August 5, 1963
Meeting called to order at 7:32 by
Mayor Doney.
Present:Doney, Sheridan, Humeston, Mack,
City ~ttorney Rourke, present
City EngL3. eer Carlsen, present
Planning Advisor Remland, present
Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that
minutes of July 15th, 16th, and 22nd meetings
be approved as mailed. Carried.
HEARING ON APPEAL Hearing on appeal of Planning Commission
RESOLUTION 660 Re~olution No. 660 granting U.P. Application
63-147 of Magel Corporation permitting 21
one and two bedroom residential units in
the C-1 Zone at S/~ corner of Second and
"H" Streets, Tustin, opened at 7:33 P.M.
Location and zoning and use of surrounding
property explained by Mr. Remland. Corres-
pondence and findings of the Planning
Commission as per Resolution 660 were read.
IN FAVOR Those present speaking in favor of Use permit:
John Siegel - representing Magel Corp.
Charles Greenwood - as one of the owners
of subject property.
There being no further comments pro or con
the hearing was declared closed at 7:40 P.M.
TO CONTINUE ~Moyed by Sheridan, seconded by Humeston that
HEARING 9/19/63 hearing .on. above appeal be continued to Monday
August 19th, after report of committee regard-
ing multiple zoning. Carried.
UNIMASCO STREET Moved by Humeston, seconded by Sheridan that
STRIPING MACHINE En~_neering Department be authorized to purchase
Unimasco Street Striping Machine at a cost not
to exceed $2600.00 Carried
WATER LINES Mr. Wheelock introduced Mr. Miles Proctor of
Winston Green Anderson Contracting Co., contractors
for the Metropolitan Water District. Mr. Proctor
explained locations of water lines arAd proposed
that line on Yorba Street be shifted to the
West side of street and requested permission to
trin lower limbs of Deodar Trees as necessary
and mnder the supervision of the City Engineer,
Mr. Proctor stated that in some places trees would
be trimmed to a height of 26 feet.
TREE TRIMMING The follo~hg residents of Yorba Street spoke
against trimming of trees to this height:
Mr. C. Chambers
Mr. Wilford
Mr. Newcomb
Moved by Klingelhofer, speconded by Sheridan
that the contractor for the Metropolitan Water
Line be authorized to trim trees on West side
of Yorba St., within the City limits, of limbs
that encroach on right of way below 15 feet,
as may be necessary, all under the supervision
of the Street Superintendent.
Mr. Sheridan withdrew his second and motion died
for lack of a second.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that action
on tree problem on Yorba St., as presented, be
deferred to August 19th meeting. Carried.
CIVIL DEFENSE Civil Defense Director Williamson reported a silent
test of new fire and attack signals would be held
at 2:00 P.M. August 7th and a trial of both fire
alarm and Attack signals on Wednesday, August 22nd.
Mayor instructed the City Clerk to designate an
employee to work with the Community Chest to
solicit funds from City Employees.
"ARTIST de la RUE' Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that per-
mission be granted Larwin Square Merchants Association
to hold an art exhibit by 'Artist de la Rue' in the
shopping center on August 23rd arA 24th. Carried.
RESIGNATION OF Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan that resignation
D. BROWN, CHAIRMAN of Mr. D. Brown as Chairman and member of the Parks
PARKS & RECREATION and Recreation Commission be accepted with regret and
a letter of appreciation sent ~o Mr. Brown. Carried.
ORANGE COUNTY Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that request of
MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY Orange County Chapter of Muscular Dystrophy Association
of America be approved subject to clearance by
Chief of Police. Carried.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer that
correspondence be received and filed. Carried.
ORDINANCE 229 Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer that
PANKEY Ordinance No. 229, approving "PANKEY ANNEXATION
NO. 2" to the City of Tustin ha~e second reading
by title only. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that Ordinance
No. 229 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call,
ell Councilmen present and voting Aye.
ORDINANCE 230 Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer that
DEPT. OF BLDG. & Ordinance No. 230, adding Section 2-27 to the
SAFETY Tustin City Code, providing for a Department of
Building and Safety, have second reading by
title only. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that Ordinance
No. 230 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call,
all Councilmen present and voting Aye.
ORDINANCE 231 Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that Ordinance
MEETING PLACE OF No. 231, amending section 2-7 of the Tustin City
CITY COUNCIL Code, providing for the meeting place of the City
Council, have second reading only.Carried unanimously.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that Ordinance
No. 231 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call
all Councilmen present and voting Aye.
ORDINANCE 232 Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer that
BUDGET Ordinance 232, fixing and determining the amount
of revenue necessary to be raised by taxation and
the amount of revenue necessary to carry on the
various departments of the City for the fiscal
year 1963-64, have second reading by title only.
Carried unanimously.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer that
Ordinance No. 232 be passed and adopted. Carried
by roll call, all Councilmen present and voting
ORDINANCE 233 Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that Ordinance No. 233
ANNEXATION NO. 2 of Tustin have second reading by title only. Carried
Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan that Ordinance
No. 233 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call
all Councilmen~ present and voting Aye.
PARKS & Discussion of formation of a Parks and Recreation District
RECREATION as presented by Mr. Stu Brown.
Moved by Humeston t~at attorney be authorized to
draw resolution requesting the Board of Supervisors
to hold a hearing for the formation of said district.
Motion died for lack of second.
RENAMING LAGUNA Moved by Sheridan', seconded by Klingelhofer that renmming
CONTINUED of Laguna Rd. be continued for one month. Carried
ORDINANCE 234 Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer that Ordinance
TEMP. REAL No. 234, amending OrdinanCe No. 157, as amended, relating
ESTATE SIGNS to temporary Real Estate Offices and Signs, have first
reading by title only. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer that Ordinance
No. 234 have second reading by title only. Carried
unanimou sly.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack that Ordinance
No. 234 be passed and adopted as an urgency measure.
Carried by roll call, ~ll Councilmen present and
voting Aye.
WEED CHARGES Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer and duly
carried, that in accordance with Ordinance No. 155, weed
abatement charges against the following described
properties be approved an~i notice of assessment be
forwarded to the County Auditor.
1. Lot ll, Block 42, Tustin City, M.R.LA.A. 13-81--
2. Lot 7, BlockA. Tract No. 3, M.M. 9-4 -- $ $10.50
3. the 573' of the N 417.73' of the E 139.62' of
Block C of resub of Blks C & D, Bundys Add. to
Tustin (M.M. 1-92) --$12.75
AGREEMENT WITH Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that Mayor
TRAFFIC SIGNAL and City Clerk be authorized to-execut~ agreement
MAINTENANCE CO. with the Traffic Signal Maintenance Company. Carried.
TRACT 4934 Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer that Mayor
and City Clerk be authorized to execut~ mended
Declaration of Easement, Covenants, Oonditions, and
Restrictions of Tract 4934. Carried.
ORDINANCE 230 Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer that
DEPT. OF BLDG recommendations Of Committee for the formation of
AND SAFETY a Department of Building and Safety be acknowledged
and received and that such steps as may be permitted
before effective date of-Ordinance No. 230 be
immediately commenced and such personnel effected
be notified. Carried.
BILLS Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Klingelhofer that
bills to the amount of $6,795.25 be paid. C~?ried.
Mayor declared a 5 minute recess and stated that
the remainder of the meeting would be for personnel
OATH OF OFFICE Moved by Mack seconded by Sheridan that before the
Oath of Office is administered every potential employee
commissioner, and appointed official must have a
complete record check by the Police Department and
shall have the approval of the Chief of Police or
the City Council. Carried.
2O 1:
SURPLUS Moved by Mack, seconded by Humeston that heater
HEATER removed from 135 W. Third St. be declared surplus
property and put up for bid. Carried.
ADDITIONAL In preparation to adding 3 paid men to the Fire
FIREMEN Department, Chief Hilton was authorized to proceed
with the following:
Obtain one disinterested person to preside at
a written examination from which the top 5 grades
will take the oral exam.
Obtain a board of 3 to preside at the oral
exam. (Oral exam to be on a percentage basis).
Recommend any 3 of the top 5 grades to fill
Test ~o be given to interested volunteers on
August 22nd, and 80% of average of top 3 grades
will be the passing grade.
Movedby Sheridan, secondedby Humeston that
meeting be adjourned. Carried.
BILLS BILLS (these bills are part of Aug. 5 meeting --
see page 2001
First Western Bank (Utilities) $ 397.27
Orange County Radiotelephone Set. 30.00
Rancho De Santa Fe 244.30
Dennis ?rinters & Stationers 22.08
Smith Corona Marchant Inc. 27.78
Tiernan's Office Equipment inc. 199.86
The Revere House 32.83
Kleen-Line Corp. 17.94
Michies Publications 900.00
Atlas Uniform Supply Co. 34.20
The Tustin News 253.31
"Louie" Schmetzer Co. 12.75
Blower Paper Co. 34.02
Santa Ana Office Supply 87.89
Tustin Fire Department 196.50
Munselle Supply Co. 7.70
Union 76, Lea Johnson 10.13
McCoy Sheet Metal Works 10.19
Tustin Faint Store 8~89
Business Equipment Co. 26.62
Carson & Golding 28.20
Palm Stationers 18.42
Vista Drug 3.25
Screenprint & Plas-Tech 6.00
Dependable Service Trucking Co. Inc 2.25
Geo. F. Cake Co. 29.~
Econolite 884.00
Van Hove & Dean Garage 173.23
Bob DeSutter Richfield Serv. 19.68
Orange County Blueprint 62.32
Clark Dye Hardware 31.18
Tustin Auto Parts 2.45
L. W. Bemis Tractor & implement Co. 744.69
Valley Engineering ll0.00
Reproduction Equipment & Supply 501.07
Muriel I. Stafford (Typing) 18.00
G. A. Thomas 270.00
Henry Sizer & Son 15.00
R. F. Dickson Co., inc. 350.75
B. L. Wheelock (Auto Allow) 60.00
Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Co 393-00
Graves & Howley 58.99
Pacific Athletic Co. 56.96
House of Trophies 19o20
Tiernan's Office E~uipment Co. 5.54
Santa Ana Book Store 13.43
S. S. Kresge Co. 38.68
Neal Sporting Goods 135.39
Santa Ana Hobby Shop 114.32
Don's Lawn Mower Shop 15.00
Ruth C. Poe (Petty Cash) ~1.60
$ 66
,72 : 0
Russ Long Woodworking $ O,7~5.2~
AUGUST 19, 1963
Meeting called to order at 7:35 P.M~ by Mayor Doney.
Present: Doney, Sheridan, H~ceston, Mack.
Absent: Klingelhofer
City Attorney Rourke, present.
City Engineer Carlsen, present.
Planning Adx~sor Reinland, present.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Sheridan, that minutes of August
1963, be approved as mailed. Motion carried.
REPORTS FROM Report from Multiple Housing CommitteeI and report from
MULTIPLE HOUSING; & PlaDming Advisor Rem~land, read by Acting City Clerk.
PLANNING ADVISOR Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Mack, that report of
Multiple Housing Committee and additional report by
Remland, be noted as read. Motion carried.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Humeston tb~t Multiple Housing
Committee be continued as a body to make reco~nendations
to function as long as Council deems necessary. Carried
by roll call. All Councilmen present voting Aye.
MINORITY Mr. Mc~uaid residing at 1261 Lance Drive, Tustin, requested
REPORT - and was granted i~ rmission by Mayor Doney to read a
McQUAID Minority Report. Mr. McQuaid read the report.
Upon completion of the reading of the report, Mr. McQuaid
made a request that a hold up of 2 Weeks on all Multiple
Housing be made.
Moved by Sheridan, seconded by Humeston that Minority
Report be noted as having been read 'and filed, but that
no action be taken~ at this time. All ~Councilmen present
voted in favor. Mction carried.
Mr. Donald Babbs, requested from the Council that a hold
be placed on all Multiple Building Permits, Zone Changes,
and Use Perrafts for two Weeks, until an Ordinance could be
drawn up and presented to Council and if such deferment
was not granted a referendum to be placed upon the
ballot for a vote by the people.
Moved by Sheridan that 2 week defennent be granted, on
Zone Changes, Use Permits & Variances. Motion dies for
lack of second.
The following persons eXpressed views regarding Multiple
Mr. A. McKown B. Windolph ~ Richard Smith
Mr. Colgan C.E. Gilbreath Wm. Gray
Attorney Lev Mr. De Mong Mrs. Glyde
Donald Babbs Michael Segal Charles Greenwood
Marvin Lawrence Mr. Cogan Bob Hall
/ Jo.hn Siegal Mr. Cavenaugh Mr. Coco
K. Mulford Pope Don Ayres Hal Balmer
/' . C. Engle James McQuaid
M~ed by Sheridan, seconded by Humeston that Council
delay action for 2 weeks on all Zone Changes, Variances
and Use Permits.
Ayes: Councilmen Sheridan, Humeston.
Noes: Counci.lmen Doney, Mack
Motion failed. I~
U.P. 63-149 ! Hearing to consider the appeal of the decision of the Tustin
CHARLES GREENWOOD Planning Commission granting U.P. Application No. 63-149 of