HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 2 TREE REMOVALS 07-05-88 ... · \, Inter-- Com DATE: JUNE 27, 1988 ~ TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAH HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTHENT/FIELD SERVICES DIVISION REQUEST FOR TREE REHOVALS RECOMMENDATION: That City Council approve the Public Works Departments' recommendation on tree removals as shown on the attached exhibit. BACKGROUND: The attached is a consolidation of requests which have been received from various property owners regarding teees within the public right-of-way. In all cases, with the exception of commerical areas, adjacent property owners have been surveyed and the results are so indicated. All trees will be removed and replaced by City crews. Replacement will be with a tree of acceptable species from the City's approved list. Bob Leden cker den~_c! Director of Public Works/City Engineer Pa'blo Rodriguez ~ Manager, Field Services Attached: Exhibit Exhibit to Memo dated June 27, 1988 Request for Tree Removals Page 1 The Pistachio tree at 14902 Braeburn is 50=60% mature with, extensive surface roots causing poor turf growth, damage to the sidewalks and curb areas. The tree is to close to the existing driveway causing a visability problem when backing out of driveway, there is damage to the driveway due to existing surface roots. Recommendation: Remove and replace with slow growth tree. (Neighbor response; yes 2 no 3 ). The Ftcus Ntttda at 14791 Briarcliff Place is 40-50% mature. The root structure threatens to raise and break up the sidewalk, curb and brick wall. Recommendation! Remove before damage occurs, and replace with a slow growth tree. (Neighbor response; yes 4, no response 1) The Orchid tree at 1751 Heather Avenue, is 40-50% mature with root damage to the sidewalk. The tree leans toward the driveway causing interference with the owners vehicle. This tree is is less than 10 feet from the driveway, causing vtsability problems when backing out of driveway, and is not on the approved tree list. Recon%mendation; Remove and replace with a slow growth tree. (Neighbor response; yes 3, no response 2) The two Ftcus Nitidas at 14711 Mimosa Lane are 70-80% mature with ~extensive surface roots causing poor turf growth. There is damage to the sidewalk and curb area. Recommendation: Remove and replace with slow growth tree. (Neighbor response; yes 3, no 0 ) The Lepo Pine at 13741 Malena Drive is 80-90% mature, causing poor turf growth with root damage to the sidewalk, driveway apron and curb areas. This tree has an erratic limb growth and is weak at the lateral connection to the main trunk. Recommendation: Remove and replace with slow growth tree. (Neighbor response; yes 3, no response 2) The Magnolia trees at 1201 - 1202 Prospect Avenue have been requested for possible removal. They are 60-70% mature with surface roots causing poor turf growth, extensive damage to the sidewalk and curb areas. The trees have been given surface water only through the years. Magnolia trees in other areas which have received deep. watering have little to no surface roots, and very limited cement damage. Recommendation: Since these trees are in a commercial area, no poll was taken. Maintenance department recommends repairs to cement areas, cut any surface roots and install root barriers with a deep watering system. The Ficus Nttida at 14531 Emerywood is 60-70% mature. The root structure threatens to raise the sidewalk and curb. structure. Recommendation: Remove and replace with slow growth tree. (Neighbor response; yes 3, no 1) Exhibit to Memo dated June 27, 1988 Request for Tree Removal Page 2 The Ftcus Ntttda at 14521 Emerywood is 60-70% mature. The root structure threatens to raise the sidewalk and curb structure. Recommendation: Remove and replace with slow growth tree. (Neighbor response; yes 3, no 2) The Ficus Nitida at 14217 Cloverbrook is 60-70% mature. The root structure is damaging the sidewalk. Recommendation: Remove and replace with slow growth tree. (Neighbor response; yes 3, no 1) The Yew Pine at 14801 Branbury is 70-80% mature. The root structure threatens to raise the sidewalk and curb structure. This is not an approved residential tree. Recommendation: Remove and replace with slow growth tree. (Neighbor response; yes 2, no 3) The Eucalyptus tree at 1035 Irvine Blvd. is 75% mature. It has major damage due to being hit by a truck and rotting. Recommendation: Remove tree as possible liability and hazard. The tree is in a commercial area therefore no poll Was taken. The two Ficus Nttidas at 14061 Charloma. are 70-80% mature. The roots' are causing sidewalk and plumbing problems. Recommendation: Remove trees and replace with moderate growth trees that conform to approved list for 5 1/2 foot parkway. (Neighbor response; yes 2, no response 3) The Ficus Nttida at 14892'Bridgeport is 70-80% mature. The roots are causing sidewalk damage and sprinkler problems. Recommendation: Remove tree and replace with slow growth tree that would conform to the 3 1/2 foot parkway. (Neighbor response; yes 3, no 2, no response 0) The two Eucalyptus trees on Yorba, directly behind 14412 Heights Dr., are 70-80% and 60-70% mature respectively, have been heavily trimmed due to heavy dropping of leaves, pods and blossoms in the pool and yard. The trees are in a commercial area, therefore no poll was taken. The property owner has had an on going complaint for over four years due to leaves droppings on his private property. The tree crew has responded with heavy trimming on a regular basis. Recommendation: Remove trees and replace parkway tree with a slow growth type Eucalyptus. The Ficus Nitida at 17461 Norwood Park Place is 70-80% mature. It will soon raise the sidewalk and damage the curb. Recommendation: Remove and replace with a slow growth tree. (Neighbor response; yes 3, no 2) Exhibit to Memo dated June 27,1988 Request-for Tree Removal Page 3 The unapproved Rusty Leaf Fig trees on Mitchell next to 14261 Heatherfield are 60-70% mature with surface roots presently causing sidewalk damage. Mitchell is a commercial area, so no poll was taken. The request is from the homeowner with the above address, who has a block wall parallel to Mitchel near the damaged sidewalk, he fears that the wall could also be damaged in the future. Recommendation: Remove trees before more damage occurs and replace with Master Plan I, Stone Pines. The homeowner has requested removal of the 40% mature Garrotwood tree at 2332 Figtree. The Carrotwood tree had a concrete parkway within 8" of the trunk. This caused the tree to send roots under the walkway into the front yard turf area for it's required water. The homeowner has removed the concrete parkway after being advised that it was the major cause of the odd root system. Recommendation: Remove tree due to invasive root system, and replace with a 24" box Carrotwood with a root barrier and deep watering system. This area is Master planned for Carrotwood trees. (Neighbor response; yes 2, no response 3) The Ftcus Ntttda at 14432 Cloverbrook is 60-70% mature. The root system has damaged the sidewalk and curb. Recommendation: Remove and repalce with slow growth tree. (Neighbor response; yes 3, no 1)