It is recommended that the City Council'
1. Authorize the Mayor to transmit correspondence to local state legislators,
the League of California Cities and surrounding cities requesting support
for modification to state law relating to licensing of community care
and drug and alcohol recovery facilities.
2. Instruct staff to initiate a code enforcement action against Yorba House I,
13682 Yorba Street.
The City Council at their meeting on June 20th continued their discussion on the
subject topic to permit the Community Development Department and City Attorney's
office to evaluate the ability of the*City to regulate residential community
care and drug and alcohol recovery facilities.
As the City Council is aware, numerous complaints have been received from area
residents in the vicinity of Yorba Street and Laurie Lane regarding these type
of facilities. Primary areas of concern include the overconcentration,
operation, control, and administration of the facilities. There have also been
specific concerns about whether certain facilities were violating the provisions
of State and local codes.
Staff are aware of five (5) community care or drug/alcohol recovery residential
homes in the subject vicinity identified as follows and on the attached exhibit.
City Council Report
July 5, 1988
Community Care Facilities
Page two
1. Yorba House IV- Recovery Homes of America, Inc; 13671 Rosalind,
Tustin; drug/alcohol recovery.
2. Yorba House ! - Recovery Homes of America, Inc.; 13682 Yorba Street,
Tustin, Ca.; drug/alcohol recover~.
3. Laurel House - 13631 Fairmont, Tustln; dependent and neglected
4. Harmony Guest Home - 17441 Laurie Lane, Tusttn; elderly residential.
5. Unknown facility - 13531 Yorba Street, County; drug/alcohol
The three alcohol and drug recovery facilities located on Yorba Street are
licensed by the state Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs under provisions
contained in Chapter 7.5 of Part 2 of Division 10.5 of the Health and Safety
Code. The Harmony Home and Laurel House are licensed by the Community Care
Licensing Division of the State Department of Social Services. Each of these
agencies have their own licensing requirements with inspections conducted
Pursuant to the Heal th and Safety Code, certain types of facilities like those
mentioned above serving six or fewer persons must be considered a residential
use of property for the purpose of zoning. Facilities which fall under this
classification include residential homes or care facilities for the mentally
disordered, handicapped, developmentally disabled, elderly, dependent and
neglected children and for alcohol and drug recovery. Current law prohibits the
City from imposing stricter zoning or building and safety standards upon these
facilities than those which are applied against other family dwellings in the
same residential zoning dj'strict.
Section 1520.5 of the Health and Safety Code would permit the Director of
Community licensing to deny an application for a new residential community care
facility if the location would result in overconcentration {a distance of 300
feet or less from another facility) based on a recommendation of a local city or
county where the facility is located. Unfortunately, these current code
provisions on overconcentration are not adequate to maintain the integrity of
established residential neighborhoods and facilities such as homes for the
elderly and alcohol and drug recovery homes are not subject to these code
provision~ on overconcentration.
Recognizing current limitations imposed on local jurisdictions in regulating the
location and concentration of community care and alcohol and drug recovery
facilities, staff would recommend that the City Council lobby for the following
modifications to State law:
1. The State should return to City's local land use control over sites to
ensure that the integrity of residential neighborhoods are protected.
Corn rnunity DeveloPrnent Department
Cil:y Council Report
July 5, 1988
Communi ty Care Facilities
Page three
We would suggest a modification to State law which prohibits a city from
denying or prohibiting a residential community care or alcohol/drug
recovery facility and requires granting of nondi scretionary permit for such
facilities provided that they complyI with loca,1 ordinances which prescribe
reasonable standards, restrictions and requirements concerning spacing and
concentration, traffic control, parking and noise control. An example of a
similar code provision is contained in Section 1597.46 as related to local
control over large family day care centers.
2. The State should legislatively reinforce its policy to prevent
overconcentration which iMatrs the integrity of residential neighborhoods,
by stipulating that no residential community care facility or drug or
alcohol recovery facility serving six of fewer persons be closer than
a distance of 1,000. feet from any structure housing similar facilities.
The Director of Community Care licensing and the Director of Alcohol and
Drug Program shall not have the authority to waive this separation
3. To determine adequate separation between similar facilities licensed by
separate agencies, the Department of Social Services and the Department of
Alcohol and Drug Programs shall be required to formally contact one another
to ensure that adequate separation is provided.
As an alternative in order to eliminate the current con~lexities and
duplication in licensing and monitoring of similar facilities, we would
strongly recommend that the State consider increasing the efficiency and
effecti veness of their 'licensing systems by streamli ni ng and consoli dating
the administration and licensing of community care facilities and drug and
alcohol recovery facilities so that the function is handled by one State
4. To ensure that local jurisdictions are aware of all licensed community care
and alcohol drug recovery facilities, each responsible agency shall notice
local jurisdictions prior to licensing the facility to ensure compliance
with local zoning requirements for residential uses.
5. To ensure response to local complaints, the Department of Social Services
and the Department of Alcohol and Drug Recovery shall respond to complaints
about the subject facilities in writing within 10 days with a copy of
response to complaints to be forwarded to the local jurisdiction.
The above legislative modifications should be requested of Senator John Seymour
(Charles Wilson, Senator Seymour's Aide has already indicated to Community
Development staff willingness to support legislative changes noted above) and
Assemblyman .John Lewis and the League of California Cities (see attached sample
correspondence). Resolutions supporting such legislative changes should also be
Lrequested from surrounding communities who have al so experienced si milar
overconcentrations of these facilities such as Santa Aha.
Corn munity DeveloPment Department
City Counctl Report
July 5, 1988
Community Care Facilities
Page four
In addition to the above approach, information has also been made available to
Community Development Department staff that Yorba House I located at 13681 Yorba
Street Is serving more than six residents since It provides food service for
other facilities and serves as an educational center and meeting place. This
information has been validated by the Department of Alcohol and Drug Program.
Staff, therefore, wishes to proceed in a code enforcement action on this matter
to request revocation of the State license for such' facility as well as notice
informing the operator of the facility that they are conducting an operation
which is not permitted in the R-1 zone.
~mmunl ty ievelopme
Christine Shing . _~. n~
CAS: pef
Attachments' Sample letter to senator Seymour
Community Development Department
.. 13682,
July 5, 1988
Honorable John Seymour
California State Senate 35th District
Room 3074, State Capital
Secramento, California 95814
Dear Honorable Senator Seymour'
I am writing to register the City of Tusttn's concern regarding alcohol and
drug recovery facilities licensed by the State Department of Alcohol and Drug
Program and residential community care facilities licens'ed by the Community Care
Licensing Division of the State Department of Social Services and to urge you to
initiate and support legislation which will address our concerns.
The concern of Tusttn residents is not the existence of community care and
drug and alcohol recovery homes or facilities, but the overconcentration and
unresponsive operation and administration of these facilities which is having a
serious impact on the integrity of residential neighborhoods in our community and
the maintenance and enhancement of residential property values.
Within one particular area of the City in the vicinity of Yorba Street and
Laurie Lane, there are five community care or drug/alcohol recovery facilities.
1. Yorba House IV - Recovery Homes of America, Inc; 13671 Rosalind,
Tustin; drug/alcohol recovery.
2. Yorba House !- Recovery Homes of America, Inc.; 13682 Yorba Street,
Tustin, Ca.; drug/alcohol recovery.
3. Laurel tlouse - 13631 Fairmont, Tustin; dependent and neglected
4. Harmony Guest Home - 17441 Laurie Lane, Tustin; elderly residential.
5. Unknown facility - 13531 Yorba Street, County; drug/alcohol
As shown on the attached exhibit at least three of the above facilities are
separated by less than 300 feet. Since at least 1985, the City has received
continuous nu~-n-ce complaints about these facilities and their concentration.
Complaints have largely involved noise, traffic, parking problems and disorderly
conduct. Tustin residents wonder how current rules governing the residents of
these facilities ensure their integration and compatibility with surrounding
residences. Unfortunately, the City has to inform our residents that current law
prohibits the City from ensuring compatibility of these facilities with existing
residential uses.
Senator Seymour
Residential Care Facilities
July 5, 198
Page two
Pursuant to ~ectlons 1267.8, 1566.3, 1569.85, 5115, 1596.70 and 11834.11 of
the Health and Safety Code, certain types of facilities like those mentioned above
serving six or fewer persons must be considered a residential use of property for
the purpose of zoning. Facilities which fall under this classification include
residential homes or care facilities for the mentally disordered, handicapped,
developmentally disabled, elderly, dependent and neglected children and for alcohol
and drug recovery. Current law prohibits the City from imposing stricter zoning or
building and safety standards upon these facilities than those which are applied
against other family dwellings in the same residential zoning district.
Section 1520.5 of the Health and Safety Code permits the Director of Community
licensing to deny an application for a new residential community care facility if
the location would result in overconcentration {a distance of 300 feet or less from
another facility) based on a recommendation of a local city or county where the
facility is located. Unfortunately, these current code provisions on.
overconcentration are not adequate to maintain the integrity of established
residential neighborhoods and facilities Such as homes for the elderly and alcohol
and drug recovery homes are also not 'subject to these code provisions on
overconcentrati on.
Recognizing current limitations imposed on local jurisdictions in regulating
the location and concentration of community care and alcohol and drug recovery
facilities, the following modifications to state law are recommended:
1. The State should return to City's local land use control over sites proposed
for community care and alcohol or drug recovery facilities to ensure that the
integrity of residential neighborhoods are protected. We would suggest a
modification to State law which would prohibit a City from denying a
residential community care or alcohol/drug recovery facility provided such a
facility complies with local ordinances which prescribe reasonable standards,
restrictions and requirements concerning spacing and concentration, traffic
control, parking and noise control. An example of similar statuatory
provisions are contained in Section 1597 of the Health and Safety code as
related to local control over large family day care centers.
2. The State should legislatively reinforce its policy to prevent
o verconcentrati on whi ch could impair the i ntegri ty of resi denti al
neighborhoods, by stipulating that no residential community care facility or
drug or alcohol recovery facility serving six of fewer persons be closer than
a distance of 1,000 feet from any structure housing similar facilities. The
responsible agency (i.e. Director of Community Care licensing and the Director
of Alcohol and Drug-Program) should not have the authority to waive this
separation requirement.
Senator Seymour
Residential Care Facilities
July $, 1988
Page three
3. To determine adequate separation between similar facilities licensed by
separate agencies, the Oepartment of Soctal Services and the Department of
Alcohol and Drug Programs shall be required to formally contact one another to
ensure that adequate separatjon is provlded.
As an alternative to ellmin~tlng the current complexities and duplication of
licensing and monitoring slmtlar facilities, we would strongly recommend that
the State constder Increasing the efficiency and. effectiveness of their
licensing systems by streamlining and consolidating the administration and
licensing of community care facilities and drug and alcohol recovery
factlittes so that the function is handled by one agency.
4. To ensure that local jurisdictions are aware of all licensed community care
and alcohol drug recovery facilities, each responsible agency shall notice
local jurisdictions prior to licensing the facility to ensure compliance
with local zoning requirements for residential uses.
5. To ensure response to local complaints, the responsible agency shall
respond to complaints about the subject facilities in writing within 10
days with a copy of response to complaints to be forwarded to the local
juri sdi cti on. ~
We urge your support of our above requested modifications to State law. We
would be prepared to provide whatever additional information or clarifications you
might need in drafting future leglislation. Should you have any questions or need
additional information regardingilthis matter, please contact Christine Shingleton
the City's Director of Community Development at (714) 544-8890, ext. 253.
RBH: CAS: pef
cc: League of California Cities
Senator Seymour, Anaheim
Ronald B. Hoesterey