HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 8 GEOTECHNICAL SVCS 6-20-88- CONSENT CALENDAR ....- APPROVED STAFF TO: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES - JAMBOREE ROAD BETWEEN IRVINE BLVD. AND SANTIAGO CANYON ROAD RECOMMENDATION: That the Tustin City council at their meeting of June 20, 1988 approve'tke Drofessional services agreement designating Geo-Goils, Inc. of Santa Ana to provide geotechncial services along Jamboree Road between Irvine Boulevard and Santiago Canyon Road in the City of Orange, and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement. BACKGROUND: The Jamboree Road project limits extend from Irvine Boulevard on the south side to Santiago Canyon Road (realigned) in the City of Orange on the north. This project will be totally funded by Assessment District No. 86-2 for all design, constrUction and inspection services. During the mass grading operations and construction of street improvements, it will be necessary to employ the cons~±¢ing services of a soils engineering fi~m to perform certain grading inspections and compaction testing functions related to the Jamboree Road improvements. DISCUSSIOM- .® Request f,,r proposals to perform the necessary geotechnical services were solicited from three consultant firms as follows: Geo-Soils, Inc., Santa Ana, CA ............ $339,021.00 Zeiser Geotechnical, Inc., Costs Mesa ...... $365,590.00 The 'Earth Technology Corp., Long Beach ..... $378,545.00 Each of the above-mentioned firms adequately proposed on all items of work listed within the scope of work. Geo-Soils, Inc. has previously performed work within the City, more specifically in the Tustin Ranch area. Staff requests the City Council to approve the attached Professional Services Agreement with Geo-Soils, Inc. for Geotechnical Services for Jamboree Road between Irvine Boulevard and Santiago Canyon Road, and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement. All costs for these consultant services will be funded by Assessment District No. 86-2 with no cost impacts to the City's General Fund. Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works/City Engineer THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 1988, by and between CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal · corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City"); and GEOSOILS, Inc., 1446 East Chestnut Avenue, Santa Aha, CA 92701 (hereinafter called "Consultant"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, City desires to employ Consultant to furnish the nece~;sary engineering services for providing geotechnical services inclusiw, of testinq and grading observation/inspection for Jamboree Road between Irvine Boulevard and Santiago Canyon Road in the Cities of Tustin and .Orange, and in the County of Orange, hereinafter referred to as "Project"; and WHEREAS, Consultant is qualified to provide the necessary service in connec'alon with said Project and has agreea to provide the necessary geotechnical set;ices; and W~EREAS, Consultant has submitted to City a proposal dated February 16, 1~88 and Letter of Clarification dated March 9, 1988, copies of which are attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", respectively, and are by this reference incorporated herein as though set forth in full herein ("the Proposal"). NOW, THEREFORE, City agrees to employ and does hereby employ Consultant to provide for the professional services for the Project, and City and Consultant for the consideration hereinafter set forth agree as follows: Section 1: Scope of Consultant's Services. Consultant agrees to furnish to the City consulting services for the Project. These services shall include all of the geotechnical services to be performed as directed by the City Engineer. Section 2: ~ for d_c.mDletion. I is hereby Understood and mutually agreed that the time f,~r completion of the work to be performed b~ C6nsultant is an essential condition of this Agreement. Consultant agrees that it shall prosecute regul%rly and.diligently the work of this agreement accordingly to reasonable schedules established by City. Consultant shall not be accountable for delays in the progress of its work caused by any condition beyond his control and without the fault or negligence of Consultant. SectioR 3.- compensation. The compensation to be paid under this · greement shall be set forth in Exhibit "A" and monthly payments for work completed will be paid as the work progresses. '~ Section 4: Statement of COsts. Pursuant to the provisions of California Government Section 7550, the total amount expended by City relating to the preparation of the report and documents prescribed herein shall be set forth within the final edition thereof, in a separate section, in a statement substantially as follows: "Pursuant to California Government Code Section 7550, the City of Tustin' expended the total amount of $ for the preparation of this report and/or documents." Section 5: Miscellaneous Provisions. A. City and Consultant further agree to the following conditions: (1) City, by notifying consultant in writing, shall have the right to terminate any or all of the services and work covered by this Agreement at any time. (2) Consultant agrees that it shall proceed immediately and diligently to perform the services provided for in this Agreement upon receipt of notice from City to proceed therewith. (3) The terms and provisions of this Agreement shall extend to and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the respective parties thereto. (4) ~onsul~ ~ shall perform the ~rvices hereunder as an ~ndependent contractor an,~ under no circumstances or conditions shall Consultant and .any of its agents, servants and employees, ~e considered as an employee or agent of the Cit~. (5) Consultant shall perform all services required under this Agreement in a careful, diligent, professional manner, and shall be responsible for all errors and omissions for services performed by Consultant under the terms of this Agreement. Consultant, as a material part of the consideration of this Agreement, hereby waives, on its behalf and on behalf of all others claiming through Consultant, all claims and demands against City, its agents, employees, successors' and assigns, for all loss, damage, injury, sickness, or death of any person resulting from the negligent performance of this Agreement, and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold City, its agents, employees, successors and assigns, harmless from any loss, damage, injury, .sickness, death, or other claim made by other persons and from 'all costs, expenses and charges arising therefrom. Consultant shall maintain in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement, its existing policies of insurance for which certificates of insurance have heretofore been delivered to City. (6) Consultant shall carry and pay for such compensation insurance as is necessary to fully protect Consultant and its employees under California Worker's Compensation Insurance and Safety laws, to relieve City from all responsibility under said laws in connection with the performance of this Agreement, and upon the execution of this Agreement, to file with City a certificate certifying to said protection. (7) Consultant certifies that there shall be no discrimination against any employee who is employed in the work'covered by this Agreement,or against any application for such employment, because of race, religion, color, sex,or national origin including, but not limited to, the following: (3) a. Bm yment, upgrading, demo a or transfer, . recruitment or'recruitment advertising, lay-off or termination, rates of paY or other forms of compensation, and selection for . training, including apprenticeship. (8) Consultant shall provide City monthly with a detailed itemization of all work performed, and the fees accrued thereon, in complete and sufficient detail, to fully apprise City thereof. IN WI.TNESS 'WHEREOF, this Agreement was executed by the parties on the day and year first above written. CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation .ATTEST: Cit. y Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney By Mayor GEOSOILS, INC. By. President (4) Geo$oils, Inc. Soil Mechanics · Geology · Foundation Engineering PROPOSAL FOR E~GINEERING SERVICES JAMBOREE ROAD .- IRVINE BOULEVARD TO SANTIAGO CANYON ROAD CITIES OF. TUSTIN AND ORANGE AND COUNTY OF ORANGE, CALIFORNIA Proposal Presented to Irvine Community Development Company February 16, 1988 PR ~ 1884-A-OC Soil Mechanics · Gediogy · Foundntion Engineering 1448 EostChegnutAvenue · SantaAna, California 92701 · (714) 647-0277 · FAX (714) 647.0745 · Irvine Community Development Company 500 Newport Center Drive Fifth Floor Newport Beach, California 92660 Attention: M~. Gil Nielsen Vice-President, Land Development February 16, 1988 PR #1884-A-OC Subject: Proposal for Engineering Services Jamboree Road - Irvine Boulevard to Santiago Canyon-Road Citie~ of Tustin and Orange, and County of Orange, California - G~'~I amen ~ · In accordance with your request, proposal and estimate of costs Jamboree Road - Irvine BouleVard we are pleased to submit' this for geotechnical services for to Santiago Canyon Road in t~he Cities of Tustin and Orange and ~he County of Orange~. California. Basis of Proposal This proposal is based upon ~he Request for Professional Services (RFPS) that was provided on February 1, 1988, and the information provided at ~he pre-proposal meeting at The Irvine Company on February 8, ' 1988. Prior Doctmen~ During the course of proposal preparation, the following geotechnical documents, provided by The Irvine Company, were reviewed: (~iYON ROAD 'PROdE L&IIT$ , . D~SPOSAL-81TE- ~$AI. SITE 'A" · mi~oree Road- Irvine Blvd. to Irvine Park Entrance ~mtt~go Canyon Road - City Limits to J~oree Road .OCATION MAP JAMBOREE ROAD PROJECT ICDC Page 2 FebL~lary 16, 1988 PR ~1884-A-OC ae b. c· Mass Grading Soils Compaction Report, Tentative Tract. 12763, Lots 1-14 and Lot 16, and Lots 15, 16, and 20 of Sector 12, Tustin Ranch, City of Tustin, California, by GeoSoils, Inc., W.O. 1538-B-OC, dated May 18, 1987. Grading Plan Review, Jamboree Road (Southern Sector) from Irvi'ne Boulevard, the Northerly Boundary of the City of Tustin, Station 123+31 to Station 309+80 in the City of Tustin, California~ by Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc., W.O. 101348-J, dated November 2, 1987. Preliminary Grading Plan Review, Proposed Jamboree Road, City of Orange, California, by Pacific Soils-Engineering, Inc., Work Order 101348-J, dated December 29, 19.87. Prior reports referred to in Items b and c above were not provided· In addition, ~e have Hunsaker and .Associates. reviewed the following plans prepared by · · Improvement Plans for Assessment District 86-2, Tentative Tract I2870 (Sheets 1-46) for Jamboree Road, dated March 20,-1987. Rough Grading Plan for Jamboree R~ad (Sheets 1-13), dated November 19, 1987. Rough Grading Plan, Assessment District 86-2, Tentative Tract 12870 for Jamboree Road (Sheets 1-23), dated October 6, 1987 and January 7, 1988. Oualification~ GeoSoils, Inc. is uniquely qualified to perform the requested services. The company maintains a professional and technical staff of approximately 135 people (45 in Santa Aha) which provide these services throughout Southern California. Descriptions of similar projects and references are Provided in a later section of this proposal. Geo$oils, Inc. ICDC Page-3 Pebr%~ary 16, 1988 . PR. % 1884-A-OC · i · GeoSoils, Inc. has performed these similar servxces for 'the recently completed TUSTIN RANCH TRACT ~O. 12763. This project was Completed within the budget of the RFPS and requests for additional services. The project flowed smoothly and was completed ahead of schedule. GeoSoils, Inc. is currently performing the geotechnical investigation for the PETERS CANYON DAM AND RETENTION BASIN project, which lies southerly of the proposed grading project. GeoSoils, Inc. is currently providing similar services during the grading for TUSTIN RANCH TRACT NO. 1~870. GeoSoils, Inc. maintains a good working relationship with Mr.. Mary Harwood, Project Engineer; Mr. Robert Hall and Mr. Dick Hess of the Construction Division. We have worked well with these gentlemen, not only on The irvine Company projects: but they were employed by other developers. -. We thank you Jamboree Road. very best in 'geotechnical consulting questions pertaining to our proposal, over the years when for the opportunity to submit this proposal for We look forward to, continuing to provide with the services. Should you have any please call upon us. Very truly yours, GeoSoils, Inc. ' President ARK/k Distribution'. ( 3 ) Addressee Geo$oils, Inc. ICDC February 16, 1988 PR #1884-A-OC TABLE OF CONTENTS Paae I. PROPOSAL STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . III. METHODOLOGY FOR SCOPE OF SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 IV. PROJECT SCHEDULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 V. SUMMARY OF SERVICES, PRODUC%'S AND COSTS .......... 7 PROJECT COST SUMMARY SHEET (EXHIBIT "C") SCHEDU?.~ "A # ................... 24 SCHEDULE #B.# · · · · · · · · · · · ~ · · · · · . .. 25 SCHEDULE ~C . . . . . .... . .... . . . . . . 26 SCHE~ "D# · · · · · · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · 27 SCHEDULE "E# · · · · · · · · · · · · .. · · · · · . 28 VI. ADDENDUM (Itams by Consultant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 vii. PERSONNEL AND PROJECT QUALIFICATIONS'" . . . . . .... . . 32 VIII. HOURLY RATE SCHEDUI~ · · · · · · · · · · · · · ...... 33 IX. INSURANCE/CONFLICT OF INTEREST INFORMATION FORMS ..... 33 GRADING PLAN REVIEW- LETTER OF PRIOR REPORT ACCEPTANCE Geo$oils, Inc. ICDC Page 1 Feb~uary 16, 1988 PR # 1884-A-0C IO PROPOSAL STATEME2~ Consultant acknowledges that he has made himself aware of the services, schedules, and products according to the project schedule in Section IV and on a time and materials fee contract basis, not to exceed the total listed in the 'cost summary given in Section V. Consultant: GeoSoils, Inc. President Date: February 16, 1988 II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION BACI~GRO--~D AND PREFIOUS CONSULTING SERVICES The Irvine Company, in cooperation with the CitY~'0f Tustin, City of Orange, and County of 'Orange, is proposing.to construct Jamboree Road from. Irvine Boulevard to Irvine' Park entrance and realign Santiago ~ Canyon Road from Orange city limits to Jamboree Road. The southern segment is within the City of Tustin. The northern segment is in the unincorporated County of 0range~ howeve=, falls within the City of Orange sphere of · influence. The City of Tustin i~ acting as lead agency for this project and may administer the construction contract. The project area is shown on the following "Location Map". A ENC CLASSIF CATm0N The Orange-County Master Plan of Arterial Highways designates Jamboree Road as a major highway from Irvine Boulevard to Tustin Ranch Road and a primary highway from Tustin Ranch Road to Santiago Canyon Road. Santiago Canyon Road is classified as a primary highway also. Major highways are six-lane divided roadways, while primary highways are four-lane. Geo$oils, Inc. ICDC Page 2 FebL~/aL-y 16, 1988 PR #1884-A-OC EXISTING CONDITIONS The roadway alignment goes ~hrough existing agricultural and open space areas of ~he Irvine Ranch; however, a shor~ segment of the roadway has been graded in ~he Orange area. The segment of jamboree Road between Irvine Boulevard and Tustin Ranch Road is be/~lg mass graded with adjacent development. PREVIOUS CONSULTING SERVICE~ HunSaker and Associates prepared final design documents for the subject projec~ and retained Pacific So ils to conduct the geotechnical investigation to suppor~ that design. The plans are currently in plan check with the Cities of Tustin and Orange. Onsite developments that impact the design of Jamboree Road include Tustin Ranch development in the southern segment and Santiago Ranch in the northern portion. IRwD .has prepared a sub-area master plan for the Tustin area that shows s~wer, water and reclaimed pipelines in this roadway. Construction-has commenced on some of these projects. . Coordination with ~hese ongoing and future projects is considered par~ of the scope of work. PROPOSED ACTIONS The objective of this project is to construct an arterial highway that satisfies entitlement conditions for the Tustin and Orange projects. The roadway is needed for delivery of land for development. A target date of June 1, 1989 has been established to have Jamboree Road open to traffic and is essential for The Irvine company to meet its commitments for delivery of ~hese lands. The target date of having the road complete is November 1, 1989. FROJ~CT TEAM The Irvine Community DeveloDment Team includeS: Senior Vice .President Mike Ellis Vice President Gilbert Nielsen Project Manager, Orange Brian Austin GeoSoils, Inc. ICDC Page 3 February 16, 1988' PR ~ 1884-A-OC ProJ .ct Manager, Tustin ProJ ec~ Manager, Tustin Managing Engineer Jay Pierce Tosh Neminsky Mary Harwood The City of Tustin Team' includes: Director of Public Works Engineering Service Manager The City of Oran=e Team includes: Director of Public 'Works City Engineer The Coun~v 9f Oranae Team includes: Director of Transportation Transportation Planning Chief, F~hill Section Bob Ledendecker Ron Wolf. rd Frank Paige Gary Johnson Bill Zaun Max Anderson III. .W~THO~T~ FOR.SCOPE OF We have reviewed ~he scope of work provided with the RFPS and we a~:ept ~his scope of work as appropriate for the project. A letter of acceptance of the previous ge.technical work is appended to ~his proposal. The scope of services is repeated here for completeness: A. Data Review . Review the grading soils/ge.technical data investigations as follows: plan and pertinent from prior and current a. Mass Grading Soils Compaction Report, Tentative Tract 12763, Lots 1-14 and Lot 16, and Lots 15, 16, and 20 of Sector 12, Tustin Ranch, City of'Tustin, California, by Ge. Soils, Inc., W.O. 1538-B-OC, dated May 18, 1987. Grading Plan Review, Jamboree Road. (Southern Sector) from Irvine Boulevard, the Northerl~ Boundary of the City of Tustin, Station 123+31 to Station 309+80 in the City of Tustin, California, GeoSoils, Inc. ICDC Page 4 February .16, 1988' PR # 18-84 -A-OC C. ! by PaCific Soils Engineering, Ibc., W.O. 101348-J, dated November 2, 1987. Preliminary Grading Plan Review, Proposed Jamboree Road, City of Orange, California, by Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc., Work Order 101348-J, dated December 29, 1987. 2. Grading Plan review services have been provided Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc. With s.ubmittal of th~'s proposal, consultant shall include written accepta~e of the findings and recommendations therein. 3. Consultant is to prepare a repor~ if additional field, laboratory, or office work is needed. B. 0~ERVATION AND TESTING a~ Rough Grading. P~rform field observation during rough grading to confirm that suitable materials are being used and placed according to plans and specifica~ions and agency standards. Observation and testing will include, bu~ not be limited to, the following: Rough grading ( i. e., cu~s, fills, over excava=i OhS, Ag i ine relocations, disposal sites, IRWD Reservoir Site, protection of exis=ing water line and facilities, etc.). The earthwork volume is given as 2,500,000 cubic yards. b. Substructure and Roadway Construction. Perform field observation during construction to confirm tha~ suitable materials are being used and placed according to plans and specifications and agency s~andards. Observation and testing during cons=ruction will include, bu= not be limited to, the following: o Substructure (i. e., waterlines, sewerlines, storm drain, reclaimed water, common trench, retests, etc. ). Geo$oils, Inc. ICDC Page 5 February 16, 1988 PR #lSS4-A-OC Roadway (i.e., subbase, curb and gutter.', paving and base course, etc.). Specific length and depths of trench are not provided for the trench backfill work· Specific lengths of roadway components are not provided. 2. Ro~ah Gradi~a In general, t.he rough grading services shall include, but not be limited to, the following services: Rouah Gradina Inspections. _ Testina and Supervision a. Supervision of all technical field personnel. b. Two technicians full-time for duration of project. c. Attendance at pre-grade meeting by Project Manager and Supervisory Technician. d. Observation _and _ documentation grubbing operations. of site clearing and Observation of processing and moisture conditioning prior to fill placement. · f. -~ testing of alluvial soils. g. Soil engineering approval of ares to receive'fill. h. Observation and testing adequate fill lifts, compaction. of fill placement for moisture content, and i. Observations of subdrain placement for adequate percent fall and amount of filter material (.if necessary). J · Review of recom-endations, testing and observations regarding disposition of existing buildings, cesspools, seepage pits, pipelines, etc. Provision of daily superintendent. field reports to onsite G4oSoils, ICDC Page 6 February 1-6, 1988 PR # 1884-A-OC · Laboratory Testing a. Maximum density/optimum moisture content Expansion Index ¢. Gradations d. Sand Equivalent e. ResistivityValue f. Soluble Sulfates~ chlorides, pH g. Soil fertility tests Phosphate-Phosphorus, h. Soil Toxicity tests · (Boron, Nitrate-Nitrogen, Potassium salinity) Report PreDara~i~ Provide two geo~echnical reports; one at the completion of the mass grading= and one at the completion of substructure and roadway construction which include the following= a. Earthwork operations summary. . . Analysis of data as required. c. Documentation of geotechnical conditions encountered and summarization of soil engineering and geologic conditions. d. As-graded geotechnical map. e. Appropriate illustrations. f. Laboratory test data. g. Summary and locations plotted on copy of grading plan of field density tests. h. Conclusions. Geo$oils, Inc. ICDC Page 7 February 16, 1988 PR # 1884-A-OC Recommendations. References. Meetinas and CoordinatiQ~ _ Weekly Jobsite meetings are requested and should be estimated at one hour per week ~hrough the duration of rough grading. Additional meetings for coordination with ICDC, City staff, and OCEMA would be necessary. GeoSoils, Inc. is prepared 'to star~ work Scheduling for this project is as follows: Pre-Bid Meet~g Proposal Due Interviews Consultant Selection Begin Construction Complete Construction when selected. February 8, 1988 February 19, 1988 February 24, 1988 March 1, 1988 April 1, 1988 October 31, 1989 These work schedules may be modified by you due to weather conditions, contractor ' s pace, and performance or other circumstances beyond consultant ' s control. Ex~ra costs, if any, would be authorized by negotiated change order. su o Y oF s v'IcEs. PRODUCTS, AND COSTS This summary .is prepared based on the deletions and additions to RFPS services that were detailed at the Pre-Bid meeting on February 8, 1988. Geo$oils, Inc. ICDC Page 8 February 16, 1988 PR # 1884-A-0C We .expect our geotechn'ical services to be utilized during the project in accordance with ~he scope of services.. The an~icipated charges, for the above scope of services are shown on the following tabulation. These fees are based on the enclosed Schedule of Fees. GeoSoils, Inc. Io Page 9 February 16, 1988 PR # 1884-A-0C S~~.~ #A" JAM~O~E ROAD - IRVTNE BOU?.~VARD TO TUSTIN RANCH ROAD ROUGH GRADE Under construction with GeoSoils. Inc. geotechnical services provided by (No manhours required. ) II. ROADWAY AND SUBSTRUCTURE IRWD will test sewer, water, and reclaimed water lines. Per Flaten/Harwood at pre-bid meeting, A.C. lay down and plant inspections and presaturation, testing of sidewalk subgrade are not included. Data Review . S~aff Engineer 4 hrs. x $65.00/hr. $ Principal Engineer 2 hrs. x $85.00/hr. $ (6 hours ~ 260.00 170,90 $ B. Observation and Testina 1. Substructure (Trench backfills] a. Electrical/TV (14. 157 1. f. ) (Tests at 200' ~ Technician 70 tests x 3/4 hr./test x $39.00/hr. $ 2,047.50 b. Gas (9,407 t-f.) (Tests at 200') Technician 47 tests x 3/4 hr./test x $39.00/hr. $ .1,374.75 Geo$oils, Inc. ICDC Page 10 Febzl/ary 16, -1988 PR # 1884-A-OC c. Tel~Dhg~9 (9.407 1.f.) ~Tests at 200') e · Technician 47 tests x 3/4 hr./test x $39.00/hr. $ .1,374.75 d. S~orm Drain (8.543 1.f.) (Tests at 200') Tec~mician 42 tests x 3/4 hr./test x $39.00/hr. $ 1.228.50 (1~5 hours 9_. Roadway a. Cur~ ~Hd Gu~ter (20.565 1.f.~ (Tests at 500').. Technician 41 tests x 3/4 hr./test x $39.00 $ 1,199.25 314 1.f.~ (Tests at 300'~ Technician 58 tests x 3/4 hr./test x $39,00 $ 1,696.50 ¢. Base ¢17.314 1.f~ (Tests at 300'~ Technician 58 2es~s x 3/4 hr./tes~: x $39.00 s 3..69s. o ( 118 hours $ 4.592.2~ C. LABORATORY TESTING 'Tec/mician ("R#-Values) 28 hrs. X $45.00/hr. Technician 36 hrs. x $45.00/hr. (64 hours% 1,2'60.00 1.620.00 S ~-. 880.00 · (Corrosive, fertility, toxicity tests not included per Flat.n/Harwood. ) C, eo$otls, Inc. ICDC Page 11 February 16, 1988' PR # lSS4-.A.-OC D.' ~UPERVISION ' Staff Engineer Principal Engineer 24 hrs. X $65.00/hr. S 'hrs. X $SS.00/hr. hours E. REPORT PREPARATION ¢1 Final Report) _ Staff Engineer Principal Engineer Drafting 16 hrs. X $65.00/hr. 4 hrs. X $85.00/hr. 40 hrs. X $40.00/hr. (.60 hours · 1,560.00 o.oo 2.240.00 1,040.00 340.00 , oo.oo 2.980.00 F. ~ETINGS AND COORDINATION Staff. Engineer 10 hrs. X $65,00/hr. Geo$oils, Inc. · Page 12 Febr%zary Z6, · 1988 PR 91884-A-OC I. SCH~DUI~ mBW JAMBOREE ROAD BRIDGE AT PETERS CHANNEL BOUGH GRADE Area under Oonstruction GeoSoils. Inc. with geotechnical services provided by (No man hours required) II. BRIDGE AND SUBSTRUCTURE The following estimate taken from incomplete November 13, 1987, by McLean and Schultz. DATA REVIEW Principal Engineer 2 hrs. x $85.00/hr; B. OBSERVATION AND TESTING 1. Pile Installation ¢152 Pile~) ~nsDecti0~ S~aff Engineer 64 hrs. x $65.00/hr. 2. Footina Inspections Staff Engineer 8 hrs. x $65.00/hr. 3. Structural Backfill Testina _ Technician. C. LABORATORY TESTING Per Flaten/Harwood, testing of materials, not included. Technician 56 hrs. x $39.00/hr. · plans dated 170.00 4.160.00 · $ 520.00 2.184.00 concrete, steel, and other 8 hrs. x $45.00/hr. 360.00 GeoSoils, Inc. ICDC Page 13 February ~6, 1988 PR # 1884-A-OC D. ~UPERVISION Principal Engineer S~aff Engineer E. ~EPORT PREPARATION St&fl Engineer Pr~ncipal Engineer Dr~fting 4 hrs. x $85.00/hr. 8 hrs. x $65.00/hr. [12 hours % 12 hrs. x $65.00/hr. 2 hrs. x $85.00/hr. 16 hrs. x $40.00/hr. 340.00 s~_o. oo 86,0. O0 780.00 17o.oo 640.00 1.590.00 F. ~EETINGS AND COORDINATION Staff Engineer 10 hrS- x $65.00/hr. 650.00 Geo$oils, Inc. ICDC Page 14 Febz~/ary 16, 1988 PR # 1884-A-0C I. SCg~.DUT.~ m~ JAMBOREE ROAD - TUSTIN RANCH ROAD TO TUSTIN ~0UND~RY ~fhe grading quantities are as follows= Raw Volume= Removals= Disposal Area= ~unsaker and Associates (10/7/87.) 978,440 c.y. 549,950 c.y. 375. 300 c.y. 1,903,690 c.y.. Mr. Hess indicated ~hat the contractor would take five days for s~ar~-up and ten days for 'finish work. The contractor will average 25,000 cubic yards per day and will work five days per week, 10 hours per day. A. DATA REVIEW S~aff Engineer Senior Technician 4 hrs. x $65.00/_hr. $ 260.00 8 hrs. x$45.00/~r. $ 360.00 (12 bourse_ $ 620.00 B-D OBSERVATION AND TESTING The major cost for this type of project is technician' time during grading and, due to the difficulties of the project, geologic inspection. :The time span required for these services is variable and depends upon the contractor's pace and performance. -- 1. Sta~c-Up Technician 5 days x 8 hfs/day x $45.00/hr. 1.800.00 , Oeo$oils, Inc. ICDC Page. 15 Pebruary 16, '1988 PR' # 1884-A-OC 2. Gradina Contr91 EarthWork Volume: Time Estimate: Work Schedule: 1,903,690 cubic yards 76 days (15 wks-25,000 c.y. per day) 5 days/week, '10 hrs./day a. Senior Technician. 61 days x 8 hrs./day x $45.00/hr. 61 days x 2 hrs./day x $56.25/hr. 15 days x 10 hrs/day x $56.25/hr. 21,960.00 6,862.50 8,437.50 61.days x 8 hrs./day x $39.00/hr. 61 days x 2 hrs./day x $48.75/hr. 15 days x 10 hfs/day x $48.75/hr. 19,032.00 5,974.50 7,312.50 b. Geoloaist · Principal 4 hrs./wk x 15 wks x $85.0'0/hr. $ 5,100.00 Staff 10 h~s./wk x 15 wks x $65.00/hr.. Enaineer Principal 4 hrs./wk x 15 wkS x $85.00/hr. Staff ~ hrs./wk x 15 wks x $65.00/hr. 9,750.00 $ 5,100.00 5,850.00 Laboratory Technician 12 hrs./wks x 15 wks x $45.00/hr. $ 8.%00.00 S103,479,00 , , 3. Finish Worx Technician 10 days x 8 hrs./day X $45.00/hr. $ 3:600.0Q 4. Final-Soils and Geoloqic Report Principal,Engineer 2 hrs. x $85.00/hr. Principal Geologist 2 hrs. x $85.00/hr. $ 170.00 $ 170.00 Seo$oils, Inc. ICDC Page 16 February 16, 1988 PR # 1884-A-OC Staff Engineer Staff Geologist Drafting 16 hrs. x $65.00/hr. 12 hrs. x $65.00/hr. 40 hrs. x $40.00/hr. 1,040.00 780.00 1. 600.00 $ 3.760.00 If ~he projec~ takes longer than the anticipated 76 working days, or design changes that require additional work are made either in your office , by governmental agencies, or by the design engineer, the estimated costs would increase. This additional work will be billed at our fee schedule rates, as authorized by your written change order. E. MEETINGS AND COORDINATION Staff. Engineer 10 hrs. X $65.00/hr. S 650.00 II. ROADWAY AND SUBSTRUCTUR~ IRWD will test sewer, .. water, reclaimed water lines. Per -Flaten/Harwood at pre-bid meeting, A.C. lay down and plan insp~ions and presaturation of sidewalk subgrade are not included. A. DATA Staff Engineer Principal Engineer 4 hrs. x $65.00/hr. 2 hrs. x $85.00/hr. $ 260.00 $ %7o,oo hours ~ $. 430. OO B. OBSERVATION AND TESTING 1. ~ubstructure (Trench backfi%ls) a. .Electrical/TV [16,073 1.f.) [Tests at 200') Technician 80 tests x 3/4 hr./test x $39.00/hr. $ 2,340.00 Geo$oils, Inc. ICDC Pa~e 17 Febr~lary 16, 1988 PR # 1884-A-OC ! b. Gas (10.448 1. Technician 52 tests x 3/4 hr./test x $39.00/hr. $ 1,521.00 c. Telephone (10.323 1.f.% (Tests at 200'~ Technician 51 tests x 3/4 hr./test x $39.00/hr. $ 1,491.75 d. 3~Qrm Drain (10.364 1.f.~ (Tests at 200'} Technician 52 tests x 3/4 hr./test x $39.00/hr. $ 1. 521.0.0. (176 hQ.uts% $ 6. 873.7.5 · a. ~urb ~n~ Gutter Technician 77 tests x 3/4 hr./test x $39.00 $ 2,252.25 b. S~~e (19..896 1.f.~ (Tests at 300'} Technician 66 tests x 3/4 hr./test x $39.00 $ 1,930.50 c. Base (19. 896 1. f~ (Tests at Technician 66 tests x 3/4 hr./test x $39.00 $ 1.930.50 (1~7 hours} $. 6:113.25 C. LABORATORY TESTING Technician ("R#-Values) 31 hrs. X $45.00/hr. Technician 36 hrs. x $45.00/hr. hours 1,395.00 1.620.00 $ 3:015.00 (Corrosive, fertility, toxicity tests not included per Flaten/Harwood. ) GeoSoils, Inc. ICDC P. age 19 February 16, 1988 PR # 1884-A-OC JAMBOREE ROAD - TUSTIN BOUNDARY to IRVINE PARK C Entrance~ SANTTAGO BOU~JRVARD - NEWPORT BOU?.~VARD TO JAMBOB_EE ROAD IRWD DISPOSAL SIT~ I. ~.'OUGH GRADE The grading quantities are as follows: per Hunsaker and Associates (1/28/88) Raw Volume: Removals: S~ility Slopes: Keyways 1,056,690 ¢.y. 143,040 ¢.y. 247,950 c.y. 8.7'40 c.y. 1,456,420 c.y. Mr. Hess..indicated that the contractor would take five days for star~-up, and ten days for finish work. The contractor will average 25,000 cubic yards per day and will work five days per week, 10 hours per day. A. DATA REVIEW Staff Engineer 4 hrs. x $65.00/hr. Senior Technician 8 hrs. x $45.00/hr. $ 260.00 $ 360.00 620.0O B-D OBSERVATION AND TESTING The major cost for .this type of project is technician time during grading and, due to the difficulties of the project, geologic inspection. The time span required for these services is variable and depends upon the contractor's pace and performance. GeoSoils, Inc. ICDC Page 20 February 16, 1988 PR # 1884-A-O¢ 1. Start-Up _ Technician 5 days x 8 hfs/day x $45.00/hr. 1.800.00 2. Gradina Control 'Earthwork Volume: 1,456,420 cubic yards Time Es~.imate: 58 days (11 wks-25,000c.y, per day) .Work Schedule: 5 days/week, 10 hrs./day Senior Technician 47 days x 8 hrs./day x $45.00/hr. 47 days x 2 hrs./day x $56.25/hr. 11 days x 10 hfs/day x $56.25/hr. Technician 47 days x 8 hrs./day x $39.00/hr. 47 days x 2 hrs./day x $48.75/hr. 11 days x 10 hfs/day x $48.75/hr. Geologist Principal 4 hrs./wk, x-11- wks x SSS.00/hr. 16,920.00 5,287.50 6,187.50 14,664.00 4,582.50 5,362.50 3,740.00 S~aff 16 hrS./wk x 11 wks x $65.00/hr. $ 11,440.00 Enaineer Principal 4 hrs./wk x 11 wks x $85.00/hr. Staff 6 hrs./wk x 11 wks x $65.00/hr. $ 3,740.00 $ 4,290.00 d.' Laboratory Techniciah 12 hrs./wks x 11 wks x $45.00/hr. $ 5.940.00 $ 82~154.0Q 3. Finish Wor~ Technician 10 days x 8 hrs./day X $45.00/hr. $ 3.600.0Q GeoSoils, Inc. ICDC Page 21 February 16, 1988 PR # 1884-A-OC 4. Final Soils and Geolo=ic Report Principal Engineer-2 hrs. x .$85.00/hr. Principal Geologist 2 hrs. x $S$.00/hr. Staff Engineer 16 hrs. x $65.00/hr. Staff Geologist 12 hrs. x $65.00/hr'. Drafting 40 hrs. x $40.00/hr. .' $ 170.00 $ 170.00 $ 1,040.00 $ 780.00 $ 1.600.00 760.00 If the project takes longer than the anticipated 58 working days, or design changes that require additional work are made either in your office , by governmental agencies, or by the design engineer, the estimated costs would increase. This additional work will be billed at our fee schedule rates, as authorized by your written change order. E. MEETINGS AND COORDINATION Staff Engineer 10 hrs. X $65.00/hr. S . . Should more than 10 hours or meetings be necessary, these costs will be bille~ at our fee schedule rates.. II. ROADWAY AND SUBSTRUCTURE IRWD will test sewer, water, reclaimed water lines. Per ' Flaten/Harwood at pre-bid meeting, A.C. lay down and plan inspections and' presaturation of sidewalk subgrade are not included. Ao Staff Engineer Principal Engineer 4 hrs. x $65.00/hr. 2 hrs. x $85.00/hr. (~6 rhours ): 260.00 3,70.00 $ 430.00 GeoSoils, Inc. ICDC Page 22 February 16,' 1988 PR # 1884-A-OC B. OBSERVATION AND TESTING 1. Substructure (Trench backfills a. Electrical/TV (13. 498 1. f. ) (Tests at 200' ) Technician 67 tests x 3/4 hr./test x $39.00/hr. $ 1,959.75 b. Gas (9. 120 1.f.) (Tests ~% 200') Techni0ian 45 tests x 3/4 hr./test x $39.00/hr. $ 1,316.25 'c. Telephone (9.120 1.f.~ {Tests at 200'} _ Technician 45 tests x 3/4 hr./test x $39.00/hr. $ 1,316.25 d. Storm Drain (6.075 1.f.~ (Tests at 20Q'} Technician 30 tes~s x 3/4 hr./test x $39.o0/hr. $ 8'17.50 . -. · a. Curb and Gutter (35.172 1.f.) (TeStS at 500'} Technician 70 tests x 3/4 hr./test x $39.00 b-. Suborade (15. 643 1. f. ~ (Test~ a~ 300' } 'Technician 52 tests x 3/4 hr./test x 539.00 c. Base (15. 643 1. f) (Tests at 300' ) Technician 52 tests x '3/4-hr./test x $39.00 · r_~30 hoursL 5.469.75 $ 2,047.50 $ 1,521.00 1.521.00 5,089.50 ! _ Oeo$oils, Inc. ICDC Paqe 23 February 16, 1988 PR # 1884-A-OC C. LABORATORY TESTIN~ Technician ("R#-Values) 28 hrs. X $45.00/hr. Technician 36 hrs. x $45.00/hr. $ 1,260.00 $ 1.620.00 2.880.00 D. SUPERVISION Staff Engineer 24 hrs. X $65.00/hr. Principal Engineer 8 hrs. X $85.00/hr. (32 hours ~ $ 1,560,, 00 $ ~So,oo 2:240.00 E. REPORT PREPARATION ¢ 1 Final S~aff Engineer 16 hrs. X $65.00/hr. PrinciPal. Engineer 4 hrs. X $85.00/hr. Drafting 40 hrs. X $40.00/hr. , ¢ 60 hours ~ 040.00 340.0¢ 1.S00.0O S 2 :,.,,!),8 o., 00 F. MEETINGS AND COORDINATION Staff Engineer 10 hrs. X $65.00/hr. $ 65o.o0 Geo$oils, Inc. EXHIBIT SCHEDULE A SCHED~ OF FEES CONSTi~UCTION SERVICES - GEOTECHNICAL Page 24 Reach ! Jamboree Road-I~ine Boulevard co Tus~in Ranch Road lo e ltou~h Grade Roadway & Observ&ciou & Tesc~n$ RouSh Grade Roadway & Subscruc~=e Labor&cory Tosein$ Roadway & Subst'rucL'ure Super~ison Roush Grade Roadway & SuboerUct~Lre Roporc l~oparaciou . Heectaf~ a~A Coordination Rough Grade Roadway & Subseruct~re Toca~ l~ofesolon~l Services Reinbursablea - Specialized l~incinS & Roproducciou To~a~ BudseC Lump Sum Cost Noc Exceed $ NA NA 10.617.75 $ NA $_ ~.~0.00 $ N& ~ 2.2,t0.~_ __ $ 19,797.~0 $.. 1.fYlO.~ 705121-Ii 5-2 1/22/88 SCHEDULE OF. FEEb CONSTRUCTXON SE~VXCES - GEOT~CHNZCAL Page 25 Jamboree Road Bridge aC Pecers Channel B~te DaCe Reviev Rough Grade Bridge & Subs~L~=e · Obse~'vacion & TesCin$ Rough Grade Bridge & Subac~ue~ure Laboracor~ ~esCing ' lough Grade Bridge & SubeCrueL~L~e $~per~iaou Rough Grade · Bridge & S~bsc~A~e Repoz~ ~TeparaCiou Rough Grade Bridge & Subsc~L~LTO HeeCinp and Coordination Ioush Grade BrAdp & Total l~ofesatoual Set-Aces Rotmb~LTaablee - Specialized l~inCtng & ReproducCiou Total Budget Cost Nec NA MH $ NA _. 2 HH $ ~_~ NA Kif ~A I,IH 12 lm Lump Sum $ NA $ NA' $ NA $ I0,894.00 iii 705121-5 DOI~ 5-3 1/22/88 SCHEDULE SCHEDUL~ OF CONST~UCTZON SnVZC~S Page 26 Resch II Jamboree Road - Tuscin Ranch Road co Tuscin Boundary lncl~dln$ disposal sites ~ . ' ., &' Cost Noc -1. o Baae Data Review · ou~h ~zade ~oadw&y & Subacruccure ObservacAon & Tescin6 Roadway & Substructure Laboratory Testing Rough Grade Roadway & S~bscru~ure S~pervison Rough Grada Roadva7 & S~bsc~A~e __ Repot= P~epa~aciou ~.oush ~rade P. oadwa7 & and CoordAnaCtou ~~ e~ade ,10 Roadway & Subs~cure .10,_ = Total ~To£essAonal SeEvtces Reimbursables . Specialized Equinencf, ~incinS & Reprodu~ciou Lump Sun Total Budgec _ 705121-5 DOI~ 1/22/88 $CHED~ OF FEF~- CONSTRUCTION SERVICES .~ EC~ICAL Page 27 Rasch -III J.mnboree Road - TUs.cin Boundary co Iz"vine Park F-ncrance Sancia$o Canyon Road-Hevporc Bouleva,rd Co Jamboree Rao~r lncludin$ Disposal' Sl.~es 2. o Observation & Tescin$ Roadvay & 3ubs~rua~ure Liberator7 Tescin$ l~oush Gradd Roadva7 & Substructure Supervisou Roush Grade Roadva7 & Subscruc~=e RepoL'~ l~ep&raCiou Roadway & Substructure lfeectnls .end CoordtrmCtou Roush Grade Roadvay & Subscruet~tre Roinbuz'sebles . Specialized Equinenc,s, P'rincins & Raproducciou Total BudseC _ 12 mi 1,522 HH att :LUmp Sum co Exceed $._ 74,134.CD $ 10~559.25 $,,, 5,940.00 9, 2,880.00_ 9, __ $ _ 3,760.00 __ _ $ 112~323.25 $_114,323.25 705121-$ 1)015 5-5 1/22/88 SCHED~ OF FEE~ ~ CONSTRUCTION SERVICES -'~ Page 28 Jamboree Road Bridge ac Pecers Ch&rmel ' Jm~boree Road - Irvine Boulevard co Irvine Park Entrance t Santiago Canyon Road - C~y Boundary co Jamboree Road ~ncludin$ D~sposal S£ces ,- - Cost Nec t:o Exceed o Base Da~a Review Rough Gr&de Roadvay, ,~Bridge & SubeCruct~Lre Observation & Test:in[ Rma~h trade ' Re&alway, Bridge & Substructure Rough Grade Roadway, Bridge & Substructure 312 HH $164,713.00 $ 41,028.00 $ 14,.0'I0. (D $ 9, I~.(X) Supervisou Rough Grade Roadway, Bridge & Subsr~-uccure $ Ropor~ l~eparaciou Roadway, Brtdse & Substructure Hoectn~s mad Coordinaciou Rough Grade Roadway, Br~dse & Subecruct~Lre 144HH 210 ~ 10,, 0.00 $ 51695 HH Lump Sum $. Toe&]. Budget 705121-5 DOI~ 5-6 ]./22/88 ICDC Page 29 February 16, 1988 PR #1.884-A-OC . VI. ADDENDUM ( Item_s by Consuftan%) _ A. RFPS WORK ITeM DET.~TIQNS As per ~he pre-bid meeting of February. 8, 1988, the following items were deleted from ~he .. proposal request: 0 Sewer, water, and reclaimed water trench backfill inspection testing (provided by IRWD). Corrosive, soil fertility, and soil toxicity tests. Inspectional · testing materials. steel, concrete or other 4. Presaturation or other tests in relation to sidewalks or other flat. work. Inspection placement, and testing of asphaltic concrete and plant inspection and testing. B. SUBDRAIN INSPECTION Based on a review of ?he referenced plan review reports, .we 'estimate ~hat approximately 4,000 lineal feet of subdrain would be installed during the grading.. The estimated costs of inspecting this placement is as follows: Staff Geologist 48. hrs. x $65.00/hr. $ 3.120.00 , C. ADDITIONAL TECHNICIANS During the course of grading, the contractor may split his spread and work in more than one area at a time, resulting in additional inspection and testing time. Also, due to the large areal extent of the project and the distance between numerous smaller-type fill areas, additional technicians may be necessary. 1. Schedule "C" Tech~%c%an No. 3 [60% time[ 44 days x. 8 h~s./day x $39.00 44 days x 2 hrs./day x $48.75 $ 13,728.00 $ 4,290.00 GeoSoils, Inc. ICDC February 16, 1988 PR # 1884-A-OC Technician No. 4 ¢40% ti~9) 30 days x 8 hr,./day x $39.00 30 days x 2 hrs./day x $48.75 Total Ex~ra Technicians Schedule "C# $ .'9,360.00 $ 2,925.00 30.303.00 2. Schedule "D# Technician No. 3 (60% time) 34 days x 8 hrs./day x $39.00 34 days x 24 hrs./day x $48.75 Technician No. 4 ¢40% timg) 22 days x 8 hrs./day x $39.00 22 days x 2' hrs./day x $48.75 Total Ex~ra Technicians Schedule. $ 10,608.00 $ 3,315.00 $ 6,864.00 $ 2.145.00 $ 22. 932.00 Geo$oils, Inc. Page 31 ADDENDUN NO. 1 PROJ~GT TITLE JAMBOREE ROAD i~VINE BOULEVARD TO ~RVINE PARK SANTIAGO CANY0~ ROAD, CITY BOUNDARY TO JAMBOREE ROAD ! V~ President:, Land Developnent: ?ha Xrv~ne Comau~ Development: ~o,spany 705121-6 D01~ 6,-2 ]./22/88 Page 33 February 16,. 1988 PR # 1884-A-OC VII. PERSONNEL AND PROJECT OUALIFICATION~ At ~he end of ~his proposal we have included a list of personnel and resumes for each person~ These are expected to be ~he key personnel to be involved wi~h ~he work. Other Commitments of Personnp1 Whereas our personnel are currently working on other projects, we intend to release ~hem from o~her responsibilities in order that they can devote sufficient time to concentrate on their specific aspects of the project and to maintain or exceed the time schedule. Mr. Alber~ Kleist, Mr. Skip Pouncey, and Mr. Sheldon Medall intend to lead and coordinate the personnel to maintain continuity and to provide expertise to the project, as well as to be available for interaction with Irvine Community Development Company. Note that Tustin Tract 12870 will finish grading at ~he same time this projec~ begins; '~hereby allowing the same field team to continue to work with Mr.. Hess and Mr. Buckner. Subconsqltants .. .GeoSoils, Inc. and its personnel are every geotechnical aspect of the project qualified to as proposed. evaluate Pro~e~Wc Oualifications In addition to ~he recently complete Tustin T=tct No. ~76~ for Irvine Community Development Company, Geosoil s, Inc. has · participated in numerous large development projects over our 14 years in business. These include numerous similar projects in the communities of Deerfield, Woodbridge, Westpark, and ~he cities of Irvine, Orange and Tustin. Services for these projects have included data review, rough grading and post- grading services. A partial list of projects in the Tustin/Irvine area is attached at the end of this proposal. GeoSoils, Inc. is currently· providing similar geotechnical services for Tustin Ranqh T~act No. %28'70. Geo$oils, Inc. ICDC Page 33 February 16, 198S 'PR # 1884-A-OC References .. The following are ~hree current clients wi~h which we work closely on similar projects: Irvine Pacif[c .#1 Park Plaza Drive Suite 1000 Irvine, California (714) 553-5900 Bill Fishel, Dave McAllister The Irvine Company #1 Park Plaza Drive Suite 1000 Irvine, California (714) 5s -59oo Roland Osgood, Jay Pierce Mary Harwood, Bob Hall Dick Hess Barratt Irvine 18022 Cowan Street Suite 203 Irvine, California (714~ 474-0440 Sonny Geary. Fieldstone Company 14 Corporate Plaza Newpor~ Beach, California Rick Peters, Frank Foster viii. IX. HOURLY RATE SCI~ED~ Our current fee schedule is attached a= the end of this proposal. INSURANCE/CONFLZCT OF INTEREST INFORMATION FORMS Insurance and conflict of interest forms are attached at t_he end of this proposal. ICDC Page 34 February 16, 1988 PR # 1884-A-OC ! We appreciat· ~he opportunity to submit ~his proposal, and if there are any questions, or if you need any clarifications, please, contact me at (714) 647-0277. Very ~ruly yours, ~eoSoils, Ino. ARK/K1 Enc: List of Personnel Form Sub¢onsultant and Insurance Form Conflic~ of Interest Form GeoSoils, Inc. Insurance Information Form Resumes of Key Personnel Fee Schedule Pa~cial Lis~ of' Tus~in/Irvi~e Area Projects Grading Plan Review - Letter of Prior Repoz~c Acceptance ( 3 ) Addressee GeoSoils, Inc. EXHIBIT 'D' KEY PERSONNEL Page 1 of t Date ~-/16/88 This form must ~e used to list all key personnel to be assigned to this proJecc~ Please include telephone numbers for principa! pos£tion~..- A. Principal of firm assiSned co project: Name: Alber~ R. Xlei~ Poeicion with firm: President - Chief Soils Engineer Office Phone: ~1~ 647-0277 Hone Phone: ( ),, Bo Project Engineer(s)/Gaolo$isc(s)/L"ndscape Architect(s) assigned to project: Name: Albert R. lleist · P~siC:l.~n with firm: P~'~_~'i~'l~n~ - Ch~_ef Soils Enqiner Task(s) assigned: Rvalnat~ --oil enaine~rinq aspects of -- -- i NauePrincipal ' Eng'%ne.ering Geologist : H.D. (Skip} Pounce7 Posici0n with firm: Principal Engineering Geologist Task(s) assi~ned: ' Evaluate ~eolo~ic and technical conditions CO bsis;n' Ensinoe=(e)/Geolo$isC(s)/Landscape Architect(s) assigned to project: N~me: Sheldon E- Medal1 i I i Position w~eh firm: Principal Consultant Dasi~n Task(s) Responsibilities assismed: Analysis of project 9A~meeer-q. as ~essar~ 705121- 7 ]301.5 Name: n~v~ AlBum/ Robert Gran~ Posielon with firm: Staff Enqineer Design Task(s) ResponsiBilities assigned: Perform. and evaluate laborator~ tests. Supervise rough grading operation, reporting. Name: Peter Tartaalino. Charles Roberts Position with f~rm: Staff Enqineer Design Task(s) Hesponsibil.ities assi~ned: Field in~Dection, evaluate ~radin~, supervision, reporting 7-2 1/22/88 .EXHIBIT ~CONSULTA~$ AND INSURAN¢ LIST OF SUBCONSITLTANTS. AND INSURANCE F0~ Pa'ge..1_. of _]._ A. Our~ide consultants Co be used in pzovidins se~ices reques~e~ by .proJec: (a~ach copy of r. heir proposal for se~-~ices). Please fill ou~ chis form for each subconsul~anc used. 1. Name of firm: NONE l~y Personnel of fir~ assigned =o proJec=: Office Phone: ( ),, , Tuk(·) assigned: Ocher s~:aff usi~ned t:o p~oJec~:: Naqle Pos Home Phone: ( ) Task(s) If no eubcormulcancs are used, or. ace '"None" on r. his sheet. 705121-7 DO15 ~/22/88 'EXHIBIT CONFLICT OF ~?hen providin~ ~he ln~or~acion requested in chis Exhibit, please consider the Cern 'public 'official' co mean every member, officer, employee 0rtconsuluan~ of a scaCe or local ase~cy. A. Compl~ea ~his pare i£ Consultant is an. individual, whether comduc~ing: business under his or her own name or a £ic~i~ious business name, ra~her r. han a corporation, partnership, trus~, Joint venrare, syndicate, association or o~her form of business en:erprise. A~ach additional ahee~8 if necessary. 1. Lisc ~he title of-public office, Ju~isdiction and r~rm of office of each public office ~hac you hold, ~e~er by elecci~ or appoin~enc. ~ Jurisdiccio~ ~ None illll 2. If you are married, or if you' have plaus Co marry ~hat are su£fi. cien~ly definite Co enable you co respond co ~his request, list '~he elele of public office, Jurisdiction, and cern of office of each public of£ice ~hae yotLv epo~se or intended spouse holde whe~Ber by election or appoinuaeue. ' ~ Jur~sdlc~:t~;m? None -- · . 3. Li,~ ~he name, aisle of public office, Jurisdic~ion and uerm of office of each public official who will receive any Per,ion of. ~he Fee or any or. her cor~ideratiou you receive under ~his Agreement. ~ ~ Surisdtculo, None 705121-8 D015 8-2 1/22/88 1. I~LsC ~he name, cicle of public office, and cerm of office o£ each public official, spouse of a public official, and' dependen~ ch£1d of a public official who. owns a 10t or greater inceresc or inv~scmenc ~n Consulcanc or any ocher Business Entity owned or operated ,in whole or in parc by Cormulcanc. N~a ~ Jurisdtcctgp Term None 2. L~sc the name, cicle of public office, Jurisdiction and term of office of each public official who viii receive any poccion o~f the Fee or any ocher cormideracion you receive under chis Agreement. Name Title Jurisdiction Term None iii 70§121-8 DO15 8-3 Dace F,~brtary 16~ 1988. Broke~' s Name and Address Leyy, .r4intz & ~osephsoa, 14~1 ~lver~t.~ ~.o. Box ~17 Van Nu~s~ ~ 91~4 , A. General Liability .B. Aur. omobJ, le Liability ¢. gxcess Liability Ds Ilmbeella Form O-.her than Umbrella Fern gorker' s Compensation & Eaployers Liability Consultant GeoSoils, lpc.- Companies. A££ordtn&.. . Coverage A Counercq and Industry · B ' Cmmer~e a.nd..Industry O General Ins. CO. (~AFECO) L~abiltLT limits 1,000-000 Deductible 5.000 Exp. Dace Mabizl Liaits 1,000.00O Dedu~r. tblo. q) ., Exp. Dace3-29-88 X x iiii Liability Limits -0- Exp. Dace i Li ab il icy Limi cs 100,000 Exp. Dace 5-1-88 70§121-8 0015 8-4 1/22/88 Ocher I~Labillcy Llm//:s None ?~o£osaional g & 0 ' ~zcra~ ~ab~lX~ ' ~p. Dace _ ~ab~lX~ LXmtcs None ' ~p. Dace 705121-8 DO1.5 ./22/88 February 16, 1988 W.O. 1884-A-OC Irvine Community Development Company 500 Newport Center Drive Fifth Floor Ne'~ort Beach, California 92660 Ataention: Mr. Duane R. Flaten Senior Project Engineer Subject: Grading Plan Review Acceptance, Jamboree Road Irvine Boulevard to Santiago Canyon Road County of Orange, California Gentlemen: GeoSoils, Inc. has reviewed the following geotechnical reports prepared by the indicated geo~e-chnical consultants. Mass Grading Soils Compaction Report, Tentative Tract 12763, Lots 1-14 and Lot 16, and Lots 15, 16, and 20 of Sector 12, Tustin Ranch, City of Tustin, California, by GeoSoils, Inc., W.O. 1538-B-0C, dated May 18, 1987. Grading Plan Review, Jamboree Road ·(Southern Sector) from Irvine Boulevard, the Northerly Boundary of the City of Tustin, Station 123+31 to Station 309+80 in the City of Tustin, California, by Pacific Soils .Engineering, Inc., W.O. 101348-J, dated November 2, 1987. Preliminary Grading Plan Review, Proposed Jamboree Road, City of Orange, California, by Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc., Work Order 101348-J, dated December 29, 1987. In addition, we have reviewed the following plans prepared by Hunsaker and Associates. 1· Improvement Plans for Assessment District 86-2, Tentative Tract 12870 (Sheets 1-46) for Jamboree Road, dated March 20, 1987. · Rough Grading Plan for Jamboree Road (Sheets 1-13) , dated November 19, 1987. - ICDC - Page 2 February 16, 1988 PR # 1884-A-OC · Rough Grading Plan, Assessment District 86-2, Tentative Tract 12870 for Jamboree Road (Sheets 1-23), dated October .6, 1987 and January 7, 1988. GeoSoils, Inc. accepts the reports as written and' approved by the appropriate governing agencies. Any changes in recommendations necessary due to changed field conditions or contractor operations would be cleared through The Irvine Community Development Company and the governing agency, prior to implementation. Very truly yours, GeoSoils, Inc. A erroR. ~£eist President ARK/ Dist: (3) Addressee Geo$oils, Inc. Soil Mechanicse Geology · 24890 ]ef~rson Avenue · P.O. Box 490 · Murrieta, California 92362 · (714)677.9651 · FAX (714) 677.9301 March 9,- 1988 PR 1884-A-OC · Irvine Community Development Company 500 Newport Center Drive, Fifth Floor Newport Beach, California. 92660 Attention: Mr Gil Nielson Vice President, Land Development Sub3ect: Clarification of February 16, 1988 Proposal for Engineering Services: Jamboree Road - Irvine Boulevard to Santiago Canyon Road, Cities of Tustin and Orange, and County of Orange, California Gent 1 emen: At our recent interview, March 8, 1988, at the City of Tustin, four issues requiring addi%ional clarification were raised regarding GeoSolls, Inc. 's proposal for services on the sub3ect site. This letter is presented to clarify these issues. The issues are listed below with an accompanying statement. Ail of the issues pertain to the GeoSoils, Inc. February 16, 1988 proposal. Issue I Is the inspection of the subdrains covered under the proposed contract price or as an extra addendum item? Under Methodology for Scope of Services: Section B - Observation and Testing; Item 2, Rough Grading, paragraph "i" states that the subdrain inspection is part of the scope of services. However, under the Addendum Table, Section VI-B (page .29), the subdrain inspection is listed as an extra cost item. Los Angeles Co. (818) 785-2158 · Orange'Co. (714) 647-0277 · San Diego Co. (619~ 438-3155 Irvine Community [ ~lopment Company Jamboree Ro_ad - Irvine Boulevard to Santiago Canyon Road Pa 2 March 9, 1988 PR 1884-A,0C At the pre-bid meeting Mr. Dick Hess requested that the subdrain inspection services be placed as an addendum item for an extra cost. In preparing our proposal, paragraph "i" on Page 5 including subdrain inspection was incorrectly inserted. The answer to the question as to whether subdrain inspections are part of the contract cost, would be "No ". The costs for t~%e 'inspection of the assumed length of subdrain is provided on the Addendum Table, located on Page 29. '~ Issue II Schedule D on Pages 19-23 and 27 combines the costs for services for 'Jamboree Road - Tustin Boundary to Irvine Park (Entrance),. Santiago Boulevard - Newport Boulevard to Jamboree Road, and IRWD Disposal Site. You have requested'that these three areas be presented as separate cost items. During our revision of these schedules, additional information was provided to us indicating that the length of' Santiago Canyon Road was increased ' from 400 feet to 2,500 feet. In addition, the utility services were also 'increased. Our revised 'schedule includes these amended lengths in the scope of our services. A re~.~ision to Schedules .D and E are attached. .- Issue III Is the inspection of the aSbestos irrigation pipe (ACP) included in the proposed contract costs? Since no assumed or known lengths of asbestos pipe were noted as part of the bid package, inspe.ction of the removal and documentation of the stockpiling and site removal was not part of GeoSoils, Inc. 's 'original proposal. These services, if requested, would be provided, as an extra cost item. Geo$oils, Inc. Irvine Community 5 ;lopment ComPany Jamboree Road - Irvine to Santiago. Canyon Road March 9, 1988 PR 1884-A-0C Issue IV At the Jamboree Road Bridge at Peter's Channel, how was GeoSoils, Inc. 's pile inspection costs (Page 12, Schedule B, Section II, Bridge and Substructure, Item B-l, Pile Installation) determined since the plans GeoSoils, Inc. reviewed were incomplete? The incomplete plans GeoSoils, .Inc. reviewed were prepared by McLean and Schultz and were dated November 13, 1987. The plans showed 152 piles. GeoSoils, Inc. assumed that the contractor would be able to drive 19 piles per day. Also assumed was that the piles would be approximately 40 feet in depth. Based '~pon the piles shown, 152 at 19 piles per day, and 8 hours of inspection per day, an overall time of 64 hours of inspection, time _was determined. If updated plans indicate additional piles, or longer driving times, GeoSoils Inc. would revise their inspectibn time accordingly. We hope that the above explanations clarified the items in question. If you have any additional questions, please call me at (714) 647-0277. Very truly yours, GeoSolls, Inc. By: Albert R. Kleist President Enclosures: Schedules D and E Distribution: (2) Addressee (1) Bob Ledendecker - City of Tustin (1) Marv Harwood ' ICDC Geo$oils, Inc. SCHEDULE D, PAGE 1 JAMBOREE ROAD - TUST!N BOUNDARY TO iRVINE PARK (_~ntrance) SANTIAGO BOULEVARD - NEWPORT BOULEVARD TO JAMBORF. E ROAD IRWD DISPOSAL SITE General As requested, the following Schedule D has been broken down into three categories: Jamboree Road, Santiago Boulevard, and the IRWD Disposal Site. Parameters of the most updated information provided to GeoSoils, Inc. has been incorporated for the purpose of this proposal. JAMBOREE ROAD - TUSTIN BOUNDARY .~0 IRVINE PARK ( Fntrance ) I · ROUGH GRADE · The grading quantities per Hunsaker & Associates are as follows·. Raw Volume Removals Stability Slopes Keyways 706,690 c.y. 143,040 c.y. 247,-950 c.y. .. 8,740 c.¥. 1,106,420 c.y. Mr. Hess indicated that the contractor would take three days, for start-up and eight and a half days for finish work. The contractor will average 25,000 cubic yards per day and will work six days per week, 10 hours per day. A. Data Review Staff Engineer 3 Hrs. x S6§.00/Hr. Senior Technician 6 Hrs. x S45.00/Hr. S195. O0 270.00 S465.00 (, g ours ) GeoSoils, Inc. Irvine Community D lopment Company Ma: 10, 1988 PR 1884-0C . SCHEDULE D, PAGE 2 B-D · 0bservat~on and Testing The major .cost for this type of project is technician time during grading and, due to the difficulties of the pro3ect and geologic conditions, the time span required for these services is variable and depends upon the contractor's pace and performance. 1. StarteUp Senior Technician 3 days x 8 hrs/_day x $45.00/hr. S 1,080.00 2. Grading Control Earthwork Volume: 1,106,420 cubic yards Time Estimate: 44 days (25,000 c.y. per day.) Work Schedule: 6 days/week, 10 hrs./day a. Senior Technician 35 days x 8 hrs./day x $45.00/hr. 35 days x 2 hrs,/day x $56.25/hr. 9 days x 10-hrs./day x S56.25/hr. S12,600.00 S 3,937.50 $ 5,062.50 Technician 35 days x 8 hrs./day x S39.00/hr. 35 days x 2 hrs./day x $48.75/hr. 9 days x 10 hrs/day x $48.75/hr. Sl0,920.00 S 3,412.50 S 4,387.50 b. Geologist Principal 36 Hours x S85.00/hr. Staff 144 Hours x S65.00/hr. S 3,060.00 $ 9,360.00 c. Engineer Principal 36 Hours x S85.00/hr. Staff 54 HOurs x S65.00/hr. S 3,060.00 S 3,510.00 'd. Laboratory Technician 108 Hours x S45.00/hr. $ 4,860.00 S64,170.00 Inc. Irvine Community D lopm'ent Company Mai 10, 1988 PR 1884-0C SCHEDULE D, PAGE Finish Work Senior Technician- 68 Hours x S45.00/hr. S 3,060.00 Final Soils and Geologic Report Principal Engineer i hr. Tx $85.00/hr. $ Principal Geologist I hr. x $85.00/hr. S Staff Engineer 10 hrs, x~ S65.00/hr. $ Staff Geologist 7 hrs. x S65.00/hr. S Drafting 24 hrs. x S40.00/hr. S 85.00 85.00 650.00 455.00 960.00 2,235.00 If the pro3ect takes longer than the anticipated 44 working days, or design changes that require additional work are made either in your office, by governmental agencies, Or by the design engineer, the estimated costs would increase. This additional work will be billed at our fee schedule rates~ as authorized by'your written change order. E. MEETINGS AND COORDINATION Staff Engineer 8 hrs. X S65.00/hr. $ 520.00 Should more than 8 hours of meetings be necessary, these costs will be billed at our fee schedule rates. II. ROADWAY AND SUBSTRUCTURE IRWD will test sewer, water, reclaimed water lines. Per Flaten/Harwood at pre-bid meeting, A.C. lay down and plant plus inspections and presaturation of sidewalk subgrade are not included. Geo$oils, Inc. Irvine Community lopment Company Ma1 10, 1988 PR 1884-0C SCHEDULE D, PAGE 4 A. DATA REVIEW Principal Engineer Staff Engineer hr. x $85.00/hr. hfs. x $ 55.00/hr. hours ! ~ S 85.00 195.00 S 280.00 B. OBSERVATION AND TESTING 1. Substructure (Trench backfills ) a. Electrical/TV (13,498 1.f. ) (Tests at 200' ) Technician 67 tests x 3/4 hr./test x S39.00/.hr. S 1,959.75 b. Gas %9,120 1.f. ) (Tests at 200') Technician 45 tests x 3/4 hr./test x S39.00/hr. S 1,316.25 · c. Telephone (9r120 1.f.) (TeSts at 200') Technician 4§ tests x 3/4 hr,/test x S39.00/hr. S 1,316.25 d. Storm Drain (5,645 1.f.) (Tests at 200' ) Technician 28 tests x 3/4 hr./test x S39.00/hr. S 819.00 ( 139 hours $ 5 ~ 411.25 IrVine Community D, loDment Company Ma: 10, 1988 PR 1884-' OC SCHEDULE D, PAGE 2. Roadway a. Curb and Gutter (34,822 .l-f-) (Tests at 500' Technician 70 tests x 3/4 hr./test x $39.00 b. Subgrade (14,206 1.f.) (Tests at 300') -- Technician 47 tests x 3/4 hr./test x S39.00 c. Base (14,206 1.f) (Tests .at 300') Technician 47 tests x 3/4 hr./test X S39.00 {123 hours! S 2,047.50 S 1,374.75 S 1,374.75 S 4,797.00 C. LABORATORY TESTING Technician ("R"-Values) 21 hrs. X $45.00/hr. Technician 30 hrs. x S45.00/hr. ( 51 hours 945.00 1,350.00 2,295.00 D. SUPERVISION Staff Engineer 20 hrs. X S65.00/hr. Principal Engineer.6 hrs. X $85.00/hr. ( 26 hours.. S 1,300.00 S 510.O0 $ lr 810.00 Geo$oils, Inc. Irvine Community D~ lopment Company $ . Mal 10, 1988 PR 1884-OC SCHEDULE D, PAGE E. REPORT PREPARATION ( 1 Final Repor~ Staff Engineer 12 hrs. X S65.00/hr. Principal Engineer $ hrs. X S85.00/hr. Draf%ing 34 hrs. X S40.00/hr. { 49 hours $ 780.00 $ 255.00 $ 1,360.00 $ 2,395.00 F. MEETINGS AND COORDINATION _ Staff Engineer 6 hrs. X S65.00/hr. S 390.00 Should more than 6 hours of meetings be necessary, these costs will be billed at our fee schedule rates. SANTIAGO BOULEVARD - NEWPORT BOULEVARD TO JAMBOREE ROAD I · ROUGH GRADE No rough grading is planned for the existing Santiago Boulevard. ~ (No Manhours Required} II. ROADWAY AND SUBSTRUCTURE Per Flaten/Harwood at pre-bid meeting, A. C. laydown and plant inspections and presaturation of sidewalk subgrade are not included. It is also GeoSoils, Inc. ' s understanding that there is no reclaimed water lines proposed for Santiago Boulevard. A. Data Review Principal Engineer Staff Engineer 1 Hr. X S85.00/Hr. 1 Hr. X S65.00/Hr. $ 85.00 65.00 S 150.00 ( 2 Hours Geo$oils, Inc. · - Irvine 'Community D~ loDment Company~ Maz 10, 1988 PR 1884-0C SCHEDULE D, PAGE 7 B. OBSERVATION AND TESTING lo Substructure ( Trench 'backfills ) a. E_.lectric.al/TV (2,500 1.f. } (Tests at 200' Technician 13 tests x 3/4 hr./test x $39.00/hr. S 380.25 b. Gas (2,500 1.f. ) (Tests at 200') Technician 13 tests x 3/4 hr./test x S39.00/hr. $ 380.25 c. Telephone (2,500 1.f. ) (Tests at 200'). Technician 13 tests x 3/4 hr./test x S39.00/hr. S d. Storm Drain (1,000: 1.f.) (Tests at 200') Technician 5 tests x 3/4 hr./test x S39.00/hr. S e. Sewer (2,500 1.f) (Tests at 200') Technician 13 tests x 3/4' hr./test x S39.00/hr. S f. Water (2,500 1.f.) (Tests at 200' ) Technician 13 tests x 3/4 hr./test X S39.00/hr. S 380.25' 146.25 380.25 380.25 (52.5 hours S 2,047.50 eo$oi15, Inc. Irvine Community D~ lopment Company Maz 10, 1988 PR 18.84-0C ~CHEDULE D, PAGE 2. Roadway a. Curb and Gutter (5,000 1.f.) Technician 10 tests x 3/4 hr./test x S39.00 U. Subgrade (2,500 1.f.) (Tests at 300') Technician 8 tests x 3/4 hr./test x $39.00 c. Base (2,500 1.f) (Tests at 300') Technician 8 tests x 3/4 hr./test x S39.00 {,19.5 hours (Tests at 500' ) C. LABORATORY TESTING Technician ("R"-Values) '7 hrs. X S45.00/hr. Technician 6 hrs. x $45.00/hr. {13 hours} D. SUPERVISION Principal Engineer 2 hrs. X S85.00/hr. Staff Engineer 4 hrs. X S65.00/hr. ( 6 hours E. REPORT PREPARATION (1 Final Report) Principal Engineer 1 hrs. X S85.00/hr. Staff Engineer 4 hrs. X S65.00/.hr. Drafting 6 hrs. X S40.00/hr. ( 11 hours ) 292.50 234.00 234.00 760.00 315.00 270.00 585.00 170.00 260.00 430.00 85.00 260.00 240.00 585.00 G o$oils, Inc. Irvine Community D~ £opment Company Maz 10, 1988 PR 1884-OC SCHEDULE D, PAGE 9 F. MEETINGS AND COORDINATION Staff Engineer 4 hrs. X S65.00/hr. S 260.00 Should more than 4 hours of meetings be necessary, these costs will be billed at our fee schedule rates· I · IRWD DISPOSAL SITE ROUGH GRADE The grading quantities-per Hunsaker and kssociates are fol lows: Raw Volume 350,000 c.. y. Mr. Hess indicated that the contractor would .take two days to start.up and a day and a half for finish work. The contractor will average 25,000 cubic yards per day and will work six days per week, 10' hours per day. Data Review. Staff Engineer 1 hr. x $65.00/hr. Senior Technician 2 hrs. x. S45.00/hr. Hours $ 65.00 90.00 $ 155.00 as B-D· Observation and Testing The major cost for this type of project is technician time during grading and, due to the difficulties of the project and geologic conditions, the time span required for these services is variable and depends upon the c®ntractor's pace and performance. Start-Up Senior Technician 2 Days x 8 hrs./day x S45.00/hr. S 720.00 Inc. Irvine Community D~ lopment Company Ma~ 10, 1988 PR 1884-0C SCHEDULE D, PAGE 10 . Grading Control Earthwork Volume: 350,000 cubic yards T/me Estimate: 14 days (25,000 c.y. per day) Work Schedule: 6 days/week, 10 hrs./day a. Senior Technician 12 days x 8 hrs./day x S45.00/hr. 12 days x 2 hrs./day x S56.25/hr. 2 days x 10 hrs./day x S56.2§/hr. S 4,320.00 S 1,350.00 S 1,125.00 Technician 12 da~s x 8 hrs./day x S39.00/hr. 12 days x 2 hrs./day x $48.75/hr. 2 days x 10 hrs./day x $48.75/hr. S 3,744.00 S 1,170.00 S 975.00 b. Geologist Principal 8 hours x S85.00/hr. · $ 680.00 Staff 32 'hours x S65.00/hr. $ 2,080.00 C. Engineer. Principal ' 8 hours x S85.00/hr. $ 680.00 Staff 12 hour~ x $65.00/hr. $ 780.00 d. Laboratoz-F Technician 24 hours x S45.00/hr. $ 1~080.00 $17,984.00 3. Finish Work Senior Technician 12 Hours X S45.00/hr. S 540.00 ileo$oils, Inc. Irvine Community D~ £opment Company Maz 10, 1988 PR 1884-0C SCHEDULE D, PAGE 1]. 4. Final Soils and Geologic Report Principal Engineer i hr. x S85.00/hr. Principal Geologist i hr. x S85.00/hr. Staff Engineer 6 hrs. x S65.00/hr. Staff Geologist 5 hrs. x S65.00/hr. Drafting 16 hrs. x $40.00/hr. 85.00 85.00 390.00 325.00 640'.00 S 1,525.00 If the pro~ect takes longer than the anticipated 14 working days, or design changes that require additional work are made either in your office by governmental agencies, or by the design engineer, the ~stimated costs would increase. This additional work will be billed at our fee schedule rates, as authorized by your written change order. II. E. MEETINGS AND COORDINATION Staff Engineer 2 hrs. X $65.00/hr. .S 130.00 Should more than 2 hours or .meetings be necessary, these costs will be billed at our fee schedule rates. ROADWAY AND SUBSTRUCTURE There are no roadway and substructures currently planned for the IRWD disposal site. (No Manhours Required) Irvine Community D~ lopment Company . . Ma~ 10, 1988 PR 1884-OC ,SCHEDULE D, PAGE 12 SCHEDULE D SUMMARY Schedule of Fees Construction Services - Geotechnical Jamboree Road - Tustin Boundary to Irvine Park (Entrance) Santiago 'Canyon Road - Newport to Jamboree Road including Disposal Site. Jamboree Road - Tustin Boundary to Irvine Park (Entrance) 1. Base Data Review Rough Grade Roadway & Substructure Manhours 9MH 4 MH Cost Not To Exceed $ 465.00 $ 280.00 2. Observation and Testing Rough Grade Roadway& Substructure · Laboratory Testing Rough Grade Roadway & Substructure 1,162 MH 262 MH 108 MH 51 MH $57,530.00 S10,'208.25 S 4,860.00 S 2,295.00 4. Supervision Rough Grade Roadway & Substructure 80 MH 26 MH $ 5,920.00 $ 1,810.00 5. Report Preparation Rough Grade Roadway & Substructure 43 MH 49 MH S 2,235.00 S 2,395.00 6. Meetings and Coordination Rough Grade Roadway & Substructure 8 MH S 520.00 S 390.00 TOTAL. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,808 MIX $88,908.25 REIMBURSABLES-SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT, PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION, Lump Sum $ 1,500.00 JAMBOREE ROAD TOTAL BUDGET $90,408.25 Geo$oils, Inc. Irvine Community D, .lopment Company -Ma~ 10, -1988 SCHEDULE D, PAGE 13 SANTIAGO BOULEVARD - NEWPORT BOULEVARD TO JAMBOREE ROAD' 1. Base Data Review Rough Grade Roadway & Substructure 2. Observation and Testing ROugh Grade Roadway & Substructure 3. Laboratory Testing Rough Grade Roadway & Substructure Supervision Rough Grade Roadway & Substructure 5. Report Preparation Rough Grade . Roadway & Substructure 6. Meetings and Coordination . Rough Grade Roadway & Substructure Manhours Cost Not to Exceed 0 MH $ 0.00 2 MH $ 150.00 0 MH $ 0.00 72 MH 2,808.00 0 MH $ 0.00 13 MI{ $ 585.00 0 Mil $ 0.00 6 MH $ 430.00 0 MH $ 0.00 11 MH $ 585.00 0 MH $ 0.00 4 MH $ 260.00 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 108 MH $ 4,818.00 REIMBURSABLES - SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT, PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION, LUMP SUM S 250.00 SANTIAGO CANYON BOULEVARD TOTAL BUDGET S 5,068.00 Geo$oils, Inc. Irvine Community Dc .opment Company Mar 10, 1988 PR x~d4-OC SCHEDULE D, PAGE 14 IRWD DISPOSAL SITE 1. Base Data Review Rough Grade Roadway & Substructure 2. Observation and _Testing Rough Grade Roadway & Substructure 3. Laboratory Tasting Rough Grade Roadway & Substructure 4. Supervision Rough Grade Roadway & Substructure Rough Grade Roadway & Substructure Meetings and Coordination Rough Grade Roadway & Substructure Manhours 3 MH 0 MH 350 MH 0 MH 24 Mil 0 Mil I8 MH 9 ~ Cost Not To Exceed $ 155.00 $ 0.00 $16,914.C. 0 0.00 S 1,080.00 0.00 $ 1,250.00 0.00 29 M/-I $ 1,525.00 0 MH S 0.00 2 MH 0 MH $ 130.00 S 0.00 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 426 MH $21,054.00 REIMBURSABLES - SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT, PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION, LUMP SUM $ 250.00 IRWD DISPOSAL SITE - TOTAL BUDGET S21,304.00 .Geo$oils, 'Inc. Irvine Community De' opment' Company Mar, 10, 1988 PR l~41OC. SCHEDULE D, PAGE '15 SUMMARY Jamboree Road Santiago Boulevard IRWD Disposal Site TOTALS MANHO~S 1,808 108 426 ,,,2r342 costs $ 90,408.25 $ 4 118.00 S 2!i 04.00 $116r 530.25 Geo$oils, Inc. Irvine Community D,e .opment Company- . Maru 10, 1988 PR 1884-OC SCHEDULE Schedule of .Fees Cons'cruction Services - Geotechnical SUMMARY 1. Base Data Review Rough Grade Roadway, Bridge & Substructure Manhours 24 MH 2O Mil 2. Observation and Testing Rough Grade 3,392 MH Roadway, Bridge & Substructure .1,068 MH 3. Laboratory Testing Rough Grade · P,.~adway, Bridge & Substructure 312 MH 203 MH 4. Supervision Rough Grade Roadway, Bridge & Substructure 5. Report Preparation Rough Grade Roadway, Bridge & Substructure 218 MH 108 MH 144 MH 210 MH 6. Meetings and Coordination Rough Grade Roadway, .Bridge & Substructure 20 MH 40 MH TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5,759 MH REIMBURSABLES - SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT, PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION, LUMP SUM TOTAL BUDGET Cost Not To Exceed $ 1,240.00 S 1,460.00 $165,023.00 S 43,485.00 040.00 135.00 S 17; 370.00 S 6,020.00 $ 7,520.00 $ 10,530.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 2', 6O0.00 $279,723.00 S 5,400.00 S285,123.00 Geo$oils, Inc.