HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 1 P.C. ACT AGENDA 06-20-88ACTION AGENDJ TUSTIM PLANNING CONNISSION REGULAR NEETING REPORTS NO. '1 6-20-88 ,~, &UNE 13, 1988 CALL TO ORDER: 7: O0 p.m., Ct ty Counct I Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL: Present: Puckett, lletl, Le Jeune, Ponttous Absent: Baker ~ PUBLIC'CONCERNS' (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WIS~J TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM TH~ CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) 1. Minutes of the May 23, 1988 Planning Commission Meeting Cmmtsstoner Le Jeune moved,. Hotton carrted 4-0. i i Puckett seconded to approve the consent calendar. PUBLIC HEARING At 7:03 p.m Commissioner Baker arrlved. 2. Use Permit 88-10 APPLICANT' OWNER- LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: RICHARD MATICS MATICS ISLAND MARKETS 500 S. BAY FRONT NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92662 BEDFORD PROPERTIES 3002 DOW AVENUE; SUITE 502 TUSTIN, CA 92680 3002 DOW AVENUE, UNIT 534 PC-IND - PLANNED COMMUNITY INDUSTRIAL CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT, CLASS 1 1) AUTHORIZATION TO SELL BEER AND WINE FOR ON-SITE CONSUMPTION IN CONJUNCTION WITH A RESTAURANT USE (LICENSE TYPE 41) AND 2) AUTHORIZATION FOR AN OUTDOOR SEATING AREA IN CONJUNCTION WITH A COMMERCIAL USE (RESTAURANT). Planning Commission Actio jenda June 13, 1988 Page two PUBLTC HEARIIIGS (CONTINUED) Recommendation zt ts recommended that the Planning Comtsston approve Use Permtt 88-10 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2504. Presentation' Laura Cay Ptckup, Acttng Sentor Planner Co,mtsstoner Puckett moved, Baker seconded to approve Use Permit* 88-10 by the adoptlon of Resolution No. 2504. Motlon carrted 5-0. 3. Use Permit 88-11 APPLICANT' OWNER: L OCAT I ON: ZONING: ENV I RONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: DONCO AND SONS P.O. 80X 2301 YORBA LINDA, CA 92686 BRUCE ENDERLE c/o UNION OIL 1432 N. MAIN STREET ORANGE, CA 92667 17280 E. SEVENTEENTH STREET AT YORBA PC-C: PLANNED COMMUNITY-COMMERCIAL CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT CLASS 11 TO MAINTAIN TWO (2) 17.8 SQUARE FOOT POLE MOUNTED PRICE ADVERTISEMENT SIGNS. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission deny Use Permit "' 88-11 by the adoption of Resolution No.' 2505: Presentation' Laura Cay Pickup, Acting Senior Planner Commissioner Le Jeane moved,, Ponttous seconded to permanently table Use Permit 88-11. Motion ca~ied $:0. , ......... 4. Variance 88-05 APPLICANT: LOCATION' ZONING' ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS' REQUEST- BURNETT-EHLINE 2050 S. SANTA CRUZ ANAHEIM, CA. 92805 13011 - 13051 NEWPORT AVENUE THENORTHWEST CORNER OF NEWPORT AVENUE AND IRVINE BOULEVARD C-2 (CENTRAL COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE FILED FOR THIS PROJECT IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT A REQUEST BY BURNETT-EHLINE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY TO ALLOW THE PLAZA LA FAYETTE PROJECT (A MIXED USE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT) TO HAVE 60 PARKING SPACES LESS THAN WOULD BE REQUIRED, TO ACCOMMODATE PROPOSED RESTAURANT USES WITHIN THE PROJECT. Planning Commission Acrid.. June 13, 1988 Page .three PUBLTC HEARTNGS (continued) . Recommendation It is recommended that the Planntng Commission adopt Resolution No. -- 2502 approving Variance 88-05 with conditions, as submitted or revtsed. Presentation: Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development Cc__--_tsstoner Le deune _-o_ved, Puckett seconded to approve Vartance 88-05 by the adoptlon of Resolution NO. 2502 as revtsed. ;or;on carrted 5-0. . APPLICANT' OWNER: LOCATION' ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS' Variance 88-06 MR. & MRS. LIANE LEE (GOLDEN CHINA RESTAURANT) 1046 WALNUT AVENUE TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 MR. ROY CHIKASAWA P.O. BOX 3297 CAMARILLO, CALIFORNIA 93011 1046 WALNUT, AT SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WALNUT AVENUE AND NEWPORT CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT (CLASS 1) FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. REQUEST' APPROVAL OF AN EXPANSION OF THE EXISTING GOLDEN CHINA RESTAURANT iN A MULTI-TENANT SHOPPING CENTER, RESULTING IN A CENTER-WIDE DEFICIT OF 56 PARKING. SPACES. RECOMMENDATIO~N Adopt Resolution No. 2507, approving Variance 88-06, subject to the condt ti OhS contal ned therein. Presentation' Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development Cmmlsstoner Baker moved, Ponttous s.ec~n~e~ to approve Variance 88-06 by the adoptton o ,solution No. 2507. Morton carrle~ ~-u. BUSINESS OLD BUSINESS 6. Outdoor Seating Guidelines Presentation: Laura Cay Pickup, Acting Senior Planner Puckett seconded to approve Outdoor Seating Guidelines Coemtssioner Ponttous moved, . by adoptl, on of Resolution No. 2490.as revlsea. Hotion carried 5-0. 7. Standard Tract Map Conditions for CC&R's Presentation' Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development the addition of recommended ~~e secon:.ed to approve Motion carried 5-0. Planntng Commission Acti~ dune 13, lg88 Page four genda Se Abandoned Rtght-of-~ia¥ -..P. eppertree Subdivi sion Presentation: Christine Shlngleton, Oi~ecto~ of Community Development C~tsstoner Puckett moved, Ponttous seconded to conttnue discussion of the abandoned right-of-way untt1 the duly il, 1988 Planning. Com,tsston meeting. Norton carr'ied 5-0. STAFF CO#CER#S ® Report on Council Actions - June 6, 1988 Prese:~ta~.ion: Christine Shtngleton, Director of Community Development #o Com.tsslon actton necessary. ADJOURIIqENT At 8:25 p.. C~tsstoner Le deune moved, Baker seconded to adjourn to the next regular .eetlng of the Tusttn P'lanntdg Co.misslon on dune 27, 1988 at, 7:00 p.m. Iqotton carrted 5-0. At 8:26 p.m. Chairman Wet1 reconvened the Comtsston. Co.mls$~oner Puckett moved, Ponttous seconded, to certtfy the #egattve Declaration as adequate for Yaria, ce 88-05 by the adop'tlon" of Resolution #o. 2506. gotton carrted 5.-0. Co,mfssloner Le deune moved, ponttous seconded to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Hotton 5-0.