HomeMy WebLinkAboutNew Bus. #2 12-04-89 Grand Jury Inter- Corn DAT£: NOVEMBER 2 8, TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: DENISE M. STILL, EXECUTIVE COORDINATOR SUBJECT: GRAND JURORS, ORANGE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy received a request from the Orange County Superior Court requesting recommendations for prospective Grand Jurors. Mrs. Kennedy has asked that this matter be agendized for City Council discussion. Attachment 700 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE WEST P. O. BOX 1994 November 6, 19 8 9 (714) 83=-3734 The Orange County Superior Court is seeking to compile a list of prospective Grand Jurors which fairly represents a broad cross-section of our community. With that intent in mind, various bus,ness enterprises, institutions, labor organizations, social groups, chambers of commerce, elected officials, etc., throughout the County are being asked to submit the names of persons who they feel are qualified and who are willing to serve, if selected, on a full-time basis for a full year, on the Orange County Grand Jury for the period July 1, 1990 through June 30, 1991. It may help you to understand exactly what is involved if I set forth a brief outline of how the Grand Jury is selected. 1. Screeninq ADDlications. An application received from a prospective Grand Juror is forwarded to the Grand Jury Selection Committee, comprised of nine of the Judges of the Superior Court, for screening to determine the individual's qualifications for Grand Jury service. Only those individuals who possess the knowledge, skills and abilities required for successful performance as a Grand Juror will receive further consideration. The screening process will identify approximately ninety (90) individuals who the committee determines are well qualified to b~ considered further in the interview and nomination process. In addition, the law requires that prospective grand Jurors shall be selected from the five Supervisorial Districts in propoz~ion to the number of inhabitants therein as nearly as the same can be estimated by the Committee. Several hundred applications from volunteers are anticipated, therefore, many well qualified individuals may not be interviewed and subsequently nominated. A letter will be sent to all unsuccessful applicants. 2. Interview and Nomination. Those individuals who the committee determines to be well qualified to serve on the Grand Jury will be invited for an interview before a member of the Grand Jury Selection Committee. Following the interview, these individuals found to be most qualified, interested and available to serve will be placed in nomination on behalf of the committee. The individuals most qualified, interested and able to serve will be placed in nomination on behalf of the committee. 3. _.~vestiga=ion by District .,ttorne¥. An investi- gator of the District Attorney' s Office will conduct an interview, perform a background investigation, make a check of law enforcement agencies and submit a report to the Court on each nominee. 4. Processinq by Selection Committee. The law requires that the Superior Court prepare a list of potential Grand Jurors which is to contain not less than 25 nor more than 30 names. As previously mentioned, the Selection Committee has the difficult task of initially screening hundreds of applications, conducting interviews and subsequently reviewing investigative reports of those nominated and ultimately reducing the number to the maximum of thirty (30) required by law. During this selection process, the Committee endeavors to give consideration to all identifiable groups within the County so that when the Jury is finally selected it will be as nearly representative of the community as possible. Unfortunately, therefore, many otherwise well qualified applicants may not be included in the final panel of thirty prospective Grand Jurors. 5. Drawing of Grand Jury. The thirty (30) persons selected will constitute the Grand Jury Panel and they will be summoned to appear in court at a time (tentatively scheduled for May 2, 1990 designated in the summons. The names of the persons who actually appear in response to the summons are placed in a box and nineteen (19) names are drawn from the box. The nineteen (19) individuals so selected will constitute the Grand Jury for the ensuing fiscal year commencing July 1, 1990. If, during the year, a vacancy develops, a selection to fill this vacancy is made from the remaining names on the panel. The attached "Information for a Prospective Grand Juror" is provided for your information and guidance in interviewing and reco~ending individuals Fou feel are qualified -nd who have the inclination to serve under the condit.~ons outlined in the infoz~ation da~a. Names and addresses of persons you wish to recommend must be submitted to Mr. Alan Slater, Superior Court, Executive Officer, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Room Al00, P.O. Box 1994, Santa Ana, CA 92702, Attn~ Grand Jury Selection, not later than Friday, January 19, 1990, at 5~00 p.m. We appreciate the cooperation of your organization in this effort to obtain a broad-based Grand Jury. Very truly yours, Enc. Myron S. Brown Presiding Judge Criminal Department ORANGE COUNTX SUPERIO_R COURT 91 GRAND JURY SELECT · PROCEDURES AND TIMETABLE OF , ~NTS (s mmry) November 1, 1989 November 2, 1989 November 9, 1989 December 1, 1989 January 5, 1990 January 19, 1990 January 24, 1990 Meeting of Grand Jury Selection Committee to review and approve selection procedures and timetable of ~v~n~s. Letter to all Judges from Chairman of the Grand Jury Selection Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Chairman) requesting submission of Personal Grand Jury Nominations by December 1, 1989. Commence mass mailing to companies, organizations-and individuals. Press release soliciting volunteers for Grand Jury service prepared by Jury Commissioner. Administrative staff responsible for receiving and processing requests for volunteer questionnaires. Deadline for submission of appli- cations re Judges' personal nominees. Information-item at January Judges' Meeting on Grand Jury Selection Status. Deadline for submission of all volunteer applications: 5: 00 p .m. this date. Orientation program conducted by the Superior Court and present Grand Jury to inform prospective Grand Jurors of the time and commitment involved in' Grand Jury service to be held at 7:00 p.m. in Department 1. ALL applicants. are required to attend. Time~able S= ry Page 3 March 2, 1990 March 5 - 23, 1990 April 13, 1990 April 19, 1990 (tentative) April 23, 1990 Last day for copy of each nominee's applica=ion ~o be submitted to the District Attorney for record check. District Attorney check and submits Chairman. completes record findings to the Chairman makes tentative selection of final list of 30 nominees. Agenda prepared and distributed for Judges' meeting. Meeting of all Judges to consider Grand Jury nominees. Judges to meet at 12:30 p.m. to consider all nominees and vote =o approve final list of 30 names. Letter from Chairman to all nominees not selected. Press release re list of nominees and name of nominating Judges prepared and released by Jury Commissioner. Court Administration staff shali prepare and deliver to the County Clerk for filing the following orders: a. Order designating the estimated number of Grand Jurors that wills in the opinion of the Court, be required for the transaction of the business of the Court during the ensuing year. b. Order listing names of persons selected by the Court, which shall include the name of the Judge who selected each person on the list. · · · , · · · · 11. 12. 13. (VOLUNTEER) MR.MRS.MS.MISS: ,MINATION FORM LAST FIRST MIDDLE DATE OF BIRTH PLACE OF BIRTHs AGE AS OF MAY 1, 1990: DRIVERS LICENSE# SS #: MARITAL STATUS: (M) (S) (D) (W) (Circle One) RESIDENCE ADDRESS: NUMBER STREET CITY ZIP BUSINESS ADDRESS: NUMBER STREET CITY ZIP HOME PHONE 9: ( ) BUSINESS PHONE #: ( ) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT NUMBERs (If unknown, please call: R.O.V. Map Unit 567-7586 (Mon-Fri) (8:00 - 5=00) PRESENTLY EMPLOYED: NOT EMPLOYED: RETIRED: ( Check one ) FORMER OCCUPATION AGE: PLACE OF BIRTH: PRESENT OCCUPATION: NAME OF SPOUSE: DATE OF BIRTH: SPOUSES OCCUPATION/EMPLOYER~ ARE YOU A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES? CAN YOU READ AND UNDERSTAND ENGLISH? HAVE YOU BEEN A RESIDENT OF THE STATE AND OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE OR CITY AND COUNTY FOR ONE YEAR IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING THIS DATE? ARE YOU A REGISTERED VOTER? PLEASE STATE YOUR RACE OR ETHNIC DERIVATION HISPANIC/INDIAN/ASIAN/OTHER (SPECIFY) ~ YES/NO YES/NO YES/NO YES/NO ( BLACK/WHITE/ ARE YOU RELATED TO OR CLOSELY ASSOCIATED WITH ANY ELECTED OFFICIAL OR PUBLIC EMPLOYEE? YES NO IF YES, PLEASE STATE NATURE OF ASSOCIATIONs PAGE THREE LAST 25. IF SELECTED AS A GRAND JUROR, YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO SWEAR OR TO AFFIRM THE FOLLOWING OBLIGATIONs "I do solemnly swear (affirm) tha= I will suppor~ the Constitution of the United States and the State of California, and all laws made pursuant to and in conformity therewith, will diligently inquire in=o, and 2rue presen~men= make, of all public offenses against ~he people of ~his sta~e, comml==ed or =riable within ~his county, of which ~he Grand Jury shall have or can obtain legal evidence. Further, I will no~ disclose any evidence brought before ~he Grand Jury, nor any~hingwhich I or any o=her Grand Juror may say, nor the manner in which I or any other Grand Juror may have vo=ed on any ma=~er before =he Grand Jury. I will keep ~he charge ~ha= will be given =o me by the HAVE YOU ANY OBJECTIONS TO TAKING SUCH AN OATH OR AFFIRMATION? YES/NO 26. I UNDERSTAND THAT I WILL BE EXPECTED TO ATTEND AN ORIENTATION PROGRAM FOR ALL GRAND JURY APPLICANTS JANUARY 24, 1990, AT 7:00 P.M. IN SUPERIOR COURT, DEPARTMENT 1, 700 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE WEST, SANTA ANA. YES/NO Please no=e: An orienta=ion period for the 19_90-91 Grand Jury is scheduled for June 11 - 15, 1990. It is mandatory tha~ ~hese meetings be a~tended by each of the 1__9 persons selected for '~he new 1990-91 Grand Jury. 27. ARE YOU CONTEMPLATING ANYABSENCE FROM ORANGE COUNTY. IN THE FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 WHICH MIGHT INTERFERE WITH YOUR PERFORMANCE AS. A GRAND JUROR (IF SO, FOR WHAT PERIOD OF TIME? MUST SPECIFY EFFECTIVE DATE AND RETURN DATE BELOW) *NOTE: EXTENDED VACATION COMMITMENTS ARE INCOMPATIBLE WITH GRAND JURY SERVICE. WHILE GRAND JURIES DO DETERMINE THEIR OWN SCHEDULE, IN THE PAST GRAND JURIES HAVE PRIMARILY TAKEN THE CHRISTMAS RECESS AS THEIR ONLY VACATION PERIOD. YES/NO TO: FROM: 28. BASED ON THE ATTACHED INFORMATION DATA, WHICH COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS INTEREST YOU? (Select no more =han ~hree) (a) (b) (c) (d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(J) · STATEMENT I unders=and ~ha= my n~me may be placed in nomina=ion =o be considered for membership on ~he Grand. Jury of Orange County for ~he Fiscal Year 1990-91 and t~ha= I will be r.ec/uired ~o a~=end an orientation program for all Grand Jury applicants to be held on January 24, 1990, a= 7~00 p.m., in superior court, Depar~men= 1, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana. I am aware that such service requires that I be in attendance a minimum of four days per week, and, not infrequently, a full five- day week. In ~his regard, I unders=and =ha= as a Grand Juror I mus= be flexible and able to serve some evening and weekend hours as well as working during normal business hours. I understand =ha= i~ is essential that all Grand Jurors be in attendance and only the most pressing emergency or my illness would be reasons for absence. In recognition of bo=h the period of service and =he rigorous schedule involved wi=h ~he Grand Jury, I understand that I mus= be in good ~o excellent health. I am further aware that I mus= be physically mobile due ~o numerous field =rips, bo=h in and ou= of the county, which are necessary for gathering information and inves=iga~ion purposes. Each member of ~he Grand Jury shall be allowed Twen=y-five dollars ($25.00) (taxable) for each day's attendance either at general sessions or committee assignments of ~he Grand Jury up to a maximum~0f one hundred dollars"($100.00) per week. Mileage expense is compensa=ed a~ =he ra=e payable =o employees of ~he Coun=y of Orange for each mile actually and necessarily traveled for purposes of said sessions or commi==eework. Now, therefore, I have read and understand the above and I hereby state that I am in good heal=h, physically mobile, that I have no plans for vacation, or travel, or for business which would preven= me from serving ~he required amount of time. I recognize that my attendance will be expected, and may be required by =he Foreman of =he Grand Jury. I agree =hat I will not become-a candidate or become personally active in any campaign of a candidate for elective office or in a campaign involving a political proposition during service on the G'rahd Jury. I therefore request I be considered as a candidate for the Grand Jury of Orange County for =he Fiscal Year 1990-91. SIGNATURE INFORMATION FOR PROSPECTIVE GRAND JURORS THE ~ ]31FO~]~LT'rON ZS PROVIDED TO ~Iss'rsT C'rTIZENS IN TRRZR DEc'rszoN TO VO(L~ F(~ PROSP~ZVE ~ JURY SERVZCE. ~d~Y~ WHO 'rS llLTTWa, e~,r.y. S~r.~CTED.. TO .S~f, Kv~: ON ~ GlaND JURY MUST BE FUr.?.Y COGI~~ OF T~ TIME AND PEIqSO~ .~RIFICE ~VED. ANY AND ~t?.?. FAMILY, PEP, S(]~ AND BUSINESS OBLIGATIONS BEFORE An orientation program for prospective Grand Jurors will be held on January 24, 1990, at 7500 p.m., in Superior Court Department 1, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana. The orientation program will be conducted by members of the Judges' Grand Jury Selection committee and members of the 1989-90 Grand Jury. Atteu~-ce at this orientation program is required by all applicants. HQUI~~TS/O~LI~ATIONS SERVICE ON T~ ORANGE COUNTY G~AND JURY IS A FUr.?--TIME JOB FOR A F~.T. YEAR. Orange County, with over two million people, numerous facilities, agencies and problems, has become so complex that members of the grand Jury must be prepared to devote their time and energies almost totally to the needs and demands of this activity. Jurors should anticipate working 4 da~s, and, not infrequently, a full five-day week. In this regard, a Juror must be flexible and able to serve some evening and weekend hours AS WELL AS working during normal business hours. It is essential that all grand jurors be in attendance and only the most pressing emergency or a juror's illness should be reasons for absence. The full body of jurors must be in attendance for a criminal hearing and deliberations. Extended vacation commitments are incompatible with Grand Jury service. While Grand Juries do determine their own schedule, in the past Grand Juries have primarily taken the Christmas recess as their. only vacation period. In recognition of both the period of service and the rigorous schedule referred to above, prospective grand jurors should be in good to excellent health. Physical mobility is absolutely essential due to numerous field trips, both in and out of the county, necessary for gathering information and investigation purposes. Page 3 B. CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS/CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE · In general, cases may be brought to the attention of the committee either by... the .District Attorney: s 0ffice, ..by...the Attorney General' s Office, or by written complaints from citizens. The committee considers such written complaints which may deal with legitimate grievances, while some are imagined grievances or "crank" correspondence. Many other letters describe problems or grievances which are not within the purview of the Grand Jury. The Grand Jury Legal Advisors help to determine the scope of the Grand Jury's inquiry. Any correspondence which seems to contain a valid criminal complaint, or valid complaint of malfeasance by an elected official, is read to the full committee. The committee, in turn, recommends to the panel and the panel votes upon whether or not further investigation should be conducted by the special investigator assigned to the Grand Jury. The Committee also reviews and examines the operations of the adult criminal and Juvenile Detention facilities, Juvenile Justice Commission, Marshal, Sheriff/Coroner, Probation Department, District Attorney's Office and the Public' Defender's Office. It also may evaluate the str'engths and weaknesses of the county criminal justice system and respond to citizens' correspondence. The Chairman of the Criminal Complaints/Criminal Justice Committee has a great deal of responsibility and must work closely with the District Attorney's Office. The Chairman must possess tact and discretion, in dealing with the press, news media and public. C. EDUCATION COMMITTEE The Education Committee examines all agencies involved with education such as the Orange County Board of Education, the County Department of Education and its superintendent, Central County Regional Occupational Program, Instructional Services, Child Care Centers, Juvenile Court Schools, special schools, local school districts, and community colleges. Ail issues relevant to education are investigated. D. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE The Environmental Management Committee monitors activities of the following countywide agencies concerned with environmental planning and management .- Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, Environmental Management Agency, Citizens Direction Finding Commission and Local Agency Formation Commission. Issues studied include the planning process, affordable housing, open space agricultural preserves, recreation, parks, water supply, conservation and reclamation.