shall be provided to the
parties before commencement of construction of Project.
Page 13 ~
SECTION 18: ?-'
],mification ~'
Each party to this Agreement agrees to indemnify, defend and hold
the other parties, their governing bodies, officers, directors,
employees and stockholders harmless from and against all liabilities,
losses, demands, actions, expenses or claims, including, but not
limited to, attorneys' fees and court costs, for injury to or death of
any person or for damages to any property, arising out of or in any
manner connected to a party's performance or activities conducted
pur~_ant to this Agreement. · °
No party to this Agreement, nor any officer or employee thereof,
shall be responsible for any d_a_mage or liability occurrir~ by reason of
anything done or omitted by another party with regard to administration
of this Agreement and/or construction related to the Project.
SECTION 19: Attorneys' Fees
In the event that any action is instituted by any of the parties
for the purpose of enforcing the terms and provisions of this
B~/reement, the prevailing party in such action shall be entitled to
recover from the breaching party or parties any reasonable attorneys'
fees and costs incurred by the prevailing party.
SECTION 20: Project Modification or Termination
It is mutually agreed that assessment district fxunding is
essential for the construction of the Project as presently designed and
Page 14
proposed. In the ~'-~ /that prior to the award by ' .in of any
construction contracu for the Project, (a) formation of Assessment
District 86-2 (Tustin) for the funding of the Project has not been
ccm~leted or has been denied for any reason, or (b) confirmation of the
assessments and sale of bonds has not occurred, Onmpany shall have the
option of:
Instructing Tustin to postpone award of any construction
contract pending formation of Assessment District 86-2;
· ~
Reducing the scope of the Project to reduce the cost of
Terminating this Agreement prior to the award of any
construction contracts for the Project; or
Terminating this Agreement as to the award of any future
construction contracts for the Project.
In the event of such termination, Company shall pay Tustin for
all costs incurred up to the date of City's receipt of the notice of
termination pursuant to the terms of the 86-2 Agreement.
None of the preceding options shall relieve ~y fr~m its
obligations and responsibilities to comply with all conditions of
approval for approved subdivision maps either in Tustin or Orange as
related to the construction of Jamboree Road.
Page 15 ~
Any notices or other communications to be given pursuant to this
Agreement shall be effective when received if sent other than by mail,
and if sent by registered or certified mail to addresses set forth for
each party below, postage prepaid, shall be presumed effective two (2)
business days after deposit in the United States mail.
Copy to :
City of Tustin
Director of Public Works
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92680
James G. Rourke, Esq.
City Attorney
3OO Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92680
City of Orange
Director of Public Works
300 East Chapman Avenue
Orange, CA 92666
Furman Roberts, Esq.
City Attorney
300 East Cha~an Avenue
Orange, CA 92666
The Irvine Company
550 Newport Center Drive
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Attention: President
Irvine C~ty Development
General Counsel
Irvine Community Development Company
550 Newport Center Drive
Newport Beach, CA 92660
SECTION 22: Execution
The signatories hereto represent that they have been
appropriately authorized to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the
party for whom they sign.
Page 16
IN WITNESS WF~ .', Said parties have execute'
the dates hereinafter written.
_ts Agreement on
City Clerk
E~ rive Vi~ce/President
~istant Secretary
Page 17 ~
EXHIBIT "A" - Location of North-South Road
EXHIBIT "B" - Estimated Design and Construction Cost
for Project
EXHIBIT "C" - Insurance Requirements
Total Construction ................. $25,279,000
Total Contingencies (21%) ............. 5,332,000
Total Incidentals ................. 5,487,000
Project Subtotal .................. 36,098,000
AD 86-1 (Orange) Portion ........... (1,721,725)
Grand Total .................... 34,376,245
Note: Certain assessment district costs (e.g., reserves and
marketing) have not been included in the above estimates.
Total Cor~-trL~:i~n ................. $25.279.000
TOtal Contir~3e~cies (21%) ............. 5,332.000
Total Incidentals ................. 5.487.000
Project Subtotal .................. 36.098.000
AD 86-1 (Ox'aT.e) Portion ........... (1.721.725)
Grar~ Total .................... 34.376,245
Up to SO0.OO0
500,000 to l,O00,O00
1,000,000 to S,O00,O00
S,O00,O00 to 10.000,000
Over 10o000~000
Rtsk Le.vel No. 2 ftgures should always be used ~here any on._~e of the'folloWing
factors are present:
I. ¥or~ tn Iny street c& .rrytng volu~s exceedfng. 10.OO0 ADT.
b. Mort ~th excavations deeper thin IS feet.
c,, 14ort wtth structures htgher thin IS feet.
d. Any other cond. ttton the project engtneer may feel to be a htgher than
tatn(mil rtsk. .
Any unusual conditions should be d?scussed wtth the Engineering Servlces 14anager
~*ho wt11 then'seek idvtce from the City,Attorney.