HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1963 08 19
AUGUST 19, 1963
Meeting called to order at 7:35 P.M.1 by Mayor Doney.
Present: Doney, Sheridan, H"~aeston, Mack.
Absent: Klingelhofer
City Attorney Rourke, present.
City Engineer Carlsen, present.
Planning Ad~dsor Rer[Land, present.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan, that minutes of August 5,
1963, be approved as mailed. Motion carried.
REPORTS FROM Report from Multiple Housing Committee' and report from
MULTIPLE HOUSING; & Plmmning Advisor Rem~land, read by Acting City Clerk.
PLANNING ADVISOR M~led by Sheridan, seconded by Mack, that report of
Multiple Housing Committee and additional report by
Rentland, be noted as read. Motion carried.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Humeston tb~t Multiple Housing
Committee be continued as a body to make recom~.endations and
to ftmction as long as Council deems necessary. Carried
by roll call. All Councilmen present voting Aye.
MINORITY Mr. McQuaid residing at 1261 Lance Drive, Tustin, requested
REPORT - a~,d was granted psrmission by Mayor Doney to read a
McQUAID Minority Report. Mr. McQuaid read the report.
Upon completion of the reading of t.he report, Mr. McQuaid
made a request that a hold up of 2 weeks on all Multiple
Housing be made,
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Humeston that Minority
Report be noted as having been read and filed, but that
no action be taken at this time, All lCouncilmen present
voted in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Donald Babbs, requested from the Council that a hold
be placed on all Multiple Building Permits, Zone Changes,
and Use Permits for two weeks, until an Ordinance could be
drawn up and presented to Council and if such deferment
was not granted a referendum to be placed upon the
ballot for a vote by the people.
Moved by Sheridan that 2 week deferment be granted, on
Zone Changes, Use Permits & Variances. Motion dies for
lack of second.
The following persons eXpressed views regarding Multiple
Mr. A. McKown B~ Windolph ~ Richard Smith
Mr. Colgan C.E. Gilbreath ' Wm. Gray
Attorney Lev Mr. De Mong Mrs. Gtyde
Donald Babbs Michael Segal Charles Greenwood
Marvin La~Tence Mr, Cogan Bob IIall
/ Jo~hn Siegal Mr. Cavenaugh Mr. Coco
, K. Mulford Pope Don Ayres Hal Balmer
~'/ . C. Engle J~mes McQuaid
M~ted by Sheridan, seconded by Humeaton that Council
delay action for 2 weeks on all Zone Changes, Variances
and Use Permits.
Ayes: Councilmen Sheridan, Humeaton.
Noes: Counci-lmen Doney, Mack
Motion failed.~
U.P. 63-149 ! Hearing to consider the appeal of the decision of tlae Tustin
CHARLES GREENWOOD Planning Commission granting U.P. Application No. 63-149 of
Charles Greenwood to permit development of a planned development
community on property zoned P.D. opened at 9:25 P.M.
Location of property, zoning and surrounded use explained by
Mr. Remland, Planning Advisor°
Mr. McKo~m again requested a delay of 2 weeks on U.P. 63-149.
Mr. Charles Greenwood, owner of property, reminded Council that
all plans had previously already met ~th approval by the
Architectural Committee.
Hearing closed at 9:40 P.M.
RESOLUTION Moved by Hmmeston, seconded byMack, t~hat the decision of the
668 Planning Com~issien be affiremed by Resolution 668, with the
exception and modification that developer shall furnish the
capacity for 2500 gallons per ~nute~ based upon pressure and
flow data furnished by TustinWater Works. Motion carried
by roll call. All Councilmen present voting Aye.
APPEAL Hearing on Appeal of Planning Commission Res. ~660, granting
RES. 660 U.P. Application 63-147 of Magel Corporation permitting 21
MAGEL CORP one and t~o bedroom residential units in the C-1 Zone, opened
at 9:55 P.M.
Mr. Reinland explained location and use of property.
Mro Siegel explained development.
Hearing to audience on Appeal closed at lO:O0 P.M.
Mayor Domey requested whether development would be restricted
to adults due to traffic hazards. Mr. Siegel replied that he
had every intention of limiting development to adults.
RESOLUTION Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Humeston that the decision of
669 the Planning Commission be reversed and the C.U.P. denied by
Resolution 669. Motion carried by roll cell.
Ayes: Councilmen Mack, Humeston, Sheridan, & Doney.
Noes: None
Z.C. 63-124 There came on for consideration the final decision on A. Bernard
MUTH Muth, ZC 63-124 to fezone property on North side of Walnut
Avenue, east of Newport as continued from July 15th meeting.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Humeston that due to the long
time application on the Agenda, that Hearing on ZC 63-124 be
re-opened to the audience. Motion carried.
Hearing again opened at 10:12 P.M.
Mr. Fred Colgan suggested decision be delayed until further
study couldbe made, and not be approved at this time.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that Hearing be continued
to next regular meeting of September 3rd, 1963. All Councilmen
present voted in favor. Motion carried.
Z.C.63-125 There came on for consideration the final decision on ZC
KEITH 6~-125 of Richard Eeith to permit a change of zone from
E-4 to the R-3 District for property located between Yorba
Street and Newport Freeway approximately 400' North of
First Street, as continued from July 15th meeting.
Correspondence from Cecil V. Chambers read by City Clerk
pertaining to request that a cement block wall be built at
least five feet high between his property on Yorba Street
~nd development.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Humeston that Hearing on
ZC Application 63-125 for Richard Keith be re-opened.
Motion carried.
Hearing opened at 10:30 P.M.
Mro Hal B~lmer spoke in favor of property Zone Change.
Mr. James McQuaid requested action be delayed.
Hearing to audience closed at 10:45 P.M.
RESOLUTION 670 Moved by H~meston, seconded by Sheridan, that Keith
ZC Application 63-125 ZC Application 63-125 from E-4 to R-3 be denied by
DENIED Resolution No. 670. Motion carried by roll cell.
Ayes: Sheridan, Humeaton, Mack~
Noes: Doney
There came on for consideration the final decision on
Continued Hearing for ZC 62-111 of Smyth Bros.'
Mr. Reinland explained conditions.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that final
decision of northerly triangle, be continued for I month,
which would be meeting of September 16th. Motion carried.
Reports of Departments:
CIVIL DEFENSE Civil Defense Director Buel Williamson gave a report
on testing of air raid siren "Thunderbolt"°
Mr. Doney requested residents of area to report on
next testing as to ho~ far the warnirxg co~uld be heard.
Moved by Humeaton, seconded by Mack, tb~t Buel Williamson
Civil Defense Director be authorized to hire Eileen
Kortmeyer on a 3 month temporary basis as a Clerk
Typist at pay scale of $1.25 per hour, not to exceed
$50.00 per month~ Motion carried.
Moved by Htuneston, seconded by Sheridan that Santoe
Cartuba be appointed to serve on Continuity of Govern~
ment as a replacement for Lawrence Allec. Motion carried.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan that attorney be
instructed to draft a Resolution of the Orange County
and Cities Civil Defense Plannin~g Board, designation
of Orarge County as the location for an "Sperational
Area" Organization. Motion carried.
MILEAGE Mcved by H~meston, seconded byMack, t~at Planning
Advisor Remland, be given mileage expense at 10¢ per mile,
with a maximum of $60.00 per month, and also Mr. Wheeleck,
Ass't to Engineer be given auto mileage expense, no~ to
exceed $60°00 per month. Motion carried.
SEAGRAVES TRUCK Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack, that Seagraves Truck
AGREEMENT Maintenance Agreement for me year, be authorized and
payment for same in the amount of $122.00. Motion
THEOLA KESLING Moved by Mumeaton, seconded by Mack, that letter ef
RESIGNATION resignation fro~l Theola Keeling, effective as of
September 6th, 1963, be accepted with regret by Council,
and City Clerk be authorized to write letter or
reco~endation. Motion carried.
GAS TAX Moved by Sheridan~ seconded by Mack, that Mr. Carlsen
ALLOCATION City Engineer submit new maps at regular meeting and
City Attorney to write Resolution to be adopted by
Council in order to recei~ additional increase of
Gas Tax Allocation from State Highway Division. Motion
TRACT 5203 Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack, that Tract Map ~ 5203
be approved as recommended by City Engineer. Motion
TRACT 5234 Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan, that Tract Map ~5234
be approved as recommended by City Engineer. Motion
20 5
TREES ON YORBA City Engineer Carlsen reported that Tree Problem on Yorba
Street relative to construction of M.W.D. lines had been
resolved due to a contractor agreeing ~o new street align-
ment and smaller equipment being brought in, which enabled
digging to proceed ~thout removal of trees.
ORDINANCE 235 Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan that Ordinance ~ 235,
SMYTH rezoning triangle south of Main Street as per Zone Change
62-111 of Smyth Bros. ~o. i have first reading by title
only. Motion carried.
Ordinance ~235 read by title only.
COUNTY BLDG Correspondence received from County Building Department
PERMITS relative to handling of Building permits which are in
PRIOR TO process, prior to November 1st, 1963.
Moved by Mack, seconded by ttumeston, that recommendations
of City Engineer, Carlsen, to allow Building Permits already
in process to run out, be accepted, and City Engineer to so
reply to County Building Department as to said recomF~endations.
Motion carried.
CEREBRAL Moved by Mack, seconded by Humeston, that letter requesting
PALSY solicitation by Cerebral Palsy be referred to Tustin Polite
Department as to method of identification during solicitation
and said findings-to be reported back to City Clerk, for next
meeting ~f September 3rd. Motion carried.
STUDY OF Letter from Planning Commission read notifying Council that
ALL "U" Mr. Remland has been directed to make study of all "U" zoned'
ZONED PROPERTY property and to give recommendations on such.
VOLUNTEER Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack, that Jack Claborn, Jr.,
FIRE MAN of 1074 E. Walnut, Tustin, be appointed to serve on Volunteer
Fire Department, effective as of August 13th, 1963. Motion
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack, that correspondence be
received and filed. Motion carried.
BILLS Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack, that bills totaling
$2,721.18 be approved. Motion carried.
CITY OF TUSTIN BILLS - August 19, 1963
U.S. POST OFFIC~ (Stamped Envelopes) $ 57.60
(paid unapproved)
The Tustin News 270.12
First Western Bank (Utilities) 40.21
Tiernan's Office Equipment 18.50
Orange County insurance Agency 361.76
Dennis Printers & Stationers, Inc. 5.24
Hanson & Peterson 160.00
Ruby McFarl~nd, County Recorder 21.00
General Binding Corporation 39.77
Vista Drug 2.03
Auto Service Center 28.55
Tustin Water Works 930.00
Munselle Supply Co., Inc. 8.32
Seagraves Pacific Corporation 46.83
County of Orange 24.9C
Business EquipmenL Company 26.62
Signal Oil Company 245.00
Union Oil Company of California 6.69
V. B. Anderson Company 2.86
Trewett's 41.23
F. Morton Pitt Company 12.70
Kermeth G. Hebard M.D. 60.00
Tustin Radio & TV 8.53
Tustin Hardware Company 29.61
County of Orange (Assessor) 1.76
Jeannie Michaux T.Y.C. Summer Program 100.00
Neal Sporting Goods 8.32
Excelsior Milk Company 86.70
Kyoto Nursery 4.83
JoPm Claus 45.00
Reproduction, Equipment and Supplies 26.~0
Total ~ 2,721.18
Moved by Mack, seconded by Humeston, and unanimously carried,
that meeting be adjourned to September 3rd, 1963.
Mayor ~
Deputy City Clerk~ ~