HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 1 OUTDOOR SEATING 07-05-88FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY PlANAGER COll, lqlJNITY DEVELOPHENT DEPARllqENT OUTDOOR SEATTNG RECOIIqENDATTON. Pleasure of the City Counctl. BACKGROUND ii The City Council at their regular meeting on June 20th requested that Council review recently adopted outdoor seating guidelines approved by the Planning Commission at their meeting on June 13th. Attached for the City Council's information and .review is Planning Commission Resolution No. 2490 establishing outdoor seating guidelines. The Planning Commission staff report on this item is also attached for the City Council's information. Christine Shingleton l/ Director of Communit~Development CAS'pef Resolution No. 2¢90 Planning Commission Report 6-13-88 Report to the Planning Commission · Item No. 6 DATE: ,JUNE 13, 1988 ,~ SUBJECT: OUTOOOR SEATING GUIDELINES REC01IIENDATI0.,,N 'It ts recommended that the Planntng Commission approve Resolution No. 2490 as submitted or revtsed. BACKGROUND · On Hay 23, 1988 the Planntng Comnrlsston revtewed the staff recommendations for the proposed Outdoor Seattn9 Guidelines. At that ttme, the Planntng Commission dtrected staff to prepare a resolution (attached) containing the guidelines staff proposed wtth Incorporation of the Commission's comments.' The attached resolution Incorporates all of the tssues previously discussed by the Planntng Commission. The Planntng Commission had also requested Information regarding spectftc Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) requirements. In reviewing applications for outdoor dtntng areas where alcohol ts to be served, these common rules apply: 1. The patto area shall be clearly/physically deftned. It must be clearly a part of the restaurant t t serves; 2. The patto shall be accessed through the tntertor of the restaurant only (emergency extts are requtred per Ftre Code); 3. No publlc thoroughfares shall go through the patto area; and I. 4. The area shall be physically supervised by an employee by etther vtsual contact or dtrect, personal supervision. Some "common" food courts have been accommodated tn areas such as 1;he Atrium Court and other locales. These common food areas must be clearly deftned, properly posted wtth stgns regarding 'alcohol consumption areas and each restaurant must serve beverages tn different types of containers. Community Development Department Planning Commission Report Outdoor Seating Guidelines June 13, ~L988 Page two I I I The local Orange County ABC Dtstrtct has not issued any ltcenses for food or theme parks or IndiVidual users who don't meet these guidelines. However, the San Diego District has issued more lenient permits in the past. According to the Orange County office, the issuance of-special permits is up to the discretion of the Dtstrtct Administrator wtth ftnal approval from the State offtce. CONCLUSTON Staff has concurred that the guidelines will provide a needed reference when reviewing outdoor seating applications. With the attached resolution, staff can establish a uniform review procedure as well as design criteria which are sensitive to the specific issues related to outdoor seating areas. La'ura Cay Pickup//// // Acting Senior Planner ~/ LCP:pef Attachment: Resolution No. 2490 community Development Department 2 3 4 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2490 · A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING POLICY GUIDELINES TO BE FOLLOWED IN REVIEWING APPLICATIONS FOR OUTDOOR SEATING AREAS. 6 The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: _ 8 9 10 11 I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows' A. That certain guidelines shall be conside)'ed by Community Development staff and the Planning Commission when considering Conditional Use Permit applications for outdoor dining areas. B. Outdoor dining areas are allowed with a CUP subject to the following design criteria: 12! 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 1. Alcoholic Beverage Sales - Should the proposed establishment wish to smell alcoholicll'beverages, any outdoor dining area shall be designed to nmet the standards of the State 'Departnmnt of ~coholic Beverage Control. Specifically, the outdoor dining ~rea nmst: a) the patio~rea shall be clearly/physically defined. It nmst be clearly ~t..part of the restaurant it serves; b) be accessible preferrably through the inside of the restaurant; and c) be supervised by a restaurant employee to ensure confornmnce with all laws regarding consump.tion of alcoholic beverages while on the restaurant premises. 2. Confomance to Parking Requirements - A1 though in some cases the outdooraining i 'area ...... may be seasonal in na.ture, the number of seats provided or the area used as a seating area should be considered in determining the parki ng requirements for the restaurant as a whole. Therefore' a) depending on the location and the parking requirenmnts for the property where the restaurant is proposed, the outdoor sea ting area must be considered as part of the restaurant and shall conform to the mandated parking requirements; and b) if outdoor seating areas are not part of the restaurant and are specified as "seating in R~solutton No. 2490 Page t~o 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 common" no spec1 fi c park tng requi remen ts are applicable; however, these seating areas are not to be reserved or intended for specific use by any particular restaurant or tenant tn the center and shall be available to publtc use. 3. Clean up facilities - All outdoor seating areas, be they part Of a restaurant or seating in common, should have adequate clean up facilities. Therefore: a) all outdoor dining or seating areas shall contain trash receptacles for use by the public or restaurant employees; and b) all outdoor dining or seating areas shall be cleaned on a continual, daily basis for removal of litter and food items which constitute a publ.ic nuisance. 4. Design Compati~[ility - Since outdoor dining areas are typiCally vis_~le from the public street, special consideration ~or design is essential. The current Design Review 1)rocess.as established by Section 9272 of the Municipal Code i'llows City Staff the opportunity to review and establish design elements for these types of projects. The following guidelines are necessary to · encourage and reinforce compatible design elements: a) All outdoor dining and seating areas shall be designed so as to not obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic flow and shall be designed in a fashion so that they do not necessitate removal of any existing pedestrian or vehicular movement area; b) all structural elements, umbrellas, furniture, awnings, covers or other physical elements which are visible to the public right-of-way shall be compatible with the overall design of the main structures; and c) all signs and advertisement materials placed in an outdoor dining or seating area shall be in conformance wi th 'the Sign Code, as well as any adopted Sign Program for the building in which the seating is to be located. Resolution No. 2490 Page three 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 '127! . C® Location to Sensitive Uses - The use of outdoor dlning and seating areas creates"'a p~destrian oriented ambiance. This type of ambiance is particularly attractive and usually encouraged where appropriate; however, some problems may occur if outdoor dining/seating areas are located in direct proximity to sensitive uses. Therefore' ,. a) any outdoor dining or seating area located within 600 feet of a public school shall be designed with particular consideration of school children and access. Avoidance of the use of video or' coin operated games and serving of alcoholic beverages in outdoor' seating areas should be considered; b) should any restaurant have dancing or play amplified music, the outdoor seating area shall be sealed off in a fashion so as to restrict noise from disturbing other businesses or residents; and c) outdoor ~eating and dining areas and their relation ~o residential uses, public schools,. -.~ churches, /~hospttals and arcades shall be reviewed and proof mitigation measures applied for problems related~co noise, light, glare and loitering shall be applied to avoid land use conflicts. Incorporation of standard conditions of approval is necessary to ensure compatible and uniform design of all outdoor seating areas. Typical conditions of approval may be applied where applicable. These standard conditions include: 1. The outdoor dining area shall be setback a minimum of five (5) feet from the property line or parking lot with appropriate landscaping in conformance with current landscaping criteria. 2. Lighting shall be provided to illuminate the dining area as required by the Tustin Security Code. 3. The outdoor dining area shall be architecturally compatible with the building in which the restaurant is located. Resolution' No. 2490- Page four 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14I 1.5 I 17 18 21 4. The dining area shall be physically related to the building that the restaurant is in, ensuring that the entrance to the dining area is preferrably through the restaurant. 5. Maximum dining areas shall be subject to Uniform Building Code (UBC) regulations. 6. Outdoor seating, whether permanent or seasonal, is subject to the parking requirements specified in the Tustin Muni ci pal Code. 7. The use of awnings, umbrellas, plants, and other human scale elements is encouraged to enhance the pedestrian experience. 8. Trash receptacles shall be provided in the outside dining area. 24 25 26 27! D · 9. CUP's whtch are approved for outdoor dining areas are subject to revi.ew after one year. At such time, staff shall conduct a stud~ to determine if any adverse impacts have resulted from th~-'use. If not,. then a permanent CUP may be granted. ~_~' 10. Outdoor dining areas ~all be a minimum of 200 feet from residential uses. 11. If enter.tatnment or dancing, is provided on the premises, a noise analysis shall be provided which guarantees that noise levels will not exceed those specified in the Tustin Noise Ordinance. That each Conditional Use Permit application for an outdoor dining area shall be reviewed, based upon location and type of such establishment, and consideration of the following gui del i ne s: A determination that hobrs of operation requested are appropriate to the use proposed and consideration .given to the prop, osed use' s relation to: 1. Resldential areas; 2. Arcades; 3. Public schools; 4. Relation to live entertainment locations. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 2490 Page fi ve El The applicant shall sign and return an Agreement to Conditions Imposed form which states that the applicant agrees to all conditions imposed. Failure to comply with any of the foregoing condltions shall be grounds for revocation of any approved Conditional Use Permtt. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustln Planning Commission, held on the .~_.~day of ~t~1988. Kathy We'i l~ i , Chairman 'Penni Foley Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, PENNI FOLEY, the undersigned, hereby certtfy that I am the l~ecord~ng Secretary of the Planntng .Coeetsston of the Ctty of Tust~n, California; that Re so l u l:t on No. ~z?~'~:~ was duly passed and.. adopted at are. gu. lar meel;~ng of the T_ust~n Planning commission, held on the /,~,~day of .... ~.... · ~_~.~.. , FOLEY Recordtng Secretary