HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1963 09 03
September 3, 1963
Meeting called to order at 7:31 P.M. by Mayor Doney.
Present: Doney, Sheridan, Humeston, Mack, Klingelhofer
City Attorney Rourke, present.
City Engineer represented by Mr. Wheelock.
Planning Advisor Remland, present.
Moved by Mack, secondedby Sheridan that Minutes of August 19th
meeting be approved as mailed. Carried.
CITIZENS" Mayor Doney called on Mr. McKo~ of the Citizens' Committee
COMMITTEE to present report. Mc. McKown introduced Mr. McQuaid of
REPORT Tiki Lane who presented and read request for and a resolution
pertaining to a moratorium on all multiple uses.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan that said report from
the Citizens' Committee be received and filed. Carried.
Mr~ Sheridan reported findings regarding a Zone Study and
Master Plan by an outisde firm and stated that under the
State 701 Planning Act, the state would match up to two-
thirds of 6ost of a complete city and area study.
MORATORIUM Those present speaking against any moratorium were:
Mr. Wall of Lincoln & Wall, Orange, Calif.
Mr. J. Cochran, attorney, representing a group of property
o'wners and businessmen.
Mr. Cozad, property owner on McFadden Street.
Those speaking in favor of a moratorium:
Mr. D. Babbs
Mr. M. DeMong
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that Mr. Rentland be
instructed to obtain names of planning firms suitable to the
City needs so that the Council might determine scope of study.
Mr. Re~land to report findings to the Multiple Housing
committee for recommendations to the Council. Carried
Moved by Sheridan that Resolution as presented and read be
adopted. Motion died for lack of a second.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that until further
facts are presented, no moratorium be placed on high
density development at this time. Carried by roll call-
Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Doney. Noes: Humeston, Sheridan
At 9:04 P.M. after consideration of the letter, and proposed
resolution of the Citizens' Committee and after all interested
persons having spoken, and the two prior motlens having been
adopted, Mr. Colgan asked to read a proposed ordinance
--- covering the subject matter of a moratorium. The chairman
raled that the matter was closed for this meeting, that Mr.
Colgan could file the proposed ordinance (which he didl
and that the next i%em on the Agenda would be considered.
APPEAL Hearing opened at 9:06 P.M. on Appeal of the decision of
UP 63-146 the Tustin Planning Commission granting Up applica~on 63=146
MULLANEY of Crawford M. Mullaney, regardiP~ approval of precise
plans for construction of PD on property at 1801 S.E. San
Jaun Street.
Plans, location and surrounding area explained by Mr. Remland
and letter of Appeal ar~i decision of Commission read.
Those speaking against Appeal:
Mr. J o Cochran spoke representing owner.
Mrs. Pumphry, owner, spoke in own behalf.
Mr. Wm. Gray.
Mr. B. Hall.
Those present in favor of Appeal:
Mr. A. Eo McKown
Mr. D.
Kr. ]% DeMong
Mr. C. Engle
There being no further cor~,ents or objections, the
Hearing was closed at 9:31 P.M.
F~oved by Humeston, seconded by Mack that the decision of
the Plmnning Commission be upheld with the requirement
that the developer furr~ish adequate facilities to handle
water flow of 2500 gal. per minute. Carried by roll call.
Ayes: Mack, Huneston, Klingelhofer, Doney. Noes: Sheridan
63-126 Hearing opened at 9:58 P.M. on Zone Change application
NEWPORT No. 63-126 of Ne~loort Colonial to permit a change of zone
COLONIAL from "U" to PD on'property located at the southwest commer
of Main and Willi~ms Street, Tustln.
Location and use and zoning of surrounding area explained
by Mr. Reinland and correspondence read.
Those present speaking in favor of change:
Mr. J. Wall
Mr. B Hall
Mr. D. Smith
Mr. B. Windolph
Those speaking against:
Mr. M. DeMong
Mr. F. Colgan
Mrs. M. DeMong
Mr. C. Engle
There being no further comments or objections, the Hearing
was' closed at 10:17 P.M.
Moved by Mack, seconded bY Klingelhofer that Z.C.63-126
be granted and attorney requested to draft a proper
ordinance. Carried by roll call, all councilmen voting
63-127 Hearing opened at 10:24 P.M. on Zone Change Application
MUERS 63-127 of George E. Muers to perait a change from 'U"
zone to PD zone on lO acres at 15411 Willtams Street,
Location and use and zoning of surrounding area explained
by Mr. Remland and correspondence ~ead.
Those speaking in favor of change:
Mr. W. Gray'
Mr. CoZad
Those speaking against said change:
Mr. D. Babbs
Mr. F. Colgan
There being no further protests or comm~ents, the Hearing
was dec].~red c: ~sed at 10:35 P.M.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded bY Mack that zone change
application 63-127 be granted and attorney draft proper
ordinance. Carried by roll call: Ayes: Mack, Sheridan,
Klingelhofer, Doney. Noes: Huneston.
63-124 Discussion of Zone Change application 63-124 of A. Bernard
MUTH Muth to permit a change from "U'~ to PD zone on property
located north side of Walnut Avenue, east of Newport continued
from Augast t9th meeting.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that ZC application
63-124 rezoning property from "U" to PD be approved and
City attorney directed to draft ordinance. Carried by
roll call. Ayes: Sheridan, Mack, Klingelhofer.
Mayor Doney and Mr. Humeston were ineligible to vote.
Meeting recessed for 8 minutes and reconvened at 10:50 P.M.
RADIO Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that five people
DEFENSE be authorized to attend Radio Logical Defense Classes at
CLASSES Sunny Hills High School in Fullerton at a total cost not
to exceed $25.00 - carried.
CIVIL Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingeljofer that C.D Director
DEFENSE be authorized to initiate applications for purchase of addi-
tinnal emergency equipment for Fire, Police and C.D. at a
cost not to exceed $2200.00. Carried.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingsljofer that Resolution
No. 671, regarding Civil Defensebe read by title only.
Carried unanimously.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan that Resolution No. 671
be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call, all councilmen
present voting Aye.
AGREEMENT Moved by Mack, seconded by Humeston that Mayor be authorized
WITH STATE to sign Cost Service Contract Agreement with the State
PERSONNEL Personnel Board, Cooperative Personnel Services. Carried.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Humeston that Mayor and City
clerk be authorized to execute Sewer Facility Reimbursement
Agreement with Sourbland Apartment Corp. Carried
Moved by Humeaton, seconded by Sheridan that flood control
plans be approved as recommended by the City Engineer. Carried.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Humeston that B. Wheelock be
grmnted a continuation of overtime to the end of October
Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that annual report
be received and filed. Carried.
Movedby Klingel~ofer, seconded by Sheridan that Resolution
No. 672, accepting the imposition of additional Highway
Users Taxes and Fees pursuant to Chapter 1852, Statutes of
1963, be read by title only. Carried, unanimously.
RESOLUTION ' Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that Resolution
672 No. 672 be passed and adopted. Carrie~ by roll call, all
CounciLmen voting Aye.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer that the Board of
Supervisors and Mr. H. Bergh, Chairman of the County Street
nameing co~nnittee be notified that the City wishes ~o retain
the name of Laguna Road on thai portion of the street
within the City. Copy to be sent to Mr. Wm. Hirstein and
Mr. Alfred C. Bell. Carried.
Mr. Wheelock requested to contact the County Highway
Department regarding request of San Juan School for
crossing guards and curbing.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that Larwin Square
Merchants association be granted pemission to hold Teen
Dance as requested, subject to the approval of Fire and
Police Departments. Carried.
Request from March of Dimes to solicit funds in the City
referred to the Chief of Police
Clerk directed to make eight reservations for Associated
Chamber of Commerce Planning Luncheon.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingslhofer that correspondence
be received and filed. Carried.
BILLS Moved by Ktingelhefer, seconded by Sheridan that Bills in the
amount o~i2g3~bepaid. Carried.
CITY OF TUSTIN BILLS, September 3~ 1963:
California Physicians Service $ 225.08
John Hancock Mutual Life ins. K1 o2
Harold Pinnell 40.00
Orange Co. Radiotelephone So. 30.00
Orange Co, Insurance Agency 10~90
Santa AnaOffice Supply Co, 30.69 '1
Boyle & Lowry 296.88 :
Tiernan's Office Equipment 18.50 ~
The Register 66-1~
Dennis Printers & Stationers 7.68
Economy Office Equipment Co 103.48
Thermo-Fax Sales incorporated 85.90
Harris & Frank ?.80
Seagraves Pacific Corp. 10.45
226 5n
Tustin Fire Dept - ~
Carl E~ternnann & ~ 73.62
Los Jo~mson 30-79
Tustin Auto Parts 2.85
Business q -
E u~pment Co. 11.44
Bob DeSutter Richfield Ser. llg.lO
Western State Woodworking 52-00
Pah Stationers 15-39
Auto Service Center 12.5~
Palm Stationers 15.39
Auto Service Center ~ ~
Van Hove & Dean Garage 55.00
" '~ " 7-55
The Tustin News 16,40
R. F. DiCkson Co., inc. 337,50
Hardy & Hatper 530~64
Valley Engineering 460.00 "!
Reproduction 21.55
Pearl White (Sewer Rehb~) 925-00
B. L. Vi~eeleck 60.00
County ~ Orange ~ r y & Roads) 449.63
House of Trophies 10.~2
Excelsior Creamery Co. 26.32
Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Co. 6.00
Jerry Sedoo (Lifeguard Set.) 24.50
Tustin Lawnmower & Saw Shop 42.62
Buel A. Williamson 18.40
The Tustin Drug & Variety Ste~e o ~
Eldon Remlara 45.50
Carson & Gelding 129.35
Total $ 5,2~3.5~'
Mayor announced that the remainder of the meeting would be
for personnel matters only.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan that Fire C~bief's
report on exa~.ination and hiring schedule, ana eligibility
Lt be accepted~ Motion carried.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by klingelhofer, that meeting
be adjourned.
' C~ty Clerk ~